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College of Teacher Education,

Academic Year 2021-2022, 2ND




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Axioms for the Real Numbers and the Positive Integers

Module 8

In your previous modules, we have assumed an explicit set of axioms for
the set of real numbers and for the set of positive integers. In this module,
we will list these axioms and we will illustrate how basic facts, also used
without proof in the text, can be derived using them

By the end of this module, you should be able to:
 discuss the axioms for the real numbers and positive integers
 prove axioms using the basic facts



Axioms for Real Numbers

The standard axioms for real numbers include both the field (or algebraic)
axioms, used to specify rules for basic arithmetic operations, and the
order axioms, used to specify properties of the ordering of real numbers.
We begin with the field axioms. As usual, we denote the sum and product
of two real numbers x and y by x + y and x ⋅ y, respectively. (Note that the
product of x and y is often denoted by xy without the use of the dot to
indicate multiplication. We will not use this abridged notation in this
module, but will within the text.) Also, by convention, we perform
multiplications before additions unless parentheses are used. Although
these statements are axioms, they are commonly called laws or rules. The
first two of these axioms tell us that when we add or multiply two real
numbers, the result is again a real number; these are the closure laws.
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 Closure law for addition For all real numbers x and y, x + y is a

real number.
 Closure law for multiplication For all real numbers x and y, x ⋅
y is a real number.
The next two axioms tell us that when we add or multiply three real
numbers, we get the same result regardless of the order of operations; these
are the associative laws.
 Associative law for addition For all real numbers x, y, and z, (x
+ y) + z = x + (y + z).
 Associative law for multiplication For all real numbers x, y, and
z, (x ⋅ y) ⋅ z= x ⋅ (y ⋅ z).
Two additional algebraic axioms tell us that the order in which we add
or multiply two numbers does not matter; these are the commutative laws.
 Commutative law for addition For all real numbers x and y, x +
y = y + x.
 Commutative law for multiplication For all real numbers x and
y, x ⋅ y = y ⋅ x.
The next two axioms tell us that 0 and 1 are additive and multiplicative
identities for the set of real numbers. That is, when we add 0 to a real
number or multiply a real number by 1 we do not change this real number.
These laws are called identity laws.
 Additive identity law For every real number x, x + 0 = 0 + x = x.
 Multiplicative identity law For every real number x, x ⋅ 1 = 1 ⋅ x
= x.
Although it seems obvious, we also need the following axiom.
 Identity elements axiom The additive identity 0 and the
multiplicative identity 1 are distinct, that is 0 ≠ 1.
Two additional axioms tell us that for every real number, there is a
real number that can be added to this number to produce 0, and for every
nonzero real number, there is a real number by which it can be multiplied
to produce 1. These are the inverse laws.

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 Inverse law for addition For every real number x, there exists a
real number −x (called the additive inverse of x) such that x + (−x)
= (−x) + x = 0.
 Inverse law for multiplication For every nonzero real number x,
there exists a real number 1∕x (called the multiplicative inverse of
x) such that x ⋅ (1∕x) = (1∕x) ⋅ x = 1.
The final algebraic axioms for real numbers are the distributive laws,
which tell us that multiplication distributes over addition; that is, that we
obtain the same result when we first add a pair of real numbers and then
multiply by a third real number or when we multiply each of these two real
numbers by the third real number and then add the two products.
 Distributive laws For all real numbers x, y, and z, x ⋅ (y + z) = x
⋅ y + x ⋅ z and (x + y) ⋅ z = x ⋅ z + y ⋅ z.
Next, we will state the order axioms for the real numbers, which
specify properties of the “greater than” relation, denoted by >, on the set
of real numbers. We write x > y (and y < x) when x is greater than y, and
we write x ≥ y (and y ≤ x) when x > y or x = y. The first of these axioms
tells us that given two real numbers, exactly one of three possibilities
occurs: the two numbers are equal, the first is greater than the second, or
the second is greater than the first. This rule is called the trichotomy law.
 Trichotomy law For all real numbers x and y, exactly one of x =
y, x > y, or y > x is true.
Next, we have an axiom, called the transitivity law, which tells us that
if one number is greater than a second number and this second number is
greater than a third, then the first number is greater than the third.
 Transitivity law For all real numbers x, y, and z, if x > y and y >
z, then x > z.
We also have two compatibility laws, which tell us that when we add a
number to both sides in a greater than relationship, the greater than
relationship is preserved, and when we multiply both sides of a greater
than relationship by a positive real number (that is, a real number x with
x > 0), the greater than relationship is preserved.

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 Additive compatibility law For all real numbers x, y, and z, if x

> y, then x + z > y + z.
 Multiplicative compatibility law For all real numbers x, y, and
z, if x > y and z > 0, then x ⋅ z > y ⋅ z.
The final axiom for the set of real numbers is the completeness
property. Before we state this axiom, we need some definitions. First,
given a nonempty set A of real numbers, we say that the real number b is
an upper bound of A if for every real number a in A, b ≥ a. A real number
s is a least upper bound of A if s is an upper bound of A and whenever t
is an upper bound of A, then we have s ≤ t.
 Completeness property Every nonempty set of real numbers that
is bounded above has a least upper bound.
Using Axioms to Prove Basic Facts
The axioms we have listed can be used to prove many properties that are
often used without explicit mention. We give several examples of results
we can prove using axioms and leave the proof of a variety of other
properties as exercises. Although the results we will prove seem quite
obvious, proving them using only the axioms we have stated can be
The additive identity element 0 of the real numbers is unique.

