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Topic and Grade Level: The Solar System, Grade 6

Learning Objectives: Through an interactive ODL discussion, the pupils are expected to:

A. Name and label the characteristics, features, and order of each planet of the solar system;
B. Compare and contrast the characteristics of jovian and terrestrial planets using a T-chart and;
C. Share the importance of the formation of the solar system.
Assessment Activity Interactive ODL role play
(include general description)
Students should be divided into 9 groups. Inform pupils that they will be making a human model of
the solar system. They should make the following decisions as a group:

 What features they'd want to incorporate

 What they'll do to symbolize these elements.
 What role will each person play.
 At the conclusion of class, provide a demonstration. Encourage pupils to provide and receive
feedback from one another. Take pictures to put on display.
 As an exit slip, have students name and explain their favorite aspect of the solar system.
Holistic Rubric: Score Description
4 All the information is correct. The planets were in the right sequence, and physical
characteristics were displayed accurately.
3 All the information is correct. All the planets were in the proper sequence, and only a few
physical attributes were displayed accurately.
2 All the information is correct. There are no physical characteristics displayed.
1 The planets are not in the right sequence.
Analytical Rubric: Needs Developing (2) Sufficient (3) Above Average
Improvement (4)
Content There were more Most topics are All the topics are All relevant areas
Accuracy than two topics covered, and covered, and are covered, and
that were not some of the most of the the project's
covered, and the project criteria project criteria are met.
information are met. The requirements are The information
provided did not information is met. The content is well-organized
fulfill the disorganized is nicely and explained.
project's and/or poorly structured and
requirements. explained. presented.
Planets are in the Many planets are Three or more are A few are out of All the planets
correct order out of place or in not in the right position. were in their
the incorrect order. respective
sequence. position.
Presentation During the During the During the During the
presentation, no presentation, one presentation, two presentation,
information about correct fact about accurate facts three factual facts
a planet is a planet is about a planet are about a planet are
offered. presented. presented. presented.
Developmental Rubric: Domain Absent or incipient Developing (2) Proficient (3)
Express relationship Student struggles to Student is learning to Student can express
give relationship of further enhance relationship and
each planet providing information provide with the topic
or relation of each
Engagement The post displays a The entry The entry
passing interest in the demonstrates modest demonstrates a
subject or no evidence interest in the subject. thorough
of student interest in understanding of the
the subject. subject.
Perspective Within a wider New ideas are Considers other
framework, no new presented, but they are perspectives when
ideas are given. not completely appropriate; exhibits
developed or placed in understanding of one's
the context of other own perspective's
viewpoints. limitations
Checklist: Criterion Yes No
All planets are in order and in correct location
Provided at least two (2) facts per planet
Presentation was neat and organized
Knowledgeable about the presentation
All group member participated

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