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Pedosphere 25(4): 489–500, 2015

ISSN 1002-0160/CN 32-1315/P

c 2015 Soil Science Society of China
Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press

Soil Enzyme Activities on Eroded Slopes in the Sichuan

Basin, China
NIE Xiaojun1 , ZHANG Jianhui2,∗ and GAO Han1
1 Land Research Integrated Monitoring and Sustainable Utilization in Central China, Field Science Observation & Research Base of

the Ministry of Land and Resources of China, School of Surveying and Land Information Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University,
Jiaozuo 454003 (China)
2 Key Laboratory of Mountain Surface Processes and Ecological Regulation, Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese

Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610041 (China)

(Received December 15, 2014; revised May 21, 2015)

Determining how soil erosion affects enzyme activity may enhance our understanding of soil degradation on eroded agricultural
landscapes. This study assessed the changes in enzyme activity with slope position and erosion type by selecting water and tillage
erosion-dominated slopes and performing analyses using the 137 Cs technique. The 137 Cs data revealed that soil loss occurred in the
upper section of the two eroded slope types, while soil accumulation occurred in the lower section. The invertase activity increased
downslope and exhibited a pattern similar to the 137 Cs data. The spatial patterns of urease and alkaline phosphatase activities were
similar to the 137 Cs inventories on the water and tillage erosion-dominated slopes, respectively. On both the eroded slope types, the
invertase activity and soil organic carbon content were correlated, but no correlation was observed between the alkaline phosphatase
activity and total phosphorus content. Nevertheless, the urease activity was correlated with the total nitrogen content only on the
water erosion-dominated slopes. The enzyme activity-to-microbial biomass carbon ratios indicated high activities of invertase and
urease but low activity of phosphatase on the water erosion-dominated slopes compared with the tillage erosion-dominated slopes.
Both the invertase activity and the invertase activity-to-microbial biomass carbon ratio varied with the slope position. Changes in the
urease activity-to-microbial biomass carbon ratio were significantly affected by the erosion type. These suggested that the dynamics of
the invertase activity were linked to soil redistribution on the two eroded slope types, whereas the dynamics of the urease and alkaline
phosphatase activities were associated with soil redistribution only on the water or tillage erosion-dominated slopes, respectively. The
erosion type had an obvious effect on the activities of invertase, urease and alkaline phosphatase. Soil redistribution might influence
the involvement of urease in the N cycle and alkaline phosphatase in the P cycle. Thus, enzyme activity-to-microbial biomass ratios
may be used to better evaluate microbiological activity in eroded soils.
Key Words: 137 Cs technique, microbial biomass C, N cycle, P cycle, soil organic C, soil redistribution, tillage erosion, water erosion

Citation: Nie X J, Zhang J H, Gao H. 2015. Soil enzyme activities on eroded slopes in the Sichuan Basin, China. Pedosphere. 25(4):

Soil erosion is a primary cause of land degrada- al., 2000). To minimize the risk of water erosion, most
tion in mountainous and hilly areas of China, such as of the hillslopes in the region have been apportioned
the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the Loess Plateau, and the by local farmers into slope segments with different gra-
black soil region in Northeast China (Zhao et al., 2013; dients. Unfortunately, this agricultural practice has led
Li et al., 2014; Liu et al., 2014). Effective measures to intensive tillage erosion. Field evidence from diffe-
such as afforestation programs and land conversion rent regions of the world has emphasized that water
programs on sloping landscapes have been undertaken and tillage erosion processes are two major soil erosion
to combat erosion-induced soil degradation in these a- processes on tilled sloping landscapes (Van Oost et al.,
reas. However, in the hilly areas with intense farming, 2006; Garcı́a-Orenes et al., 2009; Mandal and Sharda,
such as the Sichuan Basin, which is known as China’s 2013; Lieskovský and Kenderessy, 2014). Moreover, the
breadbasket, soil erosion is still a serious impediment impacts of tillage and water erosion on temperate agri-
to the development of sustainable agriculture. Inten- cultural soils are of approximately the same order of
sive soil erosion mostly occurs on sloping agricultur- magnitude (Van Oost et al., 2006). Currently, the nega-
al landscapes in the Sichuan Basin. Soil erosion from tive effect of tillage erosion on soil quality is drawing
sloping landscapes has been estimated to account for more attention in the Sichuan Basin.
60%–80% of the total soil erosion in the region (Chen et Among the available soil quality indicators, soil or-
∗ Corresponding author. E-mail:
490 X. J. NIE et al.

