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Resource RN Teletracking Instructions

Beginning of Team Meeting

 Clarify which team member will be facilitating the meeting (Attending, Resident, Resource, CM).
Default is Attending, with Resource documenting and closing loop when needed.

During Team Meeting

 For each patient, click on their milestones, and you will see the image below on your screen. You
can fill out each milestone with the following information:
o Why is the patient here?
 Dx
 Presenting complaint
 Substance abuse?
o What needs to happen in the next 24 hours?
 Med changes
 Behavior/ADLs/restrictions
 Discharge planning (include date and owner)
 Court (include date)
 Paperwork (include date and owner)
o Dispo plan: Where will the patient go after DC?
 Home/shelter (in progress/complete)
 VNA (in progress/complete)
 Appointments scheduled (in progress/complete)
 Meds to beds (in progress/complete)
 Transportation (in progress/complete)
 *Include owners if still outstanding*
o Is the patient medically ready for discharge?
 Use drop down: “Yes” or “No”
o What if anything needs to be escalated?
 Clear action item, including owner and date of next step
o Projected Discharge Date
 Click on the calendar and choose the appropriate projected discharge date for
the patient. If the discharge date is unknown, push it out a week and follow up
on it the following day.
 Throughout the Team Meeting, make sure to keep track of which patients are projected to be
discharged both within the next 48 hours and within the week.
 Note: Do not be afraid to speak up if you need extra time to document information/need
additional information from the team!

End of Team Meeting

 At the end of the Team Meeting, provide a summary of the patients who are projected to be
discharged within the week, including their names and projected discharge dates (you can sort
Teletracking by discharge date to make it easy to list these patients).
 Once the Team Meeting is complete, if there are any patients being discharged within the next
48 hours, mark them as Pending Discharges on Teletracking. To do so, click on the ST column for
each patient and click “Set Pending Discharge” from the dropdown. You will then be able to
select the patient’s projected discharge date.
 After you change the appropriate patient statuses, the Pending Discharges’ statuses will change
to a “D” if they are being discharged within 24 hours, and a “d” if they are being discharged
within 48 hours.

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