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San Isidro Parish was constructed in 1960, the present structure of the church that is. The

parish consists of 19 barangays and 72 chapels. By the given barangays and parish, the parish has

a wide influence.  

There are two variables being discussed in the study: The application of Laudato Si and

San Isidro Labrador parish. The study aims to learn if there is an application of Laudato Si in San

Isidro Parish in Tabogon.  The encyclical, Laudato Si, is about awareness of what is happening

to our common home and how humans should take care of it. This study is necessary because it

will help to incorporate and develop the application of Laudato Si in the said parish. The

application of the encyclical is important since it is directed to protecting and effectively using

environmental resources. 

Statement of the Problem 

The study would like to find out how the principles in Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato 

Si is applied in the environmental programs of San Isidro Labrador Parish, Tabogon, Cebu.

Specifically, the study aims to answer the following questions: 

1. How is the Laudato Si communicated to the parishioners? 

2. What are the environmental programs initiated by the San Isidro Labrador Parish, Tabogon, 


3. How does each of the programs reflect the principles in the Laudato Si?

Significance of the Study 

The study is intentionally for the benefit of the San Isidro Labrador Parish. It helps to

contribute to the outgoing development of the parish in terms of the balance of structure and

economy. In addition, the study aims to benefit the following: 


The parishioners will be able to appreciate and follow-through the development of the


Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)

The highest council of the parish will be able to draw solutions and strategies that help in

expressing the spirit of Laudato Si. 


The benefit of this study to seminarians, subjectively; seminarians who are interested in

the environment, economy, and Laudato Si. 

Future researchers

This study can serve as an introduction to many possible researches about Laudato Si;

possible researches are given also in the recommendations.

Scope and Limitations of the study 

The study covers the understanding of local parishioners, mandated organizations, and

the parish itself. Hence, the study benefits the community of the parish in their understanding of

the encyclical, Laudato Si. However, the study delimits to the main parish of Tabogon, San

Isidro Labrador Parish. The study is limited in its time and is dependable much on online

Conceptual Framework 

Figure 1.1 Conceptual Framework

The presented conceptual framework is in IPO style (Input Process Output). Simply, the

framework states that the research attains information of the parish from the parishioners,

including the parish officers, through minimal qualitative parish information; thus, the researcher

evaluates the parish from the obtained information.

Definition of terms 

Laudato Si – An encyclical made by Pope Francis that discusses the “care for our common


Parishioners – People who are within the community of a certain parish.

Seminarian – Students who are studying in the seminary.


Review of Related Literature 

           The encyclical Laudato Si was promoted by its writer, Pope Francis, on the 24th of May

2015. Generally, it contains instructions and guidelines to take care of our common home. In

addition, the encyclical contains important notices on the dangers and damages that humans have

inflicted upon earth – environmental degradation. The pope rattles off fact after fact about the

pitiful state of the earth: Pesticides have contaminated farmers’ soil. Air pollution has poisoned

cities. Man-made waste checkers landscapes. 

           The Laudato Si serves as the main reference of the study; as the study focuses on its

application in the parish. Within the book, there is the Gospel of creation, Climate change, The

human roots of ecological crisis, Integral Ecology, Lines of Approach and Action, Ecological

Education and Spirituality that are used in the discussion of this research. 

           The San Isidro Labrador Parish is located in Tabogon, Cebu. The parish consists of 19

barangays and 72 chapels. The parish is guided by one parish priest despite the wide-area and big

responsibilities the parish has. With regards to the structure of the parish, cracked ceilings, faded

paint, and an overgrowth of plants have invaded the facility. On the bright side, the parish has a

wide area for plantation and future developments.  

           The general information of the parish is used in this study as the subject for observation.

This includes the parishioners, the parish councils, and the projects of the parish. Since the parish

consists also of its people and not just its structure, they are necessary for observation also. 

           To connect the two variables, this study includes the church and the environment, and the

economy and the environment. Part of the church’s effort in its care for the environment is the
Laudato Si. As additional information, the research has sourced different information and

commentaries of the church about their responsibility to the environment. The topic, the church,

and the environment are used as supplements for support of Laudato Si.  

           Moving forward, the economy and the environment is an ongoing issue which is also an

important part of this research. The research has studied these topics and has incorporated them

as supportive information for Laudato Si. The information includes the relationship between the

economy and the environment. This topic is also used in determining the balance between the

economic and environmental balance of the parish.  



