Medical Education & Comunication

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M e d i c a l
E d u c a t i o n & C o m m u n i c a t i o n
Medical Communication Services
We deliver domain understanding and leverages its deep
relationships with the doctor community, hospital, academic
institution and healthcare networks to evolve topical,
contemporary and evidance-based medical content.
Medcomm communications to serve to enhance
brand equity practicing clinicians, enchor scientific
messages aligned to promotional objectives and
increase brand recall in the doctors clinic
Strategic Publishing
Scientific Medical e-Publications
Scientific Medical Education Series
Patient and Public Education

M e d i c a l
E d u c a t i o n & C o m m u n i c a t i o n
3. Scientific Medical Education Series
Our partner with key academic leaders to evolve
medical education products drawn from clinical
repositories. The clinical content from hospital
repositoris are leveraged to become importent
sources of contemporary medical information for
the doctor community.
Surger y-based multi-media programs
Case-based CDs and Atlases
Procedure based educational tool s
1. Strategic Publishing
Establishes clinical guidelines, disseminates
emerging evidence, builds clinical profile for
various molecules and promotes disease
management awareness
Medical Books and Compendi a
Prac tice Guidelines and Algorithms
Slide kits with spea ker note s
2. Scientific Medical e-Publications
Leverages technology to deliver scientific
content via electronic media such as CD-ROM
and further via on line media: internet, PDAs.
Our e - publications make innovative use of
multiple media to provide enhanced
e-Learning C ourse s, e-Detailing
4. Patient and Public Education
5. IT Solution
Medcomm addresses the educational,
informational and motivational needs of
patients, caregivers and the general public.
Medcomm patient education, while
engaging the doctor community, is
designed to communicate complex madical
facts in an easy-to-understand language
utilising engaging visual and graphics.
Newsletter s
Mailers and Poster s
Booklets and User Manual s
Websites , E-zines and Game s
Medical Communication Services
We deliver domain understanding and leverages its deep
relationships with the doctor community, hospital, academic
institution and healthcare networks to evolve topical,
contemporary and evidance-based medical content.
Medcomm communications to serve to enhance
brand equity practicing clinicians, enchor scientific
messages aligned to promotional objectives and
increase brand recall in the doctors clinic
Strategic Publishing
Scientific Medical e-Publications
Scientific Medical Education Series
Patient and Public Education

M e d i c a l
E d u c a t i o n & C o m m u n i c a t i o n
3. Scientific Medical Education Series
Our partner with key academic leaders to evolve
medical education products drawn from clinical
repositories. The clinical content from hospital
repositoris are leveraged to become importent
sources of contemporary medical information for
the doctor community.
Surger y-based multi-media programs
Case-based CDs and Atlases
Procedure based educational tool s
1. Strategic Publishing
Establishes clinical guidelines, disseminates
emerging evidence, builds clinical profile for
various molecules and promotes disease
management awareness
Medical Books and Compendi a
Prac tice Guidelines and Algorithms
Slide kits with spea ker note s
2. Scientific Medical e-Publications
Leverages technology to deliver scientific
content via electronic media such as CD-ROM
and further via on line media: internet, PDAs.
Our e - publications make innovative use of
multiple media to provide enhanced
e-Learning C ourse s, e-Detailing
4. Patient and Public Education
5. IT Solution
Medcomm addresses the educational,
informational and motivational needs of
patients, caregivers and the general public.
Medcomm patient education, while
engaging the doctor community, is
designed to communicate complex madical
facts in an easy-to-understand language
utilising engaging visual and graphics.
Newsletter s
Mailers and Poster s
Booklets and User Manual s
Websites , E-zines and Game s
PT. Soegih Medya Jaya
ITC Depok, Lt. Mezzanine no. 2-3
Phone : 021-77204202/ 087875414395
Selected Client List
PT. Johnson & Johnson
PT. BSN medical Indonesia
PT. Kalbe Vision
PT. Solvay Pharma Indonesia
PT. Ferron Par Pharmaceutical
|nnogene Kalbiotech Pte Ltd
|ndegene Pte, Ltd
PT. Lapi Laboratories
PT. Schering Plough
PT. Bristol Myers Squibb Indonesia
FKUI- RSCM Asma Anak
PT. Sucofindo Appraisal

PT. Phapros Indonesia, Tbk
PT. Transpharma
PT. 8ayer
PT. Novartis
PT. Novell Pharmaceutical
1L. Paya Margonda no. 56 Depok l643l
PT. Combiphar
PT. Pfizer Indonesia

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