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Years of expMarital stat Level of em I have decidI am satisfi I get enoughEfforts alw Company pro PerformanceSalary pack

0-2 Single Entry level 2-3 year Neutral Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree
0-2 Single Entry level 2-3 year Agree Agree Strongly Ag Strongly Ag Strongly Ag Agree
0-2 Single Entry level 2-3 year Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Ag Agree
0-2 Single Entry level 2-3 year Agree Agree Agree Neutral Agree Neutral
0-2 Single Entry level 2-3 year Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Agree Disagree
0-2 Single Entry level 2-3 year Agree Agree Agree Strongly Ag Strongly Ag Neutral
0-2 Single Entry level Less than 1 Neutral Neutral Agree Strongly disAgree Agree
2-5 Single IntermediateLess than 1 Neutral Neutral Neutral Disagree Agree Neutral
More than 5Single Management 3-5 year Strongly ag Agree Strongly Ag Strongly Ag Agree Strongly ag
2-5 Single Management Less than 1 Neutral Neutral Neutral Agree Agree Neutral
2-5 Single Intermediate2-3 year Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree
0-2 Single Entry level 2-3 year Disagree Neutral Neutral Disagree Neutral Strongly ag
0-2 Single Entry level 2-3 year Strongly ag Agree Agree Strongly Ag Strongly Ag Strongly ag
2-5 Single IntermediateLess than 1 Agree Neutral Neutral Agree Disagree Disagree
0-2 Married Entry level 2-3 year Agree Agree Neutral Agree Neutral Strongly dis
2-5 Single Intermediate2-3 year Neutral Neutral Agree Agree Agree Agree
0-2 Single Entry level 3-5 year Strongly ag Strongly Ag Agree Agree Agree Neutral
2-5 Single Intermediate3-5 year Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree
2-5 Married Intermediate2-3 year Strongly ag Strongly Ag Strongly Ag Strongly Ag Strongly Ag Strongly ag
2-5 Married Intermediate2-3 year Agree Neutral Agree Agree Neutral Agree
2-5 Married Intermediate2-3 year Agree Agree Strongly Ag Agree Agree Neutral
0-2 Single Entry level 2-3 year Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Neutral
0-2 Single Entry level 2-3 year Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Ag Agree
0-2 Single Intermediate2-3 year Agree Strongly Ag Agree Agree Agree Strongly ag
More than 5Married Intermediate2-3 year Neutral Agree Agree Agree Neutral Disagree
2-5 Married Intermediate2-3 year Neutral Agree Agree Agree Neutral Neutral
2-5 Married Intermediate2-3 year Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Neutral
0-2 Single Entry level 2-3 year Neutral Neutral Agree Neutral Neutral Disagree
2-5 Married IntermediateMore than 5Strongly ag Strongly Ag Strongly Ag Strongly Ag Agree Agree
More than 5Married Management Less than 1 Strongly disStrongly disStrongly disStrongly disStrongly disStrongly dis
In comparisoPercent of sThere is onlI am able toEmploymentMy workingIham not askI often doe I never missFollowing fa
Neutral 50% Agree Agree Agree Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Agree
Agree 10% Neutral Agree Neutral Strongly Ag Agree Agree Strongly ag Agree
Disagree 25% Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Disagree Agree Disagree Agree
Disagree 25% Agree Strongly ag Neutral Neutral Neutral Disagree Neutral Strongly ag
Neutral 25% Agree Agree Neutral Neutral Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral
Neutral 50% Strongly ag Strongly ag Strongly disNeutral Agree Neutral Agree Strongly ag
Disagree 50% Strongly ag Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree Neutral Disagree Agree
Disagree 50% Disagree Agree Neutral Agree Disagree Neutral Agree Neutral
Agree 50% Strongly ag Strongly ag Neutral Strongly Ag Strongly Ag Strongly Ag Agree Strongly ag
Disagree 25% Disagree Agree Neutral Agree Disagree Neutral Disagree Neutral
Neutral 100% Neutral Agree Disagree Agree Neutral Neutral Agree Agree
Neutral 10% Neutral Agree Neutral Strongly disStrongly disStrongly disDisagree Agree
Agree 25% Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Neutral Strongly ag
Disagree 10% Neutral Strongly ag Neutral Strongly Ag Strongly Ag Strongly Ag Strongly ag Strongly ag
Agree 50% Neutral Disagree Neutral Neutral Neutral Agree Neutral Strongly ag
Neutral 50% Neutral Agree Neutral Agree Neutral Agree Agree Agree
Neutral 25% Neutral Agree Neutral Strongly Ag Strongly Ag Agree Strongly ag Strongly ag
Agree 50% Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree
Agree 50% Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree
Agree 10% Disagree Agree Agree Disagree Agree Agree Agree Neutral
50% Disagree Strongly ag Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree
Neutral 10% Agree Agree Neutral Neutral Strongly Ag Neutral Agree Strongly ag
Neutral 100% Agree Strongly ag Neutral Agree Strongly Ag Disagree Neutral Strongly ag
Disagree 10% Neutral Strongly ag Agree Neutral Agree Disagree Disagree Strongly dis
Neutral 25% Agree Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Agree Agree Agree
Neutral 100% Neutral Disagree Neutral Neutral Neutral Agree Agree Strongly ag
Disagree 50% Agree Agree Agree Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Agree
Disagree 50% Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagree 50% Strongly ag Strongly ag Strongly ag Strongly Ag Agree Agree Agree Strongly ag
Strongly dis 50% Strongly ag Strongly disStrongly ag Strongly disStrongly disStrongly disStrongly disNeutral
Following faFollowing faFollowing faFollowing factors are very much influential in you to stay in an organization [Nature of superiors ]
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Strongly ag Agree Strongly agree
Strongly ag Strongly ag Strongly ag Strongly ag Option 1
Strongly ag Strongly ag Strongly ag Strongly ag Option 1
Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
Strongly ag Agree Agree Strongly ag Option 1
Agree Strongly ag Strongly ag Strongly agree
Agree Neutral Neutral Neutral
Strongly ag Strongly ag Strongly ag Strongly agree
Disagree Strongly disStrongly disDisagree
Agree Agree Agree Strongly agree
Neutral Strongly ag Neutral Strongly agree
Strongly ag Strongly ag Agree Strongly agree
Strongly ag Strongly ag Strongly ag Strongly agree
Strongly ag Strongly ag Agree Agree Option 1
Agree Agree Agree Agree Option 1
Strongly ag Strongly ag Strongly ag Strongly ag Option 1
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Agree Neutral Agree Agree
Agree Agree Agree Agree
Strongly ag Strongly ag Agree Agree
Strongly ag Strongly ag Strongly ag Strongly agree
Strongly disStrongly disStrongly disStrongly disOption 1
Agree Agree Agree Neutral
Strongly ag Strongly ag Strongly ag Strongly agree
Agree Strongly ag Agree Strongly agree
Agree Strongly ag Agree Strongly agree
Strongly ag Strongly ag Strongly ag Strongly agree
Neutral Strongly ag Strongly ag Strongly agree
ation [Nature of superiors ]

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