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Poisoning is injury or death due to swallowing, inhaling, touching or When is whole-bowel irrigation necessary?
injecting various drugs, chemicals, venoms or gases. Accidental or
intentional poisoning from both licit and illicit substances can produce a Whole-bowel irrigation is uncommonly performed because it carries
wide range of symptoms and clinical findings. Hence, history and physical significant risks in patients. This procedure is performed for the below
examination are of great importance in recognizing the poisoned patient. conditions:
Initial management should be focused on acute stabilization and
supportive care till the correct substance is identified. The plan of  Prior to an intestinal surgery
management is to provide supportive care, prevention of poison  Ingestion or overdose of a significant or life-threatening amount
absorption, use of antidote wherever is indicated, and enhancement of of sustained-release medications or drugs (sustained-release
elimination techniques. potassium chloride)
 Ingestion of a significant or life-threatening amount of
Whole-Bowel Irrigation is a decontamination technique that cleanses the medications that are not adsorbed by activated charcoal (AC),
entire bowel. It aims to physically flush ingested toxins out of the or a situation in which no other intestine cleaning methods are
gastrointestinal tract before absorption. appropriate

PROCEDURES Toxins Poorly Absorbed by Activated Charcoal


 Lithium
A nasogastric (NG) tube should be placed, especially in children, to  Inorganic salts (K+)
ensure that an adequate amount of polyethylene glycol electrolyte solution
 Metals (mercury, arsenic)
(PEG-ES) has been administered. Once placement of the NG tube is
 Fluoride
confirmed, the PEG-ES can be administered. A commode should be
 Alcohols
positioned by the patient's bedside, and the patient should be seated on it.
 Glycoles (ethylene glycol)
The entire procedure usually takes 4-6 hours.  Alkali or acids
 Hydrocarbons
TARGET TOXIN AND TOXICANTS Ingestion of sustained-release or enteric-coated drug preparations
(theophylline, calcium channel antagonists, aspirin, etc.)
BOWEL IRRIGATION Removal of ingested packets of illicit drugs (body packers, drug “mules”)
- Mule: In the drug trade, a person who transports a drug by
 Iron
internally concealing it. Also called a body packer.
 Lithium
Ingestion of large amount of drugs that tend to form concretions or
 Inorganic salts (K+) bezoars
 Metals (mercury, arsenic) -(kən-krē′shən) n. Medicine A solid mass, usually composed of
inorganic material, formed in a cavity or tissue of the body
Drugs that Commonly Form Concretions IRRIGATION

 Salicylates SIDE EFFECT

 Barbiturates
 Carbamazepine  Nausea and vomiting
 Enteric - coated tablets o The entire procedure takes 4-6 hours, Patients often
 Sustained - release tablets experience nausea and may vomit, in which case it
may be necessary to slow the infusion rate.
 Meprobamate
Alternatively, an antiemetic may be administered. The
Treatment of suspected drug concretion (i.e. continual rise in
procedure is stopped once clear rectal effluent is
measurable toxin concentrations despite charcoal administration)
seen or all drug packets have emerged.
 To patients with compromised or unprotected airway
 Decontaminate the GI tract.  Whole bowel irrigation could result in pulmonary aspiration.
 Prevent absorption of ingested matter.  It should not be performed in the hypotensive or
 Prevent faecal incontinence and chronic constipation. hemodynamically unstable patient.
 Hemodynamic instability occurs when there's abnormal or
Decontamination means the removal of dangerous substances. And so, unstable blood pressure, which can cause inadequate blood
when executing whole bowel irrigation, GI decontamination happens flow to your child's organs. Hemodynamic instability symptoms
wherein there’s a removal of ingested toxin or drug from the GI tract in may include. Abnormal heart rate (arrhythmias) Chest pain.
order to: (a) decrease or prevent their absorption and (b) increase their  It cannot also be performed to patient who has illues
clearance or elimination. And since because we remove those dangerous  Ileus is a temporary lack of the normal muscle contractions of
substances, of course, fecal are also being removed, thus, perhaps, the intestines.
treating or giving relief to those people who are experiencing chronic  Ingestion of toxic substances that markedly slow
constipation. Additionally, according from the study of enenbein et al. gastrointestinal motility (e.g., anticholinergics or opioids) may
(1987), it is a safe decontamination procedure for acute drug ingestion. cause an ileus, diminishing the ability to perform whole bowel
irrigation effectively.

