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A/pov : yn is a teenage girl, a feminist, with lot's of dreams and needs but a

strong girl by mind yet sensitive by heart.

Yn's frds: Angel (met in online but like goofy sisys), Malak (yn's cute younger
gurl as u call her as u daughter) Yn met them becaz of Justin Bieber as they all
belong to one fam (Belieber💜 fam)

She gets ready for a movie nyt with her gurls

Bell rings....

Yn : Hey babs, I'm all ready here

Malak : Wow, my mama lks stunning!
Yn : Nah as much as my Guardian Angel😉
Angel : don't make me blush
Malak : Kay let's go.....its gonna start soon

A/pov : Let drove while hearing BABY song, singing euphoniously and landed
theater at 11 pm

Angel : lemme buy some snacks and tissue, bcaz the movie is a broken love story !
Malak : Oops I forget to bring my eyeliner!
Yn : Come on gurls....after all we already broke up Justin in real life, wht us
more painer than that? Uh!

Angel : Whoa....before she starts to cry lemme go

Malak: Don't worry mama our Daddy Maccan is always in our imagination until then "

A/pov : Yn hugged her with a sad smile

A/pov : Yn and her frds enjoys the movie, Suddenly in the middle Malak and Angel
starts to cry

Yn : Omg! Here take the tissues

A/pov : After the movie Angel and Malak where so distraught for the female lead in
the movie.

Yn : Awww, don't cry its just a movie tho

A/pov : Then u dropped them is their house and while riding in the car suddenly
the radio starts to play an interview about Justin Bieber's secret gf rumours .U
were hearing it with a large boxy smile with tears in the eyes.( begging God it
shouldn't be true in ur mind)

Yn : Ahhhhh, after all hez a celebrity and ima fan gurl! He doesn't even know i
exits .......( starts crying)

A/pov : yn won't cry in front of others, but u wanna cry badly after seeing the
movie.Caz when yn always see smth' romantic or heart broken yn imagine another
world with Justin Bieber and shares every worries to em! .......Yn always wanted
to be alone caz yn acted ur whole life acting as like parents said to u, yn's mum
where against ur idol choice bcaz u were obsessed with em (according to ur mum)

According to yn it was the 2nd chance to live her life with purpose, without Justin
u wouldn't have been alive now ( that's y u see Justin sm times as A GOD!)

Yn : Ahhhhhhh Y am I day dreaming now! (Suddenly saw ur watch and it hits 1am) But
it's nyt! (And u Chuckled at urself)

Yn: (seeing herself at mirror) U have ur revision exam next month better go and
prepare bitch (shouting urself).....

A/pov : yn Checked ur social media vids to get put of it amd stay motivated on ur
studies. And slept without changing into comfy nyt routine.

Next mrg.the alarm ⏰ rings

Yn : Whoaaa!!!!! U r always hard on me (shouting at alarm) annoyingly

Time skip

A/pov: Yn got a call, and sat on the middle of the road suddenly while crossing .


Ring ring ring

Yn : Helo Angel, was up?
Angel : Ynnnnnn ukw? We got a ticket for Justin's concert !!!!!!!!!!! That to GOLD

Then yn got collapsed!

Random person: Hey are u okay?

Yn : Yh, sry to bother u

A/pov : yn Thanked the unknow person for lifting her and ran to a cozy place to
take to Malak

Yn : Hey Malak, did u and Angel are planning to prank me or wht? Uh?
Malak : I was abt to ask u the same yn, Angel called me and said she us a ticket
for our king's concert!!!!!! (She freked out)
Yn : Let us have lunch together at Xxxx hotel, just inform her.
Malak : Gosh!, i gotta wait for half an hr (it's only 12.30 pm)
Yn : Don't count on her....she might end up like how usually prank us😏
Malak: sad pouts :(

A/pov : Yn got the route all away for lunch amd waits before half an hr., even tho
her minds says don't believe it....her heart says her it doesn't feel like that
(caz yn will rip anyone if someone prank regarding Her boo boo)

Time skip; Lunch time

Angel : Let's go shopping, no time for lunch!

Kellie : Are u real.....seriously......Don't play with me.....don't dare u!
Malak : ( lks their conversation with jaw open)

A/pov : Angel explains how she got the tickets with a help of one her new frd
through online....and tries to make yn and Malak to believe its not a dream.

Waiter in the restaurant: order please?

Yn, Malak : Can I have a glass of water 1st ?

Waiter : yes mam. (Awkwardly)
Yn: btw when we will enter that holy place?
Angel : Don't scream........Within 6days!
Malak ( eyes gotten widden)
Yn : (pinches her and realized its for real!)