To show that the additive identity element 0 of the real numbers is unique,
suppose that 0′ is also an additive identity for the real numbers. This means
that 0′ + x = x + 0′ = x whenever x is a real number. By the additive identity
law, it follows that 0 + 0′ = 0′. Because 0′ is an additive identity, we know
that 0 + 0′ = 0. It follows that 0 = 0′, because both equal 0 + 0′. This shows
that 0 is the unique additive identity for the real numbers.

The additive inverse of a real number x is unique.

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Let x be a real number. Suppose that y and z are both additive inverses of
x. Then,
y=0+y by the additive identity law
= (z + x) + y because z is an additive inverse of x
= z + (x + y) by the associative law for addition
=z+0 because y is an additive inverse of x
=z by the additive identity law.
It follows that y = z.
Theorems 1 and 2 tell us that the additive identity and additive inverses
are unique. Theorems 3 and 4 tell us that the multiplicative identity and
multiplicative inverses of nonzero real numbers are also unique.
The multiplicative identity element 1 of the real numbers is unique.

The multiplicative inverse of a nonzero real number x is unique.

For every real number x, x ⋅ 0 = 0.

Suppose that x is a real number. By the additive inverse law, there is a
real number y that is the additive inverse of x ⋅ 0, so we have x ⋅ 0 + y =
0. By the additive identity law, 0 + 0 = 0. Using the distributive law, we
see that x ⋅ 0 = x ⋅ (0 + 0) = x ⋅ 0 + x ⋅ 0. It follows that

0 = x ⋅ 0 + y = (x ⋅ 0 + x ⋅ 0) + y.

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Next, note that by the associative law for addition and because x ⋅ 0 + y =
0, it follows that

(x ⋅ 0 + x ⋅ 0) + y = x ⋅ 0 + (x ⋅ 0 + y) = x ⋅ 0 + 0.
Finally, by the additive identity law, we know that x ⋅ 0 + 0 = x ⋅ 0.
Consequently, x ⋅ 0 = 0.
For all real numbers x and y, if x ⋅ y = 0, then x = 0 or y = 0.

Suppose that x and y are real numbers and x ⋅ y = 0. If x ≠ 0, then, by the
multiplicative inverse law, x has a multiplicative inverse 1∕x, such that x ⋅
(1 ∕ x) = (1 ∕ x) ⋅ x = 1. Because x ⋅ y = 0, we have (1 ∕ x) ⋅ (x ⋅ y) = (1 ∕ x) ⋅
0 = 0 by Theorem 5. Using the associate law for multiplication, we have
((1 ∕ x) ⋅ x) ⋅ y = 0. This means that 1 ⋅ y = 0. By the multiplicative identity
rule, we see that 1 ⋅ y = y, so y = 0. Consequently, either x = 0 or y = 0.

The multiplicative identity element 1 in the set of real numbers is
greater than the additive identity element 0.

By the trichotomy law, either 0 = 1, 0 > 1, or 1 > 0. We know by
the identity elements axiom that 0 ≠ 1.
So, assume that 0 > 1. We will show that this assumption leads to
a contradiction. By the additive inverse law, 1 has an additive inverse −1
with 1 + (−1) = 0. The additive compatibility law tells us that 0 + (−1) > 1
+ (−1) = 0; the additive identity law tells us that 0 + (−1) = −1.
Consequently, −1 > 0, and by the multiplicative compatibility law, (−1) ⋅
(−1) > (−1) ⋅ 0. By Theorem 5, the right-hand side of last inequality is 0.
By the distributive law, (−1) ⋅ (−1) + (−1) ⋅ 1 = (−1) ⋅ (−1 + 1) = (−1) ⋅ 0 =
0. Hence, the left-hand side of this last inequality, (−1) ⋅ (−1), is the unique
additive inverse of −1, so this side of the inequality equals 1.
Consequently, this last inequality becomes 1 > 0, contradicting the
trichotomy law because we had assumed that 0 > 1.

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Because we know that 0 ≠ 1 and that it is impossible for 0 > 1, by

the trichotomy law, we conclude that 1 > 0.
The next theorem tells us that for every real number there is an
integer (where by an integer, we mean 0, the sum of any number of 1s,
and the additive inverses of these sums) greater than this real number. This
result is attributed to the Greek mathematician Archimedes. The result can
be found in Book V of Euclid’s Elements.

ARCHIMEDEAN PROPERTY For every real number x there exists
an integer n such that n > x.

Suppose that x is a real number such that n ≤ x for every integer n. Then x
is an upper bound of the set of integers. By the completeness property it
follows that the set of integers has a least upper bound M. Because M − 1
< M and M is a least upper bound of the set of integers, M − 1 is not an
upper bound of the set of integers. This means that there is an integer n
with n > M − 1. This implies that n + 1 > M, contradicting the fact that M
is an upper bound of the set of integers.
Axioms for the Set of Positive Integers
The axioms we now list specify the set of positive integers as the subset of
the set of integers satisfying four key properties. We assume the truth of
these axioms in this module.
 Axiom 1 The number 1 is a positive integer.
 Axiom 2 If n is a positive integer, then n + 1, the successor of n,
is also a positive integer.
 Axiom 3 Every positive integer other than 1 is the successor of a
positive integer.
 Axiom 4 The Well-Ordering Property Every nonempty subset
of the set of positive integers has a least element.
 Mathematical induction axiom If S is a set of positive integers
such that 1 ∈ S and for all positive integers n if n ∈ S, then n + 1
∈ S, then S is the set of positive integers.

