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The Prostate 43:263–271 (2000)

Use of Nude Mouse Xenograft Models in

Prostate Cancer Research
Wytske M. van Weerden* and Johannes C. Romijn
Department of Experimental Urology, Josephine Nefkens Institute, Erasmus University
Rotterdam, The Netherlands

BACKGROUND. Our understanding of the mechanisms of (progressive) growth of prostatic

cancer has been largely obtained through the study of experimental animal models. To be able
to validate new concepts, representative model systems of human origin that mimic the
clinical process of the disease in patients are essential. Unfortunately, the limited number of
human prostate tumor models has considerably hampered research.
METHODS. Various research groups have put much effort in the development of human
prostate tumor xenograft models, and large numbers of clinical prostate tumors were hetero-
transplanted in immune-deficient host animals. This huge effort has resulted in a number of
tumor lines which are reviewed here.
RESULTS. Up to now, approximately 25 xenograft models of human prostate cancer have
been established and reported in the literature. The available xenografts seem to represent the
various stages of clinical prostate cancer, such as early progression and transition from an-
drogen-dependent to androgen-independent growth. In addition, recent efforts are concen-
trating on the establishment of in vitro cell lines from these xenografts as well as on the
development of (bone) metastatic variants.
CONCLUSIONS. Xenograft models are important for elucidating regulatory pathways of
tumor growth and progression and are indispensible for testing of new treatment modalities.
Prostate 43:263–271, 2000. © 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

KEY WORDS: xenograft models; human prostate cancer; immunodeficient mice

INTRODUCTION in culture or in nude mice. Also, animal models of

prostatic cancer are hardly available since other mam-
With the increasing life expectancy of men, prostat-
mal species (e.g., laboratory animals), in contrast to
ic cancer has become a major medical problem. Al-
men, do not, or only rather poorly, develop prostatic
though (advanced) prostate cancer is in most cases
initially treatable by antiandrogen therapy, the indefi- cancer spontaneously upon aging [3]. The spontane-
nite escape from hormonal control and consequently ous occurrence of prostate carcinoma in aging dogs
the relapse in tumor growth is one of the main clinical and ACI/Seg and Lobund-Wistar rats has been used
problems [1]. In addition, metastatic spread of pros- in model sytems. In addition, different hormonally
tate cancer towards bone is the main cause of morbid- and/or chemically induced rodent model systems
ity among prostate cancer patients [2]. To improve the have been developed successfully. In recent years, a
present treatment modalities, new therapeutic targets, number of transgenic mouse models of prostate cancer
related to these issues, have to be identified. Repre- have been established [4]. Although these model sys-
sentative animal models are needed to develop and
test new concepts of properties and prostate cancer
Grant sponsor: Dutch Cancer Society; Grant number: EUR97-1479;
growth regulation.
Grant sponsor: CapCURE.
Research on human prostate cancer has for many
*Correspondence to: W.M. van Weerden, Ph.D., Experimental Urol-
years been hampered by the very limited availability ogy, BE 355A, Josephine Nefkens Institute, Erasmus University,
of experimental model systems. The most important P.O. Box 1738, 3000DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
reason for the lack of representative models is the very E-mail:
poor growth potential of human prostate tumor tissue Received 7 December 1999; Accepted 20 December 1999

© 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

264 van Weerden et al.

TABLE I. Transplantation of Human Prostate Tumor Tissue in Athymic Nude Mice*

strain Year PC LN TURP DM Total Take

BALB/c 1988 2 3 3 0 8 0
1989 12 4 0 0 16 0
1990 7 3 1 0 11 1
Total 21 (60%) 10 (29%) 4 (11%) 0 35 (100%) 1 (3%)
NMRI 1990 3 0 1 0 4 1
1991 4 2 5 1 12 5
Total 7 (44%) 2 (13%) 6 (38%) 1 (5%) 16 (100%) 6 (38%)

*PC, primary prostate carcinoma; LN, lymph node metastasis; TURP, transurethral resection of the prostate; DM, distant metastasis
(scrotal skin metastasis).

