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Universal Journal of Computational Mathematics 5(3): 68-74, 2017

DOI: 10.13189/ujcmj.2017.050303 http://www.hrpub.org

Analytic Approximation of Luminosity Distance in

Cosmology via Variational Iteration Method
V. K. Shchigolev

Department of Theoretical Physics, Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk, 432000, Russia

Copyright 2017
c by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently
open access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License

Abstract This work deals with a new approach in the where dL is the luminosity distance depending on the cos-
approximate analytical representation of the luminosity mological redshift z and the model parameters. Thus, the
distance in a homogenous Friedmann-Lemaı̂tre-Robertson- analytical calculation of the luminosity distance dL versus
Walker (FLRW) model of the Universes by means of the cosmological redshift z seems to be a very important issue
variational iteration method (VIM). For the analytical calcu- in theoretical cosmology. Unfortunately, the corresponding
lation of the luminosity distance, we obtain the approximate formula for the luminosity distance is usually expressed by
solution of the differential equation which the luminosity an integral over the redshift, and the integration cannot be
distance obeys, using the corresponding initial conditions. prepared explicitly. Obviously, in any case, this integration
On the basis of this approximate solution, a simple analytic can be prepared numerically by some algorithms, but nume-
formula for the luminosity distance as a function of redshift rical methods tend to be computationally heavy when high
is obtained and compared with a numerical solution from the accuracy is desired, and do not allow to carry out a reliable
general integral formula. analytic investigation of cosmological model [5]. Therefore,
an analytical approximation of the luminosity distance as a
Keywords FLRW Cosmology, Luminosity Distance, function of the redshift z can be a rather useful in cosmolo-
Redshift, Variational Iteration Method gical modeling.
For the purpose of testing different cosmologycal models,
the main physical and kinematics quantities in cosmology are
usually expressed in the form of a Taylor series over the reds-
hift (see, e.g., [6]). However, the latest data on supernovae Ia
1 Introduction can involve the redshift z > 2, that can give rise to a the-
oretical question about the convergence of such a series ex-
The database, obtained in the observational astronomy on pansion for large redshift. Therefore, one has to find some
Supernovae of type Ia as one of the best cosmological dis- other algorithms for the analytic computing of the luminosity
tance indicators [1]-[3], encourages theoretical cosmologists distance as a function of redshift. Not pretending anyway on
to a strong restriction of the essential parameters in their cos- a completeness of review, let us mention only some of these
mological models. The reason is that these cosmological approaches.
observations clearly prove a spatial flatness and the present For instance, a simple algebraic approximation for the lu-
acceleration of our Universe. As a result, the SNIa Union2 minosity distance in a flat universe with pressureless matter
database [4] becomes one of the most reliable observational and a cosmological constant is considered in [7]. In [8], the
resources for testing various cosmological models. so-called Padé approximant is applied for the analytical ap-
In order to test any cosmological models with the help of proximation of the luminosity distance and fitting formula.
the SNIa Union2 database, we have to use the maximum- Using the elliptic integral of the first kind even in the case
likelihood approach minimizing χ2 which measures the de- when all the three omega factors are non-zeros, it is derived
viations of the theoretical predictions from the observations. [9] that the integral on the r.h.s. of general formula for the
Since SN Ia behave as excellent standard candles, they can be luminosity distance can be partly calculated analytically.
used to directly measure the expansion rate of the Universe Recently, an interesting example of approximate calcula-
upto high redshift, comparing with the present rate. The SN tion of the luminosity distance via the Homotopy Perturba-
Ia database gives us the distance modulus µ to each super- tion Method (HPM) [10] has been proposed in Ref. [11].
nova. In a flat universe, the theoretical distance modulus is Some examples of different applications of this method in
given by cosmology and astronomy were investigated by the author in
µ(z) = 5 log10 (dL /M pc) + 25, Refs. [12]-[14]. At the same time, one more approximate
Universal Journal of Computational Mathematics 5(3): 68-74, 2017 69

