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Asexual Reproduction Worksheet

1. Explain what asexual reproduction is, using a spider plant as an example.

Asexual reproduction is when a single organism reproduced so produces an organism that is

genetically the same as its parent,it have different types for example the Spider plant
reproduction is budding that means that one of the plant can be planted again an produce a
clone of the parent , in this case Spider plants have bonds in their steems that can be planted
again and produce a genetically equal organism.

2. Name two other organisms that reproduce asexually.

The Starfish can reproduce in a sexual and asexual way, in the second they
reproduce due to the fragmentation that occurs when an arm and a fifth of
its central disk detach and regenerate creating a new starfish.
All bacteria reproduce by binary fission that happens when the individual's cellular DNA is
duplicated, as a previous step to the division of the cytoplasm in two.
3. Complete the following sentences using the words in the box below.

a) In from the
asexual reproduction, the cells of the offspring are produced by mitosis
parent cells. This means the alleles
in these cells are identical to the parent plant.
b) The new organism is a
clone of the original.

asexual mitosis alleles parent clone osmosis

4. Define the following types of sexual reproduction: Binary fission, budding,

fragmentation, parthenogenesis

● BINARY FISSION: Is an asexual reproducction form in which, First the DNA is

replicated to create an exact copy of the organism, then each set of DNA is oriented
towards an opposite region of the cell and the cellular organelles are replicated and
finally a septum is formed that gradually narrows until it separates completely the
cytoplasm in two, forming two identical individuals (daughter cells), but independent
living. Some examples of species that can make binary fission are bacteria of all types
, such as Escherichia coli, primitive eukaryotes such as Crypthecodinium cohnii or
paramecium species and some protozoa such as amoebidae.

● PARTHENOGENESIS:Is an asexual reproduction mechanism that consists of the

development of unfertilized female sex cells, that is, ovules that segment themselves
until they form a complete embryo, endowed with the same genetic material as its
mother that does not provide genetic variety to the species, but creates genetic copies
(clones) of the mother. Some examples of species that are able to do parthenogenesis
are bees, ants and the “hammerhead shark” (Sphyrna mokarran).

● FRAGMENTATION: it is a form of asexual reproduction that consists in the production

of new individuals from fragments of the parent's body, thus rebuilding the entire body
from a significant piece of it. These fragmentations can be intentional or accidental.
Some organisms that reproduce in this way are starfish, l and planarians.

● BUDDING: It is a form of asexual reproduction that consists of the production of

bumps or bud formations in the body of the parent, from which an independent
individual later emerges,that is able of detaching and living independently. Budding is a
frequent process in porifers, cnidarians, bryozoans and some unicellular organisms,
such as yeast and some bacteria also reproduce by this method.

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