ganic carbon (SOC), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) Cesium-137 (137 Cs) is a well-established soil ero-
have been widely studied in eroded soils. There is in- sion tracer (Walling and Quine, 1991), and determina-
creasing evidence that water erosion accelerates the tion of erosion (less 137 Cs in test sites than in reference
losses of SOC, N and P from soils (Polyakov and Lal sites) or deposition (more 137 Cs in test sites than in re-
2004; Nie et al., 2013a) and that tillage erosion main- ference sites) can be performed by comparing 137 Cs in-
ly increases the spatial variability of these nutrients ventories of test sites with those of reference sites. Fur-
(Heckrath et al., 2005). Studies conducted previously thermore, 137 Cs inventories in eroded soil are inversely
in the Sichuan Basin further demonstrated that the proportional to the erosion degree. The relationships
effects of water and tillage erosion on the spatial dis- between 137 Cs and soil chemical properties (e.g., C, N
tribution of SOC, N and P on sloping landscapes are and P) are well known (Zhang et al., 2006; Ni et al.,
different due to selective soil transport by water and 2007; Nie et al., 2013a; Li et al., 2014), supporting the
complete soil disturbance by tillage (Zhang et al., 2006; use of the 137 Cs technique as a valuable tool for asses-
Ni et al., 2007; Cerdà et al., 2007, 2009, 2010; Haile sing the effect of soil erosion on soil quality.
and Fetene, 2012; Prokop and Porȩba, 2012). Howe- In this study, we used the 137 Cs technique to
ver, little is known about the effect of soil erosion on evaluate erosion-enzyme relationships in eroded soils
soil microbial properties, such as enzyme activity, in of the Sichuan Basin, China, aiming 1) to examine
relation to nutrient dynamics in the Sichuan Basin. the dynamics of soil invertase, urease and alkaline
Soil enzyme activity is a more vital contributor to phosphatase activities on water and tillage erosion-
soil quality than soil nutrients (Dick, 1997) because dominated landscapes and 2) to elucidate the impacts
all biochemical transformations that occur in soil de- of water and tillage erosion on soil invertase, urease
pend on or are related to the presence of enzymes and alkaline phosphatase activities. Because water ero-
(Tabatabai, 1994). The impact of soil erosion on en- sion may easily liberate more organic substrates from
zyme activity has been addressed in degraded soils soil aggregates to increase enzymatic catalysis (Berhe
(Garcı́a and HernÁndez, 1997; Moreno-de las Heras, et al., 2012), we hypothesized that the activities of
2009; Park et al., 2014), thus enhancing our under- soil invertase, urease and alkaline phosphatase would
standing of the biochemical processes of soil degrada- be higher on water erosion-dominated landscapes than
tion by erosion. Among the available soil enzyme pa- tillage erosion-dominated landscapes.
rameters, invertase, urease and phosphatase activities
are regarded as three desirable indicators of the sup- MATERIALS AND METHODS
plies of SOC, N and P, respectively. Invertase partici-
Study area
pates in the C cycle by catalyzing the hydrolysis of
sucrose into glucose and fructose. Urease is involved in This study was conducted in Jianyang County,
the N cycle and catalyzes the hydrolysis of urea into Sichuan Province, in the Sichuan Basin of the sou-
CO2 and NH3 , which is of particular interest because thwestern part of China (30◦ 04 28 –30◦ 39 00 N,
urea is an important N fertilizer. In the P cycle, phos- 104◦ 11 34 –104◦ 53 36 E). The study area is typical
phatase catalyzes the hydrolysis of both organic phos- of the hilly areas of Sichuan (400–587 m above sea
phate esters and phosphoric anhydrides into inorganic level), exhibiting a humid subtropical climate with a
P. In the Sichuan Basin of China, the losses of SOC, mean annual temperature of 17 ◦ C and a mean annual
N and P induced by soil erosion are threatening food rainfall of 872 mm, 90% of which occurs between May
security (Su et al., 2010). To ensure crop production, and October. The soils in the study area, derived from
farmers are accustomed to increasing fertilizer use to purple mudstone and sandstone of the Jurassic Age,
offset soil nutrient losses. However, the effect of long- are classified as Orthic Regosols in the FAO soil classi-
term increases in fertilization on crop production is fication system. The soils are clay loam in texture (27%
unknown for eroded slopes. The conventional practice clay, 29% silt and 44% sand) and generally contain less
accelerates N and P pollution of the local aquatic en- than 20 g kg−1 organic matter.
vironment. Conservation measures considering soil en- Hoes are the predominant tillage implement in this
zymes would likely contribute to the development of area. One major tillage operation is carried out per
sustainable agriculture in the Sichuan Basin. In this year, starting at the bottom of the slope and mo-
context, there is a need to assess the effect of soil ero- ving upslope step by step; however, within every step,
sion on the activity of soil enzymes such as invertase, the tillage direction is downslope (i.e., always grading
urease and phosphatase in relation to C, N and P cy- downward). Due to long-term intensive hoeing, the up-
cling. per parts of the slope are characterized by a thin soil