Time the shopping scenario

Angel : Take all the purple stuffs
Malak : including intimates too
Yn : chuckled, but all will wear the same colour code.....we should try something
Malak : Anyways Justin won't notice out of millions there😏
Angel : Just pick up everything u feel like want to wear flirting, then we can
choose them according to the situation of mode on Our HEAVENLY DAY!
Yn : well, that will do.

A/pov : After shopping, while riding with pitch silent

Yn : looks like all are imaging like me, uh?

Malak : blushes like tomatoes
Angel : Check it out, now only I'm aware that Malak can blush in her life !

Yn, Angel, Malak; gurgled

Time skip

1 day left

A/ pov : the trios left their hometown and are staying in the a boarding house in

Yn : wowwwwwwwwwwwww it's my dream since 13!

Angel : either Me too
Malak : Daddy Maccan i can't wait to met u as person!
Yn : Hez not ur father nah ur daddy 😏
Malak : Yes mummy ....I'm good with that relationship atleast ( giggles)
Angel : ummmmm did u forget abt his gf?
Yn: well did u called me? Coughs
Malak : yep, shez Mrs.Bieber....and guess wht? I'm the only daughter for the biebs
so far (winked)

Yn, Angel, Malak : laughs

Time skip

On the day of concert

A/pov : the trios all prepared themselves 8pm for 11.30 nyt concert!

Yn : Lets go soon and feel the aura of the concert before everyone occupies!
Malak : the crowd and our King creates the viby aura.
Angel : That's fine let's go and take some vids nad pics

A/pov : Yn are wearing the a silver glittering rombers with a JB bracelet and a
Belieber art necklace .....same for Malak and Angel ( as u want Justin to notice in
that purple crowd).

At the KING POP'S concert

A/pov : u landed there and a cool warm breeze vibez were spreading rapidly.....the
trios took pics and some vids......while Angel is filming yn and Malak's ....

Yn : Who said Money can't buy happiness? Bitch its totally wrong u can see i bought
mines ( Malak shows the tickets for the concert)
Angel : cool down....don't act like besotted

Justin pov : He was wearing his outfits and glaring himself at

the mirror
Jb manager : lets go, 10 mins to get started
Jay : Let's Gooooooooooo

A/Pov : While Justin is coming from inside a whole in the middle of the
stage....all eyes were on that space and screaming hella hard leaving their lungs

Yn are this close to him without blinking and screaming (as it takes time to
believe that ur dream is coming true) suddenly some tears roll over ur blushing
cheecks made Justin to notice as u were standing like a statue in that crowd.

Malak: (slaps ur butt )'s not dream bae, don't miss this vibe by crying (and
gives u a tissue)

Yn pov: I can't believe that all these yrs i was dying for this day this nyt
to come

A/pov : yn flashpacks comes on her mind ....saying that yn can't love him all the
her life and luv him only for appearance.....yn can't change her lifestyle up to
attending KB's concert .......ur dream of meeting JB will be buried only by ur

Yn pov : My tears kept on rolling , I Can't control ....can't breath .....suddenly

Justin's eyes glared at ur eyes! A small smile on my face with those tears

Justin's pov : while singing ONE TIME a gurl with small smile and tearsed face made
me to vipe her face.

Time skiped

A/pov : After the concert, now its time for taking pics (JB and his Beliebers).

Yn : whoa!!!!!!!!
Angel : ig we are the 68th place to take pics with him!!!
Malak : But we ran fast as time machine!!
Yn, Malak, Angel : laughs together

Jay pov : as I was Taking pics with my fans, I noticed a trios with same
outfit .....laughing harder while crying and hugging each other...that was so cute.

Yn : finally we are closer to him

Jay pov : I noticed the same the gurl who glared like an angel in the crowd, lets
impress her.

A/pov : First Malak and Angel went and took pics together in one shot .....its yn's
turn, as usual she came closer to him without blinking

Yn pov : My heart suddenly beats faster than usual I can't take my eyes away from
his wet lips .....gosh hez more beautiful than in pics .....don't panic yn, here
goes ntg ( said to yn self)

Yn : Hey Justin, I'm yn Bieber ....oops sry yn....ummm never mind I said as I use
to usually introduce myself to others
A/pov : Jay Smiles by hanging his hand around ur waist and gives the pose amd
hugged u.....while yn stared differently while sheding some drops frm ur eyes.

Camera man : Next pls

Jay pov : I was impressed by the way she loocks my heart leaving me
speechless.....arghhh I can't even reply her becaz there is no time left!

Yn pov : I can't handle it, y didn't he even say Hi .......ashhhhh is like truly
wht others say that celeb see the fans just for their fame! .......But noo it can't
be , I know hez such a pure heart soul that I've met in my life.