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Most mathematicians take the real number system as already existing,

with the real numbers satisfying the axioms we have listed in this
appendix. However, mathematicians in the nineteenth century developed
techniques to construct the set of real numbers, starting with more basic
sets of numbers. (The process of constructing the real numbers is
sometimes studied in advanced undergraduate mathematics classes. A
treatment of this can be found in [Mo91], for instance.) The first step in
the process is the construction of the set of positive integers using axioms
1–3 and either the well-ordering property or the mathematical induction
axiom. Then, the operations of addition and multiplication of positive
integers are defined. Once this has been done, the set of integers can be
constructed using equivalence classes of pairs of positive integers, where
(a, b) ∼ (c, d) if and only if a + d = b + c; addition and multiplication of
integers can be defined using these pairs. Next, the set of rational numbers
can be constructed using the equivalence classes of pairs of integers where
the second integer in the pair is not zero, where (a, b) ≈ (c, d) if and only
if a ⋅ d = b ⋅ c; addition and multiplication of rational numbers can be
defined in terms of these pairs. Using infinite sequences, the set of real
numbers can then be constructed from the set of rational numbers. The
interested reader will find it worthwhile to read through the many details
of the steps of this construction.

 The additive identity element 0 of the real numbers is unique.
 The additive inverse of a real number x is unique.
 The multiplicative identity element 1 of the real numbers is
 The multiplicative inverse of a nonzero real number x is unique.
 For every real number x, x ⋅ 0 = 0.
 For all real numbers x and y, if x ⋅ y = 0, then x = 0 or y = 0.
 The multiplicative identity element 1 in the set of real numbers is
greater than the additive identity element 0.
 For every real number x there exists an integer n such that n > x.

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Now that you have finished the review of the various concepts outlined
above, it is now time for an assessment to see how far you have improved.
On every module’s “End of Module Assessment” (this part), write your
answer/s on a one whole sheet of yellow pad paper.

Congratulations for making it till the end of this module! I hope you are
enjoying learning this module!

Rosen, K. (2019). Discrete Mathematics and its application.
McGrawhill. Pdf


(Please do not forget to provide information on this part)

Name: _______________________ Course& Year: _____________

Module Number and Title: ________ Date accomplished: _________

Now that you have finished the review of the various concepts outlined
above, it is now time for an assessment to see how far you have improved.
Write your answers on a one whole sheet of yellow pad paper.
Answer the following questions.
1. Prove Theorem 3, which states that the multiplicative identity
element of the real numbers is unique.
2. . Prove that for all real numbers x and y, (−x) ⋅ y = x ⋅ (−y) = −(x
⋅ y).
3. Prove that for all real numbers x and y, (−x) ⋅ (−y) = x ⋅ y.
4. Prove that for every real number x, −(−x) = x.
5. Prove that for all real numbers x and y,−x − y = −(x + y).

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Ordinal Numbers
Module 10


In this module we review a few basic notions about well-ordered sets.

We define special subsets of well-ordered sets called “initial segments”.
“Order isomorphisms” are defined as strictly increasing one-to-one
functions between well-ordered sets. Initial segments of well-ordered sets
are themselves well-ordered sets. We prove basic properties of order
isomorphisms between initial segments and well-ordered sets. We then
define the relation, ≤WO, on well-ordered sets as follows: “S ≤WO T if S
and T are order isomorphic or one is order isomorphic to an initial segment
of the other”. This module provides the fundamental background for the
study of the important set-theoretic topic of “ordinal numbers”.

By the end of this module, you should be able to:
 define an ordinal number
 discuss and apply transfinite induction



Well-ordered sets revisited

Recall that "order relations" on a set S are relations which fall into two
major categories: linearly ordered relations or partially ordered relations
(also, non-linearly ordered relation). Each of these can be strict or non-
strict order relations. Non-strict ordered relations are often represented by
"S", while strictly ordered relations are often represented by although other
symbols may be used. An order relation on a set, S, is linear provided
provided any two distinct elements of S are comparable under the given
order relation. That is, all elements of S can be lined up on a line, the
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"larger" elements normally to the right of (or above) the "smaller" ones.
Partially ordered classes are often viewed as having many branches where
elements on different branches are not comparable by S or <. It is often
said that non-linear order relations have many "chains of elements"
(subsets which are linearly ordered) while a linearly ordered class has all
its elements lined up in a single chain.

In what follows the hypothesized sets, S, will be linearly ordered by S or

we will be investigating those linearly ordered sets which are "well-
ordered". We remind ourselves of what "well-ordered" means:

A well-ordered set is a set, S, which is linearly ordered by S or < in

such a way that every non-empty subset, T, of S contains its least
element. If a relation well-orders a class or a set S we will sometimes,
more succinctly, say that "S is Swell-ordered".