layer underlain by bedrock, whereas the deeper soils were measured using a survey-grade differential global
occur in the lower parts. Cropping in the area involves positioning system (DGPS). Overall, 11 samples were
a wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and maize (Zea mays collected on the water erosion-dominated landscapes,
L.)/sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) rotation. Fertilizers including 6 samples from WES-I (2 from the upper
(330 kg N ha−1 year−1 as urea and ammonium bicar- part, 2 from the middle part and 2 from the lower
bonate, and 166 kg P2 O5 ha−1 year−1 as superphos- part) and 5 samples from WES-II (2 from the upper
phate) are uniformly applied on the cultivated slopes part, 1 from the middle part and 2 from the lower
and residue management is also uniformly implemen- part). On the tillage erosion-dominated landscapes, 9
ted on the slopes in the study area. The wheat and samples were collected, including 5 samples from TES-I
maize residues are cut by hand as low as possible and (2 from the upper part, 1 from the middle part and 2
removed; the remaining residues, approximately 10 cm from the lower part) and 4 samples from TES-II (2
in height, are mixed into the tillage layer through ma- from the upper part and 2 from the lower part).
nual hoeing. In sweet potato crops, all of the residues Five soil cores were collected at each sampling
are removed from the field. point. Two cores were taken from depths of 20 to 40
cm, depending on the total thickness of the soil lay-
Soil sampling
ers at different slope positions, and then combined to
Two gentle (4% and 7%) slopes (44 and 53 m in make a composite sample for determining the 137 Cs in-
length, respectively) and two steep (19% and 26%) ventory extending down to the bedrock. At the points
slopes (22 and 17 m in length, respectively) were selec- sampled in this study, the soil reached a maximum
ted for soil sampling. According to the soil erosion mo- depth of 40 cm; therefore, sampling to this depth
dels reported by Zhang et al. (1990, 2004), water ero- incorporated all of the 137 Cs in the soil profile into
sion, accounting for 67%–71% of the total erosion rate, the samples. Three additional cores for determining
was the dominant erosion process on the 4% and 7% physical-chemical and biochemical properties were col-
gentle slopes, which are hereafter referred to as WES-I lected from the till layer (0–20 cm). One of the major
and WES-II, respectively, whereas tillage erosion was considerations here was that soil redistribution by wa-
responsible for 66%–88% of the total erosion rate on ter and tillage occurs mainly in the till layer. Another
the 19% and 26% steep slopes, which are hereafter was that soil microbes are most active in the till layer,
referred to as TES-I and TES-II, respectively (Table where a large portion of organic matter, such as crop
I). The details of the calculation of the soil erosion rates residues, is concentrated and therefore the effects of
on the four slopes have been reported previously (Nie soil erosion on enzyme activities are expected to domi-
et al., 2013b). Therefore, in the present study, the two nate. The three soil cores were mixed into a composite
gentle slopes and two steep slopes were considered as sample and were immediately stored at 4 ◦ C in plastic
two replicates of water and tillage erosion-dominated bags. To measure soil biochemical properties, including
landscapes, respectively. Soil sampling was conducted enzyme activities and microbial biomass carbon, the
using a soil corer (6.8 cm in diameter) along a downs- fresh soil samples were passed through a 2-mm mesh
lope transect at 10-m intervals on the two gentle slopes sieve and analyzed within one week. One portion of
and at 5-m intervals on the two steep slopes. The coor- the soil was air-dried for the analysis of soil physical-
dinates of each sampling point as well as the elevation chemical properties.

Soil erosion of the selected eroded slopes in the Sichuan Basin of the southwestern part of China (Nie et al., 2013b)

Erosion Water erosion-dominated slope (WES)a) Tillage erosion-dominated slope (TES)b)


Total erosion rate (t ha−1 year−1 ) 24.41 28.01 39.77 44.83
Tillage erosion
Rate (t ha−1 year−1 ) 6.96 9.29 26.16 39.67
Percentage of total erosion (%) 29 33 66 88
Water erosion
Rate (t ha−1 year−1 ) 17.45 18.72 13.61 5.16
Percentage of total erosion (%) 71 67 34 12
a) WES-I = 4% gentle slope; WES-II = 7% gentle slope.
b) TES-I = 19% steep slope; TES-II = 26% steep slope.
492 X. J. NIE et al.

