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Tele 2301006 9


' RP/0901 /Latera l


30 Sep 19



1. View nonexistence of Goll Moo orders wrl ·terms and conditions for deputation of
sailors to other G o vt Organisations'. collegiate discussions were held on 27 Nov and
06 Dec 18 under the chairmanship of ACOP (HR D) to evolve a way ahead Further.
following aspects iro sailors a re required to be worked out as 1s the case for officers
(Gol orders) to obviate any complications whilst deputing sailors in their tast year of serv1ce:-

(a) Pay and allowance including outfit allowance.

{b) Accommodation.

(c) Deputation period towards reckonable service for seniority , length of service,
increments of pay, etc.

(d) Salary and pension contributions.

(e) Medical facilities whilst on deputation followed by applicability of ECHS on

permanent absorption.

(f) Applicability of 'Navy Act' whilst on deputation.

(g) Income tax and AFPP / Benevolent Fund subscription.

(h) Completion of Release formalities and settlement of pension claim.

(j) Any other related issues.

2. Accordingly, terms & conditions have been worked out suiting IN requirements and
aligning to officers terms & conditions to the extent feasible . The same is placed at
Enclosure for perusal.

3. AC OP (HRD) w,11 chai, a meeting for further deliberations on the subject at 1500 hrs
on 09 Oct 19 in ACOP (HRO) chamber (Room No. 220, 'C' Wing) . It is requested that draft
terms and condiftons be perused and inputs are solicited during the discussions to
streamline major issues (1f any) prior forwarding to MoO.
R 11 01 (I,. S1'110 Su, er " t n c , 1 , • I

• I

r \ l ,ll,ll(lwancJL£ CIJ inc II 11. I E"'l cf ,;en I, 11<11 \ 1E - w ,, r I I

dr, \ t'1€ "as,c P<'i' and allcw?•,ce-s cntill€d , -,.,, frorn t1r-•,., to• 'Tl" und"'' r:ay grad~ r•
Ar. ~d 1-orces l=u'1he• fo o,•, ng would L, a1 p: cable

I• vie r Pl p ,,c ',I ' I I <, PIU I jlllOII rir o• I nr:l n

t 1
D!l,JI nes~ ollowance w1I1 be ,,r TI1ss1bld at 1111.1 sa·ne ra•es P'1d ,,1 :
ame cc,nrj,t,on:; as appl,cable It ill s !ors of the s,irr e rank

';) Ado1,ssib1h:y or otherwise of tt1 depu·at,on al c•.va:ice would depe• 1

: e c,.m enl ?rde•s of the Goverirnent of 1no1a on t11,;; subJCC' Issued (rorn • 1
,rme Tris will be clea·ly indicated alor 1witr the c1v1I scale of pay

9 .Q!tl!it Allowance Toe pPnod of uc~ i•a: on or n s,11 or who 1-a,•.~ serv c.e e•
of pn~ a d arlov:ances and who 1s required , wear ond contmuos :o wea un lorn, wri £
Jl c v c-moloy •eckons ,... 'u towards the qu lifymg per ,od for tl-io d•nw of renown I ou" •
allowance I' Illa al:o\, ance oe~orne& due OL. 1ng the period of depulet on 1t w111 t,e pad
10 ,,-.,. sailor and !he expenditure as a whole viii be borne by the borrowing aulhon• es

1C Accommod ation

(a) According to Army/ Navy/ A Force rulf'!- ren• of ~cc-omwri:1'1'rr,

charges !or \/\later & Elec1nc11y w ill be ecoverorl fll 1t1e rates cha•gea:ile> f rin-- ll
whlle serv,ng ,n the ArM"d rorces n case ta,nI1y accoiilll'o:.Ja' O" er, •
provided w·1t1 free singe accornrnod ton arid r.1l11ed services t:-v• sa •r, ., t.
requ red to surrer:der Def pool acco 1rr.oaat1on. 1f ar;• n h1s possess•or fa g
which '1e wrll be treated as un autr )riseo occupant thereof and chargea re"'
uncer para 14(b) of Quarters & Rent e assessed of market rent whir.hover s
(b Any Defence Pool Accorrrnod, on at "Jnw Delhi/ l.t.umbai/ \l,sakhapa\ a
Koen, ana Goa rn occupat,on or th£ sailor will have lo be vacated v lh a
sapulated period of 2 months when a puled to Central. C1vrl Dep~rtrnen\<" and 10
da}'S w'ien deputed lo Public Underta mg OLrie"v•se t:.e borro'.'ltng Dep' ',\ ~
asked to take a accommoctat,or v' :ated ,, case the bo O'N "9 au: o ·
unab'e to provide :ne a::com:nodauo to t\'Je om:e •o v."" ch "le s en·. ::1 ... o
tho Army I ules, he mar make his vm arra'lgernem fo• the s:1me 1; 'o ·r
u'honserJ scales ori reimbursement • ,s,s
/ Ci· z11sch:iroe d b
Sc•1v,c:e~ fs·1,111a11,Ys P,aymom of ne·,s,011 contnb1111cns i c lh,.. rH1l 0r,,-'l
· ,,,p
llfl'1.J 1n 11 .~ a1'pro1
· , riatc ' o rpign ~ e , v 1c<' r ntf'.!s ;u. Id r1 f )r,v., , 1rrn•n