tems all contribute to our understanding of the fun- and/or female nude mice. In 1977, these efforts re-
damental aspects of prostate cancer biology, the cor- sulted in the first transplantable human prostatic car-
relation to the clinical situation remains to be cinoma reported, the androgen-responsive PC-82 tu-
determined. Representative model systems of human mor model [9]. In subsequent years, over 150
origin are essential for validation of the concepts de- specimens of prostatic carcinomas were transplanted,
veloped from these animal models. which finally resulted in another two permanently
growing, androgen-independent xenografts, PC-133
MATERIALS AND METHODS and PC-135, established in 1981 and 1982, respectively.
The very low success rate of approximately 5% was a
The introduction of the mouse mutant nude as a figure that was also recognized by other investigators
host for heterotransplantation of human cancer tissue in the field at that time. In 1981, Hoehn et al. were able
opened a new era of cancer research. The mouse mu- to establish a second androgen-responsive human
tant nude was first reported by Isaacson and Cattan- prostate xenograft, PC-EW, from a metastatic lesion in
ach in 1962 [5]. As a consequence of the absence of a lymph nodes [10]. This tumor model was studied in
functional thymus, the mouse mutant nude had a de- Rotterdam extensively, and showed many character-
ficient cell-mediated immune response [6]. Although istics of the PC-82 tumor [11]. Unfortunately, this tu-
humoral antibody formation is only slightly impaired mor was found in later years to be infected with the
and the activity of natural killer (NK) cells is actually mouse hepatitis virus and, for that reason, was re-
increased in these immunosuppressed animals, sub- moved from our panel of available tumor models.
cutaneous grafting of human malignant tissue readily We continued our efforts to establish additional xe-
resulted in tumor development transplantation [7,8]. nograft models with a relatively small number of cases
Unfortunately, this proved to be problematic for all per year without much success. In 1990–1992, we were
tumor types; however, many of the efforts to develop able to add an additional seven new xenograft models
human prostate xenograft models appeared to be un- to our existing panel in a relatively short period of
successful. time [12]. To explain this dramatically enhanced suc-
cess rate, we compared the various factors that were
The Rotterdam Experience thought to interfere with the take rate of heterotrans-
planted tumor tissue. First of all, a comparison of the
It was only in 1977 that the first transplantable hu- origin of patient material was made between the dif-
man prostate xenograft, PC-82, was established. The ferent years (Table I). Tumor material was obtained
Experimental Urology Research Group of the Depart- from primary prostate tumors of untreated patients
ment of Urology of Erasmus University Rotterdam, undergoing radical prostatectomy, positive lymph
headed by Prof. Dr. Schröder, started in the 1970s with nodes of untreated patients, transurethral resections of
attempts to develop human prostate cancer xenograft the prostate (TURP) of hormonally-treated, relapsed
models, using their own breeding colony of athymic patients, and finally, occasionally, a distant metastatic
nude mice of BALB/c background. Human prostate lesion. The number of transplantations varied consid-
cancer tissue was directly transported from the clinic erably over the years, but was never quite large and
into the laboratory. After confirmation of tumor tissue was certainly not highly different in those successful
by the pathologist, small tumor fragments were trans- years. Also, the origin of the tumor material did not
planted subcutaneously in both shoulders of male show a large variation, although the number of trans-
Xenograft Models in Prostate Cancer Research 265

TABLE II. Human Prostate Cancer Xenograft Models*

Tumor Nu/nu mouse Reference

model Origin Matrigel AD/AI AR PSA no.

CWR22 Prostate ?+M + Mutant + 26

LAPC-3 Prostate SCID + M − Wt + 30
LAPC-4 Lymph node SCID + M + Wt + 30
LAPC-9 Bone SCID + M + Wt + 31
LuCaP 23.1 Lymph node BALB/c + N/A + 33
LuCaP 23.8 Lymph node BALB/c + N/A + 33
LuCaP 23.12 Liver BALB/c + N/A + 33
MDA Pca-31 Liver BALB/c N/A + + 29
MDA Pca40 Liver BALB/c N/A − − 29
MDA Pca-43 Adrenal BALB/c N/A + + 29
MDA Pca-44 Skin BALB/c N/A − − 29
PC-82 Prostate BALB/c + Wt + 9
PC-133 Bone BALB/c − − −
PC-135 Prostate BALB/c − − −
PC-295 Lymph node NMRI + Wt + 12
PC-310 Prostate NMRI + Wt + 12
PC-324 TURP NMRI − − − 12
PC-329 Prostate NMRI + Wt + 12
PC-339 TURP NMRI − − − 12
PC-346 TURP NMRI + Wt + 12
PC-346I NMRI − Mutant +
PC-346B NMRI + Wt +
PC-346BI NMRI − Wt +
PC-374 Skin NMRI − Wt + 12