Laboratory analysis benzene were combined in a 150-mL conical flask. Af-

ter 15 min, 10 mL of 10% (weight/volume) urea and 20
The soil samples to be used for 137 Cs determination mL of citrate buffer (pH 6.7) were mixed with the soil
were air-dried, crushed and passed through a 2-mm sample. The mixture was incubated at 37 ◦ C for 24
mesh sieve to remove gravel. The samples sieved to h and then diluted and filtered. Following filtration, 1
< 2 mm were packed into plastic (PVC) beakers with mL of the filtrate was transferred to a 50-mL volumet-
a volume of 320 cm3 , and 137 Cs activity was measured ric flask and mixed with 4 mL of sodium phenoxide and
using a hyperpure lithium-drifted germanium detec- 3 mL of sodium hypochlorite. After the mixture was
tor (HpC, 40% efficiency) coupled to a Nuclear Da- diluted to 50 mL, the absorbance was determined at
ta 6700 multichannel γ-ray spectrophotometer (Ortec, 578 nm using a spectrophotometer. The urease activity
USA). The detection of 137 Cs was performed at 662 was expressed in mg NH3 -N g−1 dry soil. The activity
KeV, and the count time for each sample ranged from of alkaline phosphatase was measured through disodi-
40 000 to 60 000 s, providing a measurement precision um phenyl phosphate colorimetry using p-nitrophenyl
of ±5%. The content of 137 Cs was initially expressed phosphate (p-NPP) as a substrate. Briefly, 10 g of soil,
on a unit mass basis (Bq kg−1 ) and then converted 1.5 mL of methylbenzene, 10 mL of borate buffer (pH
into an area basis (Bq m−2 ) using the total weight of 10) and 10 mL of disodium phenyl phosphate were
the bulk core sample and the cross-sectional area of added to a 100-mL volumetric flask. The mixture was
the sampling device. The successful application of this incubated at 37 ◦ C for 24 h. After incubation, 100 mL
technique has been widely reported in other study a- of 0.3% (weight/volume) Al2 (SO4 )3 was added to ter-
reas (Chappell et al., 2012; Mekuria et al., 2012; Biro minate the reaction, followed by filtration. After filtra-
et al., 2013; Dungait et al., 2013; Li et al., 2014). tion, 3 mL of the filtrate was transferred to a 50-mL
The SOC content was determined through wet oxi- volumetric flask and then diluted to 50 mL. The ab-
dation with a mixture of potassium dichromate and sorbance of the supernatant was determined at 660 nm
concentrated sulfuric acid, and total N was measured using a spectrophotometer. The alkaline phosphatase
following the classic Kjeldahl digestion method (Liu, activity was expressed in mg phenol g−1 dry soil. Soil
1996). The determination of the total P was carried microbial biomass carbon was determined through fu-
out using the NaOH digestion method (Liu, 1996). An migation with ethanol-free CHCl3 and extraction with
automatic acid-base titrator (Metrohm 702, Metrohm, K2 SO4 (Vance et al., 1987). All of the enzyme activi-
Switzerland) was employed to determine the soil pH ty and microbial biomass carbon determinations were
value in a 1:2.5 soil/water suspension. The soil bulk performed in triplicate.
density was determined based on the oven-dried weight Statistical analysis
and sample volume. Soil particle size fractions were de-
termined in a 1 000 mL soil solution using the pipette Statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS
method, following H2 O2 treatment to destroy organic 11.0 for Windows (SPSS Inc., USA). Pearson corre-
matter and dispersion of the soil suspensions with Na- lation coefficients were calculated to test the rela-
hexametaphosphate (Liu, 1996). tionships between 137 Cs, soil physical-chemical pro-
Enzyme activities were determined according to perties and enzyme activities on both water and tillage
the methods described by Guan (1986). The activity erosion-dominated landscapes. A general linear model
of invertase was measured through 3,5-dinitrosalicylic (GLM) was employed to evaluate the effects of erosion
acid colorimetry using sucrose as a substrate. Briefly, 5 type (i.e., water erosion and tillage erosion), slope posi-
g of soil, 15 mL of 8% (weight/volume) sucrose, 5 mL tion (i.e., upper, middle and lower parts of the slope)
of phosphate buffer (pH 5.5) and 5 drops of methyl- and their interactions on soil enzyme activity. Diffe-
benzene were mixed and incubated at 37 ◦ C for 24 rences at P < 0.05 were considered statistically signifi-
h. After filtration, 1 mL of the filtrate was reacted with cant.
3 mL of 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid in a 50-mL volumet-
ric flask, followed by incubation in a boiling bath for 5 RESULTS
min. The incubated solution was diluted to 50 mL. The
Soil redistribution
absorbance was determined at 508 nm using a spec-
trophotometer. The invertase activity was expressed Similar 137 Cs distributions were observed on all
in mg glucose g−1 dry soil. The activity of urease was eroded slopes: the 137 Cs inventory increased downs-
measured through indophenol colorimetry using urea lope (Fig. 1). For the water erosion-dominated land-
as a substrate. Briefly, 5 g of soil and 1 mL of methyl- scapes, the mean 137 Cs inventory increased from 786