Well-ordered classes. Note that in the above definition of “well-

ordered set”, we can replace the word “set” with the word “class”, so
that we can speak of an ordered proper class, A, which is well-ordered
by some relation, ≤. Proper well-ordered classes will be discussed
further on in the text.

Before we start we should recall that the set, N, as well as every natural
number, n, were shown to be ∈-well-ordered. The set, N, of all natural
numbers and any natural, n, are also ⊂-well-ordered. We will invoke
this fact to show that given any non-empty countable set S, we can
define an order relation which well-orders S.

Let f : T → S be a one-to-one function mapping T onto S. If T is a
well-ordered set, then T induces a well-ordering on S. Hence, every
countable set can be well-ordered.

We provide a few examples of linearly ordered sets which are well-

ordered and some that are not (some of which we have seen before).

a) The set of all even natural numbers, Ne, with the ordering inherited
from (N, ⊂) is a well-ordered set since every pair of even numbers
are comparable and every subset of even numbers contains a least
even number.

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b) Every natural number, n, is a well-ordered set. For example, 5 =

{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} is ∈-linear (or ⊂-linear) and every subset of 5
contains a least element.
c) The set of all countably infinite sequences of natural numbers, NN,
equipped with the lexicographic ordering has been shown to be a
set which is linearly ordered, but not well-ordered, since it
contains subsets with no least element. For example, suppose that
for each i ∈ N, xi = {aj : j ∈ N} where aj = 1 if j = i and aj = 0
otherwise. Then for each i ∈ N, xi ∈ NN. The subset S = {xi : i ∈
N} of N N does not contain a least element since it does not contain
the element (0, 0, 0,. ..,).
d) The set, N × N, can also be equipped with the lexicographic
{(0, 0),(0, 1),(0, 2),...,(1, 0),(1, 1),...,(2, 0),(2, 1),(2, 2),(2, 3), ...}

When ordered in this way, N × N can be seen as being the union

of a countably infinite number of copies of N lined up from end to
end. This is easily seen to be a linear ordering. Given any non-
empty subset M = {(s, t) : s ∈ S, t ∈ T} of N×N, the least element
of M is (u, v) where u = least{S} and v = least{t : (u, t) ∈ M}. The
element, (u, v), belongs to M since both u and v are least elements
of subsets of a well-ordered set. We conclude that the
lexicographically ordered N × N is well-ordered.
e) The set, R, of real numbers equipped with the usual real number
ordering is linear but is not well-ordered since the set {x ∈ R : x >
1} does not have a least element. Note that this does not mean that
there isn’t an order relation which well-orders the real numbers.

Our experience with well-ordered sets is quite limited. Even if we can use
the lexicographic ordering tool to construct long chains of copies of N we
have however not been able to exhibit a single uncountably infinite set
which is well-ordered. Anyone who has attempted to find a well-ordering
relation for R may wonder if an uncountable well-ordered set exists at all.

Initial segments revisited

In this section the initial segments we will study are subsets of abstract
well-ordered sets. We will discuss the notion of “initial segments” as
though we have never seen these before. We start with the following
formal definition.

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Given a well-ordered set (S, ≤), a subset U of S satisfying the
U ≠ S and ∀u ∈ U, [x < u] ⇒ [x ∈ U]
is called an initial segment of S. In this definition, the partial order
relation ≤ can be used instead of < without altering the meaning of
“initial segment”.

Formal definitions of abstract concepts are often not expressed in a reader-

friendly form. This is because the reader-friendly form is not always the
form that is best adapted to the process of proving statements in which
carefully formulated definitions are required. The following theorem will
allow the reader to more easily visualize what initial segments in well-
ordered sets look like.
If (S, ≤) is a well-ordered set, then every initial segment in S is of the

Sa = {x ∈ S : x < a}
for some a ∈ S.

What we are given: That (S, ≤) is a well-ordered set; T is a proper subset
of S satisfying the property “∀t ∈ T, [x < t] ⇒ [x ∈ T]”.
What we are required to show: That T = Sa = {x ∈ S : x < a} for some a ∈
Since T is a proper subset of S, then S − T is non-empty. So S − T must
contain its least element, say a (since S is well-ordered).
Claim Sa ⊆ T: Since a is the least element of S − T, x < a ⇒ x ∉ S − T ⇒
x ∈ T. So Sa ⊆ T, as claimed.
Claim T ⊆ Sa: If x ∉ Sa then x ≥ a. Then the element x cannot belong to
T, for if x ∈ T, a ≤ x would imply that a ∈ T (by definition of the set T);
since a ∈ S − T, we would obtain a contradiction. So u ∈ T ⇒ u < a. That
is, T ⊆ Sa as claimed.
So the initial segment, T, of the well-ordered set, S, is the set Sa = {x ∈ S
: x < a} where a is the least element in S − T, as required.

