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FCE Practice Test 4

You must answer th¡s question. Write yaur answer in 14G'l9A wotds ¡n an appropdate Wa
1. ln your English class you have been talking about endangered species, animals or plants that will likely become extingt
Your English teacher has asked you to write an essay.
Write an essay using all the notes and give reasons for your point of view.

Around the world many wildlife species are in danger of

e>ctinction. How can \ /e protect endangered animals?


Write about:
l. pollution
2. hunting wild animals
3. ........... (your own idea)

write an answer to ane of the questlons 2-4 ln this part. write your answer in 14G19a words ln an approprlarc srye.

2. You have seen this announcernent in an international magazine-

Tell us about a very special day that you spent.
Why was ít special?
What did you do?
We will publish the three best art¡cles next month.

Write your article-

3. The Mayor of your town is concerned that there is not enough for young people to do. He has asked you to write
a report about what sort of leisure facilities are available to young people in your area, and what new facilities you
and the people that you know would most like to have. Recommend what you think could be done to irnprore the
Write your reporL

4. You walk by a bulletin board at the library and see the followíng advertisement:

Computer Repair Service

Call us with all of your Mac and PC issues. We promise quick service at great rates.
Check our website and Twitter page for testimoníals from our past clientsl

You used this company recent[y and they did a great job of fixing your printer and Mac desktop computer-
Write a review of the company to post on their website expressing your experience with it and why you have a
positíve point of view.
Write your review.

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