(WES-I) and 861 (WES-II) Bq m−2 at upper slope ted a similar distribution pattern to the 137 Cs inven-
parts to 1 296 (WES-I) and 1 335 (WES-II) Bq m−2 at tory. Unlike the SOC content, the other five physical-
lower slope parts (Fig. 1a). From the upper to lower s- chemical properties did not display an obvious spa-
lope parts of the tillage erosion-dominated landscapes, tial pattern on the two tillage erosion-dominated slopes
the mean 137 Cs inventory increased from a low of 402 (Fig. 2a–c, e, f). These results indicate that soil redis-
(TES-I) and 668 (TES-II) Bq m−2 to a high of 1 117 tribution had an apparent impact on the spatial pat-
(TES-I) and 1 002 (TES-II) Bq m−2 (Fig. 1b). The re- terns of clay, bulk density, SOC and total N on the
sults suggest that soil loss occurred in the upper sec- water erosion-dominated landscapes, whereas only the
tions, whereas soil accumulation occurred in the lower SOC distribution pattern was related to soil redistri-
sections of the eroded slopes. bution on the tillage erosion-dominated landscapes.
Soil enzyme activity
On both WES-I and WES-II, the invertase and
urease activities increased downslope, with the inver-
tase activity showing a greater increase than the urea-
se activity (Fig. 3a, b). These patterns were consistent
with the distribution pattern of the 137 Cs invento-
ry. However, the alkaline phosphatase activity varied
irregularly on the two water erosion-dominated slo-
pes (Fig. 3c), exhibiting a distinctly dissimilar pattern
from that of the 137 Cs inventory. Consequently, it is
clear that the spatial patterns of the invertase and
urease activities were closely associated with soil re-
distribution, whereas the spatial pattern of the alkaline
phosphatase activity was independent of soil redistri-
bution on the water erosion-dominated slopes.
On both TES-I and TES-II, the most noticeable
changes in the soil enzyme parameters included in-
creased activities of invertase (Fig. 3a) and alkaline
phosphatase (Fig. 3c) along the downslope transect.
Furthermore, the invertase and alkaline phosphatase
activity patterns were consistent with the 137 Cs dis-
tribution on these two tillage erosion-dominated slo-
pes. However, the changes in urease activity were irreg-
Fig. 1 Distribution of 137 Cs inventories on the water erosion- ular (Fig. 3b), showing a clearly dissimilar pattern from
dominated slopes (WES) (a) and tillage erosion-dominated slo- the 137 Cs distribution. This finding suggests that the
pes (TES) (b) studied. WES-I = 4% gentle slope; WES-II = 7% spatial patterns of invertase and alkaline phosphatase
gentle slope; TES-I = 19% steep slope; TES-II = 26% steep
activities were markedly impacted by soil redistribu-
tion on sloped landscapes dominated by tillage erosion,
Soil physical-chemical properties whereas the pattern of urease activity was independent
of soil redistribution.
On both WES-I and WES-II, the contents of clay, The impacts of erosion type and slope position
SOC and total N gradually increased downslope and their interactions on soil enzyme activity (on a
(Fig. 2a, d, e). The total P content roughly increased dry soil basis) were as presented in Tables II and
downslope (Fig. 2f), whereas the soil bulk density and III. Overall, the activities of invertase and alkaline
pH decreased downslope (Fig. 2b, c). In addition, the phosphatase were significantly different between the
patterns of clay, SOC and total N were similar to water and tillage erosion-dominated slopes, whereas
the redistribution patterns of the 137 Cs inventory on no difference in urease activity was observed (Table
the two water erosion-dominated slopes. However, the II). The soil invertase activity on the water erosion-
bulk density showed a distribution opposite to that of dominated was significantly higher than that on the
the 137 Cs inventory. On both TES-I and TES-II, the tillage erosion-dominated slopes (Table III), whereas
SOC content increased downslope (Fig. 2d) and exhibi- the alkaline phosphatase activity on the water erosion-
494 X. J. NIE et al.

Fig. 2 Spatial patterns of the soil physical-chemical properties on the water erosion-dominated slopes (WES) and tillage erosion-
dominated slopes (TES) studied: clay (a), bulk density (b), pH (c), soil organic C (SOC) (d), total N (e) and total P (f). WES-I =
4% gentle slope; WES-II = 7% gentle slope; TES-I = 19% steep slope; TES-II = 26% steep slope.

Analysis of variance on soil enzyme activity affected by erosion types and slope positions on the water erosion-dominated slopes (WES)
and tillage erosion-dominated slopes (TES) studied

Item Erosion type (ET) Slope position (SP) ET × SP

F value P value F value P value F value P value

Activity on a dry soil basis
Invertase 26.86 < 0.001 8.55 0.004 1.90 0.187
Urease 0.03 0.870 1.64 0.230 0.04 0.963
Alkaline phosphatase 31.72 < 0.001 1.90 0.186 0.50 0.619
Soil organic C (SOC) 4.02 0.065 12.91 0.001 0.20 0.822
Activity on an organic matter basisa)
Invertase 9.93 0.007 0.70 0.512 0.49 0.623
Urease 4.80 0.046 6.93 0.008 0.00 0.999
Alkaline phosphatase 41.17 < 0.001 0.42 0.663 0.27 0.770
Microbial biomass C (Cmic )b) 25.83 < 0.001 2.57 0.112 2.29 0.137
Activity on a microbial biomass basisc)
Invertase 98.43 < 0.001 3.84 0.047 0.15 0.863
Urease 53.87 < 0.001 3.05 0.080 5.40 0.019
Alkaline phosphatase 5.01 0.042 0.91 0.424 0.59 0.570
a) Calculated as the ratio of enzyme activity to SOC.
b) From Nie et al., 2013b.
c) Calculated as the ratio of enzyme activity to C
mic .