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Given the initial segment Sa, we will refer to a as the leader of the initial
segment. The leader, a, of the initial segment, Sa, is not an element of the
initial segment. It is also important to remember that, by definition, a well-
ordered set S is not an initial segment of itself. We provide a few examples
of sets which are initial segments and sets which are not:
a) Note that every natural number n in N is an initial segment of N.
For example, 5 = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} = {n ∈ N : n < 5} = S5 is an initial
segment of N.
− We can view 5 = S5 = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} as being ⊂-well-ordered.
The initial segments of 5 are the following sets only:
4 = S4 = {0, 1, 2, 3}
3 = S3 = {0, 1, 2}
2 = S2 = {0, 1}
1 = S1 = {0}
b) Even though the set Ne of all even natural numbers is a proper
subset of N it is not an initial segment of N since 26 ∈ Ne and 17
< 26 but 17 ∉ Ne. However, S26 = {n ∈ Ne : n < 26} is an initial
segment of the well-ordered set (N e ⊂).
c) The subset S = {0, 2, 3, 4, 5,..., } in N is not an initial segment of
N since 3 ∈ S and 1 < 3 but 1 does not belong to S.
d) Consider the set, N{0,1,2} = {{a0, a1, a2} : ai ∈ N}, of all functions
mapping {0, 1, 2} into N, ordered lexicographically. This set is
easily verified to be well-ordered.
The set S{0,1,0} = {{0, 0, i} : i ∈ N} is an initial segment of N
. It is the set of all elements in N{0,1,2} which are strictly less
than {0, 1, 0}.
Initial segments of well-ordered sets are well-ordered. If Sa is an initial
segment of a <-well-ordered set S, then Sa can inherit the order relation
“<-well-ordered set.

“Order isomorphisms” between well-ordered classes.

Given two sets A and B there can be many functions mapping A into B.
We may want to classify these functions by “types”. For example, we may
want to consider only those functions f : A → B which are one-to-one, or
only those functions which are constant, or only those with finite range,
and so on. If we are given two linearly ordered sets (S, ≤S) and (T, ≤T) we
may be interested only in those functions f : S → T which “respect the
order” of these functions. By “respecting the order” we mean that n ≤S m
⇒ f(n) ≤T f(m). For example, the function f : N → N defined as f(n) = 5n
respects the order of the elements of the set N (for example, 3 < 4 where
f(3) = 15 < 20 = f(4)) while the function, g : (0, 1] → N, defined as, g(x)
= 1/x, does not (since 1/3 < 1/2 and yet g(1/3) = 3 ≮ 2 = g(1/2)). One-to-
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one order-respecting functions between well-ordered sets will be called

order isomorphism. We begin by formally defining this concept.

Let f : (S, ≤S ) → (T, ≤T ) be a function mapping a well-ordered class,
(S, ≤S ), onto a well-ordered class, (T, ≤T ). Note that the symbols ≤ S
and ≤T will allow us to distinguish between the order relations applied
to the sets S and T, respectively.
a) We will say that the function, f, is increasing on (S, ≤S ) if
(x ≤S y) ⇒ (f(x) ≤T f(y))
b) We will say that the function f is strictly increasing on (S, ≤S
) if
(x <S y) ⇒ (f(x) <T f(y))
A strictly increasing function must be one-to-one.
c) If f : (S, ≤S ) → (T, ≤T ) is strictly increasing, then f is said to
be an order isomorphism mapping S into T.

If there exists an onto order isomorphism between the two well-ordered

classes, (S, ≤S ) and (T, ≤T ), we will say that the classes are order
isomorphic, or that a function maps S order isomorphically onto T.
We provide a few examples of order isomorphisms between well-ordered
- Let (Ne, ≤) denote the even natural numbers equipped with the
standard natural number ordering ≤. Since the function f : N → N e
defined as f(n) = 2n is one-to-one and strictly increasing, then it
maps N order isomorphically onto N e.
- On the other hand the function g : (N, ≤) → (N, ≤) defined as g(n)
= n + (−1)n is one-to-one and onto (N, ≤) but is not an order
isomorphism. If g(n) = an, witness a0 = 1, a1 = 0, a2 = 3, a3 = 2, . .
.. We see that g does not respect the order of the elements.
- Consider the set N × N × N = {(a0, a1, a2) : ai ∈ N} ordered
lexicographically. We see that the set
S(0,1,0) = {(0, 0, i) : i ∈ N}

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is an initial segment of N × N × N since (0, 0, i) < (0, 1, 0) for all

natural numbers i. Verify that the function f : N → N × N × N
defined as f(n) = (0, 0, n) maps N order isomorphically onto S(0,1,0).
Does there exist some other order isomorphism which maps N
onto S(0,1,0)? (A statement proven in the proposition below will
confirm that there can be no other.)
- Suppose <* orders the elements of N as follows:
 If n is even and m is odd, then n <* m
 If n and m are both even or both odd, then n and m respect
the usual order of natural numbers. That is,
(N <∗ ) = {0, 2, 4, 6, ..., 1, 3, 5, 7,...}
Then the function f : N → (N, <*) defined as f(n) = 2n, maps N
order-isomorphically onto the initial segment {0, 2, 4, 6, …, 1, 3,
5, 7, …} of (N, <*).
Basic properties of order isomorphisms.
We now list and prove a few basic properties of order isomorphisms. We
will refer to these often in our study of those sets we will call ordinals.

Let (S, ≤S) and (T, ≤T ) be a well-ordered sets.
a) The inverse of an order isomorphism is an order
b) If f : (S, ≤S) → (S, ≤S) is a strictly increasing function
mapping S into itself, then x ≤ f(x), for all x ∈ S.
c) The set S cannot be order isomorphic to an initial segment of
d) If f : (S, ≤S) → (S, ≤S) is an order isomorphism mapping S
onto itself, then f is the identity function.
e) If f : (S, ≤S) → (T, ≤T ) and g : (S, ≤S) → (T, ≤T ) are two
order isomorphisms mapping S onto T, then f = g.
f) Suppose f : (S, ≤S) → (T, ≤T ) is an order isomorphism
mapping S onto an initial segment of T. Then S and T cannot
be order isomorphic.