~''<.: ,
;-h., r er· ~•on
• • 1b
U}") ~ u11on 1A ,111,i h < p:i.10 •N th in ' 11V"en ..i,.. 1q, fnJ1n 11 \A
'." •' •non t11 fo, Wl'l1cl1 111 c ,;_ii, ,..{ Il a:; l11ee11 dr a·:✓n by 11 ,n s, 11i<Jr If ''P.1~.:
,~ an t1 c 111·1ted " · " •
"'•.•II tie rnnoc
• · 111 a,ce , laln,nr,
w1thnui cetav
the ,lie nt cc,n tnt)11ho 11 prr.v,s,om,\ payrnen•

(Ill) 111 r.m ; P l l1E> sa 11or s 1<1lled , n d u l y ,,n acc1d0 nl lo ail<:rafl o tt,l'lr \han
bPfo11g111s; 10 Ili c cornm erc,al a ,rltn• " the 'arr,ty w ill be p.s1d ex -<;r~ha aw ar•~
by It''= bo rrcw,ng orgarnsat1on as ,'loutd he adm1ssibll' h a tl l o '11ed in ar
;:iccioent tu Service/ c;ovnmn-ent ,ircraft 1 his 11.1b1hty will not l)L! r.ovorell
by pa yrnent v f pension co1111, ,ul1ons mentioned in 'he prece1:nc
p a: agra phs -

17 fu• n dN ing of Conficlential Reports Cc nf1dent1al Re ports 1n re spec~ o! the s111\o r

::T r-g ll •' : •r>r,~,d <-11 d ei,1ila ht>11 w tl , t.,e re nde, -~d ,n tne prescribed form oy the nos\
< r;ansu1 e n 111 cons ull;,1.on w ith 1he Comcnari dt g Off1co~/ O 1:1c er -in-C l1argo 01 the 11aval
· :nit ,~, ,vh1c \· the sai1or hil s been c11tac11ed to

,1- Ll.1£.911~.J<i.)'.( Saia•y wi ll he subJect to no- nol income Tax-r.11es .

19 AFPP Fund/ IN Benevolent Ai:sociatior Fund The sailors. while on deputation

s/1;:i,1 con1111:1e to s;; bscnhe to the A F p p Fund/ NBA nnd n o 1ma1 fund rules will Fipp ly
7 ne a rr.a unt recovered frorn the sa ilor concN .ed will be re➔ mittcd to respective fund
.::ir:co11n'.s ior crediting to hrs fund caro

20 Rc c overlc.§ Recovenes from the sailor . on deputation ,n respect of P LI or any

o'.her .Jdvance 11 any, w 11I als:i be elfec!ed s nilarly and credited to the concerned
3CCOcin ! s

'.' 1 Dela iled Instructions. le add1hon to t 1e above oetailec inslruc:1cr.s may be