dominated slopes was significantly lower than that on fected by slope position (Table II), with significantly
the tillage erosion-dominated slopes (Table III). In ad- lower values at the upper and middle slope parts com-
dition, only the invertase activity was significantly af- pared with the lower slope parts of the eroded landsca-

cantly higher on the water erosion-dominated slopes

than the tillage erosion-dominated slopes (Table III).
However, both the alkaline phosphatase activity-to-
SOC (ALP/SOC) and -Cmic (ALP/Cmic ) ratios were
significantly lower on the water erosion-dominated slo-
pes than the tillage erosion-dominated slopes (Table
III). The changes in INV/SOC and INV/Cmic ratios
between the two contrasting landscape types were con-
sistent with the change in invertase activity, and those
in ALP/SOC and ALP/Cmic ratios were also consistent
with alkaline phosphatase activity. Unlike urease ac-
tivity, which did not present a difference between the
two contrasting landscape types, the urease activity-
to-SOC ratio (UR/SOC) was significantly lower and
urease activity-to-Cmic ratio (UR/Cmic ) was higher on
the water erosion-dominated slopes than the tillage
erosion-dominated slopes (Table III).
The UR/SOC and INV/Cmic ratios were signifi-
cantly impacted by the slope position (Table II). The
values of the UR/SOC ratio significantly decreased at
upper and middle slope parts compared with the lower
slope parts of the eroded landscapes (Table III). Si-
milar to the invertase activity, which varied with the
slope position, the values of the INV/Cmic ratio were
also significantly lower at the upper and middle slope
parts relative to the lower slope parts (Table III). In
addition, the changes in the UR/Cmic ratio with slope
position were significantly affected by erosion type (Ta-
ble III).
Relationships between soil enzyme activities and phy-
sical-chemical properties
The Pearson correlation analysis was performed to
quantify the relationships between soil enzyme activi-
ty and physical-chemical properties, as shown in Ta-
Fig. 3 Distribution patterns of soil enzyme activities on the ble IV. The activities of invertase and urease were
water erosion-dominated slopes (WES) and tillage erosion- significantly (P < 0.01) correlated with the SOC and
dominated slopes (TES) studied: invertase (a), urease (b) and total N contents (r = 0.84 and 0.82) on the wa-
alkaline phosphatase (c). WES-I = 4% gentle slope; WES-II =
7% gentle slope; TES-I = 19% steep slope; TES-II = 26% steep
ter erosion-dominated slopes, whereas on the tillage
slope. erosion-dominated slopes, the only detected signifi-
cant (P < 0.05) correlation was between the inver-
pes (Table III). No interaction between erosion type tase activity and SOC content (r = 0.76). Further-
and slope position on each enzyme activity was de- more, the activities of invertase and urease exhibited a
tected (Table II). stronger significant (P < 0.01) correlation with the
In this study, the ratios of enzyme activity to SOC clay content on the water erosion-dominated slopes
and microbial biomass carbon (Cmic ) were employed (r = 0.84 and 0.81) than that (P < 0.05) on the tillage
to express soil enzyme activity on an organic mat- erosion-dominated slopes (r = 0.78 and 0.69). The al-
ter basis and a microbial biomass basis, respective- kaline phosphatase activity did not show any signifi-
ly (Tables II and III). All of the enzyme activity-to- cant correlation with the total P content on either the
SOC and -Cmic ratios were significantly different be- water or tillage erosion-dominated slopes. Likewise, the
tween the water and tillage erosion-dominated land- three enzyme parameters were not significantly corre-
scapes (Table II). Both the invertase activity-to-SOC lated with the soil bulk density and pH on the two
(INV/SOC) and -Cmic (INV/Cmic ) ratios were signifi- contrasting landscape types.
496 X. J. NIE et al.

Comparison of soil enzyme activities between erosion types and slope positions on the water erosion-dominated slopes (WES) and
tillage erosion-dominated slopes (TES) studied

Item Erosion type Slope position

WES TES Upper slope part Middle slope part Lower slope part
Activity on a dry soil basis
Invertase (mg glucose g−1 soil) 8.94aa) 6.46b 7.06b 7.16b 8.89a
Urease (mg NH3 -N g−1 soil) 0.35a 0.36a 0.34a 0.35a 0.37a
Alkaline phosphatase (mg phenol g−1 soil) 0.44b 0.80a 0.57a 0.60a 0.69a
Soil organic C (SOC) (g kg−1 ) 10.56a 9.27a 8.80b 9.09b 11.84a
Activity on an organic matter basisb)
Invertase (mg glucose g−1 SOC) 849a 708b 803a 782a 751a
Urease (mg NH3 -N g−1 SOC) 34.18b 39.23a 39.67a 38.83a 31.62b
Alkaline phosphatase (mg phenol g−1 SOC) 41.60b 86.91a 65.63a 66.99a 60.15a
Microbial biomass C (Cmic ) (mg kg−1 )c) 196.78b 270.74a 212.61a 251.93a 236.74a
Activity on a microbial biomass basisd)
Invertase (mg glucose mg−1 Cmic ) 45.32a 24.37b 35.12b 30.94b 38.49a
Urease (mg NH3 -N mg−1 Cmic ) 1.82a 1.34b 1.68a 1.47b 1.58ab
Alkaline phosphatase (mg phenol mg−1 Cmic ) 2.21b 2.98a 2.63a 2.29a 2.88a
a) Mean values followed by the same letter(s) in a row within the erosion type or slope position are not significantly different at
P < 0.05.
b) Calculated as the ratio of enzyme activity to SOC.
c) From Nie et al., 2013b.
d) Calculated as the ratio of enzyme activity to C
mic .