method developed by J.-H. He, the so-called Variational Ite- δun (0) = 0. The Lagrange multipliers can be easily and pre-
ration Method (VIM) [15], [16], can give an approximation cisely obtained for linear problems. However, for nonlinear
of high accuracy in many nonlinear problems, and can be ea- problems, it is not as trivial. The nonlinear terms are treated
sily implemented [17]. Indeed, this method has been success- as restricted variations such that the Lagrange multiplier can
fully applied for the problems of geodesic motion in the gra- be determined as a simpler form.
vitational field of astrophysical objects by the author in Ref. The importance and the very utility of method is endowed
[18]. with the choice of assumption of considering even highly
In this paper, we use the idea of approximate analytical cal- nonlinear and complicated dependent variables as restricted
culation of the luminosity distance by virtue of solving the variables thereby synchronizing the error occurring due to
corresponding differential equation with certain initial con- process of finding solution to equation (1) to its minimum
ditions, proposed in [11]. Solving this equation in a spati- magnitude. Eventually, after λ is determined as desired, a
ally flat FLRW universe by means of VIM, we obtain the ap- proper selective function, may it be a linear or otherwise with
proximate analytical expressions for the luminosity distance respect to equation (1) is assumed as an initial approximation
in terms of redshift for the different content of cosmological for finding next successive iterative function by equation (2)
models. We show that by using the VIM, the expression for recursively.
dL (z) in arbitrary accuracy can be easily obtained by imple- The successive approximations un+1 (x) of the solution
menting a simple procedure for the governing equation. will be readily obtained upon using the obtained Lagrange
multiplier and by using any appropriate function for u0 (x).
The zeroth approximation u0 (x) may be selected by any
2 The main idea of VIM function that just meets, at least, the initial and boundary con-
ditions. Therefore by starting from u0 (x), the exact solution
The VIM has been proposed by J.-H. He [15]-[17], and can may be obtained as
be successfully applied to the linear, nonlinear, and boun-
dary value problems. Dealing with this method, one has to u(x) = lim un (x). (4)
construct a correction functional by a general Lagrange mul-
tiplier. Then, the Lagrange multiplier can be identified op- Thus, in applications of VIM to differential equations, one
timally using the variational theory. Being different from should undertake the following three steps: (i) establishing
the other non-linear analytical methods, such as perturbation the correction functional; (ii) identifying the Lagrange mul-
methods, this method does not depend on small parameters. tipliers; (iii) determining the initial iteration. For the conver-
It is why VIM can find wide application in non-linear pro- gence criteria and error estimates of the VIM, one can refer
blems without linearization or small perturbations. In order the reader to [19]-[21].
to demonstrate a general idea of VIM, we can consider the
following general non-linear equation:
3 Differential Equation for the Lumi-
L[u(x)] + N [u(x)] = g(x), (1)
nosity Distance
where L and N are linear and nonlinear operators respecti-
vely, and g(x) is a known function. The correct functional A homogeneous isotropic universe can be described by the
for the equation (1) can be given by following FLRW metric [22],
Zx h dr2 i

un+1 (x) = un (x)+ λ(s) L[un (s)]+N [ũn (s)]−g(s) ds, ds2 = −dt2 + a2 (t) + r 2
(dθ 2
+ sin θdφ2
) , (5)
1 − kr2
(2) where a(t) is a scale factor, and k = 1, 0, −1 for a closed,
where λ is a Lagrange multiplier, that can be identified op- spatially-flat, open universe respectively, and the speed of
timally using the variational iteration method. At this, ũn light in vacuum c = 1. The Einstein equations,
is considered to be a restricted variation which means that 1
δ ũn = 0. Making the correct functional (2) stationary, one Rik − gik R + Λgik = 8πGTik ,
can obtain
where Rik is the Ricci curvature tensor, R is the scalar cur-
δun+1 (x) = δun (x) vature, gik is the metric tensor, Λ is the cosmological con-
Zx stant, G is Newton’s gravitational constant, and Tik is the