Research Design 

This research paper follows the design of descriptive-qualitative research. As qualitative

surveys and interviews serve as big sources of data for the study, the researcher finds it fitting to

resort to descriptive-qualitative research. The designated design for this research is beneficial for

the study because it would serve as a good foundation for future research. 

Profile of Respondents 

The respondents of this research are the parishioners of San Isidro Labrador Parish,

Tabogon, Cebu. Specifically, the researcher intends to have three members of the parish pastoral

council (PPC) (3 members), three (3) youth members, three (3) choir members, three (3) altar

server members, and the parish priest. The researcher believes that these respondents are

sufficient to achieve a basic understanding of the parish’s knowledge and application of Laudato


Population Sample 

The sample chosen for this study is gathered through probability sampling called

stratified sampling. The parish is composed of different groups or organizations that may serve

as representatives of the study.  Alphabetically, the researcher has chosen from the first three of

the population of each parish group.

Research Instrument 

The research conducts surveys through questionnaires from the selected sample to

determine how the parish utilizes the encyclical, Laudato Si. In addition, the researcher continues

his day-to-day observation of the parish. The researcher gets his criteria from Laudato Si. 

Research Procedure 

Through surveys and questionnaires, the researcher gathers first-hand information from

the sample. The researcher then critiques the gathered data to the criteria created. The parish is

evaluated in its application of Laudato Si by the criteria set by the researcher. 


Presentation of Data, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

The researcher has sourced most of the data from the official book of Laudato Si. With

regards to supporting information, the researcher has personally interacted with the interviewees

and has paraphrased the interview for the convenience of the reader. The researcher has offered

the interviewees three (3) questions that are in line with the research’s statement of the problem.

First Question

1. How is Laudato Si communicated to the parishioners?

The parish, as the place where Catholics are thought and catechized, its people

should be well educated or at least informed with the encyclical. Thus, an encyclical is

“pastoral letter written by the pope for the whole Roman Catholic church on matters of

doctrine, morals, or discipline.”1 In addition, Laudato Si is addressed to “to all men and

women of goodwill… I wish to address every person living on this planet.” As per survey

results, only a number of church members have heard about Laudato Si. The encyclical is

not directly taught to them by the parish priest or by other means of the parish. However,

it is taught to them by different actions and programs that are done by the parish. They

are not well informed about its details, but they have prior knowledge of the encyclical

because they have either heard it somewhere or they were taught at school.

Parish Pastoral Council

 Do you know what is “Laudato Si”? What do you know about it? 

Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2013, October 23). encyclical. Encyclopedia Britannica.
 Laudato Si is Pope Francis’ call to care for the earth. The parish has seminars and

talks that are about the environment, Laudati Si has been mentioned a few times. 

Parish Youth

 Do you know what is “Laudato Si”? What do you know about it? 

 We are not very much familiar with “Laudato Si” and have not heard of it within

the parish. Our school promoted Laudato Si once, it has something to do with the


Parish Choir

 Do you know what is “Laudato Si”? What do you know about it? 

 We do not know what Laudato Si is. 

Altar servers

 Do you know what is “Laudato Si”? What do you know about it? 

 Laudato Si is an encyclical that pertains to the care of our common home, earth.

The encyclical was created by Pope Francis to promote environmental awareness

to everyone. 

Parish priest

 Do you know what is “Laudato Si”? What do you know about it? 

 We have heard about Laudato Si but do not understand much about it. Laudato Si

is something that talks about the environment. 

2. What are the environmental programs initiated by the San Isidro Parish, Tabogon,


3. How does each of the programs reflect the goal of Laudato Si?

With some of the interviewees not knowing about the message of Laudato Si, the

researcher has informed them of a summary of what the message of Laudato Si is. The

institution of parish activities is very important. The researcher has formulated a question

that affects the study’s statement of the problem nos. 2 and 3. These activities help the

parishioners in engaging on church matters. This is also a great pastoral activity that

serves as a learning activity and a memorable one. Parish organizers should take

advantage of these programs/activities to educate, especially Laudato Si, to the

parishioners. The results of the interview show that there are minimum protocols done to

set the message of protecting the environment. These protocols usually include cleanups

and volunteer trash cleaners.

Parish Pastoral Council

 Is the message of “Laudato Si” reflected in the parish? In its programs, projects, and


 Yes, the parish includes the spirit of the Laudato Si in the programs it makes.

Frequent cleanups and seminars that concern the environment.