Correlation coefficients (r) between soil enzyme activities and physical-chemical properties including soil organic carbon (SOC), total
N, total P, pH, clay and bulk density on the water and tillage erosion-dominated slopes studied

Slopes Enzyme Clay Bulk density pH SOC Total N Total P

Water erosion-dominated Invertase 0.84** −0.33 −0.44 0.84** – –
Urease 0.81** 0.19 −0.32 – 0.82** –
Alkaline phosphatase 0.30 −0.03 −0.37 – – 0.28
Tillage erosion-dominated Invertase 0.78* 0.33 −0.13 0.76* – –
Urease 0.69* −0.54 −0.21 – 0.55 –
Alkaline phosphatase 0.52 −0.31 −0.24 – – 0.59

*, **Significant at the 0.05 and 0.01 probability levels, respectively.

DISCUSSION lective soil transport by water) and tillage erosion (i.e.,

entire transport).
In this study, the 137 Cs data revealed a similar Soil redistribution was also found to dominate the
soil redistribution pattern on both water and tillage spatial patterns of invertase activity on both water and
erosion-dominated slopes, with soil loss occurring at tillage erosion-dominated landscapes. This could ex-
the upper slope parts and soil accumulation at the lo- plain the significant impact of slope position on inver-
wer slope parts. The results are consistent with those tase activity, with lower invertase activity observed in
of Zhang et al. (2013) and Dungait et al. (2013), in- the upper sections of the eroded slopes because of soil
dicating that soil erosion varies with slope position. loss and higher invertase activity observed in the lower
However, it is also worth noting that without high- sections because of soil accumulation. However, sig-
intensity thunderstorms, the slope position does not nificant differences in urease and alkaline phosphatase
affect soil erosion (Cerdà, 1998). The clay content was activities were not observed between the upper and
observed to increase downslope on the water erosion- lower sections of the eroded slopes, which was most
dominated slopes but changed irregularly on the tillage likely a result of differential impacts of soil redistribu-
erosion-dominated slopes, which is consistent with pre- tion on the two enzyme parameters between the two
vious studies (Li and Lindstrom, 2001; Zhang et al., contrasting landscape types, including the domination
2006) that have suggested a difference in the dominant of spatial patterns of urease and alkaline phosphatase
transport mechanism between water erosion (i.e., se- activities by soil redistribution on the water and tillage

