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Stakeholder Relationship

Contents The identification of key stakeholders and their interests is

important in ensuring the success of an internal audit activity.
Background 2 It helps to ensure internal audit’s efforts are appropriately
- Purpose 2 aligned with the needs of the organisation.
- Background i
Focused stakeholder engagement is beneficial to internal
Discussion 2 audit achieving its vision, mission and agreed outcomes
- Issue 2 because it:
- History 3 • Keeps internal audit current with the entity’s emerging
- Discussion 3 issues, risks and priorities,
- Five Action Steps 5 • Provides fresh insights that help to improve internal audit
Conclusion 5 planning, prioritising of activities, and reporting,
- Summary 5 • Educates stakeholders on the role that internal audit can
and should play,
- Conclusion 5
• Demonstrates how internal audit adds value, and
References 6
• Markets the contribution and services of the internal audit
Purpose of White Papers 7 activity.
Author’s Biography 7
About the Institute of Internal Auditors–Australia 7
Copyright 7
Disclaimer 7 Internal auditors interact with stakeholders daily. Effective
stakeholder relationships are essential for internal
Background audit’s success. Fostering and strengthening stakeholder
relationships helps to build confidence in internal audit’s work
and develops in stakeholders an understanding of the role
A stakeholder relationship management program is a that internal audit can and should play.
structured approach for identifying internal audit’s key
In the absence of a formal, systemic and cohesive stakeholder
stakeholders, documenting and implementing a plan for
management framework the management of internal audit’s
communicating with these stakeholders, and periodically
stakeholders often becomes informal, ad hoc and less
reviewing the plan (more frequently when there is a significant
meaningful. Weak stakeholder relationships run the risk of:
restructure or change in the nature of the organisation’s
business). • Not meeting stakeholder needs and expectations, or
meeting them inconsistently.
• Insufficient support from senior management and the
Stakeholder relationship management theory argues that for board and a reluctance to provide internal audit with
management to successfully implement its vision, mission and adequate resources.
business strategy it must have the support of those who can • A corporate culture that does not support internal audit.
affect the organisation. • The inability to identify and monitor emerging risks, trends
A stakeholder is a person, group, or organisation that has and issues.
a direct or indirect interest or concern in an organisation’s As the range of stakeholders can be broad, it is important for
activities and outcomes. For internal audit, a stakeholder is internal audit to have a stakeholder relationship management
any person, group, or organisation that can affect, or can be program to help prioritise relationships and ensure that
affected by, the internal audit activity. Not all stakeholders are stakeholder needs are met.
equal. Some have greater influence than others.
The objective of an internal audit stakeholder relationship

© 2020 - The Institute of Internal Auditors - Australia 2

Stakeholder Relationship

management program is to identify internal audit’s Discussion (iv)

