Literature Circle Mechanics

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(ELE 132)

Literature Circle (Group): Mechanics

The class will be divided into 6 groups to form into Literature Circles. All outputs will be
reported in class.

Roles of Members:
Discussion Leader – gives the background of the book and the writer to open the discussion.
Develops a list of questions you think the class should discuss about the book. Create thought-provoking
interpretive and universal questions. Try to create questions that encourage the students to consider many
Reporter - write a summary of the book thru a story map. Consider how characters interact,
major events that occur, and shifts in the setting or the mood that seem significant. Like that of a
newspaper reporter, your report must be concise, yet thorough.
Bridge Builder - build bridges between the events of the book and other people, places, or events
in the real world. Look for connections between the text, yourself, other texts, and the world. Look for the
character’s internal and external conflicts and the ways that these conflicts influence his or her actions.
Artist - create an illustration related to the reading. It can be a sketch, cartoon, diagram, flow
chart, or other depiction. It can be of a scene, an idea, a symbol, or a character and explain the
significance of your drawing.
Vocabulary Whiz – Pick out 10 words from the novel that are new or difficult to you or a child.
Give the dictionary meaning of each word. Extract also the sentences (with the page) from which the
word is used in the novel.
The Snooper – characterizes the protagonist/main character by enumerating his/her character
traits and growth as a person in the novel. Explain what for you is admirable about the character in
general that makes him/her worth emulating. You may use a graphic organizer to present your answer.
The Sage – gives the major (at least 1) and minor themes (2-3) of the book. The themes should be
statements (complete sentences) about the message/subjects/topics tackled in the novel. Explain also how
these themes are shown/reflected in the work.

Literature Circles

Number Assigned Book Members

1 – Nonfiction Diary of Anne Frank

2 – Graphic novel Smile – Raina


3 - Modern Fantasy A Wrinkle in Time -

Madeline L’Engle

4 – Historical fiction Esperanza Rising –

Pam Muñoz Ryan

5 – Juvenile The Giver – Lois Lowry

Dystopian fiction

6 – YA Patron Saints of Nothing

Contemporary – Randy Ribay
realistic fiction

Reading Packet (Group): Mechanics

1. The Literature Circle members will collate all their outputs into one group output as a Reading Packet
of the book. Names of members should appear as by-line for each part of the packet according to their
2. The group is encouraged to be creative and resourceful in their reading packets in terms of design and
(ELE 132)

3. Expected size is that of a short bond paper.

4. This will be submitted to the Instructor.

Prepared by:
Prof. Rossel M. Audencial


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