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Logistics has an important role in the success of a company, especially in an

environment as competitive as the current one and that this is achieved with the
correct fulfillment of the primary tasks of the supply chain which have as their main
objective; meet the expectations of customers in terms of service, quality and cost.
The fulfillment of these tasks implies activities that range from the simplest to the
highly complex, and this consequently also generates interactions with all the
members within the supply chain in order to have a stable operation.

In this project, a logistics design will be presented to carry out the delivery of
powdered milk from Valparaíso, Chile to Shanghai, China. Considering the
processes, shipping methods, warehouse design, choice of ramps and forklifts, as
well as distribution and an important factor, the weather for delivery. Ensuring the
finished product in the best conditions of quality and safety.

Production process.

In order to carry out the production of the powdered milk that we will export from
Valparaíso, Chile to Shanghai, China, our potential supplier or suppliers will be all
the local farms, which will be in charge of supplying us with our demand for said
fundamental liquid to carry out the process of powdered milk and which will be
explained below:

The fluid milk from the collection on local farms reaches the drying plant and is
stored in large silos. Pasteurization and separation of cream and skimmed milk are
carried out through a centrifugal separator. If we want to obtain whole milk powder
(LEP), a fraction of cream is added to the skimmed milk later, standardizing the fat
value to the typical 26%. The remaining cream is used to make anhydrous fat or
The next step is to preheat the milk to temperatures between 75 and 120ºC,
holding them for a specific time, which varies from a few seconds to several
minutes. Preheating allows controlled denaturation of whey proteins in milk, kills
bacteria, inactivates enzymes, generates natural antioxidants, and provides heat

The heat/time relationship depends on the type of product to be obtained and its
final application. For example, a high LEP preheat is associated with higher quality
preservation, but lower solubility.

Preheating can be carried out by an indirect system (heat exchangers, which use
residual heat from other parts of the process, to save energy), or direct (injection of
steam into the product).

The milk then goes to the evaporator and is concentrated in stages or effects
(which can be from 3-4 to 7-8, depending on the dimensions of the evaporator). In
each effect the vacuum is produced at a temperature around 72ºC. Under these
conditions the milk boils and the water is transformed into steam, which is
compressed (thermally or mechanically) to be used in the next step to heat the
milk. In general, the more effects, the more energy savings. At this stage, it is
possible to extract up to 85% of the water from the milk.

Prior to final drying, the resulting milk passes through a homogenizer. The function
of this stage is to, by applying pressures that can vary between 50 and 300
Kg./cm2, achieve equal particle sizes before atomization. This regularity in the
diameter of the fat particles will result in an easier reconstitution of the milk, and in
a prolongation of the commercial life of the powdered milk (thanks to a prevention
of fat rancidity).
The next stage of the process is atomization (spray drying), which consists of
transforming the milk concentrate into small droplets of powder to enable their
drying, by contact with a mass of circulating hot air.

This change is carried out inside a drying chamber, injecting hot air (around 200ºC)
and using rotating disk atomizers. In this chamber the humidity is reduced to 5-6%.
To achieve typical values of 3-4% humidity, hot air is passed through fluid beds of

The next stage of the process is atomization (spray drying), which consists of
transforming the milk concentrate into small droplets of powder to enable their
drying, by contact with a mass of circulating hot air.

This change is carried out inside a drying chamber, injecting hot air (around 200ºC)
and using rotating disk atomizers. In this chamber the humidity is reduced to 5-6%.
To achieve typical values of 3-4% humidity, hot air is passed through fluid beds of

For the contemplation of the primary packaging of our manufactured product, the
corrugated steel can will be used, which will be based on the adequate and correct
specifications dictated by NOM-155-SCFI-2012, which indicates the
physicochemical specifications that these products must meet for hold said
denominations, the test methods to demonstrate their compliance and the
commercial information that the labels of the containers that contain them must
contain, in addition to following their respective references to the letter, which are
of the utmost importance for the sale, distribution and export of said food.
At the same time, it is also necessary to follow all the specifications established by
this standard, which are shown in the following tables:

Hydraulic ramp.

We decided to use the Alapont Logístics standard hydraulic ramp as it is

characterized by its strength and safety. It is the fast, economical and easy way to
maneuver to overcome the unevenness between the loading dock and the truck
floor. It has a folding lip that allows the perfect adaptation of the lip to the truck.