stakeholders and outline strategies and approaches to build
Stakeholder relationships can be complex, and may involve a
and maintain effective relationships that help to drive value for
broad range of internal and external stakeholders who affect
the organisation.
and/or are affected by the efforts of internal audit.
Internal audit’s ability to implement its mission, vision, and
The Governance Lighthouse(ii) developed by the Audit Office audit plan is influenced by the support of its stakeholders.
of New South Wales lists the need for a ‘key stakeholder Effective stakeholder relationship management programs
management program’ within public sector entities (one of build, develop, and maintain vital working relationships among
its seventeen elements). This reflects that sound corporate internal audit’s stakeholders, providing value to internal audit,
governance within the public sector is paramount to service stakeholders, and the organisation.
delivery and the economic and efficient use of taxpayers’
By listening to stakeholders, internal auditors are better
placed to align their activities to the stakeholder’s perception
The concept of stakeholder relationship management is of risks and how they are managed, and to drive continual
equally relevant for listed companies. Many of the corporate improvement across the organisation in line with its objectives
governance principles and recommendations of the ASX and strategic drivers.
Corporate Governance Council(iii) relate to stakeholder
Ten critical success factors of an effective stakeholder
communications, particularly those relating to acting ethically
relationship management program are:
and responsibly, safeguarding the integrity in corporate
reporting, and respecting the rights of key stakeholders. 1. Establishing a formal, systemic and cohesive program,
Stakeholder influence, impact, needs, and expectations 2. Championed by the CAE and having engagement of key
determine how the relationship should be managed. In internal audit staff,
communicating within the organisation, the internal audit 3. Rational assessment of the influence, impact, and priority
activity must be clear as to what it can and cannot do in of stakeholders,
carrying out its work. This is guided by relevant standards 4. Clear and consistent engagement,
contained in the International Professional Practices 5. Regular and relevant communication,
Framework (IPPF), for instance: 6. Transparent and honest conversations that build trust,
7. Active two-way communication (listen and feedback),
• Unbiased mental attitude (Standard 1100: Independence
8. Sharing of meaningful insights that have an impact,
and Objectivity).
9. Follow-through of commitments given, and
• Addition of value and improvement of operations
10. Consideration of the varying needs of different
(Standard 2000: Managing the Internal Audit Activity).
• Accomplishment of objectives (Standard 2000: Managing
the Internal Audit Activity). Each stakeholder category may have different and sometimes
• Systematic and disciplined approach (series starting with highly specialised needs. Successful stakeholder relationships
Standard 1200: Proficiency and Due Professional Care, are dependent upon meeting those needs and communicating
also, Standard 2100: Nature of Work). regularly to ensure that the various stakeholders are kept
• Evaluation and improvement (series starting with informed as to how and when those needs will be met.
Standard 2100: Nature of Work). In general terms, as the level of stakeholder influence
• Sharing information and coordinating activities with increases, so does the nature and extent of communication.
other internal and external providers (Standard 2015: Moreover, the more influential a stakeholder group is, the
Coordination). more senior will be the level of internal auditor charged with
• Enhanced high-level reporting (Standard 2060: Reporting fostering and maintaining that relationship.
to Senior Management and the Board).

© 2020 - The Institute of Internal Auditors - Australia 3

Stakeholder Relationship

A basis for prioritising stakeholders is illustrated in Exhibit 1. sector.

Exhibit 1 – Prioritising stakeholders A number of key strategies must be developed to maintain

effective relationships with each stakeholder. The nature of
Collaborate: maintain Critical Stakeholders:
relationship management activities varies by stakeholder.

confidence most significant and


influential relationships In addition, the nature and extent of the investment made
in developing and implementing stakeholder management
Monitor and inform Professional Liaison strategies for each stakeholder is determined by

organisational requirements and business needs.

Low High Exhibit 2 provides an example of the types of stakeholders

Impact that may fall into each of the four quadrants of the
prioritisation elements contained in Exhibit 1.

The quadrants illustrated in Exhibit 1 help the CAE to develop Exhibit 2 – Example of stakeholders by priority
a stakeholder relationship management program. The
meaning of each quadrant is summarised below. Collaborate Critical Stakeholders
- Other internal assurance - Chief Executive Officer
• High influence and high impact – critical stakeholders providers - Chair of Audit Committee
quadrant: high degree of influence on how internal audit - Senior executives in - Audit Committee Members
is perceived; high degree of impact within organisation business lines - Chief Financial Officer
and on internal audit; are leaders in the organisation; - Audit clients - C-Suite
- Auditor General (Legislative - Internal audit cohort
the organisation’s most influential individuals, such as
auditor); external auditor
audit committee members, CEO, CFO and other senior - Corporate Secretariat
managers, internal audit cohort. - Organisational Committees

• High influence and low impact – collaborate quadrant: Monitor and Inform Professional Liaison
- Senior Accounting Professional bodies - IIA,
high influence on others in organisation, though low
practitioners ISACA, CPA etc.
impact on internal audit; critical to understand their - Other members of the
perspective and maintain their confidence, such as sector
senior executives in business lines, audit recipients, - Counterparts in other
key committees of the organisation, internal assurance jurisdictions / professions
- Local professional leaders
providers, national audit office or other external auditors.
- Third party service
• Low influence and high impact – professional liaison providers
- Internal service providers -
quadrant: low degrees of influence within the organisation
HR, legal etc
but high impact on the internal audit activity and its
professionalism; includes professional bodies that set For each identified stakeholder (using Exhibit 2 as a basis),
standards and provide guidance, such as the IIA and a formal and systematic stakeholder relationship program is
ISACA. established. The type of analysis and content of the program
is illustrated in the example at Exhibit 3.
• Low influence and low impact – monitor and inform
quadrant: low degrees of both influence and impact, but
affected by internal audit’s work; includes members of
internal audit activity, senior accounting practitioners,
local professional leaders, internal service providers (e.g., Exhibit 3 – Example format for a stakeholder relationship
human resources, public relations and communications), management program
third-party service providers, and other players within the