Parish Youth

 Is the message of “Laudato Si” reflected in the parish? In its programs, projects, and


 As far as we can recall, the parish cares for the environment in its own little ways.

In youth organization, we take charge in keeping the environment clean by

collecting trash scattered around the vicinity during parish programs. 

Parish choir

 Is the message of “Laudato Si” reflected in the parish? In its programs, projects, and


 We could see that the parish cares a lot about the environment on how it is

conscious in keeping the place clean every day. The parish also reduces its carbon

footprint by recycling trash. 

Altar servers

 Is the message of “Laudato Si” reflected in the parish? In its programs, projects, and


 Yes, our parish promotes environmental protection and awareness in the many

programs that it makes. The parish encourages all, especially the youth, to take

care of the environment.

Parish priest

 Is the message of “Laudato Si” reflected in the parish? In its programs, projects, and


 The parish tries its best to integrate the spirit of Laudato Si in its programs. In its

own little way, the parish exercises Laudato Si by creating clean-up programs

around the parish, beautification of parish grounds, establishing a ministry on

environmental cleaning, promotion of environmental protection (especially

among the young), and posters about environmental awareness. 

For additional information, the researcher has asked the interviewees of the study another

question. The researcher believes that this question emphasizes the importance of strongly

implementing Laudato Si and this study on the parish. The question could also serve as to why

the message of the encyclical should stay in the hearts and teachings of the parish.

Parish Pastoral Council

 Is the message of Laudato Si important to promote in the parish? Why do you say so?

 It is important to promote Laudato Si in the parish because the environment

affects everyone. Setting the parish as a good example will help inspire people to

take care of the environment. 

Parish Youth

 Is the message of Laudato Si important to promote in the parish? Why do you say so?

 Yes, it is important because it reminds the parishioners to also take care of the

Parish Choir

 Is the message of Laudato Si important to promote in the parish? Why do you say so?

 Yes, environmental care is very important to promote. People often neglect the

importance of environmental care and the parish should take responsibility to

remind the people. 

Altar Servers

 Is the message of Laudato Si important to promote in the parish? Why do you say so?

 Yes, because the environment is very important and it affects everyone if

something might happen to it. By promoting environmental care, a lot of people

will now be aware of taking care of the environment. 

Parish Priest

 Is the message of Laudato Si important to promote in the parish? Why do you say so?

 Yes, the message of Laudato Si is about the environment, it is very much

important because it raises awareness about the environment. Pope Francis

expresses great concern about the care of the Earth. It is our only home and we

have the responsibility to take care of it and make it a better place for everyone. 

Summary of Findings, Recommendation, and Conclusion

The questions asked in the study are:

1. How is the Laudato Si communicated to the parishioners? 

2. What are the environmental programs initiated by the San Isidro Labrador Parish,

Tabogon, Cebu?

3. How does each of the programs reflect the principles in the Laudato Si?

Question 1:

According to the presented data, Laudato Si is not directly taught in the parish as an

encyclical on its own, but through the various programs and actions done by the parish to

maintain a good environment; these programs include seminars and environmental cleanups.

Question 2 and Question 3:

The questions depend much on the interviewee’s knowledge regarding Laudato Si, thus

the researcher gave a brief explanation on what the encyclical is about. The researcher



The researcher recommends and encourages the seminarians rather, the entire seminary

community, to be reminded of current environmental situations that have otherwise a great or

small effect to the community and the world. To start, one must take interest in caring for the

environment through simple gestures such as, proper the disposal of garbage and keeping their

area clean. These actions must be kept sacred and must be continued inside and outside the
seminary. The researcher also recommends that the formations must take stronger action to show

example to their seminarians in caring for the environment. In the latter, seminarians should take

interest as to how their own communities care for the environment: their cities, barangays,

parishes, and homes.


There is no denying that the environment is a big factor that greatly influence a

population. As the world continue to create problems that affect the environment, everyone

should also play a role to restore and maintain it. Starting small in parishes, homes, barangays,

and even cities. Thus, the study concludes, San Isidro Parish Tabogon, Cebu is on progress to

firmly establish the spirit and discussions of Laudato Si. Amongst its organizations, the parish

has shed light to its different organizations regarding the message of Laudato Si – but it is not

enough. These organizations become leaders by example to the parishioners thus, it is not

enough that they should care for the environment. There should do more to inspire, establish, and

create a community of lovers of God’s creation.

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