It has a 400V power supply and is three-phase. Some of its technical descriptions
are as follows:

• Anticorrosive treatment in its entirety.

• Hydraulic group with motorization and self-leveling.

• Lifting cylinder with parachute valve.

• Resistant to temperatures between -20° to 50°.

• Electrical control panel with water resistance.

Is composed of:

• Robust folding claw and reinforced hinge.

• Platform with 100 IPN beams that guarantee resistance.

• Hinged lip cylinder that ensures movement control.

• Reliable and safe operation.

• Reinforced hinges with brackets.

This ramp will help us load and unload a large number of products in less time, in
addition to providing us with safety as it is non-slip. In addition to that, they require
very little maintenance since they have few moving parts, which allows a quick
recovery of the investment, so for our company and product it is the best option.

Lift truck.

We decided to use the electric forklift since it is the most suitable and it is the one
that best familiarizes itself with food products, since it does not discard any
contaminant for this range of products.

Some of the characteristics of this forklift is that it is one of the best alternatives
that does not pollute the environment, as it has a motor that is quieter and does not
cause hearing damage to workers, it has a battery that has a minimum life of 5
years which does not generate high expenses for this and last but not least, its
charge can be carried out at night without causing any damage to the charging

Warehouse or Warehouse design.

Light-induced degradation reactions in milk create a serious problem for the dairy
industry due to the development of off-flavours, decreased nutritional quality and
the speed at which these phenomena develop. Like many other foods, milk and
milk products are susceptible to oxidation, as mentioned above. Dairy products in
particular are very sensitive to light oxidation due to the presence of riboflavin
(vitamin B2). As mentioned above, light in combination with O2 and moisture
affects the quality of the milk powder, and therefore light should be prevented from
entering the store. The fourth factor that influences milk powder failure rates is
ambient temperature. Although temperature is a primary factor in determining the
shelf life of milk powders, these products are not usually stored at controlled
temperatures. Therefore, storage of milk powder at high ambient temperatures will
accelerate spoilage reactions.

Taking into account the factors that can damage the product. We pass to the floor

The floor of a warehouse is a key element of it because it is the basis of

everything. All the activities that take place in the warehouse will take place on top
of this flooring and that is why it is very important to pay special attention to
everything related to it, from the types of loads that it will support to the substrate
or the finishing layer. .

In fact, it is essential that the pavement is capable of supporting very high loads of
two types: static and dynamic. These loads are generated under the pillars of the
racks. They cause a high degree of alarm, since they reach values of 7 or 8 tons
and even much more, concentrated on a reduced surface – that of the section of
the pillar profile – of between only 80 or 100 cm2.

Like counterbalanced forklift trucks, they produce the maximum pressure on the
ground when they are unloaded and they do so with the rear wheels, since that is
where the counterweight rests; when the forklift is complete, there is load leveling
at the front (by the lever principle) and, although the total weight increases, it is
spread over the entire surface of the machine. In this case, the load is also
supported on a small surface, that of the tire track.

Thus, a pavement (and its foundation) is to support and transfer loads from the
ground surface downwards until they reach the subgrade level. This is applicable
for both dynamic and static loads. The surface finish must be correctly leveled
within the margins and tolerances implied by the use of a certain type of
installation, with specific machinery and a particular storage system. Achieving
these goals and qualities is the responsibility of designers and builders.
They must be resistant to abrasion, an issue contemplated in the UNE 41008
regulation, which establishes a scale known as MOHS, which ranges from 0 to 10.

• They must also withstand compression, and support above 500 kg/cm2, in
general areas. Depending on the machines used, they may be required to
withstand up to 800 kg/cm2 on the raceways. As far as the demands of resistance
to flexotraction, they are usually around 150 to 250 kg/cm2.

• The floor must be resistant to the action of elements such as oil, grease and
hydrocarbons since, although these materials are not stored in the facility, they are
also used in forklifts and can inevitably produce stains on the floor. In relation to
the admissible porosity, it must be very small, with values below 3%.

• The pavement must form a monolith together with the support base in order to
avoid slipping and downward movements that cause potholes in the surface.

• Finally, the floor must be durable and resistant to wear.

Skimping on this point can seriously compromise the entire installation and a
project with a very high cost can be affected by saving on one of the apparently
less important but decisive aspects in practice.