+δ λ(s) L[un (s)] + N [ũn (s)] − g(s) ds energy-momentum tensor of matter, leads to the first Fried-
0 mann equation in metric (5) as follows
Zx !
= δun (x) + δ λ(s)L[un (s)] ds. (3) 2 2 −3(1+wm ) −2
H = H0 Ωm a + Ωk a + ΩΛ , (6)
0 m

The stationary conditions, δun+1 (x) = 0, can be derived where H = ȧ/a is the Hubble parameter, H0 denotes its
using integration by parts in equation (3) and noticing that present value, and we use dimensionless densities Ωm =
70 Analytic Approximation of Luminosity Distance in Cosmology via Variational Iteration Method

(8πG/3H 2 )ρm , Ωk = −k/H02 a20 and ΩΛ = Λ/3H02 . Here, and

ΩΛ is the contribution from the vacuum, Ωk is the contri- H0 dL 1 dW (z)
= − W −3/2 (z) . (13)
bution associated with curvature, and Ωm is the contribution dz c(1 + z) 2 dz
from all other kinds of matter and fields with the equation of p
At last, replacing in (13) the factor 1/ W (z) with the help
state parameters (EoS) wm . As it follows from equation (6),
of equation (12), we obtain
these parameters are linearly dependent, that is
X H0 d L 1 dW (z) d H0 dL
Ωm + Ωk + ΩΛ = 1. (7) = − . (14)
dz 2 c(1 + z) 2 dz dz c(1 + z)

In the relativistic cosmology, one of the most fundamen- In addition, equations (10)-(12) lead to the following initial
p distance scale is the luminosity distance, defined by dL =
tal conditions
L/(4πf ), where f is the observed flux of an astronomical 
H0 d L


H0 dL

object and L is its luminosity. Recent astronomical observati- = 0, = 1. (15)
c(1 + z) z=0 dz c(1 + z) z=0
ons indicate that the universe is spatially flat, and the present
density parameter ΩΛ ∼ 0.72. For the spatially flat universe,
the luminosity distance dL is defined as follows If we introduce temporally the unknown function

Zz H0 d L
dz 0 u(z) = (16)
dL = c(1 + z) , (8) c(1 + z)
H0 E(z 0 )
, for the sake of simplicity, and take into account equations
where E(z) = H(z)/H0 , and H(z) is the Hubble parameter (14) and (15), we get the following Cauchy problem
(6) represented as a function of redshift z = (a0 /a) − 1.
For example, the luminosity distance in the ΛCDM model u00 (z)+ W 0 (z)u03 (z) = 0 ; u = 0, u0 = 1, (17)
2 z=0 z=0
of the universe is given by [22]
Zz where the prime stands for the derivative with respect to z.
c(1 + z) dz 0
dL (z) = q , (9)
H0 0 )4 +Ω (1+z 0 )3 +Ω
Ω (1+z
0 r m Λ
4 Luminosity Distance in VIM Ap-
where Ωm , Ωr and ΩΛ are the energy densities corresponding proximation
to the dust-like matter, radiation and cosmological constant,
respectively, and Ωm + Ωr + ΩΛ = 1 with accordance to (7). The main equation (17) is a nonlinear differential equation
Even this rather simple example clearly shows the obvious of the second order. It can be solved exactly in quadratures,
difficulties in calculation of the integral in (9). In general, this but the result leads to the integral (10) once again. Therefore,
calculation involves repeated numerical calculations, elliptic we will solve the Cauchy problem (17) analytically by VIM
functions or some algebraic approximations. with a certain approximation.
Thus, the problem of analytical calculation of the lumino- The comparison of equations (1) and (17) allows us to re-
sity distance remains interesting, since there exists the vari- present the correct functional (2) as follows
ety of different models in which the Hubble parameter takes
rather more complicated dependence on z compared to the
d un (s) 1 0 03
example above. In our previous work [11], we proposed a un+1 (z) = un (z) + λz (s) + W (s)ũn (s) ds,
ds2 2
novel approach to this problem, in which the luminosity dis- 0
tance can be obtained as a solution of the Cauchy problem (18)
for the differential equation followed from (8). where ũn (s) is considered to be a restricted variation. By
Let us recall this approach in brief [11]. The definition of using the stationary condition for the correct functional (17)
luminosity distance (8) can be rewritten as follows , we get