 Polyethylene glycol should not be used in patients with an

actual or suspected perforated bowel.
 Whole bowel irrigation is the infusion of polyethylene glycol
electrolyte lavage solution into the stomach at flow rates higher
than are otherwise commonly used. This technique can be used
to decontaminate the gastrointestinal tract after an acute toxic
ingestion or overdose.
 The administration of polyethylene glycol in a patient with a
bowel obstruction will result in vomiting with the potential for
 Intestinal perforation, defined as a loss of continuity of the
bowel wall, is a potentially devastating complication that may
result from a variety of disease processes. Common causes of
perforation include trauma, instrumentation, inflammation,
infection, malignancy, ischemia, and obstruction.
 The risk of whole bowel irrigation is quite small but the
procedure is not without effort, expense, and risk of
complications. In this light, the risk–benefit ratio would be high if
whole bowel irrigation were used to treat a nontoxic ingestion.
Hemodialysis is the process wherein a drug or toxin is removed through II. Specific (Mnemonic: "I STUMBLED")
a dialysis membrane from the bloodstream. It is used to remove  I = INH, Isopropyl alcohol, Isopropanol
accumulated uremic toxins, excess ions and water from the patient via the  S = Salicyclates
dialysate, and to supply (deficit) insufficient ions from the dialysate.  T = Theophylline, Tenormin (atenolol)
 U = Uremia
PROCEDURE  M = Methanol
HEMODIALYSIS  B = Barbiturates (e.g. Phenobarbital)
 L = Lithium
Hemodialysis is a procedure where a dialysis machine and a special filter  E = Ethylene glycol
called an artificial kidney, or a dialyzer, are used to clean the blood. To get  D = Dabigatran, Depakote (esp. if level >500)
the blood into the dialyzer, the doctor needs to make an access, or
entrance, into the blood vessels (arteries). This is done with minor The most common toxins removed by hemodialysis were lithium and
surgery, usually to the arm. The dialyzer, or filter, has two parts, one for ethylene glycol.
the blood and one for a washing fluid called dialysate.
Hemodialysis is usually done 3 times per week for about 4 hours at a time
Lithium salts, particularly lithium carbonate, are frequently used to treat
TOXINS AND OVERDOSE SUBSTANCES CLEARED BY bipolar disorder and mania. Lithium poisoning, whether due to reduced
HEMODIALYSIS excretion by the kidneys or overdose, can cause permanent injury to the
nervous system.
I. General
 Low Protein binding (<80%) Hemodialysis is a process in which a person's blood is filtered outside of
 Small volumes of distribution (<1 L/kg) their body, by a machine, and then returned to the person's body.
 High water solubility Hemodialysis effectively removes lithium from the body, and has been
used to treat lithium poisoning for at least 40 years. However, it is not
 Low Molecular weight (<100 daltons)
known whether hemodialysis, performed in addition to standard therapy
 Non-ionized
with intravenous fluids, reduces or eliminates damage to the nervous
 Unstable Overdose patient of Unknown Ingestion

Although the use of hemodialysis to remove lithium from patients with

lithium poisoning is logical, no randomized clinical trials support or
disprove a benefit from this therapy.

Ethylene glycol, like the rest of the alcohols (e.g, ethanol, methanol, and ADVANTAGES OF HEMODIALYSIS
isopropyl alcohol), has characteristics that allow for rapid removal with
hemodialysis. They all have low molecular weights, are hydrophilic, have HEMODIALYSIS
small Vd and rapidly equilibrate with the intravascular space. The drug
characteristics of these compounds are listed in Figure 8. Ethanol toxicity  Remove toxins from the body.
usually does not require hemodialysis because most patients will recover  Can be done at home.
with supportive measures alone.  Helps in balancing important minerals.

An advantage of hemodialysis is that it remove the toxins residing inside

the body with the use of dialyzer by cleaning or filtering the blood.
Hemodialysis remove excess water and metabolic wastes from the body,
and it balance important minerals such as sodium, potassium etc. by
preventing them from reaching hazardous levels. Also, according to the
National Kidney Foundation, hemodialysis can be done at home which is
very convenient to the patient.



