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Electrostatic precipitators (ESP)

Matti Rinne-Kanto & Mikko Vihanto 06I252 TAMK University of Applied Sciences
01 July 2009

This presentation introduces how ESPs work and where they are used

Operational principle

Precipitator types

Applications and conclusion

This presentation introduces how ESPs work and where they are used

Operational principle

Precipitator types

Applications and conclusion

The precipitators operational principle uses negative voltage to ionize particles

A stack of metal plates A row of electrodes A negative voltage of several kVs is applied

Incoming air stream

The ionized particles moves to the grounded plates Gravity drops particles into the hopper

Cleaned air

This presentation introduces how ESPs work and where they are used

Operational principle

Precipitator types

Applications and conclusion

ESPs can be divided into three groups: plate precipitators, wet ESPs and modern industrial ESPs
Plate precipitators
Cheapest and most simple

The lowest efficiency, but still reasonable for most applications

The plate and wire assembly can vary in different solutions

ESPs can be divided into three groups: plate precipitators, wet ESPs and modern industrial ESPs
Wet ESPs
The most expensive and the most complex

Water helps reducing the electrical resistance of the incoming particles to make the process more effective

Disposal of the laden water is a problem

ESPs can be divided into three groups: plate precipitators, wet ESPs and modern industrial ESPs
Modern industrial ESPs
Sharpened spikes are attached to maximize corona production

Uses voltages of 50100 kV

Modern automation minimizes sparking and avoids damaging components

This presentation introduces how ESPs work and where they are used

Operational principle

Precipitator types

Applications and conclusion

ESPs have applications in the field of industry and customer oriented applications
- Cleaning combustion gases and reducing VOC emissions at different kind of factories

ESPs have applications in the field of industry and customer oriented applications
- Electrostatic channel filters Used on ventilation machines Limitations: - Need of maintenance (cleaning, etc.) - Maximum air capacity

- Electrostatic air cleaners Used on offices and large rooms Removes indoor impurities at 99,8 % efficiency

ESPs have advantages and disadvantages

+ Operational principle is simple + Can be used in a wide area in industry and in other applications + Good example of a device designed by electrical engineers to help the environment

- Efficiency is dependent of the electrical properties of the particles - Limitations of usage, maintenance and production

This presentation introduced how ESPs work and where they are used

Operational principle

Precipitator types

Applications and conclusion

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