© 2020 - The Institute of Internal Auditors - Australia 4

Stakeholder Relationship

Importance Interests \ Needs Staff Frequency How and providers.


of of the stake- respon- what

Relationship holder sibility provided Implementation of a worthwhile stakeholder communication
program yields the necessary results for internal audit
only if it has competent staff and tools to undertake the
Powerful High level and CAE Formal Timely
Chief Executive Officer

as a key significant issues quarterly insights planned activities and share the insights in a timely manner.
chamption that relate to scheduled
Stakeholder trust can be inadvertently compromised when
achievement of meetings
strategic priorities what is promised is not undertaken or delivered by the internal
of the entity As neces-
audit activity.

An effective stakeholder relationship program established by

Critical as Advice on trends CAE Monthly Formal the CAE can potentially enhance the organisation’s ability to:
the CAE and issues related discus- audit
reports to governance, sions com- • Deliver its strategic agenda, including meeting
functionality risk management mittee
to this role and control Scheduled meetings commitments to government or any public sector body
Chair - Audit Committee

audit com- (public sector) or to shareholders (listed companies).

Assurance that the mittee Sched-
audit plan is being uled off • Maintain effective control, particularly during critical
accomplished In camera line dis- changes in such areas as strategy, policy, service
sessions cussions
Appropriateness as part delivery, organisational alignment, and business systems.
of staffing and of audit
resourcing of IA committee
• Deliver transparency in identifying and managing risks
meetings and control breakdowns.
Early warning on
emerging issues As re-
• Maintain fluent service delivery, procurement and
from audits quired operations, and information communication and
technology (ICT) systems.
Responsibility for primary stakeholder relationships (ie • Drive efficient use of existing resources and effective
critical stakeholders quadrant in Exhibit 2) typically falls to administration.
the Chief Audit Executive (CAE). Additionally, internal audit • Provide reliable information for decision-making.
directors may be responsible for assisting with certain primary • Minimise opportunities for fraud and corruption,
stakeholder relationships, such as audit committee members. particularly related to increased electronic service
Internal audit directors typically share responsibility with delivery and greater use of social media.
the CAE for many secondary stakeholder relationships (ie Five Action Steps
collaborate quadrant in Exhibit 2), including internal assurance
The establishment of a stakeholder relationship management
providers, senior business line executives, committees,
program can be achieved where the Chief Audit Executive
counterparts in other jurisdictions, third-party service
implements the following action steps.
providers, and others.
1. Develop a stakeholder relationship management policy
All internal audit staff are involved in fulfilment and
for internal audit and have it endorsed by the Chief
maintenance of the expectations and needs of secondary
Executive and the Audit Committee.
stakeholders (ie monitor and inform and professional liaison
2. Include a copy of internal audit’s stakeholder relationship
quadrants in Exhibit 2). The entire internal audit staff may
management policy on the organisation’s intranet site (or
be responsible for stakeholder relationships with senior
equivalent) and distribute it to key stakeholders.
accounting practitioners, audit clients, local professional
3. Document operational elements of the stakeholder
leaders, and professional organisations. Administrative
relationship management program including knowledge
support staff for the internal audit activity may be responsible
management arrangements in the Audit Manual, including
for relationships with an organisation’s human resource (HR)
the handling and escalation of complaints should they
and legal departments, as well as other internal service

© 2020 - The Institute of Internal Auditors - Australia 5

Stakeholder Relationship

arise. Conclusion
4. Implement the stakeholder relationship management
The objective of an internal audit stakeholder relationship
program through the following steps:
management program is to identify internal audit’s
• Identify key stakeholders and categorise them
stakeholders and outline strategies and approaches to build
in terms of influence and impact within the
and maintain effective relationships. The benefits that can
accrue from an effective stakeholder relationship program
• Assign responsibility for specific stakeholders to
deliver value to internal audit activities of any size.
members of the internal audit team.
• Articulate the various engagement strategies. References
• Inform internal audit staff of the mechanics of Exhibits and base content were sourced from a presentation

the stakeholder relationship program, including on Emerging Trends in the Public Sector: Stakeholder
how it will operate, their roles, and knowledge Relationship Management, delivered at the IIA International
management arrangements. Conference in London July 2014.
• Build and maintain effective working relationships
with each stakeholder. NSW Auditor General’s Report to parliament, Volume one

