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A Project By Mohnish Mahapatra

Unique ID : Sou_2_CoC_Middle_2021_11877

A Sales Report Made using “Datilizer” , the app I made.

Algorithm Flowchart
2.Give Input Data
3.Make Charts
4.Print Charts
1. To Analysis the Theme First we have to understand it deeply. So
in my case I have made a web app that can make graphs and
charts like Bar Graph , Pie Chart , Donut Chart etc. Here this
may help to Make Data Visualization Simple as I made the
interface really simple rather than adding Bootstrap 3 and other
2. So my Aim is to make an app that can be used in visualisation
Inventory, Sales, Report cards etc.
3. Firstly we need to select libraries and the computer language .
4. I chose HTML 5 , CSS , JS and D3.js library in JS for Making
5. Firstly we need a simple interface in HTML.
6. Then we need to type the Functions in Javascript.
7. Then we need to test the code and if any error is there we need
to do Debugging.
8. And Done We made what we needed.
Here , What is the problem Statement? Make a application for
visualisation of data . Yes that’s the statement that makes up
the idea , Critical thinking And more. So here I came up with a
Solution which is my application DATILIZER . So in my app I
have a limit only for making charts of 12 values but would try
make it unlimited values . So my app creates graphs and charts
like Bar Graph , Pie Chart , Donut Chart etc. So my App has
Buttons for every type of chart which I thought should be
included . Just by the click of the button your graphs and
charts are created . And its that simple as I kept the interface
very simple and left the header “datilizer” with a hidden
function .On click of the header ”datilizer” it takes you to the
top of the webapp . And that is how I think my solution meets
the requirement.
So before reaching the users with this solution I need to
know who will we my users. So probably my users must be
people who are having lots of data and they need to study it
critically but it would take time so they use graphs and
charts. So who are these people? Well these people may be
businessmen , salesmen , people running organizations ,
people interested in stocks etc. So now I know my users so I
should also know how the solution reaches them. So
everyone likes something that really simple yet productive .
So my app also has a simple interface but creates many types
of graphs and charts . And of course advertisement is also
needed but that’s the second clause.
Soure Code (Github) =>

The Webapp(Github) =>

Dropbox Link =>


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