The most pronounced problems appear in tower-type forklift systems (either

trilateral or bilateral), due to their high lifting height and their operating speed. With
these machines, the leveling of the floor is an extremely critical factor, since
millimeter tolerances are worked on in the aisles between the racks and any
variation in the floor can generate an inclination of the device that, no matter how
small, poses a risk to the entire installation.

For all this and to avoid any danger or incident that will have to be regretted later,
the leveling of the floor in a work environment with narrow aisle machines has to be
very fine.
Leveling requirements differ depending on whether the installation is class 100,
200, 300 or 400. This class is determined according to certain factors that are
included in the AENOR quality standard EN 15620. Based on the handling
equipment used, storage systems are classified as follows:

The design of the accesses to the warehouse is another aspect that must be
integrated into the complete project of any installation dedicated to the
accommodation and management of merchandise. Your planning will reduce the
chances of accidents and will reduce the possible interference between trucks and
personnel on foot who circulate in these areas.

The most versatile access design is the one that forms a "Y" because it has
considerable advantages. With these types of roads, vehicles entering the
warehouse can quickly leave the road without blocking traffic. At the same time,
shipments leaving the warehouse can be merged into road traffic more easily. The
access road to the facility should preferably be dual carriageway, and its length
should not be less than twice that of the longest truck.

Construction of the tread surface

Given that today it is necessary to have the possibility of working with trucks with a
total weight of between 20 and 70 t, the accesses must be built to withstand these
loads. In those areas where large frosts can occur, it is recommended to use a
perfectly compacted sub-base, covered with a layer of agglomerated gravel 25 cm
thick and topped with another 25 cm thick layer of reinforced concrete.

This rolling base guarantees a minimum duration of 20 years, hardly requiring

more than minimal maintenance. In less severe environmental conditions, a
compacted base, covered with a layer of agglomerated gravel 25 cm thick and
topped with another layer of asphalt 15 cm thick, is sufficient.

traffic management
Once the design of the accesses has been carried out and their construction has
proceeded, it is essential to use this resource in the most efficient way possible. To
achieve this, it is vital to organize the traffic in and out of the facilities. The way to
do this is by establishing a counterclockwise direction of circulation, as this will
allow for better visibility, greater safety and maximum efficiency.

With this traffic management, drivers can maneuver and back towards the docks
with a direct view of the docks and the semi-trailer at the same time, since, when
backing up with the vehicle, the driver only has to keep his eyes fixed on the mirror
mirror located on the side closest to him, which is to the left of the cabin.

Access doors must also be considered.

The movement of vehicles and people inside the exterior facilities of a warehouse
can be controlled by means of doors. For the purposes of the safety of people and
objects, the use of separate doors for pedestrians and vehicles is recommended.

For cases where 4m wide one-way access roads are used, the gate should be 5m
wide. When the access road is two-way and has a width of 8 m, the door must be 9

The width and height of the aisles for the forklifts

All forklift manufacturers have technical data sheets with the data for each type and
model of forklift. The necessary data for the design of the installation can be
obtained from them:

• The precise aisle width to operate with the machine

• The lifting height of the load

• The height of the retracted mast

• The load capacity.

lift height
One of the details on the sheet to pay special attention to is the lift height, which is
the distance from the ground to the top of the fork. To calculate the maximum
height at which the highest level of the rack must be placed, it must be taken into
account that, as the fork is inserted between the legs of the platform, there is a part
of it that is positioned below the fork, therefore, the support profile of the last level
must be at least 200 mm below the maximum lifting height. In this way, it is
ensured that, in the position of greatest vertical extension of the mast, the platform
rises to the necessary height so that its skids clear the crossbar and do not hit it.

The height of the retracted masts must also be estimated in order to dimension the
height of the doors and underpasses between racks, ceilings (in the case of
moving under mezzanines), etc. The distance between the retracted mast and the
ceiling or the beams that are above the passage must not be less than 500 mm

Always leave a margin of 500 mm at the maximum lifting height. In single

circulation aisles, the width must not be less than that of the forklifts or vehicles
that move through them, nor that of the largest loads, increased by at least 600
mm, except in forklifts type tower. If people must also circulate through these
corridors, a minimum width of 1 m exclusively for pedestrians must be foreseen
and reserved. In the event that the aisles have double circulation, the same
regulations apply, but the increase applied to the dimensions of the largest loads
must be at least 900 mm.

The dimensions of the work aisles must be established based on the largest forklift
that runs through them and the foreseeable passage of people.

