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Question bank Sub code: BME 354 SUB NAME: COMPUTER AIDED MANUFACTURING Unit-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 List the advantage

of using cam? Define CAE? Why lead time in sequential product development is more? What are the benefits of group technology? Describe the structure of process planning module? What are the functions of cam? What is group technology? Where it is preferred? What is rapid prototyping? What are the approaches of CAPP? DEPT: MECHANICAL COURSE: B.Tech

10 What are the main objectives of DFA? Unit-2 11 What are the types of NC motion control system? 12 What are the components of the DNC system? 13 What are the basic components of CNC system? 14 Define interpolation? 15 What is contouring system? 16 What is the difference between CNC and DNC system? 17 List the advantages of NC machines? 18 List the types of CNC system? 19 Define a control system? 20 What are the types of MCU available? Unit-3 21 Define Automatic Tool Changers. 22 What is a rotary type encoder? 23 What are the advantages of ball screw slide ways? 24 Enumerate the various feedback devices used in CNC system? 25 What is meant by stick slip?

26 What are slide ways? List the functions of slide ways? 27 What is the need for anti friction guide ways? 28 List the various types of feed drives? 29 What are tool holding devices. What are the requirements of a tool holding device? 30 What are the characteristic of a work holding devise in a CNC machine? Unit-4 31 What is the purpose of canned cycles in CNC? 32 What are the four statements in APT language? 33 Write any three G code in CNC programming? 34 What is APT? 35 What is canned cycle? 36 Explain datum setting in CNC machine. 37 Explain tool length compensation in CNC machine. 38 What are the different types of part programming languages used in NC? 39 What is part programming? 40 What are the various types of part programs used in NC? Unit-5 41 What is the philosophy of just in time (JIT)? 42 What are the functions of PPC? 43 What are the key elements in JIT approach? 44 What are the benefits of CAPP? 45 List the various components of generative CAPP system? 46 What IS PDM? 47 What is LPS? 48 What is MRP? 49 What is agile manufacturing? 50 What is scheduling?


UNIT-1 1 Explain the concepts of concurrent engineering and sequential engineering, give their advantages? 2 What is rapid prototyping? Explain any two rapid prototyping techniques? 3 What are the current trends in manufacturing and list out the advantages of CAD/CAM interface? 4 Explain in detail about CAPP? 5 Explain process plaining technics 6 Explain CAD/CAM software UNIT-2 1 What is CNC controller? Explain the three configurations used in CNC controller? 2 Classify the CNC based on feedback control system and explain it? 3 What are the basic components and types of DNC and briefly explain them? 4 Explain about open loop and closed loop control systems .Write the merits and demerits? 5 Explain adaptive control systems 6 Explain the functions of NC.


1 Discuss spindle drives. State the requirement of the drives in CNC Machine tools. 2 What are the work holding and tool holding devices used in CNC? Explain any two from each of them? 3 Give the design consideration for improving machining accuracy of CNC machine in detail? 4 What are the functions of slide ways in CNC machine? Explain the types of slide ways of CNC machines? 5 Explain Automatic tool changers in detail. 6 Give the design considerations of CNC machines

Unit-4 1 Explain manual part programming with an example in detail. Explain advantage of CAD/CAM in NC programming? 2 Write the manual part programming for the given component (figure-1) in CNC turning centre?




3 What is canned cycle and sub routine. Explain them with neat sketch and suitable example? 4 Explain machining from 3D models? 5 Explain computer assisted programming using Apt. 6 Explain canned cycles and sub routines in detail. Unit-5 1 What is shop floor control system? Explain. 2 Briefly explain (i) PPC in discrete part manufacturing. (ii) Master schedule. (iii) Material requirement planning? 3 What is JIT? Write about the approaches to be followed to achieve JIT. What are the advantages of JIT? 4 What are the functions and advantages of PDM? 5 Explain green manufacturing and LPS. 6 Explain the different types of product modeling.

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