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Concept: Personalities and Jobs

A Lesson on Honor, Choices, and Dreams

Script by: Quatro Espada (Group 3)

Leader: Samuel Grant Zabala

Franklin Abano
Jimwell Sebastian
Peejay Simbillo

Date Submitted: February 17, 2022

Manager & DJ: Jimwell Sebastian Bennett: Don Marco Paner Federico

Professor Morax: Samuel Grant Narrator & Crew: Franklin Abano

Interviewer: Edward Jay Caranto
Eula: Paula Sagun Santos

Albedo: Peejay Simbillo Announcer: Angelo Cunanan

Noelle: Bianca Paner Ignacio

DJ: Good afternoon, Folks! Welcome to another episode of Lessons with Professor Morax.
Today’s episode is a lesson on Honor, Choices, and Dreams. Now, a brief commercial before we

Commercial Break (Colgate)

Narrator: On a beautiful Saturday, In Greenwich Park, at 11:00 am, Professor Morax sits on a
bench with his niece Noelle, 7 years old, and nephew Bennett, 10 years old after his siblings Eula
and Albedo brought them in front of his house at 221B Baker Street without as much as a notice

(Sound of People in a park)

Professor Morax: So, do you like that I brought you here to the park?

Noelle: Yes uncle, I also want to come here next time with daddy.

Bennett: Yes uncle, also can you take a picture of us with my phone?

Professor Morax: Sure, Kiddo.

(Sound of multiple camera shutters)

Professor Morax: Those pictures are very beautiful, have you ever considered a career in

Bennett: Oh, mom doesn’t like it when I talk about photography

Professor Morax: Well, can I ask why?

Bennett: She always says photography doesn’t pay as well as being a banker. She tells me that
being a banker is the best, how her job always pays the bills, how we afford to live this
way is because of that job, then she tells me that I need to be a banker like her.

Professor Morax: Well, Noelle do you also have the same problem as Bennett?

Noelle: Daddy tells me that I can’t become a soldier cause it’s only for boys. He wants me to
become a doctor cause taking care of others is what girls do.

Professor Morax: Ahhhhhh, Now I get the reason why they left you with me today while they go
about today. Well, would you like to listen to what I’m about to say?

Noelle and Bennett: (In unison) Yes uncle.

Professor Morax: Well, first, you should follow your dreams because you don’t live to work but
work to live. You don’t do what you don’t like properly as to doing something
you like, right?

Noelle and Bennett: (In unison) Yes uncle.

Professor Morax: Someone once said, “Make your passion, your profession” which means to do
what you enjoy doing but I have another piece of advice for you. It’s that you
must first, honor yourself, then honor your parents.

Noelle and Bennett: (In unison) How?

Professor Morax: Well, you must follow what they want first then while doing it do your dreams.
For you Bennett, you need to continue to study photography as a hobby and then
develop it while studying accountancy. And you Noelle, you can study medicine
first then become a soldier that can fight and heal others like a doctor.

Noelle and Bennett: (In unison) Can we do that?

Professor Morax: Of course, you can, just don’t give up on your dream and try really, really hard
to reach your goals. And I’ll always be here for you whenever you need me.

Narrator: The two children hug their uncle tight as if something that bound them came undone.

(Sound of Two Text Message Alert)

Narrator: Professor Morax looks at his phone and sees the messages of Albedo and Eula. Albedo
tells that he’s going to pick up Noelle at 3:00 pm and Eula says that she’s going to pick
up Bennet at 6 pm.

Professor Morax: Well, Noelle your dad is going to pick you up at 3 o’clock and Bennet your
mom will pick you up at 6. Well, who wants to go to McDonald’s for lunch and
play games at my house after?

Noelle and Bennett: (In unison) We do, We Do

Professor Morax: Alright, let’s go!

Narrator: The trio walked towards McDonald’s for lunch and ate heartily before proceeding to go
back to 221B Baker Street. We will take a short break for now and continue after five
minutes but first a commercial break from one of our sponsors.

(Insert Commercial Break for Raycon Earbuds)

Narrator: Welcome back to this week’s episode of Lessons with Professor Morax. Let us
continue the story after the trio has returned home and is waiting for the people who are
going to pick them up.