 Travel to a dialysis center may be required three times a week

 Patients may not be able to set their own treatment schedule
 Permanent access required; usually in the arm for adults and
the neck/chest area for children
 Needles are required to access a fistula
 Three different types of access can be placed for hemodialysis.
They are called a fistula, a graft, and a catheter.
Hemodialysis is very effective at clearing ethylene glycol and its
 A fistula usually allows you to have better, more efficient
metabolites. The clearance rate of ethylene glycol ranges between 200 –
dialysis than a line, because the blood can flow out quicker, so
250 ml/min depending on the filter and blood flow. Glycolate, which is the
you get more dialysis in your session. This is important for long
major toxic metabolite, has a half-life of up to 18 hours without
term health and survival.
hemodialysis but the half-life is reduced by a factor of 6 with hemodialysis.
 Access sites run the risk for infection
Patients with acidosis may therefore still benefit from hemodialysis even in
the face of a low serum ethylene glycol level if they have an anion gap
acidosis suggesting high glycolate levels.

 Hemodialysis patients are at a high risk for infection because SIDE EFFECT/ADVERSE EFFECT OF HEMODIALYSIS
the process of hemodialysis requires frequent use of catheters
or insertion of needles to access the bloodstream.  Anemia - Not having enough red blood cells in your blood
 Access site complications. Potentially dangerous complications (anemia) is a common complication of kidney failure and
― such as infection, narrowing or ballooning of the blood vessel hemodialysis. Failing kidneys reduce production of a hormone
wall (aneurysm), or blockage ― can impact the quality of your called erythropoietin (uh-rith-roe-POI-uh-tin), which stimulates
hemodialysis. Follow your dialysis team's instructions on how to formation of red blood cells. Diet restrictions, poor absorption of
check for changes in your access site that may indicate a iron, frequent blood tests, or removal of iron and vitamins by
problem. hemodialysis also can contribute to anemia.
 Strict renal diet and fluid restrictions are required  Bone diseases - If your damaged kidneys are no longer able to
 When you are on dialysis, your kidneys are no longer able to process vitamin D, which helps you absorb calcium, your bones
keep the right balance of fluid in your body. They cannot may weaken. In addition, overproduction of parathyroid
remove enough. That's why it's so important to limit how much hormone — a common complication of kidney failure — can
sodium (salt) and fluid you have between dialysis treatments. release calcium from your bones. Hemodialysis may make
these conditions worse by removing too much or too little
 High blood pressure (hypertension) - If you consume too much
 Low blood pressure (hypotension) - A drop in blood pressure is salt or drink too much fluid, your high blood pressure is likely to
a common side effect of hemodialysis. Low blood pressure may get worse and lead to heart problems or strokes.
be accompanied by shortness of breath, abdominal cramps,  Fluid overload - Since fluid is removed from your body during
muscle cramps, nausea or vomiting. hemodialysis, drinking more fluids than recommended between
 Muscle cramps - Although the cause is not clear, muscle hemodialysis treatments may cause life-threatening
cramps during hemodialysis are common. Sometimes the complications, such as heart failure or fluid accumulation in your
cramps can be eased by adjusting the hemodialysis lungs (pulmonary edema).
prescription. Adjusting fluid and sodium intake between  Inflammation of the membrane surrounding the heart
hemodialysis treatments also may help prevent symptoms (pericarditis).
during treatments.  Insufficient hemodialysis can lead to inflammation of the
 Itching - Many people who undergo hemodialysis have itchy membrane surrounding your heart, which can interfere with your
skin, which is often worse during or just after the procedure. heart's ability to pump blood to the rest of your body.
 Sleep problems - People receiving hemodialysis often have  High potassium levels (hyperkalemia) or low potassium levels
trouble sleeping, sometimes because of breaks in breathing (hypokalemia)
during sleep (sleep apnea) or because of aching, uncomfortable
or restless legs.
 Hemodialysis removes extra potassium, which is a mineral
that is normally removed from your body by your kidneys. If
too much or too little potassium is removed during dialysis,
your heart may beat irregularly or stop.
 Amyloidosis.
 Dialysis-related amyloidosis (am-uh-loi-DO-sis) develops
when proteins in blood are deposited on joints and tendons,
causing pain, stiffness and fluid in the joints. The condition is
more common in people who have undergone hemodialysis
for several years.
 Depression - Changes in mood are common in people with
kidney failure. If you experience depression or anxiety after
starting, hemodialysis, talk with your health care team about
effective treatment options.

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