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a) Given: That f : S → T is an order isomorphism mapping the well-
ordered set (S, ≤S) onto (T, ≤T ).
What we are required to show: That f −1 : T → S must also be an
order isomorphism:
To see this, let u, v be elements in T such that u < r v. Since f is
one-to-one and onto, there exists distinct elements a = f -1(u) and
b = f -1 (v) in (S). Since S is well-ordered, it is linear and so all
elements in S are comparable. So either f -1 u = a < s b = f -1 (v) or
f -1 (v) = b < s a = f -1 u. If b < s a, then, since f is order preserving,
f(b) = v < T u = f(a), a contradiction. So a = f -1 (u) < s f -1 (v) = b.
So f −1 : T → S must also be an order isomorphism.
b) What we are given: That (S, ≤) is well-ordered, that f : S → S, and
that x < y implies f(x) < f(y) (that is, f is strictly increasing).
What we are required to prove: That x ≤ f(x) for all x. That is, f
cannot map an element x “below itself”.
Suppose there exists an element x of S such that f(x) < x. Then,
the set.
T = {x ∈ S : f(x) < x} is non-empty. We claim that this will lead
to a contradiction:
- Since S is well-ordered, T must contain a least element,
say a. Since a ∈ T, f(a) < a.
- Since f is strictly increasing,
f(a) < a ⇒ f(f(a)) < f(a)
- By definition of T, f(f(a)) < f(a) implies f(a) ∈ T. Since a
is the least element of T, a ≤ f(a). But a ≤ f(a) and f(a) < a
are contradictory statements. The source of this
contradiction is supposing that T ≠ ∅.
We must conclude that T = ∅. That is, for all x ∈ S, x ≤ f(x).
c) What we are given: That (S, ≤) is a well-ordered set.
What we are required to show: That S cannot be order isomorphic
to an initial segment of itself.
An initial segment of S must be of the form Sa = {x ∈ S : x < a}
where a ∈ S. If f : (S, ≤) → Sa is an order isomorphism onto Sa,
then f must map a to some element f(a) in Sa; this means f(a) < a.
By definition of order isomorphism, f is strictly increasing on S
and so f(f(a)) < f(a). But, by part b) above, x ≤ f(x) for all x ∈ S
and so f(a) ≤ f(f(a)). The statements f(f(a)) < f(a) and f(a) ≤ f(f(a))

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are contradictory. So no initial segment of S can be the order

isomorphic image of S.
d) What we are given: That f : (S, ≤) → (S, ≤) is an onto order
What we are required to show: That f(x) = x for all x ∈ S.
If f is an order isomorphism from S onto itself, then both f and f
must be strictly increasing functions. By part b) above, x ≤ f(x)
and x ≤ f −1 (x), for all x ∈ S. Suppose s < f(s) for some s ∈ S. Then
f −1 (s) < f −1 (f(s)) = s
The statements f −1 (s) < s and s ≤ f −1 (s) are contradictory. So
there can be no element s ∈ S such that s < f(s). Then x ≤ f(x) and
x ≮ f(x) forces f(x) = x for all x ∈ S.
e) Suppose f : (S, ≤S) → (T, ≤T ) and g : (S, ≤S) → (T, ≤T ) are two
order isomorphisms mapping S onto T. Then f −1 : T → S is an
order isomorphism and so the function.
f −1 ◦g : (S, ≤S) → (S, ≤S)
is an order isomorphism of S onto itself. By part d) f −1 ◦g must be
the identity map. Then g = (f −1 ) −1 = f.
f) What we are given: f : (S, ≤S) → (T, ≤T ) is an order isomorphism
mapping S onto an initial segment Tu of T.
What we are required to show: That S and T cannot be order
isomorphic. If S and Tu are order isomorphic and S and T are order
isomorphic, then T is order isomorphic to Tu contradicting the
statement in part c). So S and T cannot be order isomorphic.

We highlight some important points that are made in the above statements.

Firstly, if f : S → T is an order isomorphism between well-ordered sets S

and T, then there can be no other one. This is important, since it points to
a crucial difference between equipotent sets and order isomorphic sets.
There can be many different functions which map a set S one-to-one onto
a set T. But if if (S, ≤S) and (T, ≤T ) are known to be order isomorphic, then
only one order isomorphism can bear witness to this fact. We might say
that an order-isomorphism is “sensitive” to the structure of a well-ordered
set, while equipotence is not. For example, the equipotence relation
perceives ({0, 1} × N, <lex) simply as a countable set allowing for many
ways of mapping N one-to-one and onto this set, while an order
isomorphism is sensitive to the fact that this set is made of two copies of

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N lined up one after the other and so cannot view this set as a single copy
of N.

Secondly, two initial segments of the same well-ordered set are order
isomorphic only if they are equal.

Thirdly, a well-ordered set can never be order isomorphic to an initial

segment of itself. This again underlines an important difference with the
equipotence relation. By definition, an infinite set is precisely a set which
is equipotent with a proper subset of itself.

