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• Beberapa istilah
– Lereng : bentang alam yang memiliki sudut tertentu terhadap
bid horisontal, dibedakan:
• Natural slopes
• Engineered slopes atau man-made slopes
– Bidang gelincir (slip surface) : bidang tertentu dimana terjadi
kelongsoran lereng
– FK (Faktor Keamanan/Safety Factor) : perbandingan antara
besarnya gaya penahan dan gaya penggerak, rumusnya
adalah : FK = Gaya penahan/Gaya Penggerak
• Kriteria keamanan :
– FK >1,0 lereng dianggap mantap
– FK = 1,0 lereng dalam keadaan seimbang tetapi
segera longsor jika ada gangguan sedikit saja
– FK <1,0 lereng dianggap tidak mantap
Faktor-Faktor yang mempengaruhi
Kelongsoran lereng

• Penyebaran Batuan
• Relief permukaan Bumi
• Struktur Geologi
• Iklim
• Geometri lereng
• Pengaruh Air Tanah
• Gaya luar
Types of Rock Slope Failure
A. Plane Failure
B. Rotational Failure
C. Toppling Failure
A. Plane Failure
Particular Type of Failure and Illustrative Diagram :
- One Plane and One Block

- Plane and Tension Crack

- Sliding Planes and Cross Joints

- Two Sliding Planes

- Sliding Plane with Several Blocks

- Wedge Failure
Types of Rock Slope Failure

A. Plane Failure
1. One Plane and One Block
Types of Rock Slope Failure

A. Plane Failure
2. Plane and Tension Crack
Types of Rock Slope Failure

A. Plane Failure
2. Plane and Tension Crack
Types of Rock Slope Failure

A. Plane Failure
3. Sliding Planes and Cross Joints
Types of Rock Slope Failure

A. Plane Failure
3. Sliding Planes and Cross Joints
Types of Rock Slope Failure

A. Plane Failure
3. Sliding Planes and Cross Joints
Types of Rock Slope Failure

A. Plane Failure
3. Sliding Planes and Cross Joints
Types of Rock Slope Failure

A. Plane Failure
3. Sliding Planes and Cross Joints
Types of Rock Slope Failure

A. Plane Failure
4. Two Sliding Planes
Types of Rock Slope Failure

A. Plane Failure
5. Sliding Plane with Several Blocks
Types of Rock Slope Failure

A. Plane Failure
5. Sliding Plane with Several Blocks
Types of Rock Slope Failure

A. Plane Failure
6. Wedge Failure
Types of Rock Slope Failure

A. Plane Failure
6. Wedge Failure
Types of Rock Slope Failure

A. Plane Failure
6. Wedge Failure
Types of Rock Slope Failure

A. Plane Failure
6. Wedge Failure
Types of Rock Slope Failure

A. Plane Failure
6. Wedge Failure
B. Rotational Failure
Particular Type of Failure and Illustrative Diagram :
- Rotational

- Rotational and Sliding Surface

Types of Rock Slope Failure

B. Rotational Failure
1. Rotational
C. Toppling Failure
Illustrative Diagram :
Types of Rock Slope Failure

C. Toppling Failure
Types of Rock Slope Failure

C. Toppling Failure
Types of Rock Slope Failure

C. Toppling Failure
Types of Rock Slope Failure

C. Toppling Failure
Types of Rock Slope Failure

C. Toppling Failure
Types of Rock Slope Failure

C. Toppling Failure
Types of Rock Slope Failure

C. Toppling Failure
Measurement Monitoring
Measurement Monitoring

Measurement I
Measurement Monitoring

Measurement II
Measurement Monitoring

Measurement III
Measurement Monitoring

Measurement IV
Measurement Monitoring

Measurement V
Measurement Monitoring

Measurement VI
Measurement Monitoring

Measurement VII
Measurement Monitoring

Measurement VIII
Measurement Monitoring

Measurement IX
Measurement Monitoring
Measurement Monitoring
Measurement Monitoring
Measurement Monitoring
• Perbaikan Geometri Lereng
– Mengurangi tinggi lereng (benching of slopes)‫‏‬
– Mengurangi sudut kemiringan lereng (Flattening
of Slopes)‫‏‬
– Mengurangi muka air tanah

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