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Christelle Jhia S.

Silvestre PH1
BSN-1B Sir. Joeven Deo Abalayan

Answer the following refection by completing the sentence.

Before I move on to the next module, I will assure that…

I understand… the difference between the aerobic and anaerobic

exercise. That aerobic exercise during an activity our heart rate
will increase. Aerobic exercise helps our heart, lungs, and
circulatory system healthy. An activity is considered aerobic
exercise if it is any type of cardiovascular conditioning. It can
include activities like dancing, swimming, biking, and walking.
Whereas anaerobic exercise is an activity where we will get out of
breath in just a few moments while doing an activity. It involve
short bursts of high intensity activity such as sprinting,
weightlifting, and stair training.

I will apply the lesson in… my daily life. Due to the fact that
aerobic and anaerobic exercise is good for strengthening our heart
muscle and lungs, acceleration of the circulation of blood, burning
calories, and improve the shape and tone of our body. In addition,
aerobic exercise prevent heart disease and anaerobic exercise help
us to increase our muscle mass and strength.

I will practice… applying what I learned on my daily life for me to

conquer my goal to be physically fit and be healthy.

NO. 1 IN P.E 1

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