Great Books - Activity 3

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GEC 22.

NAME: Peter Charles R. Ruivivar
Course/Yr./Block: BSCS - 4A
Date: SEPTEMBER 23, 2022

ACTIVITY 3 (September 23, 2022)

WRITTEN TASK #1: (Deadline: September 10, 2022)

A. Based on the comprehensive discussion done in the topic “The Story of the Flood from the
Epic of Gilgamesh”, answer the following questions:

1. Why was there a great flood, according to the epic? Who or what caused it?
- According to the epic, there was a great flood because the God Enlil suggested it
after having great difficulty in sleeping due to mankind’s vehement noise.

2. Compare the account of the flood in the Epic of Gilgamesh with that described in
Genesis. How are they similar? How are they different?
- Comparing the account of the flood in the Epic of Gilgamesh and in Genesis, they
are similar in some ways like how the chosen one was warned before the disaster
by their respective Gods, and the said individuals survived using a boat. They are
only different by the cause of the flood, how their respective Gods warned chosen
ones, the level of the flood, and the effects that are caused by the disaster.

3. What does the story of the flood reveal about the Mesopotamian Gods and people’s
attitude toward them?
- The story of the flood revealed that the Mesopotamian Gods don’t really love nor
care about their own creation because as stated in the story, the flood is suggested
by the God Enlil, and because of that reason, the people’s attitude towards them is
pitiful I would say because they are being obedient out of fear that it may happen
again if they won’t be good enough towards their gods.

4. What do you think the epic talks about the Mesopotamian view of life?
- I think what the epic is trying to about the Mesopotamian view of life is if the
people are good and obedient enough towards their gods, they will not punish
them or otherwise, it’s the other way around, which is the bad one. I also noticed
that they believed in some sort of thing like an afterlife which they called the
“Netherworld” where the spirits of the people who died are continuing the life they
left in the living world.
B. Research about the Epic of Gilgamesh on the internet and complete the chart below to
explain how the Epic of Gilgamesh reflects the characteristics of an epic. Use specific
examples from the text as you complete each column of the draft.

Gilgamesh is the hero or protagonist of the epic. As stated in the
● The hero is of noble
epic, he is said to be born as a two-thirds God and a one-third
birth or high social
human. He is also blessed by the Gods with strength, courage,
and beauty.

● The hero embodies

After Enkidu challenged and defeated Gilgamesh in a battle,
character traits that
Gilgamesh learned and embodied values like humility, kindness,
reflects the ideals of a
and other traits that a king should have.
“Oh Enkidu, arise, I will conduct thee unto Eanna dwelling place
of Anu, where Gilgamish [oppresses] the souls of men.”
● The poem uses a
formal diction and a “Even as one did thy mother bear thee, she the wild cow of the
serious tone. cattle stalls, Ninsunna, whose head she exalted more than a
husband. Royal power over the people Enlil has decreed for

● The poem reflects

Fear among gods, tyranny, blinded by faith
universal themes.

***In submitting your outputs, kindly follow the format as file name:
(Subject_Activity #_Last Name, First Name)

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