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To start:
First of all To begin/startwith, Firstly,...

To continue:
Second§,Ihird§r, (do not abuse, noú fourth§, fifthlyr...),
In addition, Moreover, Besids, Wh¿t is more, Apart from thú...

To establish a contrast:
Eowever, NeverÉheless, On the contrary, While/Whereas, (Al)though, Eventhough-..

To explain:
This/that is wh¡ It is becauso of ... that..., Due to the fact thzt..., For this/that ne,aso&...

To express results:
As a rsult, Consequendy, As a corsqrrencg ILer,reforer...

To say something in a differentway:

In otherwords, I mean, That fu (to say),...

To modify what 'we are saying:

Above allo At least (not ú last), In generat In particular, More or lcss, Basical§,...

To express I personal opinion:

As far asf am concerned, E'rom my percpective/point ofview, [n my opinionlrierr, f
consider/believe/think, I agree/disagreer.,.

To add examples:
For example, for insfu¡¡gs, ...such as..., ...and so on

To eonclude/summ arizez
To sum up, fn conclusion, In shorfbrief, §hortly, Briefly, AII iu alt Finaüy, Iu the end,...

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