*M, Matrigel; TURP, transurethral resection of the prostate; AD, androgen dependence (+); AI, androgen independence (−); AR, human
androgen receptor; PSA, prostate-specific antigen; Wt, wild-type receptor; N/A, not available. PC-346 was derived from an nonpro-
gressed TURP patient; three sublines have been derived from this xenograft. PC-374 is still sensitive to androgen treatment.

planted lymph node metastases decreased in the years tissue. The animals used were either intact males or
1990 and 1991, while the number of TURP specimens testosterone- or dihydrotestosterone-supplemented
increased from 11% to 38% of the total number of male or female mice. Neither of these hormonal con-
transplanted patient material in these years. In our ditions seemed, however, to have any effect on the
opinion, these relatively small variations cannot ac- take rate of tumors. What might have been an impor-
count for the increase in success rate from 3% to 38%. tant factor in this success was the change from the
In these years, the use of reconstituted basement BALB/c athymic nude mouse as host animals for het-
membrane (Matrigel) was introduced for its growth- erotransplantation to the NMRI athymic nude. The
promoting effect when coinjected with tumor cells NMRI mouse strain was developed in the Naval Ma-
[13,14]. In contrast to other research groups, we de- rine Research Institute (Bethesda, MD), and was intro-
cided not to use this method for our xenograft devel- duced in 1960 into Europe [17]. In Hamburg, Wagner
opment project. We felt that the effects of Matrigel et al. reported on the increased succes rate of hetero-
treatment on the original patient material could be transplantations in these animals [18]. The use of
quite considerable, especially with regard to differen- NMRI nude mice was found to be rather successful in
tiation, as reported by others [15,16]. Thus, the patient our hands, indeed, but no data are available on com-
tumor tissue was simply cut into small fragments and parisons of xenotransplantations in both mouse
transplanted subcutaneously in both shoulders of athy- strains to really prove this point statistically. More-
mic nude mice without any pretreatment. Also, in sub- over, once the new xenograft was established in NMRI
sequent propagation of xenografts we never made use of nude mice, we could serially passage the xenograft in
Matrigel, and all tumors were serially passaged by sub- BALB/c nude mice as well, suggesting that if the
cutaneous transplantation of small tumor fragments. NMRI mouse was important at all, it was only during
The host animals are the second source of factors the first passage in the mouse. It is known that the
that might influence the take rate of xenotransplanted NMRI nude mouse is relatively sensitive to (trans-
266 van Weerden et al.