(Sound of Mazda Car Horn)

(Sound of Knocking on Door)

Albedo: Hey Morax! I’ve come to pick up my little precious princess.

(Sound of Door Opening)

Narrator: Morax opens the door annoyed over the fact that Albedo made too much noise and it
disturbed his neighbors. Noelle rushes to get her things in order while Bennett
greets his uncle.

Professor Morax: (In an Annoyed Tone) You’re too noisy and you’ve bothered the neighbors

Bennett: Hello uncle Albedo, Noelle’s just fixing her things over there

Professor Morax: Bennett, why don’t you go over there and help your cousin. I and your uncle
Albedo have to talk about some things first.

Bennett: Sure uncle

(Sound of Rummaging)

Professor Morax: I’ve had an eventful day with the two children, and as your brother, I have a
piece of advice for you.

Albedo: Sure, what’s the advice?

Professor Morax: You need to listen to your child and acknowledge that she has her aspirations
as well. Support her desires as she follows the path you want her to be and
become more than that.

Albedo: (In a bewildered tone) Sure, Thanks for the advice.

(Sound of small running footsteps)

Noelle: Daddy!

Narrator: Noelle comes running to her father’s arms

Albedo: Have you been well my little Princess?

Noelle: Yes daddy, we went to the park with uncle Morax, eat at McDonald’s, then we played
lots of games with uncle Morax, and he lost a bunch of those games. He’s also a very sore
loser hahahahaha

Professor Morax: Hey! You promised to keep that a secret Noelle.

Noelle: Hehehehehehe

Albedo: Well, then Bye Brother. We got to go now Noelle, say your goodbyes to your uncle and

Narrator: Noelle runs towards Bennett and Hugs him tightly

Noelle: Bye Bennett, let’s meet again next time

Bennet: (In a Happy Tone) Sure, we’ll meet again.

Narrator: Noelle lets go of Bennett and now runs toward Professor Morax and Hugs him tightly.
And Professor Morax puts his hand on top of her head, stroking it lightly.

Noelle: Thanks for everything today, uncle Morax.

Professor Morax: (Chuckles) You’re welcome, Kiddo.

Narrator: Noelle runs toward her father and looks back to wave to Professor Morax and Bennett
before getting inside her father’s car.

(Sound of Car Door Opening)

(Sound of Car Door Closing)

Professor Morax: Goodbye Brother and Noelle, Have a safe trip.

Bennett: Bye Noelle, Bye uncle Albedo. Well, uncle Morax shall we play another chess game till
mom comes to pick me up.

(Sound of the car starting and running)

(Sound of Door Closing)

Professor Morax: Sure, Kiddo.

Narrator: On the trip back home, Noelle tells her father about her aspirations to become a soldier
and to become a doctor as well as her father.

(Sound of Car Engine)

Noelle: Daddy, I want to become a soldier for myself and a doctor for you.

Albedo: (In a bewildered tone) What?

Narrator: Albedo remembers what his brother said, and decides to support his daughter all the
way if she becomes a doctor first

Albedo: Oh, this is what your uncle meant when he spoke to me earlier.

Noelle: Hmm?

Albedo: Ok, I will support your dream of becoming a soldier if and only if you become a doctor

Noelle: Ok, Daddy

Albedo: Now what do you want, should we pick up mommy or buy takeout first?

Noelle: (In an ecstatic tone) Takeout first, Daddy, please.

Albedo: Ok, ok princess off to McDonald’s we go.

Narrator: Now, back to Morax and Bennett. The pair are playing chess in the living room of
Morax’s apartment building. As Morax teaches Bennett more chess moves, a sudden
knock on the door alerts them.

(Sound of Knocking on Door)

Eula: Hey, I’ve come for my boy now Morax.

(Sound of Door Opening)

Professor Morax: Well, good evening, Sister. Bennett, pack your things up now, your mom’s
here! And I have a piece of advice for you.

(Sound of Rummaging Behind)

Eula: Sure, what’s the advice?

Professor Morax: Try to listen to your child and acknowledge that he has his aspirations as well.
He wants to do good by you and to do good by himself.

Albedo: (In a bewildered tone) Sure, Thanks for the advice.

(Sound of running footsteps)

Narrator: Bennett hurriedly packs his things and runs to his mother’s arms.