Angel : Wht's running in ir damn mind yn?, u didn't even scream in the concert!
Malak : OMB! We really DID IT!!!!!!!!
yn : nah just my head aches..
Angel : That's fine maybe caz of the crowdy noise.
Yn : Mmmmm

Time skiped

A/pov : Yn rides the car and dropped ur trio buddies

Yn : Okay, ur dream is fulfilled, but why am I not happy!!! (Shouts in front of the
mirror on her reflection)

The next day

A/pov : Yn suddenly wakes up by attending a call

Yn : helo? Who is this

Unknown person : helo mam, sry to disturb u this early.....u are appointed for
dinner with our bose.
Yn : who are u? Who the hell is ur bose?
Unknown person: We are not allowed to inform u mam, but u will regret it if u
refuse it.
Yn : whoa! Is it a prank or wht?
Unknown person: sry for the improper information mam, caz it would affect our
bose's personal life.

A/pov : yn hang up the call and was in a deep thought for few mins.

Time skiped

Yn pov : I went on the spot and was brought to a weird Blue whale Eating place by
black cats! And made me sit on a table no.6 all alone!, Suddenly my eyes got widen

A/pov: yn saw Justin Bieber coming near and sat beside u!

Jay: Hey sweetie, I'm Justin .....Ofc u'd know me .....sry for the moments in our
pics at concert.
Yn: Whoaaa! U remember me?
Jay: Aren't u gonna introduce urself to me?
Yn: (coughs) I'm Yn
Jay: No wonder u'd add my sure name after yn
Yn: (chuckles)
Jay: So are u a Belieber?
Yn: Did u just asked me that I'm a Belieber! (smirks)
Jay: yeaaaa... I know u r, but just wanna hear frm u (wink)
Yn: If u have time for this whole nyt, then I will start to say frm now ( smiling)
Jay: Take ur own time

A/pov: yn started to say the very 1st moment frm hearing his 1st song till started
bullying his haters us her school..........etc.,

After 5 hrs.

Waitress: May I know the order plz?

Jay: two plates of Spaghetti, Thank you
Waitress : Sure sir
Jay: well....yn where we stopped?
Yn: forget it damn!
Jay: hehehe, never mind
Yn:well.... tell me abt urself
Jay: ummmm....I like to play...
Yn: Hockey
Jay: My fav tv shows....
Yn: love is blind
Jay: My learnt myself to play...
Yn: Drums, guitar and piano
Jay: Is this a QA session?
Yn: ummmm (Awkward laugh)
Jay: (laughs harder)
Yn: lets eat
Jay: sure (smile)

Time skip

Boady guard: Sir it's time to get ready for recordings

Jay: still we have 15mins
Yn: (intrude) any new song !
Jay: yeah, tbh an album
Yn: (puppy eyes)
Jay pov: I know she is asking abt the album with her eyes, but gosh I can't say it
here( sings)
Yn: can I get a pic atleast (cute face)
Jay: sure (smile)

A/pov: yn thought it's her 1st and last Chance for conversation with her boo, so yn
took as many pics funnier and sentimental

Jay: If u don't have any doings, u can peek into my chronical

Yn: I'd luv too....

Jay pov: idk y I feel diffrent when she talks pleasingly, my heart doesn't allows
my mouth to say Good bye to her!

Yn pov: Oh My! I'm going to my booz house!!! Idk how I can bare this kinda

Time skip

A/pov: yn and Bieber left the place within few secs and departs to Justin's

Yn pov: I can't take my eyes frm him, the way he holds my hand and grabs my waist
by walking, drives me agitated!

A/pov: Mr.Bieber introduced yn to everyone of his crew mate and yn wished them
frdly and yn was made to sit on a couch in front of his recording space. Yn was
talking to his secretary called Mercy,leaving Jay to glare at u

Yn pov: wow Mercy is such a sweet gurl and lucky that shez this close to Jay as she
always wrks late nyt with the Jay's agency. After talking to Mercy I suddenly
turned to Jay's side, he was gazing me by locking his upper made me

Jay pov: She looks cute in her side face, wow such a cutie.

A/pov: Yn attended her idol's recordings for the 1st time in her life with full of
enthusiasm, cheering him and made him to give the best he could.

Everyone: (clapped and huged Bieber for his Marvelous successful ending the
recordings a whole album)

A/pov : every one left the studio after few mins, Mercy companies u until Justin
send all them and thanking all....Mercy left the room picking up an important call,
yn was all alone in the room watching the vids that u record in his studio with
happy tears.Suddenly Justin came inside the studio worried u left in that crowd .

Jay pov: My eyes are searching yn badly, then I found her in the corner of the
couch smiling at her mobile....I ran and hugged her out of my control

A/pov: Yn dropped her mobile down while Jay hugs u tightly, 2mins silence hugs

Yn: Justin are u alright?

