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4 **iMfih,ffit#f€H*Átr'ffikrH Ask me a question

§} i" pairs, read the questions and think about what the missing words are. Don'r write them in. :ft
@ Choo.e a topic. Interview your partner. Ask for more information. ,re;
Your home
1 Where,Fr.ii Live?
2 How Long iii¡t: it§,r lived there?
3 Who i$ vr;i:r tive #¡?
What ffi,i.1: like most about your home?
ls iilli anything you ffi. like about your neighbourhood? why not?
Getting around :E
1 How *f.. r§. usualty get ffi¡ work (or school / unrversity)?
2 How long fii§: take?
Orive? i l' , Ca[].
often i# you ff#i public transport?
,, 1: .: '.' .- | ift
s f,iiil the best way ffiil get i.,&t¡ your town / city?
Free time
1 what f# §*l enjoy doing in your free time?
2 '§ffi; of musicffii.W listen 1H: ? .iJE
3 HowLi*ffi &go out duringthe week?
a Silsport(s) #**¡,like doing?
S *# i#ir time do you spend on socialnetwork sites every day? im
1 How ffi1. tea or coffee ffij§§j: drink l$i day? ilG
2 .f§l#S nours*§i§ sleep at night?
3 What*?.,jiffi do *§j, relax?
4 What do Éa do i.$ keep healthy?
S What *tr.,the last live event you went;r..¡: ?
1 What's i$i.l:;:r beautiful place you *iir l:fl:, been to?
2 Where 1f,,you going Mi l$i for your next holiday?
e $, ii{:, tnink it's better [!j,{, travel alone &l with other people?
4 *§rli:. prefer havrng hoiidays lI home or abroad?
5 Have,*., S: Oeen F an English-speakrng country?
1 if'li jiff' peopte üii,: there in your immediate family?
2 []'¿' in your family ii$§¡ ffi*most Like tatking ffi.,ií,,?
3 t{tl i$} ffii prefer spending time ffi ? Famity,$l friends?
4 how much ,.. i-" know:s your family tree?
5 When Fi L?* tast time aLlffi.,famiV did something together?

Chitdhood and school

l Whereffi#§:born?
2 Which secondary ffi* ffiilffi:. go §*;, Z
3 What ffi:iffil: best / worst subject?
4 í fÍirit',ever cheated in an exam? ffi ffilSet caught?

5 What i,-*it il;tl want Hit be when you were a child?

A¡rate orfemale relative [e.g., brother, nephew. aunt. srandmother)
I ;:-:t namea
. ::. i11'

2 HowoLOffii§.?
3 it§, F:§ $ii. do?
4 tl:,:1iii.itl.r ffi:', LOok ial, ? [appearanCe)
5 lii:r,ilrr,,{ii: tike? (personaiity)

Engtish Fite 3rd edition Teache/s Book Upper-intermediate Photocopiabte O Oxford University Press 2014

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