plantation-induced) sarcomas, and other tumors (lym- in castrated males with a prolonged lag phase and
phomas) are relatively frequently formed in NMRI reduced growth rate, but growth of this tumor is
mice in response to transplantation [19,20]. It is, there- clearly stimulated by the addition of androgen. Cas-
fore, essential to check the histology of the serially tration of tumor-bearing animals consistently results
transplanted xenograft with every mouse passage. in a variable response, ranging from tumor regression
Unfortunately, and mainly due to our success, we to tumor retardation to continued tumor. As in pros-
were not able to continue our efforts to develop new tate cancer patients, all regressed or retarded PC-346
xenograft models for practical as well as financial rea- tumors will ultimately continue to grow. Meanwhile,
sons. Meanwhile other groups, mainly in the USA, several sublines have been developed from both PC-
also started to increase their efforts to establish new 346 and PC-346B, which now constitute an interesting
prostate xenograft models. This has resulted in a con- subpanel, with differences in androgen responsive-
siderable number of interesting models, of which the ness representing the variations in progressive pros-
important aspects will be highlighted here (Table II). tate cancers.
The PC-374 xenograft, like PC-346, is androgen-
responsive, but not androgen-dependent: tumors de-
velop in castrated male mice and continue to grow
The Rotterdam PC-Models after androgen ablation, but at a slower growth rate.
Also from this xenograft, a truly androgen-indepen-
In Table II, some important characteristics of the dent subline could be established. Finally, the PC-133,
whole panel of human prostate xenograft models are PC-135, PC-324, and PC-339 xenografts are the truly
summarized [12]. The present panel comprises 10 xe- androgen-independent representatives of prostatic
nograft models of 9 different patients. The PC-346 and cancer. These tumors develop identically in intact or
PC-346B tumors are derived from different TURP castrated males, and their growth rate does not change
specimens of the same patient. Growth characteristics upon testosterone depletion or supplementation.
as well as tissue-specific markers are differently ex- In all xenograft models except for PC-133, high lev-
pressed between PC-346 and PC-346B, which have els, or in case of the androgen-independent tumors,
been established in exactly the same way but on sepa- low levels of hAR protein were detected. All xeno-
rate animals. Their differences reflect the obvious grafts but one have the wild-type hAR, as analyzed by
heterogeneity of the original patient material. Unfor- single-stranded conformation polymorphism (SSCP)
tunately, we recently lost the strictly androgen- of exons 2–8 of the hAR gene. Interestingly, in one
dependent PC-329 model. This tumor model had androgen-independent subline of the PC-346 tumor, a
much of the characteristics well-known for the PC-82 mutation was detected in the ligand-binding domain
tumor model. However, it was an extremely slow- of hAR (T877A), which was identical to the mutation
growing tumor (tumor doubling time of more than 20 known to be present in the LNCaP human prostate
days), which developed only after 4–5 months follow- cancer cell line. As is the case in the LNCaP cell line,
ing transplantation. estrogens indeed stimulated growth of this AR-
All xenograft models have been propagated into mutated PC-346 subline, whereas estrogen-induced
intact male mice from their establishment onwards. growth was not observed in the wild-type PC-346 xe-
The passage numbers of the different xenograft lines nograft (results not shown).
range from 25–70, depending on their growth rate.
Interestingly, most initial characteristics have been
preserved rather well, and no significant changes have The CWR Series of Xenografts
been observed in their growth behavior as well as
their androgen responsiveness. We have three models, In 1993, Pretlow et al. [25] first reported on their
PC-82, PC-295, and PC-310, that are strictly dependent efforts to develop new human prostate tumor xeno-
on androgens for their development and growth: these grafts using Matrigel. The CWR series of tumors was
tumors do not develop in castrated males, and cas- serially propagated as cell suspensions mixed with
tration of tumor-bearing animals results in tumor re- Matrigel. The first reported tumor, CWR22, originated
gression without tumor relapse [21–23]. PC-295 and from a primary tumor and showed secretion of PSA
PC-310 are interesting model systems, since neuroen- and was said to be androgen-responsive [26]. Later
docrine differentiation is induced concomitantly with reports showed androgen response after castration of
the regression in tumor volume upon androgen deple- tumor-bearing mice. Relapse of tumor growth in the
tion [23,24]. The PC-346 model, originating from an absence of androgen is observed in approximately 25–
untreated patient, harbors androgen-independent fea- 50% of the animals within 3–10 months of castration.
tures, but is androgen-responsive. Tumors do develop Interestingly, a reduction in circulating PSA levels
Xenograft Models in Prostate Cancer Research 267

