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Activity #2

Yesica Johanna Páez Carrillo

Course ingles

Group 90021-77

Tutor Nilson Emir

Palacios Mosquera


Universidad nacional abierta y a distancia (UNAD)


CEAD La Dorada, Caldas

Marzo 2022
Step 1: Reading comprehension exercise.
Sentence that represents the main idea of the text.

Most of the univiersities in the UK are part of the top-ranked

institutions in the world for the high quality of its teaching and
Thesis of the text and supporting examples that sustenance this.

Universities in UK offer a unique experience to people. They have

the best laboratories, museums, libraries and collections
worldwide. are part of the top-ranked institutions in the world.
they also offer foreing language courses.
Explanation of the meaning of the phrase “Top-ranked”

What is in the highest position within a classification according to

the evaluation criteria for this case of a university

Inference from lines 11 and 12 when the text says “Finally, it is

important to hightlight that living in the UK is probably one of
the most multi-cultural experiences one can ever have, and
universities are no exception”.

The UK and it is universities is one of the places that most

visitors and foreigners have because of it is quality of life and
the high level of study in the universities you can see so much
diversity of cultures and even more so that they can interact
whitin the classrooms and in them bedrooms where they can
exchange knowledge about their cultures of each country and
region making their stay there more enriching

Comparison between the UK universities with Colombia


A foreign person would have very good experiences because

Colombia is a country that is very happy and free compared to
other countries, it has a diversity of unique cultures and
traditions as well as a great biodiversity of unique and beautiful
flora and fauna of which they can enjoy and in terms of
universities the diversity of methodologies such as virtuality and
teaching of each tutor who are qualified and are not only
excellent as tutors but also as people
Screenshot of your participation in the collaborative forum.

Step 2: Writing an email about your professional experience.

Letter showing your professional experience using Infinitives and

From: Yesica Johanna Páez Carrillo

To: Mara Ramirez

Subject: Professional profile Yesica Johanna Páez Carrillo

Yesica Johanna Páez Carrillo – Enginner software


Software enginner with five years of experience in analyzing,

designing, programming and maintaining computer systems in
order to solve problems for users and market needs. I have the
skills and knowledge to lead work teams.

IT project manager
Software Colombia
December 2020- present

In this position I am in charge of the planning and timely execution

of any IT project

Support engineer
Talentum service
November 2018- September 2020

I was responsible for providing support to the different areas of the

business, through staff training and support of IT application and

Complemento 360
August 2017- October 2018

In this position I was the one who wrote, debugged and updated
the source code of a computer program.
I was also in charge of the implementation of application through a
programming language.

Contact: 3128608903
Direction: Samaná Caldas

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