With the information we obtained, a table will be made with the specifications and
requirements of our warehouses:
The loading bays of the warehouse must be studied in depth, since they are the
access points to the warehouse. It is necessary to carefully design its distribution
outside the installation and choose the optimal type of spring based on the
available space. Therefore, to have the ideal loading dock, several factors must be
taken into account. For this reason, before deciding on the type of dock that will be
enabled at the accesses to the storage warehouse, it is necessary to design their
distribution outside the facility. For this, several factors must be taken into account.

• Another key aspect in deciding the distribution of the docks is whether they are
going to accommodate large-capacity trucks. Current trends indicate that vehicles
that are longer, wider and have a greater volumetric capacity than those currently
used are going to be used more and more. Therefore, when planning the location
of the docks, it is advisable to ensure that there is a large area for the approach,
maneuvering and accumulation of large vehicles.

• The third factor of importance in the design of the docks is the existence of slopes
in the land. The inclination in the dock areas must always be the minimum
possible. The less slope there is, the less possibility of errors and accidents there
will be.

• The aspects that influence the distribution of the docks are not only technical,
they are also aesthetic and organizational. When the entire warehouse building is
planned, it is always intended that they be separated from the entrance and exit
areas of the rooms dedicated to offices (which are generally attached to the
warehouse). This is not always possible, since it is a fact that the best location for
the docks is the side street of the building and the general orientation of the
complex is what will determine whether or not the aforementioned separation can
be met.

• There are also production factors that must be considered. With regard to the
efficiency of the docks, one possibility to increase it is to combine, in the same
area, reception and dispatch. This solution drastically reduces costs and, above all,
increases the utilization of handling equipment and personnel. However, if the
volume in the flow of materials justifies it, the use of separate entrances by
functions (some dedicated to reception and others to dispatch) can be considered.

• Finally, it is important to anticipate the future expansion possibilities of the

warehouse and to make sure that the space added in the future can be
incorporated into the current one in a logical way. For this, it is necessary to have
an additional space to be able to install new docks without affecting the normal
development of warehouse activities.

The accesses are necessary. One aspect that must be determined during the
design of the docks is how many accesses must be enabled. The number of
access positions that must be made in the installation will depend on the flow of
materials, the volume of deliveries, the moment in which the majority of the
merchandise is received, the time that it takes to unload and move all the received
loads to your destination and the number of means of handling available.

Finally, you have to take into account the schedules. Carriers usually make their
deliveries in the morning and pick-ups in the afternoon. This can cause bottlenecks
at peak times, and cause significant additional costs. Consequently, the number of
positions for the trucks must be equal to the maximum number of them that can
coincide at the same time in loading and unloading.

Diagramas de Flujo.


The powdered milk distribution method will be done by sea with an arrival time of
one month, taking into account the climatic conditions of both points to avoid
delays and setbacks with regard to product deliveries, the reason why ships will be
sent is due to the fact that where our manufacturing plant is located there are only
ports for loading and unloading materials, products, etc. And also because this
transport is cheaper than a cargo plane, although more factors must be taken into
account to prioritize the care and distribution of food. The shipping dates from
Valparaíso, Chile to Shanghai, China will take place at the end of July, beginning of
August so that it arrives at the beginning of the end of August, beginning of
September, since a previous analysis was carried out analyzing the cyclones that
can be present and develop in the middle of the sea with the intention of avoiding
any setback and damage to the product, therefore due to the late shipment of the
same, shipments with said powdered food will be destined in presentations of 1 kg
and a half kg also based on consumer demands that arise in China.


The importance of the supply chain lies in the fact that it allows an exchange of
information between the different sectors that are part of the sales process of a
product. In other words, it provides the necessary synergy for entities to act in a
structured way.

What has been presented above gives rise to the fact that we can say that the
delivery of powdered milk to Shanghai would be successful, mainly because the
weather would allow it, since when arriving by ship we consider the possible
forecast cyclones, which do not exist. In addition to the fact that the primary
packaging protects our product, the ramp and forklifts allow us to ensure that the
transported product remains safe and reaches the customer in the best quality
conditions. What has been learned from this, as a group, is that logistics plays a
fundamental role where the reception of the raw material must be taken into
account, up to the point where the final product is in the hands of the consumer, as
well as allowing the expansion of the business. by providing efficient solutions to
customers. This is of the utmost importance for the branch of industrial
engineering, by ensuring processes and deliveries.

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