erosion-dominated slopes, respectively. dominated slopes, whereas the opposite result was ob-
In this study, the activities of invertase and alka- served for UR/SOC. In terms of the more sensitive
line phosphatase were affected by the erosion type. response of microbial biomass to soil disturbance com-
The higher invertase activity on the water erosion- pared with organic matter (Powlson and Jenkinson,
dominated slopes relative to that of the tillage erosion- 1981), we believe that the results reflected by the ra-
dominated slopes could be explained by the different tio of enzyme activity to Cmic in our study should be
soil transport mechanisms that occur with water and preferable. Overall, our results suggest that express-
tillage. Selective transport of water erosion may easi- ing soil enzyme activity on organic matter and micro-
ly disrupt soil aggregates relative to the complete bial biomass basis may provide insights into the im-
transport that occurs in tillage erosion (Zhang et al., pact of soil erosion on microbial activity. It is antici-
2006). Based on the physical protection of organic mat- pated that the lower activities of invertase and urease
ter inside soil aggregates (Berhe et al., 2012), water would result in decreased soil biological fertility on the
erosion would liberate more organic substrates from tillage erosion-dominated slopes, relative to the water
aggregates to increase the catalysis of invertase rela- erosion-dominated slopes in the Sichuan Basin. Effe-
tive to tillage erosion. The higher alkaline phosphatase ctive bioremediation of tillage erosion-dominated soils
activity on the tillage erosion-dominated slopes may should be taken. Previous studies have indicated that
have a significantly (P < 0.001) greater dependency soil microbial activity is related to land management
on a higher soil pH (a mean of 8.51) compared with practices such as fertilization, organic amendment ap-
that of the water erosion-dominated slopes (a mean of plications, cropping and tillage systems and pesti-
7.65) (data not shown). Alkaline phosphatase reactions cide applications (Garcı́a-Orenes et al., 2010; Álvaro-
are known to be most active under soil pH values of Fuentes et al., 2013; Wu et al., 2013; Balota et al.,
8.0–10.0; under other conditions, the reactions are sub- 2014; Tejada and Benı́tez, 2014). Based on the results
stantially restricted (Frankenberger et al., 1983). of our study, the impact of soil erosion on soil micro-
Microbial biomass determines the quantity of en- bial activity should also be evaluated.
zymes, and organic matter provides a substrate for en- Generally speaking, extracellular enzymes, such as
zyme reactions. Therefore, the levels of these two bio- invertase, urease and phosphatase, in soils may be
chemical parameters in soils may be considered when tightly adsorbed onto soil inorganic colloids such as
evaluating enzyme activities. Barriuso et al. (1988) su- clay; therefore, their activities are associated with the
ggested that the enzyme activity per unit of organic clay content (Paul, 2007). In our study, the corre-
matter is a more useful measure and can avoid the lation analysis between enzyme activities and clay con-
misuses of both organic matter and enzyme activity tent suggested that both invertase and urease activi-
in soil quality assessment. Landi et al. (2000) indi- ties were closely associated with the clay content in
cated that the ratio of enzyme activity to microbial the two contrasting landscape types; however, a poor
biomass C represents a combination of two different relationship between alkaline phosphatase activity and
measurements into a single criterion that can provide clay content was observed, which could be related to
an indication of the changes that occur during micro- P fixation in soil (Li et al., 1982). A portion of the
bial activity. Several researchers have clearly identi- bioavailable P substrates would be inaccessible to soil
fied the impacts of vegetation changes on soil microbi- microbes, potentially disturbing the catalysis of alka-
ological activity using these ratio parameters (Basti- line phosphatase adsorbed onto clay. The soil bulk den-
da et al., 2006; Wang et al., 2012). In the present sity and pH, which reflect soil compactability/aeration
study, consistent results were obtained for INV/SOC, and acidity-alkalinity, respectively, are considered to
INV/Cmic and invertase activity impacted by different be two key factors influencing enzyme activity. Seve-
erosion types and slope positions and for ALP/SOC, ral studies have demonstrated that there is a negative
ALP/Cmic and alkaline phosphatase activity impacted or no correlation between enzyme activity and bulk
by different erosion types. Interestingly, different re- density in agricultural soils (Dick et al., 1988; Li et al.,
sults were detected for UR/SOC, UR/Cmic and urease 2002). Positive, negative or null correlations between
activity, including 1) evident impact of erosion type enzyme activity and pH have also been reported (Kang
on both UR/SOC and UR/Cmic and no impact of ero- and Freeman, 1999; Acosta-Martı́nez and Tabatabai,
sion type on urease activity and 2) significant effect 2000; Gianfreda et al., 2005). In the present study,
of slope position on UR/SOC and UR/Cmic . More- no correlation was detected between bulk density and
over, UR/Cmic was found to be higher on the water pH and the activities of invertase, urease and alka-
erosion-dominated slopes relative to the tillage erosion- line phosphatase on either the water or tillage erosion-
498 X. J. NIE et al.

dominated slopes. the interaction between erosion type and slope posi-
Enzyme activity is essential for the soil nutrient cy- tion. The ratios of enzyme activities to Cmic could be
cle. Numerous studies have demonstrated that soil in- used to better evaluate soil microbiological activity on
vertase, urease and alkaline phosphatase activities are eroded slopes. Our results generally supported the hy-
generally correlated with the SOC, total N and total P pothesis that the activities of invertase and urease were
contents, respectively (Gianfreda et al., 2005; Melero higher on water erosion-dominated slopes than tillage
et al., 2006; Yu et al., 2006; Cheng et al., 2013). In the erosion-dominated slopes. In addition, soil redistribu-
present study, soil redistribution dominated the dis- tion might influence the involvement of urease in the
tribution patterns of SOC and invertase activity on N cycle and alkaline phosphatase in the P cycle.
the two contrasting landscape types, with a positive
correlation between them (r = 0.84 and P < 0.01 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
for the water erosion-dominated slopes; r = 0.76 and
The authors wish to acknowledge the financial sup-
P < 0.05 for the tillage erosion-dominated slopes). The
port for this study provided by the National Natu-
results confirmed that invertase maintained an influ-
ral Science Foundation of China (No. 41001157), the
ential role in the C cycle under water erosion and
135 Strategic Program of the Institute of Mountain
tillage erosion, especially water erosion. There was a
Hazards and the Environment, Chinese Academy of
significantly positive correlation (r = 0.82, P < 0.01)
Sciences (No. SDS-135-1206) and the Young Teacher
between the urease activity and total N content on
Foundation of Henan Polytechnic University, China.
the water erosion-dominated slopes, but no correlation
(r = 0.55, P > 0.05) was found on the tillage erosion-
dominated slopes. This finding suggested that involve- REFERENCES
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