Zz Zz 
d2 un (s)

c(1 + z) dz 0 δun+1 (z) = δun (z) + δ λz (s) ds. (19)
dL (z) = q (10) ds2
0 W (z 0 ) 0

if we consider the following notation for the dimensionless From stationary conditions, δun+1 (ϕ) = 0, and using in-
Hubble parameter squared tegration by parts in Eq. (19), on can obtain the following
equations for the Lagrange multiplier
E 2 (z) = W (z), W (z)| z=0 = 1. (11)
λ00z (s) = 0,

As a differential consequence of equation (10), we can obtain


H0 dL

1 λz (s)|s=z = 0, (20)
=q , (12) 

dz c(1 + z) 
1 − λ0z (s)|s=z = 0.

W (z) 
Universal Journal of Computational Mathematics 5(3): 68-74, 2017 71

These equations can be readily solved to obtain the following for the second-order approximation, and
Lagrange multiplier 
(3) c(1 + z) 31
dL (z) = z+
λz (s) = s − z. (21) H0 65
Zz 4 8
Using this Lagrange multiplier in (18), one can readily obtain 1 27  1 
+ 27 + 3 − W (s) + 3 − W (s)
the successive approximations un (z) for the solution of equa- 128 80 256
tion (17) getting start with some appropriate function for 12   
u0 (z). As a result, we have the following iteration formula 1 
+ 3 − W (s) 3 − W (s) ds (28)
13 · 4096
Zz  2 
d un (s) 1 0 03 for the third-order approximation. It should be noted that
un+1 (z) = un (z) + (s − z) + W (s)un (s) ds,
ds2 2 the approximate formulas (26)-(28) can be easily applied not
(22) only to the models with a polynomial dependence in (1 + z)
Starting with the initial approximation u0 (z) = z in this for- of the Hubble parameter squared, as it is in the ΛCDM model,
mula, we can obtain the following results: but also to many other FLWR models where the computation
of the integral in (8) becomes problematic at all. The pro-
Zz Zz posed approach allows to get an analytic expression for the
1 03 1
u1 (z) = z + (s − z)W (s)ds = z − W (s)ds, function dL (z), at least by using the Maple package.
2 2 2
0 0
5 Application Examples
3 1
u2 (z) = z− W (s)ds First of all, let us consider a simple example of the lumi-
2 2
0 nosity distance in the ΛCDM model of the universe given by
Zz  3  (9) where Ωr + Ωm + ΩΛ = 1. Observations show that the
1 1 radiation density is very small today, Ωr ∼ 10−4 , and this
− (s − z) 1 − 3 − W (s) W 0 (s)ds, (24)
2 8 term can be neglected. Therefore, we use now

and W (z) = Ωm (1 + z)3 + ΩΛ , (29)

Zz  4 and ΩΛ = 1 − Ωm . Substituting (29) in (26) and (27), we

3 1
u3 (z) = z + 3 − W (s) ds obtain the following approximations for the luminosity dis-
4 64 tance in this model:
Zz 3 c
  3  5
1  (1)
dL (z) = z 1 + 1 − Ωm z − Ωm z 2
− (s − z) 3 − W (s) W 0 (s)ds H0 4 4
5 3 1 4
Zz  4 3 − Ωm z − Ωm z , (30)
1 3 1 8 2
+ (s − z) + 3 − W (s) W 0 (s)ds
2 4 64
0 and
Zz 4 3 
c 3 1

