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Penelitian oleh dosen tetap di Program Studi sesuai roadmap visi keilmuan selama tiga tahun terakhir.

Tabel-28 Data Kegiatan Penelitian Dosen Tetap Program Studi

Tahun Kesesuaian Penelitian dengan

Tingkat Penelitian
Penelitian Roadmap visi keilmuan

No. Nama Dosen Judul Penelitian* Mata Kuliah Bentuk Integrasi Kurang Tidak
Internasi PT/Wilaya Sesuai
TS Nasional Sesuai Sesuai
onal h (d)
(e) (g)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

1. Prof. Dr. dr. Ridha Malondialdehyde Value as Neurooncology Research 2022 √ √

Dharmajaya, Radical Oxidative Marker and
Sp.BS(K) Endogenous Antioxidant Value
Analysis in Brain Tumor

2. Giant Parasagittal Meningioma Neurooncology Case report 2021 √ √

with Complete Visual Loss in
Young Female: A Case Report
3. Positive Correlation Between Infection (Covid- Research 2021 √ √
General Public Knowledge and 19)
Attitudes Regarding COVID‐19
Outbreak 1 Month After First
Cases Reported in Indonesia
4. Recent Updates on Experience, Neurooncology Case report 2021 √ √
Treatment and Prevalence of
Adult Brain Tumor : Single
Center Study
5 Role and value of inflammatory Neurooncology Research 2021 √ √
markers in brain tumors: A case
controlled study
6 Review of Intracranial Neurooncology Research 2020 √ √
Meningioma and road North
7 The Effectiveness of progressive Neurooncology Research 2020 √ √
Muscle Relaxation with Benson
Relaxation on the Sleep Quality
in Hemodialysis Patients
8 The Effect of Distraction Neurooncology Research 2020 √ √
Technique on pain Intensity
among Patients Undergoing
Circumcision Anesthetic in
9 The Relationship between pain Spine Research 2020 √ √
and disability in Patients with
Low Back Pain
10 Mitogen-activated protein kinase Neurooncology Case Report 2019 √ √
3 (MAPK3) and human epidermal
growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)
on recurrent intracranial
meningiomas : a case report
11 Penetrating Brain Injury In Pediatric Case Report 2020 √ √

12 Serum zinc and c-reactive protein Neurooncology reaserch 2019 √ √

levels as risk factors for mortality
in systemic inflammatory
response syndrom

13 Tuberculous spondylitis in Haji Neurospine Case Report 2018 √ √

Adam Malik hospital, Medan

14 Determinants of Glasgow Neurotrauma Case Report 2018 √ √

outcome scale in patients with
severe traumatic brain injury for
better quality of life

15 Dr. dr. RR. Suzy Mangosteen extract reduce Neurotrauma Research 2019 √ √
Indharty, Sp.BS(K) apoptosis via inhibition of
oxidative process in rat model of
traumatic brain injury
16 Efficacy of Neuroprotection from Neurotrauma Reseacrh 2020 √ √
Curcumin through Heat Shock
Protein 70 Induction in Traumatic
Brain Injury–Rat Model

17 Efficacy of Minocycline in Neural Neurotrauma Research 2020 √ √

Stem Cells Proliferation after
Traumatic Brain Injury

18 Hubungan Antara Ekspresi Neuroonkologi Reseacrh 2019 √ √

Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1
Alpha (HIF-1α) dengan Derajat
Histopatologi pada Penderita
Meningioma Intrakranial di
RSUP Haji Adam Malik Medan