Ranking well-ordered sets with order isomorphisms

We will show how order isomorphisms can be used to “rank” well-ordered

sets. We begin by introducing the following notation.
Let S and T be two well-ordered sets. Then the expression

means “S and T are order isomorphic”. The expression

means “S ∼WO Ta” where Ta is some initial segment of T. The

means “S ∼WO T or S <WO T.

If W = {S ∈ S : S is well-ordered} denotes the class of all well-

ordered sets, see that the relation ∼WO is reflexive, symmetric and
transitive on W and so is an equivalence relation. See that ≤WO is
also reflexive and transitive on W. The relation ≤WO is not
antisymmetric on W in the usual sense, since S ≤WO T and T ≤WO
S implies S ∼WO T, not S = T. But ≤WO can always be used as a
ranking too for the elements of W . We will show that any two
well-ordered sets are ≤WO-comparable. That is, given any two

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well-ordered sets, S and T, either S ≤WO T or T ≤WO S. The reader

should carefully note how the “well-order properties” are used in
various parts of the proof.

Let (S, ≤S ) and (T, ≤T ) be two well-ordered sets. Then either S ≤WO
T or T ≤WO S.

The above theorem states that if we gather all well-ordered sets together
to form a class of sets, we can rank them with the relation ≤ WO. Note that
in this class, distinct well-ordered sets may well be equal or equipotent
sets. For example, the set (N∗, <*) = {0, 2, 4,.. ., 1, 3, 5, 7,..., } of all natural
numbers where the even numbers are first enumerated in the usual order
followed by all odd numbers enumerated in the usual way, is simply
another way of describing the set N. But, nevertheless, N*. Even though
N and N ∗ are the same set, they are not order isomorphic. On the other
hand, we easily see that N∗ and the lexicographically ordered set {0, 1} ×
N are order isomorphic.

It is also interesting to note that every well-ordered set is an initial segment

of another well-ordered set. Indeed, if S is well-ordered by ≤, then S is
order isomorphic to the initial segment {1} × S of the lexicographically
ordered set {1, 2} × S. In relation to such lexicographically ordered sets
we present the following more general result.

For every natural number n, the lexicographically ordered set S = {1,
2, . .., n} × N is well-ordered.

Ordinal numbers: Definition and properties.

Our study of infinite sets began with a declaration of what it means for a
set to be infinite. We stated that only a set S “which can be mapped one-
to-one onto a proper subset of itself” is referred to as being “infinite”. All
other sets are “finite” sets. So initially, sets were either finite or infinite.
Then we discovered that infinite sets could be subdivided into two
categories: Those which are one-to-one images of N − referred to as
“countably infinite” sets − and those that are not − referred to as being
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“uncountably infinite”. Then, we discovered that the class of uncountably

infinite sets actually has a more complicated structure. We found that not
all uncountable sets were pairwise equipotent. We were led to this
conclusion when we proved that no infinite set S could be mapped one-to-
one onto its power set P(S). This implied that we could partition the class
of all sets into infinitely many subclasses of sets each containing sets
which were pairwise equipotent sets. Up to now, our attention has mainly
been centered on investigating the properties of those sets which belong to
the class of all countably infinite sets and the class of all sets which are
equipotent to R (since the sets N and R are the two sets we are the most
familiar with).
Within the class of all sets, we investigated the subclass of all well-ordered
sets. We saw that order isomorphisms allow us to refine even further our
classification of infinite sets. For example, a class of all well-ordered sets
can be further partitioned into subclasses of pairwise order isomorphic
well-ordered sets. Recall that an “order isomorphism” between two well-
ordered sets S and T is a one-to-one function which respects the order of
the elements in the domain S and the image T of S. That is, the order of
the elements of the domain and the image is preserved by the one-to-one
function. For convenience, we introduced the following notation:
S ∼WO T ⇔ “S and T are order isomorphic” S
S < WO T ⇔ S ∼WO W = an initial segment of T
S ≤WO T ⇔ “S ∼WO T or S
We were able to show that all pairs of well-ordered set are ≤WO-
comparable. This is in striking contrast with our first attempts at grasping
the structure of the class of all sets. The reader will recall that we were not
clear on how to prove that “,→e∼” linearly orders the class of all sets, even
though we strongly suspect this to be the case. Our ultimate objective in
this section and the one that follows will be to construct a “well ordered
class of well-ordered sets” which contains an order isomorphic copy of
every well-ordered set. We will see that ZFC provides us with the tools to
construct a class of sets which serves this purpose. The elements of this
class of sets will be called ordinals.

Definition of “ordinal number”.

The reader will recall that every natural number is a “transitive set”.
Transitive sets are those sets S that satisfy the rule:
(y ∈ S) ⇒ (y ⊂ S)
This property was shown to be equivalent to the property
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x ∈ y and y ∈ S ⇒ x ∈ S
which is more suggestive of the notion of “transitivity” with respect to the
membership order relation ∈. A proper class which satisfies this transitive
property will be referred to as a transitive class. We showed that not only
is N a transitive set, but each natural number is also transitive. This is easy
to see if we re-examine how the natural numbers are constructed:

So n + 1 = {0, 1, 2, 3, ..., n} ⊆ N is both a subset of N and an element of

N contained in the subset n + 2 = {0, 1, 2, 3,..., n + 1} ⊆ N .