1 3 1
=z+ (s − z) + 3 − W (s) W 0 (s)ds, (25) dL (z) = (z + 1) z + M 4 (z + 1)13 − 1
2 4 64 H0 4 832
− (2 + M )M (z + 1)10 − 1
which satisfy the initial conditions (17) due to the norma- 160
lization condition W (0) = 1, that is equation (11). Then 3  
+ (2 + M )2 M 2 (z + 1)7 − 1
taking into account (16), and (26) - (28), we can express the 224 
corresponding approximations for the luminosity distance as 1 3

 1 4
− (2 + M ) M (z + 1) − 1 + (2 + M ) z . (31)
follows 64 64
 
Zz Substituting (29) into equation (25), one can easily obtain the
(1) c(1 + z)  3 1
dL (z) = z− W (s)ds , (26) luminosity distance in the third-order approximation. We do
H0 2 2
0 not provide it here because of its cumbersome nature.
We can compare these approximations with well known
for the first-order approximation, expansion of the luminosity distance dL in a Taylor series in

 redshift z, that is (see, e.g., [23])
c(1 + z) 3 1 4
dL (z) =  z+ 3 − W (s) ds , cz h 1 1 i
H0 4 64 dL (z) = 1+ (1−q0 )z− (1−q0 −3q02 +j0 )z 2 +O(z 3 ) ,
0 H0 2 6
(27) (32)
72 Analytic Approximation of Luminosity Distance in Cosmology via Variational Iteration Method

0.72, Ωr = 0. Besides, Table 1 shows the percentage of re-

dL lative errors of the approximate solutions compared to the
numerical one.
For the next example, we consider a spatially flat universe
with the quintessential matter. Let the equation of state pa-
rameter be equals to −1 < wq < −1/3. Then equation (6)
becomes as follows

W (z) = Ωm (1 + z)3 + Ωq (1 + z)3(1+wq ) , (34)

1.0 which, being substituted in (26), yields

(1) c(1 + z) 3 Ωm  
dL (z) = z− (1 + z)4 − 1
H0 2 8
1 − Ωm  
− (1 + z)4+3wq − 1 . (35)
2(4 + 3wq )
(2) (3)
Just as easy, the explicit expressions for dL (z) and dL (z)
z can be obtained from equations (27), (28) and (34). The
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
graphs of all approximations in this case are similar to those
in Fig. 1, from which we could conclude that the first-order
Figure 1. Comparison of the numerical solution to Eq. (9) for the ΛCDM approximation may be useful only for z  1. This is the ob-
model (red line) with the approximate solutions given by (26) (blue solid vious consequence of coincidence of (10) and (26) followed
line), (27) (blue dashed line), and (28) (blue dot-dashed line).
from the decomposition
1 1 1
where the present magnitudes of the deceleration parame- p =p ≈ 1 − [W (z 0 ) − 1],
... W (z 0 ) 1+ (W (z 0 ) − 1) 2
ter q = −aä/ȧ2 and the jerk parameter j = a2 a /ȧ3 are
denoted as q0 and j0 , respectively. By using (32), both equa- which can provide an acceptable accuracy only for z  1.
tions (30) and (31) lead to the same expression for q0 as fol- Nevertheless, even the first-order approximation could be im-
lows proved by some additional tuning. Let us consider an exam-
q0 = −1 + Ωm . (33) ple of such a possibility.
2 Suppose that we want to improve the accuracy of the first-
In the framework of this paper, we are not trying to con- order approximation (26) in a vicinity of the point z = z0 .
strain parameters of this model with the observational data. For this end, we can insert an indefinite parameter p1 in equa-
For the illustrative purpose only, let us insert ΩΛ = 0.72 and tion (23), say, as follows
Ωm = 0.28 in (29). Then we have q0 ≈ −0.58, which is
within the observational limits. 3 1
u1 (z) = p z − (1 − p) W (s)ds. (36)
Table 1. Percentage of relative errors of the corresponding approximations
2 2
to dL given by Eqs. (26), (27) and (28).
At the same time, the exact expression for u(z) is given by
(1) (2) (3)
z % by dL % by dL % by dL Rz ds
(10) as u(z) = p . The necessary condition for the
0.1 0.0989 0.00326 0.0001 0 W (s)
0.2 0.4409 0.0301 0.0017 minimum of difference between u(z) and u1 (z) from (23),
0.3 1.098 0.1153 0.0099  0
0.4 2.1457 0.3043 0.0363
that is u(z) − u1 (z) |z=z0 = 0, yields
0.5 3.6642 0.6497 0.1004 p
0.6 5.7351 1.2042 0.2318 2 + W (z0 ) W (z0 )
0.7 8.4419 2.0118 0.4708
p= p . (37)
[3 + W (z0 )] W (z0 )
0.8 11.8697 3.0972 0.8678
0.9 16.1048 4.4579 1.4812 As an example, let us put z0 = 1, Ωm = 0.28 and wq =
1.0 21.2349 6.0624 2.3729
−2/3 in equations (29) and (34). One can obtain from (37)
1.1 27.3491 7.8615 3.6029
that p ≈ 0.7 in both cases with different accuracy. Therefore,
1.2 34.5383 9.8250 5.2277
we have