19 Dr. dr. Sabri, M.Ked, Management of the cervical spine Neurospine Reaserch 2019 √ √
Sp.BS(K) tuberculosis

20 Temoolomide Induced Neurooncology Reaserch 2019 √ √

Hypermutation in Glioma:
Evolutionary Mechanisms and
Therapeutic Opportunities

21 Giant Temporal lobe Neurooncology Reaserch 2020 √ √


22 Visualizing communication of Neurospine Reaserch 2020 √ √

service providers reputation
during COVID-19 pandemic: A
conceptual model

23 Progressive spinal cord Neurospine Research 2021 √ √

compression technique in
experimental rabbit animal model
for cervical spondylotic
24 Expression of AIF and Caspase-3 Neurospine Research 2021 √ √
in new Zealand rabbit with
cervical spondylotic myelopathy
25 Olive Polyphenol as Neurospine Research 2022 √ √
Neuroprotective in Chronic
Cervical Myelopathy Rabbit
26 Neuroprotective Effect of Olive Neurospine Research 2022 √ √
Leaf Extract in Progressive
Spinal Cord Compression
Myelopathy Animal Model
27 Potential benefit of Olive leaf Neurospine Research 2021 √ √
extract in cervical spondylotic
myelopathy model
28 dr. Abdurrhaman Efficacy Comparison of Neuropediatric Research 2021 √ √
Mouza, M.Ked, Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt and
Sp.BS Endoscopic Third
Ventriculostomy as Treatment of
Hydrocephalus in Children in
Developing Countries: A Meta-
29 How Well Do We Know Neuropediatric Case Report 2021 √ √
Neonatal Stroke: A Literature
30 Prevalence, Risk Factors and Neuropediatric Case Report 2021 √ √
Demographic of Pediatric
Hydrocephalus in RSUP H. Adam
Malik Medan 2019-2020
31 Our Experience Of Pediatric Neuroonkologi Case Report 2021 √ √
Brain Tumour In Medan:
Demographic Study In Adam
Malik General Hospital 2019-

32 Dandy Walker Malformation Neuropediatric Literature Review 2020 √ √

33 Arnold-Chiari Malformation Neuropediatric Literature Review 2020 √ √

34 Dr. dr. Mahyudanil, Upward migration and peroral Neuropediatric Case Report 2017 √ √
Sp.BS(K) extrusion of a peritoneal shunt

35 Visualizing communication of Infection (Covid- Research 2020 √ √

service providers reputation 19)
during COVID-19 pandemic: A
conceptual model

36 Improving Motoric Outcome after Neurotrauma Case Report 2021 √ √

Early Craniectomy in Patient with
Open Depressed Fracture
Involving Motoric Cortex Area :
A Case Report
37 dr. M. Ihsan Z. Tala, Epidemiology of Pediatric Brain Neuro-pediatric Reseaarch 2019 √ √
Sp.BS(K) Tumor in the Center of Referral
Hospital in North Sumatera from

38 Microsurgical Resection of Neurovascular Case Report 2021 √ √

Cerebral Arteriovenous
Malformation: Our Precious
39 Anatomy Variation of Ruptured Neurovascular Case Report 2020 √ √
Anterior Communicating Artery
(AcoA) Aneurysms
40 dr. Steven Tandean, Can Propolis Be a Useful Neurotrauma Research 2021 √ √
M.Ked, Sp.BS Adjuvant in Brain and
Neurological Disorders and
Injuries? A Systematic Scoping
Review of the Latest
Experimental Evidence

41 Epidemiology of Traumatic Neurosurgery Research 2020 √ √

Brain Injury in Neurosurgery
Department of Tertiary
Referral Hospital at North
Sumatera, Indonesia

42 Protective Effects of Propolis Neurotrauma Research 2019 √ √

Extract in a Rat Model of
Traumatic Brain Injury via
Hsp70 Induction

43 Adherence to face mask and Infection (Covid- Research 2021 √ √

social distancing among residents 19)
in Medan during the COVID-19
44 Dr. dr. Andre Turmeric extract supplementation Neurotrauma Research 2018 √ √
Marolop P. Siahaan, reduces Tau protein level in
M.Ked, Sp.BS repetitive traumatic brain injury
45 Acute hypersensitivity to Neurotrauma Case report 2018 √ √
mannitol: A case report
46 Serum concentration of ubiquitin Neurotrauma Research 2018 √ √
c-terminal hydrolase-L1 in
detecting severity of traumatic
brain injury
47 The role of marshall and Neurotrauma Research 2018 √ √
rotterdam score in predicting 30-
day outcome of traumatic brain
48 Sustained Tau Phosphorylation Neurotrauma Research 2020 √ √
and Microglial Activation
Following Repetitive Traumatic
Brain Injury
49 Turmeric Extract Administration Neurotrauma Research 2020 √ √
Increases the Expression of Brain
Derived Neurotropic Factor
Following Repetitive Traumatic
Brain Injuries
50 dr. M. Deni Nasution, Trend of Improvement in visual Neurooncology Case Report 2021 √ √
Sp.BS(K) field deficits after transsphenoidal
Endoscopic Surgery in Pituitary
Tumour Patients: a case series
51 Thoracic Chordoma of Thoracal Neurospine Case Report 2019 √ √
7th - 8th: A Case Report
52 Algorithm of traumatic brain Neurotrauma Research 2019 √ √
injury management at Indonesia
in the COVID 19 pandemic ERA.
Retrospective cohort study
Juml 9 52 34 18 30 6 15


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- (*) Lampirkan dokumen roadmap penelitian

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