• Develop and refine an understanding of stakeholder 2015, Appendix One – Governance Lighthouse – Strategic
needs. Early Warning System
• Utilise the insights obtained through stakeholder Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations,

engagements to expand the audit universe, Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) Corporate Governance
enhance risk-based audit planning, prioritise audit Council, 4th edition, 2019
engagements, and report emerging risks and issues
Sawyer’s Internal Auditing 7th Edition (Lake Mary, FL:
to the audit committee periodically.
Internal Audit Foundation), Chapter 6
5. Evaluate stakeholder relationship program on a regular
basis (at least annually or when there is a significant
change to the business, key processes, or organisational
structure arrangements).


Effective stakeholder relationships serve internal audit and its

stakeholders. While internal auditors gain enhanced insight
into the needs of stakeholders and how internal audit may
assist them in achieving their objectives, stakeholders gain
a better understanding of internal audit’s value. Both benefit
from an improved alignment between internal audit’s work and
stakeholders’ objectives.

The sharper focus that internal audit derives from an effective

stakeholder relationship management program ultimately
helps the organisation to achieve its strategies, meet its
commitments, maintain effective control, deliver transparency,
maintain fluent service delivery, drive continual improvement,
provide reliable decision-support information, and minimise
opportunities for fraud and corruption.

© 2020 - The Institute of Internal Auditors - Australia 6

Stakeholder Relationship

Purpose of White Papers 200,000 members from 190 countries with hundreds of local
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This White Paper contains a variety of copyright material.
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Some of this is the intellectual property of the author, some
Auditors–Global and the Institute of Internal Auditors–
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Australia. Institute of Internal Auditors–Australia. Some material is
Author’s Biography owned by others which is shown through attribution and
referencing. Some material is in the public domain. Except
Written by: Bruce Turner AM for material which is unambiguously and unarguably in
CRMA, CGAP, CISA, CFE, PFIIA, FFin, FFA, FIPA, FAIM, MAICD, the public domain, only material owned by the Institute of
JP Internal Auditors–Global and the Institute of Internal Auditors–
Bruce has been a member of the IIA since 1984 and was on Australia, and so indicated, may be copied, provided that
the IIA-Australia Board from 2012 to 2018. He spent nearly textual and graphical content are not altered and the source
30 years within the financial services sector, which included is acknowledged. The Institute of Internal Auditors–Australia
extensive internal auditing responsibilities in Australia, United reserves the right to revoke that permission at any time.
States and United Kingdom spanning commercial banking, Permission is not given for any commercial use or sale of the
merchant banking and central banking. He ultimately held material.
CAE roles at the State Rail Authority of NSW, Integral Energy Disclaimer
Australia, and the Australian Taxation Office. He is currently
a company director and audit committee chairman and Whilst the Institute of Internal Auditors–Australia has
independent member. attempted to ensure the information in this White Paper is
as accurate as possible, the information is for personal and
Edited by: Tim Kirby educational use only, and is provided in good faith without
MAppMgt, BCom, GradDipEnvMgt, CA, PFIIA, CIA, EMS-LA any express or implied warranty. There is no guarantee given
About the Institute of Internal Auditors–Australia to the accuracy or currency of information contained in this
White Paper. The Institute of Internal Auditors–Australia does
The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) is the global professional not accept responsibility for any loss or damage occasioned
association for Internal Auditors, with global headquarters in by use of the information contained in this White Paper.
the USA and affiliated Institutes and Chapters throughout the
world including Australia.
As the chief advocate of the Internal Audit profession, the IIA
serves as the profession’s international standard-setter, sole
provider of globally accepted internal auditing certifications,
and principal researcher and educator.
The IIA sets the bar for Internal Audit integrity and
professionalism around the world with its ‘International
Professional Practices Framework’ (IPPF), a collection of
guidance that includes the ‘International Standards for the
Professional Practice of Internal Auditing’ and the ‘Code of
IIA–Australia ensures its members and the profession as
a whole are well-represented with decision-makers and
influencers, and is extensively represented on a number of
global committees and prominent working groups in Australia
and internationally.
The IIA was established in 1941 and now has more than

© 2020 - The Institute of Internal Auditors - Australia 7

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