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Spiritual Discovery

1. Discuss how the Christian can posses the gifts of the spirit as described by Paul in his letter to the
There are seven gifts of the Essence of God. They are: intelligence, figuring out, information, counsel,
backbone, devotion and apprehension about the Ruler. In the Book of Isaiah 11:2-3, the gifts of the Essence of
God are depicted. In the section, the gifts are viewed as ones that the Savior would have had. Through Jesus, we
likewise get the gifts of the Essence of God. Each gift idealizes specific fundamental temperances. Four of them
wonderful the scholarly ideals. Figuring out gives an instinctive investigate truth. Shrewdness culminates noble
cause, to pass judgment on divine things. Information idealizes the uprightness of trust. The endowment of
direction consummates judiciousness. The other three gifts ideal temperances of will and hungers. The
endowment of devotion consummates equity in offering to others what is at least some respect. This is
particularly valid for offering God what is at least some respect. Determination consummates the temperance of
courage, in confronting risks. Apprehension about the Master idealizes moderation in controlling cluttered
hungers. It's critical that we not just understand what the gifts of the Essence of God are, yet that we
additionally know how to utilize them.
Wisdom assists us with perceiving the significance of others and the significance of keeping God focal in our
lives. St. Bernard considers shrewdness the "extraordinary Endowment of the Essence of God which empowers
us to know God and to celebrate in wonderful love." It is viewed as the most elevated endowment of the
Essence of God. It illuminates the brain, yet in addition guides the heart to a cleaner, more profound love for
God. Shrewdness properly frames our cravings so we take more prominent savor the experience of the
Heavenly and fill in yearning for eminent fortune. Astuteness assists with cutting off our more common
Understanding is the capacity to fathom the importance of God's message. The endowment of understanding
empowers us to plainly be aware and appreciate the secrets of confidence more. God wants to purify our spirits
and attract us nearer to Himself; so He allows the inside light of understanding to develop our knowledge into
the Heavenly secrets and vivify us to impeccably serve Him more. Through understanding we are more ready to
embrace the significance of uncovered insights and, through them, to be mixed into a more dynamic confidence
life. Along these lines, our confidence stops being sterile, yet moves a method of life that bears declaration to
the confidence that is in us.
Knowledge is the capacity to contemplate and investigate God's disclosure, and furthermore to perceive there
are secrets of confidence past us. Through the endowment of information, the spirit is more ready to assess
made things at their actual worth corresponding to God. Information uncovers the void of animals beyond their
relationship with the Maker and their motivation as instruments in support of God. It likewise shows us the
caring consideration of God even in difficulty, and guides us to extol Him without reference to our conditions.
Directed by the radiance of information, we put priorities straight, and worth our relationship with God past all

Counsel is the capacity to see the most effective way to follow God's arrangement when we have options that
connect with Him. The endowment of advice moves the spirit to pick what will most extol God and lead to his
own salvation. Through this Gift, we figure out how we can best satisfy God. Following the motivations of the
Essence of God awards us genuine inside harmony and profound relief. Counsel is particularly essential for the
people who are in places of authority, since at such degrees of obligation, regular reasonability now and again
doesn't get the job done. We want counsel in the jobs as guardians, educators, political pioneers and even just
Fortitude to do what one knows is correct. This specific endowment of the Essence of God obliterates all
regular apprehension, tentativeness and human regard. It fortifies spirits to scorn sin and to rehearse ethicalness.
Determination empowers spirits to favor disdain, transient misfortune, abuse and even passing over the refusal
of Christ by word or deed. It engages us to go against and conquer the foes of our salvation and to live as per
the desire of God even regardless of allurement, challenges and mistreatments. It gets ready to confront
incredible penances for our salvation with boldness.
Piety helps us pray to God in true devotion. The gift of piety or godliness infuses reverence for God and
Divine things into our souls and gives us joy in prayer. Through piety, the Holy Spirit inclines us to love God as
our perfect and loving Father, to love more deeply His dearly beloved Son. Piety moves us not only to love of
the Saints and Angels, but also to love our fellow man, as the images and children of God. It causes us to feel
the sweetest pleasure in conversing with God, in listening to spiritual reading and in hearing the Divine Word.
The pious soul delights to do the will of the Father and constantly has at heart all that tends to the honor and
glory of God.
Fear of the Lord is the feeling of amazement before God, who is all-present, and whose friendship we do not
want to lose. There are two kinds of fear: the fear of a servant and the fear of a child. Of the two, childlike fear
of God is the more noble and beautiful. It urges the soul to avoid even the least sin in order not to displease
God, our loving and caring Father. Fear of the Lord is that childlike fear which causes us to dread no misfortune
so much as that of a displeasing God, making us flee from sin as the greatest evil. The Saints were animated by
childlike fear and love for the Heavenly Father and were ready to die rather than break His holy law by willful
The gift of the Holy Spirit is a privilege, given to those who place their faith in Jesus Christ. Once you accept
Jesus Christ in the waters of baptism, you will receive this gift. With this privilege comes great responsibility.
With the Holy Spirit guiding us, we must seek earnestly to remove ourselves from a context of sin, and obey the
commands of God. Our thoughts and our actions should build up the kingdom of God. Just as the disciples
received the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, we too as Christians can enjoy the fullness, greatness and
power of the Holy Spirit working in our lives, and enhancing our relationship with God. Accept the Holy Spirit
at work in your life today.

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