Rancangan RPP Iman

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Innovative Teaching Narrative

1. Pre Teaching
Teacher and students play the game from:

There are 3 games here.

1. Students have to pairing the present verb with past verb
2. Students have to fill unfinished sentence with apropiate past verb
3. Students have to arrange the words intu right sentence
The games over if the times is up, or you spent all of your moves
- this activity is used for encouraging students’ motivation.
- Give the students new knowledge about past tense, vocabulary, etc

2. Main Activity
a. Teacher ask the students:
- Have you ever try to tell a story?
- What do you feel?

-This activity is used as a bridge to introduce the topic and students background
knowledge. So it will be authentic
-to introduce the the definition and function of narrative text
b. Teacher start to explain about narrative text (Generic structure, Language Features,
etc) from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4yDQTc6I5Q
(Notes: In this activity teacher should be carreful when using video as a media in
teaching, teacher have control to pause and play the video if there is material that
should be explained more by the teacher).

- This activity students are finding their critical thinking by analyzing the video and
teacher’s explanation

c. Teacher start to review what heve students learned from watching and listening
teacher’s explanation by giving the question:
-what have you got from the video?

- This activity force the students to be active in the class. So it will traind their
communication and critical thinking skill .

d. Techer give the example of how to write a simple narrative text

- This activity give students extra knowledge about the material
e. Ask the students to create groups consist of 3 or 4 members. After that the teacher
ask the students to fill the workssheet that has been provided by the teacher before.

- This activity teach the students how to colaborate with their friends
(Note: Teacher as facilitator, analyze the students and always be raedy if there is students who need
help by considering the ZPD)

f. Ask the students to perform what they have write

- Students learn how to present what they have done before

g. Ask the students to write a narrative comic by using canva individually

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