Bennett: Hi mama, how was your day?

Eula: (In a happy tone) I should ask you that my dear boy. My day was fine, how about yours?

Bennett: Oh, today was very fun, we went to the park, ate at McDonald’s, then played lots of
games with uncle, he lost multiple times when we played with Noelle. Then I asked him
chess moves while playing he taught me many techniques. I bet I can beat you now.

Eula: Morax, you’re teaching him moves that could beat me, that’s bad.

Professor Morax: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you couldn’t even beat me when we were young.
Now, I get the pleasure of teaching your son how to beat you

Eula: Well, then we have to go now Morax. Bennett, say your goodbyes to your uncle.
Bennett: Bye uncle, See you soon!

Professor Morax: Bye Kiddo, see you soon as well.

(Sound of Door Closing)

Professor Morax: Alright, I’m alone again. Time to head to the pub, gets some fish and chips, a
steak, maybe a salad, and a pint of lager. And maybe call the Boys

(Sound of Door Opening)

(Sound of Door Closing)

(Sound of Key Jingling)

(Sound of Sidewalk)

Narrator: On the way back home, Bennett tells his mother about how he wants to be an
accountant for her if she lets him study photography as well.

(Sound of Car Engine)

Bennett: Mom, I want to be an accountant and a photographer at the same time. But accountancy
first because I want to help you if ever you need me.

Narrator: Eula remembers what his brother said and decides to support her son because he is
determined to her aspirations and his as well.

Eula: Well, is that so? Only the future can tell if you can uphold your determination.
Bennett: I won’t give up on myself and my dream Mom. And I won’t give up on your dream for
me as well, Mom.

Eula: (In a happy tone) You cheeky child, well your father’s waiting for us at the restaurant.
Tomorrow, we’re going to go buy you a camera.

Bennett: (In a happy tone) Really?! Yes!

Narrator: Bennett and Noelle have now spoken about their resolve for their futures. Our next
segment will set place 30 years in the future. To see where the pair have gone in their
careers. But first, we will take a short break and continue after five minutes here is a
commercial break from one of our sponsors.

(Insert Commercial of Genshin Impact)

Narrator: Welcome back to this week’s episode of Lessons with Professor Morax. Let us
continue the story. It’s been 30 years since that day. The Professor is dead, but his
legacy and words live on in the hearts of those he has inspired. We will start with
Bennett, who is a renowned model photographer and is one of the most influential
traders and bankers in London. Right now, Bennett is being interviewed by Accent
Magazine one of the best, if not the best photography magazine in London.

Interviewer: So, Mr. Bennet what or who pushed you to pursue both accountancy and

Bennett: Well, it was my late uncle Morax. He encouraged me to pursue both photography and
accountancy. And he encouraged my mother to support my choice at a time when even I
didn’t know that I wanted to pursue photography.

Interviewer: Oh, indeed your uncle was one of your guiding lights in your career. Do you have
any parting words for our readers?

Bennett: Follow your passions, Honor your Parents, and Honor yourself. For without honor, we
are nothing but savages.
Interviewer: Well, thank you for those inspiring words, Mr. Bennett.

Narrator: Now, In the British Medical Association, located in Tavistock Square, London. Noelle
is currently attending the Baizhu Medical Awards and receiving the Baizhu-Qiqi
medical award for outstanding medical innovation in trauma response.

Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, It’s the moment you’ve all waited for. The Baizhu-Qiqi
Medical Award for outstanding medical innovation goes to Dr. Noelle Brunhild!

Noelle: Thank you, to everyone who supported my journey in medicine and my time in the army.
I would like to dedicate this award to my late uncle Morax. (In a sad tone) He supported
me every step of the way whenever I went to his apartment to ask for advice. There
would always be tea and biscuits and we would talk for hours about the things I was
going through. He was also the first to come in my graduation from college. He was a
great teacher and counsel. May his legacy live on, in the hearts of those he helped over
the years.

Announcer: Thank you, Dr. Noelle, for the touching speech. Now, may I ask everyone to sit
down as the food will be served now.

DJ: Thank you for listening to this week’s episode of Professor Morax. This week’s lesson was
about Honoring yourself and your parents. Next week we will return for another lesson
about love and heartbreak.

(Play Drive Forever by T3NZU)

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