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Writing trax't 2 e

O work in small groups. Read the extract from the c¿r¿ bridge
Learner's Dictionary about punctuation and answer this question.
. Which of the uses are the same in your language?

capital letter o the first letter of a Éentence: Football is uery popular in

. for countries, !@naiities, lal}gq*ge|;,
5§rons, names

of people, places, events, organisatiñs, traddñarks,

gE, ry, ütles: Portugal, Africa, Russl¿, etc.
. for titles of books, fi1ms, etc.: Matrix Reload.ed
r for abbreviations: OPEC, AIDS, WWF
full stop U ¡ the end of a sentence: I'm going for a walk.
period US ¡ sometimes after an abbreviation: Marton Rd_. / Mrs.
White / Dr. Evans
comgla- o fus{¡¡¡een items in a }is* l'*eed*ente-was, butter, süg.zr
and eggs.
o to show a pause in a long sentence: Tttey didn,t want to
eat before I'd arrived", but I was an hour late.
o when you want to add extra information: The woman,
who I'd met last week, waved as slle werú past.
apostrophe o for missing letters: don't, lll,
it's (it is)
¡ for possessives: Paul's bike/lA-t hl't ' tu lr<-
Jamestltouse 'Di- [r*^s ,J
. to join two words iogether: blue-black s+ .
f,au".ir !
Remember: we also use a capital letter for the personal pronoun I,
e.g. 1 loue skiing (not rzffiltSl

O@ PET candidates often make mistakes with punctuation. There is

no punctuation in sentences l-5. Rewrite them to be correct.
1 i am keen on tshirts trousers and jackets
2 ill send a present to marina i hope she likes it
3 say hi to your sister see you soon gari
4 i cant come to your english lesson on monday
5 my bianket is like a pensuins skin its black and white

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