µroniuJga:cc1 :,y IN insough policy letter/ :-iav y C 'der towards streamlining th e selection
and nep ulat,or. process
I' I j '" I I ' I '\ rl 1,1
I I ! •F t , ,,11 I ,1 l, ti
f: I Vh. 1c~~ 911C lilt- , • • l• 1t If I I 1
I ! \ h \ fl .-,I I! 1111 1 \ ·,Ii I I u.. I<
IP,. 11',Hl(;, ll••,1/ll•i:-lt_flll
,• lh r-,1,- 1 1 •HI\'" I ... t-1+ ,,
l A ll)' C.I, :IPl thr:1 u·t:'
!vr'~ 1.:u 1jh, !rit 1 'I \·f,: II
!- ) I !
c.,s~tlt1 )~nt o ct1aU1 v~J,;1<= t=-n lcyr:d 1n tt·•l c,vu or wn1ct, l,l 1J 1 ,,u
1,~ab1htv t:ontrcctp(i l,'1 !:11{ , ernµloyme11 s~1all t:ie dC"t(11r11r1t:..- '
~..:l..:oro.ancx_, \',•1lt1 lhe c.:·v,I t.>. lt 'lrd11 1,;q, n;!e,o: h henafh:.. rJn11c-:-1l~I? h
!rit:1 P ns;ose 01 s11"1//;;1r awar, w,ue~ M1n1str)' beno,1ts rsgulri! s ·:ill
h:1v1.•nve; be, aflowe1.1 ,11 3S-es w:1ero mes£ t. 0n0!1ts ,1 r n r
i-1c'varitageoJ5 lhan lhose Fidfl ss1t,:e 11nde1 \hr:. r 1v11 rul~s ::ull ..,<'I >' 1
riw..:1rri e:;r,a,1 fJc a ,;flar9e 1:->n 1'1c 1vif estimate~

(iii) The families of sailor wr1o e1e awarded cxtraord1m,ry fa11•11

Pension unde: lhe civ11 rules J special family pension under Ill e m.1,1n '{
nJ/es will not be enu11ec lo c 'dinary family o;;ns1on und er any cf H1es~

(IVi /fan sa,101, after revers!, n to the Navy Is invalided ou• or serw::e at ,
ruture date ;s 'ound with 1n 7 ears from date of :i1s discharge rrori Nav;il
Service suffering from a disa 1ility w 111ch 1s a delayed manifes:at1on ot o
pathoJog,cat process set in m, ,lion by service cor\d,t1ons obtaining during
his CIVJI service and disability I· a such that had ll become man,fi?st al the
t,ma he wo1,1ld have been lnva, ded ou l or service, the l1ab1hty ,n respect ci
the disabttily pension granted 1nder m,r1tary rules Will be borne by the c1v11
estimates. However, If the s. Hier had completed 20 years ct more c1
qualifying service on the da te 1f lnvat1d1ng/ discharge •he service "lemr •
of d1sab1Jity of r,ension will be •ppor l1oneo between the Defence E:st1r,1a•,"
and !he civil estJmates on sen. ce share basis F .irther If deatr• :1r ~•.JCr "!',
sailor occurs due to cause ha 11/ty for family oens,on w,11 be ocrr,e o-,· t~,::
civl/ estimales

(v) In case the sailor 1s kilre I on duty In an acc1deht :o aircraft ott1er 1M11
belonging to the commercial a lines, the family will be paid ex-g,a11::1 awari
by the borrowl'1g Governmenl/ Departmenl as would be adm1ssi::ile had be
died in an accdent or SeNice, 3overnrnenl elfcrafl.

(b) 1,.1ip/1cable to sailors on l !lJ)ulallo n lo civil posts

e 111 plt)i, 0r of non-government organlsal lon like tho under tore1t1 11
At~l~fllllous Bodies, Pu/Jlfc Seel( Undertaking <in d so on M11ntr.;iP.<.tJJ_\1es

(i) The sailor w11r rema,n f 111t1ed to ~II types of pens1onary i!Wc:Hds e:
i'lt/rrnss,b'e under t11e ser\lice Jles L1ab1l1ty of !he bo~•ow•ng'y ,,., 11

l '.,veUrnn Allo l.\:a n c'll Jolnhm J]Jnp .lolnlnnJi n,.-,_PA y

::,ic O h-0
sa,,cr wr'I ee goverr.ed by ·1e rules of llle borrow,ng aoon cy ,nr-1.,ci,ng
;, ~ml t u rr1 a ys un:Jenal<en by him 10 jc •n lhe n e w oraanisat,on e, -,f.v ~r~,0 ~ 'n,e•<-
." o : 1e Navy - -

l~ Dunng the tenns of depu\at,o , he w,I\ be conlribut11"\9 10 on1oy L TC. a"

