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Unit 4 Qualitative/Quantitative Comparison and Contrast

Candyce Barnwell

ECPI University

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Signature: Candyce Barnwell

Date: April 26, 2020

NUR561: Nursing Research & Evidence-based Practice


Unit 4 Qualitative/Quantitative Comparison and Contrast


Nursing research, just like other researches, involves both qualitative and quantitative

research studies. According to Rutberg & Bouikidis (2018), quantitative research mostly deals

with numbers and statistics where measurable data is collected and analyses using statistical

procedures. On the other hand, qualitative research studies are dynamic with data collected

through observations and interviews analysis using themes hence allowing for the exploration of

ideas and experiences. The conceptual and methodological approaches that the two types of

research studies are different. For instance, qualitative research studies aim to understand aspects

from the informant's perspectives, while quantitative research studies are aimed at discovering

facts through the utilization of statistics. Both these types of research studies are applied in

nursing, depending on the purpose and nature of research. In this context, this paper aims at

comparing and contrasting qualitative and quantitative research studies. The selected quantitative

study is a study by Solvik & Struksnes, (2018), about training nursing skills while the qualitative

study is research by Sharif & Masoumi, (2005), about nursing student’s experiences. This paper

compares explicitly and contracts the studies in terms of population, sampling, sample sizes,

credibility, validity, data analyses, bias, and reporting of results.

Comparison and Contrast

Studies Training Nursing Skills: A A qualitative study of

Quantitative Study of nursing student experiences
Nursing Students’ of clinical practice
Experiences before and
after Clinical Practice
Population Specific population – 160 Specific population – 200
students students

Sampling Cluster sampling – The Simple random sampling –

population was randomly The sample was randomly
divided into two classes selected from the population
(control group and project then arranged into nine
group) (Solvik & Struksnes, groups, each consisting of 10
2018). participants (Sharif &
Masoumi, 2005).
Sample Sizes No specific sample - The A particular sample - A
population was treated as the sample of 90 students was
sample randomly selected from the
Credibility Credible – Questionnaires Credible - The question
were well translated process was more of a
discussion session.
Validity Not specified, although Specified - Data documents
participants have to were submitted to two
mandatory participation in assessors for validation
training sessions (Solvik & (Sharif & Masoumi, 2005).
Struksnes, 2018).
Data Analyses Questionnaires were coned, Focus group data analysis
and SPSS version 22 was steps and coning levels were
used for analysis (Solvik & assumed (Sharif & Masoumi,
Struksnes, 2018). 2005).
Bias No bias - Participants were No bias – All groups were
requested to fill the asked the same questions
questionnaires individually (Sharif & Masoumi, 2005).
(Solvik & Struksnes, 2018).
Reporting of results Statistical - results are Explanation - Results are
reported in table form and reported in paragraph form
inferences made from the that is theoretically (Sharif &
tables (Solvik & Struksnes, Masoumi, 2005).



As depicted by the above analysis of both qualitative and quantitative types of research,

there is exist a difference between the two types of studies. Both studies have a specific study

population and assume a certain sampling procedure. However, in our case, the quantitative

study utilized the entire population as the sample may be to enable them to come up with better

results compared to when a smaller sample is used. There is a big difference in data analysis, and

hoe the results are reported in both types of studies. Generally, quantitative research is more

based on statistics, while qualitative is theory-based. Under quantitative, numeric data is used,

and a data analysis method is used to analyze the data with the results reported in tables. On the

other hand, observations and interviews are used in qualitative researches with group focus

analyses adopted. The results are reported in paragraph forms with the participant's responses

linked to certain theories. Therefore, every researcher should be keen on deciding the type of

study to utilize. The study objectives always influence the selection.



Rutberg, S., & Bouikidis, C. D. (2018). Focusing on the fundamentals: A simplistic

differentiation between qualitative and quantitative research. Nephrology Nursing

Journal, 45(2), 209-213.

Sharif, F., & Masoumi, S. (2005). A qualitative study of nursing student experiences of clinical

practice. BMC Nursing, 4(1).

Solvik, E., & Struksnes, S. (2018). Training nursing skills: A quantitative study of nursing

students’ experiences before and after clinical practice. Nursing Research and

Practice, 2018, 1-9.

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