With the help of Maple package, the graphs of dL (z) in (Λ) c(1 + z) 3 Ωm
(1 + z)4 − 1

dL (z) = p z − (1 − p)
units of c/H0 for the numerical solutions to the integral in H0 2 8

equation (9), and the approximate solutions (26) - (28) are 1 − Ωm
shown in Fig. 1, where we have used Ωm = 0.28, ΩΛ = +(1 − p) z , (38)
Universal Journal of Computational Mathematics 5(3): 68-74, 2017 73

for the ΛCDM model, and (38) and (39). The dashed lines represent the corresponding
 first-order approximations by equations (30) and (35).
(q) c(1 + z) 3 Ωm  4

The obvious advantage of the corrected approximations gi-
dL (z) = p z − (1 − p) (1 + z) − 1
H0 2 8 ven by (38) and (39) becomes even more clear from Table 2,
1 − Ωm  2
 where we represent the percentage of relative errors provided
−(1 − p) (1 + z) − 1 , (39) by these equations. It can be readily concluded that the rela-
tive errors of the simple approximations by (38) and (39) are
for the qCDM model with wq = −2/3. mostly less then 1% for the redshift within the vicinity of 1.
It can be assumed that an even more accurate approximations
can be obtained by a similar method applied to the second-
dL and third-order approximations.


6 Conclusions
Thus, a simple analytical computation of the luminosity
1.5 distance in relativistic cosmology via the Variational Iteration
Method has been considered. For this end, we have used the
proposed earlier by the author conversion of the problem of
calculating the integral in the well-known expression for the
luminosity distance (8) to the problem of solving the Cauchy
problem of the corresponding nonlinear differential equation
(17). In this paper, the approximate solution of this equation
is performed by using VIM in a direct way without using any
restrictive assumption. Therefore, the computation becomes
simple but rather effective, at least, in a vicinity of some value
of z. The relative accuracy of this method is briefly analyzed
z from the graphical representations of approximations obtai-
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 ned, and the numerical evaluation of their relative errors. It
would be noted that this method can be extended to cover the
Figure 2. Comparison of the numerical solution to Eq. (9) for the ΛCDM variety of cosmological models with different expressions for
model (black line) and qCDM model (blue line) with the approximate so- W (z). This approximation seems to be useful in the models
lutions given by (38) (red dot line) and (39) (green dot line), and the corre- involving W (z) in the form of non-polynomial over (1 + z)
sponding first-order approximations, (30) and (35) (dashed lines). expression.

Table 2. Percentage of relative errors of the corrected approximations to dL

given by Eqs. (38) and (39).
(Λ) (q)
z % by dL % by dL
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