Jay: (while hugging) yeah I thought u left already (sad pouts)
Yn pov: his hugs are so warm i couldn't end this moment, wow is this how it feels
when u hug ur loved ones, is this the way to feel safe around loved ones arm!

A/pov: The hugs last for 6mins, Suddenly u guys heard a dogs barking do hard, Jay
broke the hug and went to the living room to detect it and u followed him

Jay pov: Oskie doesn't barks like this, wht happened to Oskar!

A/pov: Justin saw his Oskie fervently barking and running towards them with opened
sharp mouth

Jay pov: Oskie have never behaved like that in his life time, i couldn't think abt
anything so I hold yn hands and ran to my room locking as Oskie can't attack them

Yn pov: Jay suddenly made me ran with him as I'm running away frm my unwilling
marriage scenario! and we ended in his room ....just me and him (breathes heavily)

Jay: Gosh! I think Oskie isn't in his scene, lemme go and check on him...don't come
out, it will bite u as ur unknown for him!
Yn: Don't go! It looks luke rage syndrome, it bites anyone who comes near him!
Don't go (holds his hand)

A/pov: As yn is a sci student m, she knows the consequences caused by it!

Yn pov: How bold can he go alone to a fervent Dog! I can't even help him
afraid of dogs! (Sad face)
Jay: (hugs u) are u alright, sry for the harsh holds on ur hand.
Yn: That is all I want (murdered)
Jay: giggles
Yn pov: I said on my mind, how he reads my inner voice!
Jay: Ahhhh, I don't have my mobile to call anyone.
Yn: Either me (shows sad pouts....but happier inside,as I could stay with him )
A/pov: yn and Bieber are sitting in his small couch aligned near his cozy bed

Jay: Argggg I'm thirsty

Yn : (searches his pocket in her pants) here I have a lollipop🍭, it will help u to
forget ur thirsty scene.....just keep sucking with ur saliva
Jay: (laughs and had it) have u worked as a Nurse before?
Yn: I'm only 16 and I'm a sci student (says savagely)
Jay: cool I was jk ( rubs ur hair)

A/pov: Then u guys played video games together to spend the time till some saves
them ( although both njoys it). Suddenly pulled the lollipop frm Justin's mouth and
kept in her mouth as she wons the game

Jay pov: wow! Yn bcms so close to me so faster

Yn: ummm....I'm sry I use to do this with my frd when I won the game.
Jay: (laughs harder, pulls the lollipop frm ur mouth and had it in his mouth) well
I'm not just ur frd (winkes)
Yn : Oh yea! While I'm playing i lost my mind....after all I'm a fan gurl and ur my
Charming prince (bows in front of Justin to make him mad)
A/pov: Justin fell on yn holding her waist and both fell on his bed fighting and
rolling, Then both of u fell down hitting hardly on the rug. Justin was above yn
leaving u hard to breath.

Jay pov: I didn't recognize she .....I just played with her as I do with my
frds.....did I hurt her!
Yn : (frowning), my knees got numb
Jay: (carried her to his bed) I will bring the hot puffs
Yn: Did u forget? Oskie is out there!
Jay: (felt sheepish)ahhhh I do
Yn: it's fine after sm times it heals itself (sad smile)
Jay: Don't worry we will watch Netflix to forget ur pain...what movie u wanna
Yn: ummmm.....I k it's gonna sound weird.....shall we watch NEVER SAY NEVER?
Jay: (laughs harder) if that's ur wish here u go(gives the voice controller to u)

A/pov: Yn starts to say ....but the gadget read it as believers instead of


yn : Gutter bitch, this is y I hate the word believer.....(Suddenly realizes Justin

is controlling his laugh gazing at u)
Yn : Eeeeeeee (faces Justin's side)
Jay: My gurls are always fascinating (pats ur shoulder)
Yn: (felt like a puppy in his arm) ofc WE ARE.

A/pov:while u are spending the cozy nyt together, the thunder sound suddenly hits
ur ears!

Jay: Is it raining? (Again a harsh thunder strom)

.....I guess it is
Yn : omg! Can't we watch NEVER SAY NEVER?
Jay: Haven't u watched yet?
Yn: Only like 50to 65 times( pouts)
Jay: Are u serious?
Yn: forget it!
Jay: fine...I have downloaded a thriller mixed horror movie , wanna watch?
Yn: Mmmm, turn off the lights....I always prefer to watch the horror flims more
Jay: no wonder ur such a bold one
Yn: I love darkness (wink)

A/pov: While watching the flim yn fell asleep on Justin's left arm

Jay pov: awww, she sleeps like a baby

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