a rnrss,ble to h,m under Navy rule~ where Railway Warrants or r.onct,ss,011a1
~~:•chers are 11o•mally issuer.I under Navy Rules. these wlU t:e obta,r,ed Iron
.arcs1navnl Slahon, ,n accordance , 11th the relevart rules
J, leave Travel Concession (L TC} T ,e sailor would not be enl:Hed for avaihng o'
L Tt,;dur,ng the penod of deputation. Howev•·r the sa•.lor may be ·1ssueo w ,th Concession
:_ouc>-iors _as per _hrs ent,llement upon reco ,;,,endation of the host orgarnsalion to the
~o:nmanomg Officer of t'"ie u1'11l
1 Disciplinary Issues The sailor wou J be borne ,n the books of the nearest naval
lmrt Therefore. any d1sc1plinary issues ans, ,g thereby, would be dealt by thci naval unit
a s per Regs Navy/ N avy Act The host Org: n,sation would submit the o ,sc,1phnar,( ac: ,n
wnt,ng to !he Commanding Ott1cer/ Offlcer-i, -Charge of the nava! unit and would have to
aepos e as w,1nes s wh en summoned for disc,plinary proceedings.

15 Medical Entitlement. Sailors will t e entitled to medical faci'ittes to :~e sarre

=xtent and at the same scale as he could nave enjoyed under naval rules . The sailor
v.-ourd however, receive medical treatment iP civil hospital and from c1v1I d octors H e may receive :reatmenl 1n seNice Hospital l nder the following prov1s1ons, in wh,ch case
tne expenditure on this account will be born,, by the borrowing authorities

(i) The patient's authori sed c1v1 medical attendant certifies in writing that
aomission to a m ilitary hospital is ne.cessary and adequate arrangem ents cannot
be made for treatment by the host or, ;anisation

(rr) The Commanding Officer of! 1e hospital issues a c ertificate in ":'riling that
accomm oda tion c ar. be made ava,13ble w tth due regard to the requirement ol
A rmed Forces.

16 Disability & Special Family Pensi1 in~_Allowancc.

(a) App lie able to sailors on der•utation· to civil posts under the Cen\ra\ or
State Govt or Union Territory:-
•Ef-EN c; E P ULILIC src-1 (.If UtllT~I

1 Aim I lip Airn o ' l' I I

I C " •• ,lnj rcr · •115 et er 1s lo p· omulgalc broad guidelines encompc1~.•,in'J
· idit,ons towards dCPllfalton o r : allors to other Govt Organ1s·111ons1 o•·~- Jr/
\. ,·..: 1 r1 a i,ce I ~c to · r- - ->
u ries 1reterreo as host orga111s 1t,on from here 1n) .

,, ,.I·,•
11 <<1<- f or De
:· . --"- ·. Pl1t a 1·10 11 1-:r,quc-sl I ,, servI<.es of sailors of the Indian 1-lavy for
. ' , , ' . nf n,•J't. ·• • ... ,.,.
-,•Ic - , •~' rt-el'1p
. I oyn 1<:1 1 i I K 111I, I b e adoresse d to the Secretary to
,. ''z• , .. ,.: ' ri<"'1·.: · r, r n. P 1eI1ce . t·',., .,., Dell1 Such requests are to clearly stall'!
, ,.. /1'" 11'·<- t 11•
, ... 111.)\". ' •:!
1a1 Appointment
lb! Educallonal Ouahrications
(C) Experience
\d, Rank of Sa,lor
(e) C1v1I Scale of Pay and Allowan c is
\ f) Place of Duty of Employment
1;JI eriod of intended employment
fh) Dale of conouct of examination/ nterview
, 1) Number of sailors re quired

: Sell•ction of S,1ilors for Deputation Sailors would be shortlisted bciseo on tlie

r&q..1.s,t8 ,.,, 1te11a and names or would be fol"..., ;,irded lo the host organisation for the latter
t:> selecr th e sailor best suited for their require -nent.

-~ Dc-putation or Sailors Post select1 111 of the sailor by the host organisation.
wa If:~ u1 ~-1:-l<.:cl<,:cl :.ailors are lo be intimated 10 th e Integrated Headquarter~. Ministry of
i 1cJ1r:11r.c' (/'!ovyJ {IHO MoO (N)} to enable de1,utation of sailors to the orga111sat1on. The
!:'t::!•<:wc ~::i1101 111ay tic oeputeo to the host Organisation by IHQ MoD (N) based on
existing manpower cons:raints and operationa1scenario at the time

5 Fu 11ctional and Adm inistrative Con tr•'!- The sailor will be under the
Acm1n1strai1'1e and functional con trol of the Competent Auth ority of the host
Organisation He will, however, be subject 1,1 the service Acts and rule s made there
u"lder for d•sc,pllnary purp ose

6 c ounting of Service The sailor's se vice during the period of deputation shall
be counted a s qualifying service towards seniority. promotion, increment of pay,
per.s,onary b enefits and leave.

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