The “transitive set” property of a set S does not depend on any particular
order relation on S. But if every element of a set S is transitive, it makes it
possible for ∈ to take on the role of an order relation on S. It is shown in
theorems in your previous module that all natural numbers n, as well as
the set N, are strictly ∈-well-ordered. To say that “N is strictly ∈-well-
ordered” means that N is ∈-irreflexive, ∈-asymmetric, ∈-transitive, any
two distinct elements are ∈-comparable, and every non-empty subset S of
N contains a least element x with respect to ∈. This means that any non-
empty set, S, of natural numbers contains an element x such that x ∈ y for
all y ∈ S. We will now discuss ∈-well-ordered sets which are not
necessarily natural numbers.
Let S be a set. If S satisfies the two properties,
1) S is a transitive set,
2) S is strictly ∈-well-ordered
then S is called an ordinal number.

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The set N and all its elements are ordinals. Since the set N of all natural
numbers, as well as each natural number, to be strictly ∈-well-ordered
transitive sets, the class of all ordinals contains infinitely many finite
ordinals and at least one infinite ordinal, namely N. We will continue to
represent finite ordinal numbers by the usual lower case letters such as m
or n, but infinite ordinal numbers will be represented by lower-case Greek
letters, such as ω, α and β.
When viewed as an ordinal number, N will be represented by the
lower-case Greek letter ω. We then write,
ω = {0, 1, 2, 3, . . ., }.

The reader should note that, by definition, only “sets” can be ordinals. That
is, a strictly ∈-well-ordered proper class is not an ordinal.

The Principle of transfinite induction over the ordinals.

The principle of mathematical induction over the natural numbers was

seen to be an extremely useful tool to prove that certain properties hold
true for sets whose elements can be indexed by the natural numbers. We
remind ourselves of what it means to prove a statement by mathematical
induction on N (or on the ordinal ω as we can now call it). Suppose P(n)
is a property which holds true depending on the value of the natural
number (the finite ordinal) n. The principle of induction on ω states that if
P(0) holds true, and “P(n) holds true” ⇒ “P(n + 1) holds true”, then P(n)
holds true for all values of n. We will show that this principle generalizes
to mathematical induction over the ordinal numbers. We must, however,
keep in mind that there is an important difference between O and ω. Some
of the elements of an ordinal α may be limit ordinals. A limit ordinal β has
no immediate predecessor and so applying the induction algorithm “P(α)
⇒ P(α +)” cannot be used to prove that P(β) holds true. Mathematical
induction generalizes to ordinals provided we can verify that P(β) holds
true for limit ordinals, β, as well as for non-limit ordinals.

The principle of mathematical induction can be used to prove statements

about classes or sets whose elements can be indexed by ordinals. For
example, if γ ∈ O and S = {xα : α ∈ γ}, then, since γ is a set and S is a one-
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to-one image of γ, by the Axiom of replacement, S is a also a set.

Furthermore, the ordinal γ induces a well-ordering on the set S. The
following theorem shows how this is done. It is followed by a second
version of mathematical induction.
Principle of transfinite induction. Let {xα : α ∈ O} be a class whose
elements are indexed by the ordinals. Let P denote a particular element
property. Suppose P(α) means “the element x α satisfies the property
P”. Suppose that for any β ∈ O,
“P(α) is true ∀ α ∈ β” implies “P(β) is true”

Then P(α) holds true for all ordinals α ∈ O.

Transfinite induction: A second version. Let {xα : α ∈ O} be a class whose
elements are indexed by the ordinals. Let P denote a particular element
property. Suppose P(α) means “the element x α satisfies the property P”.
Suppose that:
1) P(0) holds true,
2) P(α) holds true implies P(α + 1) holds true,
3) If β is a limit ordinal, “P(α) is true for all α ∈ β implies P(β) is
Then P(α) holds true for all ordinals α.

 If S satisfies the two properties which are S is a transitive set and
S is strictly ∈-well-ordered then S is called an ordinal number.
 Principle of transfinite induction. Let {xα : α ∈ O} be a class
whose elements are indexed by the ordinals. Let P denote a
particular element property. Suppose P(α) means “the element x α
satisfies the property P”. Suppose that for any β ∈ O, “P(α) is true
∀ α ∈ β” implies “P(β) is true”, then P(α) holds true for all ordinals
α ∈ O.

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Now that you have finished the review of the various concepts outlined above, it
is now time for an assessment to see how far you have improved. On every
module’s “End of Module Assessment” (this part), write your answer/s on a one
whole sheet of yellow pad paper.

Congratulations for making it till the end of this module! I hope you are
enjoying learning this module!

Andre, R. Axioms and Set Theory. pdf


(Please do not forget to provide information on this part)

Name: _______________________ Course& Year: _____________

Module Number and Title: ________ Date accomplished: _________

Now that you have finished the review of the various concepts outlined
above, it is now time for an assessment to see how far you have improved.
Answer the following questions. Write your answer on a yellow paper.
1. What is a well-ordered set?
2. What is an ordinal number?
3. Give three examples of well-ordered sets.
4. Is the set of all prime numbers ordered in the usual way a well-
ordered set?
5. List all initial segments of the natural number 7.
6. What is an initial segment of a well-ordered set?
7. List the first three initial segments of the set of all prime numbers
ordered in the usual way. Are initial segments of prime numbers
initial segments of N?
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