preceded this relapse in tumor growth. Relapsed an- pensions were injected in female mice, although less
drogen-independent xenografts (CWR22R) could be frequently than LAPC-4 [31].
established from CWR22 [27]. Recently, the character-
ization of hAR of the CWR22 tumor was reported,
The LuCaP Series of Xenografts
revealing that this tumor harbored a missense muta-
tion in the ligand-binding domain of the hAR gene In 1996, Ellis et al. [33] reported on a new androgen-
(H874Y) [28]. The mutant AR was transcriptionally sensitive prostate tumor xenograft model, designated
active upon stimulation by T and DHT. However, the LuCaP 23. The tumor originated from lymph nodes
adrenal androgen dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), (LuCaP 23.1 and LuCaP 23.8) and liver (LuCaP 23.12)
as well as estradiol, progesterone, and the antiandro- metastases of a patient with late-stage, hormone-
gen hydroxyflutamide, were able to activate the mu- refractory disease. Tumors were passaged by trans-
tant AR. The change in ligand specificity of the gene planting small fragments of tumor subcutaneously in
could possibly affect tumor progression by making the BALB/c athymic nude mice. All three xenograft mod-
mutant AR more susceptible to other growth- els secreted PSA. None of the tumors was strictly an-
stimulatory factors. Androgen receptor mutations are drogen-dependent, since tumors could be established
only found in a minority of (relapsed) prostate cancer in 20–50% of castrated male mice. Interestingly, no
patients, and it is therefore questionable whether the tumors developed in female mice. All LuCaP 23 sub-
response pattern reported for CWR22 also applies to lines showed a more or less similar response pattern to
the prostate cancer patient population in general. castration, represented by three categories of respond-
In a recent review of model systems of prostate ers: minimal responders (showing continued growth),
cancer, three other CWR xenografts (CWR21, CWR31, intermediate responders (showing a small decline in
and CWR91) were listed, of which no reports are yet growth followed immediately by a spontaneous
available [29]. growth relapse), and prolonged responders (showing
long-term cessation of growth without spontaneous
The LAPC Series of Xenografts growth relapse) [33]. This response pattern in many
ways reflects the castration-induced response ob-
In 1997, investigators from the Department of served in the PC-346 xenograft.
Medicine, UCLA School of Medicine, first described
their achievements in establishing human prostate
cancer xenografts, using SCID mice injected with tu- The MDA Series of Xenografts
mor cell suspensions mixed with Matrigel [30]. They Very recently, a set of newly established xenograft
were able to establish two serially transplantable mod- models was introduced in a review article on model
els (LAPC-3 and LAPC-4) out of eight attempts with systems of prostate cancer [29]. These xenografts were
tumors from different patients with advanced disease. developed at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
The LAPC-3 tumor is independent of androgen for its (Houston, TX), and originated from liver metastases
growth, whereas LAPC-4 shows androgen-responsive (MDA PCa 31 and 40), an adrenal metastasis (MDA
growth: growth is inhibited after castration, followed PCa 43), and a skin metastasis (MDA PCa 44). MDA
by a relapse of growth. However, androgen- PCa 31 and MDA PCa 43 were reported to express AR
independent LAPC-4 tumors (LAPC-4 AI) do develop and secrete PSA. No further information on the char-
in castrated male mice, although with a prolonged lag acteristics of these xenografts is yet available.
phase. Both xenografts, LAPC-3 and LAPC-4, have a
wild-type hAR and secrete PSA. Also, micrometasta-
ses were detected. More recently, a new xenograft DISCUSSION
model, LAPC-9, was presented by the same group In Vitro Cell Lines From Xenograft Models
[31]. This tumor is also androgen-responsive and ex-
presses the wild-type hAR. Tumors cease to grow fol- In vivo models are essential for the study of the
lowing castration of tumor-bearing mice and remain biological behavior of tumor tissue in its natural (or-
dormant for at least 6 months, after which finally gan) environment that cannot easily be mimicked in
spontaneous, androgen-independent tumors reap- an in vitro setting. Important physiological processes
pear. Studies, similar to the ones performed by us in that are lacking in vitro include three-dimensional
the past using the PC-82 tumor [21,32], showed the structure, angiogenesis (presence or lack of circulating
survival capacity and androgen responsiveness of activating/inhibiting factors), stromal interaction
long-term androgen-ablated tumor cells. However, in (stroma-derived activating/inhibiting factors) influ-
contrast to the PC-82 tumor, LAPC-9 tumors showed encing tumor development and tumor growth, and
androgen-independent growth when tumor cell sus- finally, metastatic spread to other tissues. Neverthe-
268 van Weerden et al.

