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— Total No. of Questions- 8 ] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 8 LL.B = 11/4(5 Yrs)(R) 212082 LL.B (5 Years) 3“ SEMESTER ‘COURSE NO. 601 (Legal Language and Legal Writing) Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: ey Note: Attempt five questions in all. Question No. 1 is Compulsory. Attempt other four questions, selecting one question from each Unit, Each question carries equal Marks. 1, a) Explain in simple language the meaning of any five words or phrases: Transgress, dissolution, crest, lex punit mendacium, éx nihilo nihil fild b) Fillin the blanks: i) 1 speak nothing but the truth. ii) If | were a bird | fly to you at once. quiet, students. iv) Hewill____ the house repaired v) The silk sarees fell___ the category of garments made of silk. ¢) How to make a perfect essay? d) What is translation? How will you translate from one to another language? [Turn Over (2) {Legal Language & Legal Writing) UNIT-1 Make meaningful sentences of any ten legal lexicons and idiomatic expres: ns: Judgement, qua-warranto, psychopathic order, sequestration, tenedum, arraign, red tapism, out of question, in lieu of , deal with, hush money, a Himalayan blunder OR Provide meaning of any ten phrases or maxims: Ad valorem, felo de se, in choate, mortuum vadium, jus ad rem, res nullius, actio personalis moritur cum persona, delegates potates non. potest delegare, ex trupi causa non oritur actio, volent non fit injuria, ut res magis valeat quam pereat, par in perem imperium non habet UNIT-IL Fill in the blanks with suitable determiner, article, auxiliary, preposition and conjunction: i) he comes here, I will not go. il) [have not written to him spoken to him. iii) We should grow more food grain. we starve. iv) He fell the horse. (3) (Legal Language & Legal Writing) v) Shlongs___an administrative job. vi) My father has____ books for you. Hisincome is_____than yours. viii) Ravicantake ___book. i) stole his money? x) is my pen where is hers. OR Correct the following sentences: i) I went to the India in 1967. ii) [have been in the United States since a year. lused to having a horse. iv) I'm used to get up early. v) Hove a lot the animals that live in Australia. vi) She must has been on holiday. vii)! wish | am not fat. viii) When | was in Russia last year, | wish I went to Moscow. ix) The sun is very strong. I wish I didn’t leave my sun cream in the hotel. x) [am not used to do the housework. [Turn Over 7 (4) (Legal Language & Legal Writing) UNIT-III 6. Make a precise of the following passage: India has witnessed great expansion of educational opportunities since the attainment of independence. However, the disables children have not yet benefitted in any substantial manner from the growth in educational facilities. Education of handicapped children ultimately becomes more dependent and non-productive. It is therefore believed that scarce national resources should not be wasted on them. Further, it has been our misconceived notion that the education of handicapped children requires highly specialized people and as such, it must essentially be very costly. Maybe, precisely for these wrong notions we have nat been able to involve clinical and educational specialization programmers of training and education exclusively meant for handicapped children. It is encouraging to note that the new National Policy on Education has recommended the placement of such children in regular schools so as to provide them integrated education along with normal students. The integrated education will take care of the different needs of various categories and types of disabled children. The objective is to place the disabled children in ordinary schools for imparting education with the help of special teachers, aids and other resources. For fulfilling this objective an array of the necessary infrastructure by way of training of teachers, provision of equipment and book etc are some of the basic pre-requisition. Hopefully, the parents and their handicapped children will be greatly relieved when the latter are transferred to regular schools. OR 7. Write an essay on any one (450 words): a) Gender Sensitivity (5) (Legal Language & Legal Wri b) Communalism } Corruption d) Juvenile Crime UNIT-IV 8. a) Translate from English to Hindi or Urdu: Officers and servants and the expenses of the Supreme Court.—(1) Appointments of officers and servants of the Supreme Court shall be made by the Chief Justice of India or such other judge or officer of the Court as he may direct: Provided that the President may by rule require that in such cases as may be specified in the rule, no person not already attached to the Court shall be appointed to any office connected with the Court, save after consultation with the Union Public Service Commission. (2) Subject to the provisions of any law made by Parliament, the conditions of service of officers and servants of the Supreme Court shall be such as may be prescribed by rules made by the Chief Justice of India or by some other * judge or officer of the Court authorised by the Chief Justice of India to make rules for the purpose: Provided that the rules made under this clause shall,so far as they relate to salaries, allowances, leave or pensions, require the approval of the President. (3) The administrative expenses of the Supreme Court, including all salaries, allowances and pensions payable to or [Turn Over (6) (Legal Language & Legal Writing) in respect of the officers and servants of the court, shall be charged upon the Consolidated Fund of India, and any fees or other moneys taken by the Court shall form part of that Fund. OR The Indian Constitution is flexible. It resembles the British Constitution. The only difference between the two is that the constitution of India is written and that of Britain is unwritten. The constitution of India protects the fundamental rights of the people. It has been mentioned in the Directive Principles of State Policy that all enjoy equal rights. The state will net discriminate on the basis of sex, religion and colour. India is a secular democratic country but it dees not mean that the people here are irreligious. The Parliament alone has the right to amend the Constitution. The members of parliament are elected after every five years. Every person has a right to contest the election. Everyone who has attained the age of 18 years can cast vote. There is reservation of seats for harijans in the parliament. Some members are nominated by the President. There is a Cabinet of Ministers to administer the country. Its leader becomes the Prime Minister of the country. (b) Tramelche fee aati te Gnplih : tm GT mez we defer atafeor cer ator oir Sf amar & aro star Aa ar frome ga) Seth ae mea # ae veal STH ae oat peer Harr Ppa, (7) (Legal Language & Legal Writing) aeg wer ae ow ar oe annfer av afta ar vue @& the ant amwitear ar ro amet fae ar sre Per) arene Sag aga mafeear we outa ar dic agar far) gaan pear ‘obser ot! oe che ot | RaGHT & te an dd amr av ie ek X 7a sew - er whe ase sar ge ae fie) gre ah ose, ee om cer ma & mee we as ont oat) uiemreseT epifastaar , amen ef goraar ATR ar ee mer a ow WT St war & ae aay at ara 2 aor ger after & ada ee aaah dt a za & fe seh jem ae t: ww wear (8) (Legal Language & Legal Writing) Gaet ar BMT Ser | qeafte ater & Fier ae anf & ae ator ae Bar +) wet ae} te w& et amis comer a ae zw cata ar dife atte xe sieges ao mar fer mer oF BAT ATaT ga a ) wer me at F ene fee arr war Gr meat d amar b, veg ae aver yor ar WEST aor F asay ae suas ¢ % ame wor ws a ar aR agy war |

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