less, the derived in vitro cell lines greatly enhance the LNCaP cells. These mutations are shown to reduce the
utility of xenografts, as they open many possibilities affinity for androgens such as DHT and R1881, but to
for research in a well-controlled system. alter the ligand specificity for other nonandrogenic
For many years, a number of research groups tried steroids. Whether these mutations are also present in
to develop in vitro cell lines for human prostate can- their sister cell line MDA PCa 2b has not been re-
cer, either by direct culture of patient material or by ported yet [40].
cultures of xenograft material. The number of cell lines
established directly from patient material is limited, Metastatic Potential of Xenograft Models
and most of them represent the androgen- An important factor of morbidity in the prostate
independent phenotype of prostate cancer. The LN- cancer patient population is the preferential metastatic
CaP cell line was, until recently, the only androgen- spread of tumor cells to lymph nodes and bone [41].
sensitive human prostate cancer cell line available Not much is known of the mechanisms involved in
[34]. LNCaP cells are known to have a mutated andro- prostate tumor metastasis, mainly because of the lack
gen receptor (T877A) which renders these cells re- of a suitable model system. Subcutaneous, intrave-
sponsive to all kinds of steroids, including antiandro- nous, or intraperitoneal injections of prostate tumor
gens, which limits their general applicability [35]. cells in the nude mouse have rarely resulted in metas-
Although its tumorigenicity proved rather poor in tases. In 1992, the technique of orthotopic transplan-
nude mice, the LNCaP cell line has been used to create tion was reintroduced as a means of inducing sponta-
LNCaP sublines which can be grown in vivo after sub- neous metastasis originating from the prostate [42,43].
cutaneous or orthotopic inoculation [36–38]. This has resulted in an increased effort to develop
Although numerous efforts have been made to gen- metastatic model systems with a special focus on bone
erate in vitro cell lines from various xenograft models, metastasis. So far, however, results have been very
this has only been succesful in one cell line up to now. limited.
We were able to establish a permanent in vitro cell line All xenograft models established in our laboratory
from PC-346, which we designated PC-346C. are being investigated for their metastatic capability
Strangely enough, we were not able to establish a per- by orthotopic transplantation of tumor fragments in
manent in vitro cell line from its related xenograft PC- the dorsolateral lobe of the nude mouse prostate [44].
346B. The PC-346C cell line secretes high levels of PSA Orthotopic injection of PC-346C cells into the dorso-
and expresses normal hAR. It hardly grows under an- lateral lobe of the mouse prostate results in large tu-
drogen-depleted conditions and, like its xenograft mors within the dorsolateral prostate lobe, without
counterpart, mimicks initial androgen-responsiveness infiltration of tumor into the seminal vesicles. Animals
but eventually relapses into androgen independence. die due to obstruction of the urethra within 1 month
This model system is presently being used to study the after injection of 1 × 106 tumor cells. No gross metas-
mechanisms of tumor progression both in vivo and in tases have been detected yet, although tumor cells
vitro. have been identified and recultured from lymph
Other efforts from our group have so far resulted in nodes and lung. These sublines are presently being
cultures from PC-295 and PC-310, with a limited pas- tested for their putative increased metastatic potential.
sage capacity of up to five passages. These cultures Like many of our colleagues in the field, we are
were shown to differentiate towards a neuroendocrine working hard to develop a spontaneous bone meta-
phenotype upon androgen depletion, as was also ob- static model. So far, no spontaneous bone metastasis
served in vivo, and they are, therefore, interesting has been found. PC-346C cells were able to induce
models to study the role of neuroendocrine cells in tumors when injected directly in the mouse tibia bone.
prostate cancer [23,24]. Pettaway et al. [38] reported on the generation of vari-
Recently, two cell lines were developed by the ants of PC-3 and LNCaP with an increased metastatic
MDA Group from a single bone metastasis of a hor- potential, using orthotopic transplantation. Orthotopi-
mone-refractory prostate cancer patient [39]. Al- cally injected metastatic variants of PC-3 cells pro-
though from the same patient, the cell lines, MDA PCa duced tumors in lung and bone. Increased incidence
2a and MDA PCa 2b, show different phenotypes with of lymph node metastases was observed with LNCaP
regard to tumor growth and androgen sensitivity, and variants. Thalmann et al. [45] were able to select a
have different genetic characteristics. They both are LNCaP subline, C4-2, with increased metastatic poten-
androgen-sensitive and secrete PSA. Recently, two tial to lymph nodes and bone, with an incidence of
mutations in the ligand-binding domain of the AR 11–50% upon subcutaneous and orthotopic injection
gene of the MDA PCa 2a cell line were described. One in nude mice. These model systems are so far the only
is the LNCaP mutation (T877A), and the other is a models showing prostate tumor metastasis to bone.
missense mutation (L701H) which is not present in Recently, Nemeth et al. [46] reported on a new
Xenograft Models in Prostate Cancer Research 269

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