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Exploratory Drilling in Severely Ballooning Formation - Use of Best Drilling

Practices and Real Time Monitoring for Low Cost Mitigation

A. Golwalkar, C. M. Lang, S. Doodraj, A. K. Singh, K. Manoranjan, and A. Pandita, Cairn India Ltd

Copyright 2016, International Petroleum Technology Conference

This paper was prepared for presentation at the International Petroleum Technology Conference held in Bangkok, Thailand, 14-16 November 2016.

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Wellbore ballooning (or wellbore breathing) is a pertinent drilling issue in exploration wells where the
formation lithology, geo-mechanics, pore pressure and fracture pressure regime is not fully understood. This
phenomenon is generally observed in formations with micro-fractures. While the pumps are on the ECD is
just sufficient to open up the natural micro-fractures allowing the mud to enter the formation. As the pumps
are switched off the dynamic pressure effect is lost and the static mud weight is insufficient to keep the
fracture open, resulting in the mud lost in the formation to flow-back as the fracture closes. A flow back of
mud is observed on the surface with pumps off, which can be misinterpreted as wellbore influx or kick.
Misinterpreting a wellbore ballooning phenomenon as a well kick can lead to the application of standard
well control procedure which can aggravate the problem and may have severe implications even to the
extent of well failing to meet its objective and being prematurely abandoned.
This paper presents case studies of two wells, viz. NJ North East-1 and Raag Deep Main-1, drilled by the
operator in the same block. Severe ballooning was observed in the first well wherein delayed identification
of the phenomenon resulted in high NPT and consequential cost impact. The lessons learnt from this
experience were implemented in the second well with similar ballooning issues, along with close real-
time well monitoring while drilling resulting in smooth drilling operation and successful achievement of
objectives as per plan This paper also summarizes suitable in-field drilling practices to be adopted and
implemented to mitigate wellbore ballooning, which can be a low-cost alternative to expensive technologies
used to counter this phenomenon.

The subject wells were part of the operator's second full scale exploration campaign in onshore block
RJ-ON-90/1, Rajasthan, Western India in the period 2013-15. The wells NJ North East-1 and Raag-
Deep-Main-1 were spudded two months apart, in September and November 2014 respectively. Wellbore
ballooning was observed in 8 ½" hole section of well NJ-North-East-1 and in 12 ¼" hole section of well
Raag-Deep-Main-1. Owing to relatively low experience of severe wellbore breathing in the region, the
identification of the phenomenon in the first well and subsequent response was delayed leading to time
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and cost impact in mitigating the issue, short landing of production casing and drilling of an additional
contingent hole section. However, the learnings from this experience were implemented in the second well
and the problematic hole section was successfully drilled with relatively fewer problems while drilling.
The wells have been discussed under separate headings with greater emphasis on well NJ-North-East-1
wherein operational sequence has been explained in detail.

Well - NJ North East#1

Objective and well design
Well NJ North East-1 was an exploratory well planned with primary objective to test the extension of V&V
Barmer Hill Turbidities in a hanging wall side of the fault and probe the presence and prospectivity of
Fatehgarh sand in this area. Secondary objective of this well was to test the prospectivity of Barmer Hill
Porcellanites (please refer to Fig. 10 for prognosed litho-column of the well).
The well was planned vertical to a maximum depth of 3136 m. The pre-drill over-burden gradient,
fracture gradient and pore pressure gradient was estimated using off-set well data and seismic velocity. The
maximum estimated pore pressure for this well was 10.9 ppg at 2415 M, in Barmer Hill formation. The well
was not expected to encounter any major geological fault. No severe drilling hazards were prognosed.
The well was designed with two casing policy. The 12 ¼" surface hole section was planned to a depth
of 1200 m, which was to be drilled with K2SO4 water based mud system, with maximum mud weight of
10.2 ppg against the maximum expected formation pressure of 9.8 ppg in this section. The 8 ½" production
section was planned to a depth of 3136 m which was to be drilled with synthetic based mud system with
maximum mud weight of 11.4 ppg against maximum estimated pore pressure of 10.9 ppg to provide 200
psi of overbalance.

Log of events
Drilling 12 ¼" hole section. The 12 ¼" hole section was drilled to a depth of 1205 m and the 9 5/8" casing
was set in competent clay rich Dharvi Dungar formation as per plan without any hole problems.
Drilling 8 ½" hole section. An LOT value of 15.7 ppg EMW was recorded below 9 5/8" shoe at 1201.7 m
TVDBRT with 11 ppg synthetic oil based mud. While drilling 8 ½" hole at 2676 m with 11.6 ppg mud, a gas
peak with 7.84% total gas was observed which increased to 58.74% at 2679 m and the well was observed to
be flowing at 3.6 bbl/ hr. The shut-in pressures however were observed to be zero. The well was circulated
through choke and was observed to be flowing but with decreasing trend. The observations were attributed
to u-tubing due to mud weight and temperature difference. The mud weight was raised to 11.8 ppg and the
well was found to be stable. On resuming drilling, a gas peak was observed again at 2696 m. However well
was found static on flow check.
Drilling was continued with frequent flow checks and pump off gas peaks were observed at around 2600
and 4900 strokes, equating to 1350 m and 2650 m approximately, as the circulation was resumed after each
flow check. To counter the increasing gas percentage mud weight was gradually increased to 12.2 ppg at
2700 m and further 12.4 ppg at 2716 m.
At 2724 m downhole loss at the rate of 20 bbl/ hr was observed. On reducing the flow rate from 510
GPM to 430 GPM the loss rate reduced to 5 bbl/ hr, after which 70 bbl LCM Pill of 80 ppb concentration
was pumped, spotted and allowed to soak for 30 min. The losses ceased and drilling was continued to 2790
m with an intermittent bit trip at 2747 m due to poor ROP. The well was static during this drilling interval.
However, pump off gas peaks were observed as before at approximately 2600 and 4900 strokes
At 2790 m, sudden loss of 15 bbl was observed. On conducting flow-check the well was observed to
be flowing with flow-rate decreasing from 48 bbl/ hr (0.8 bbl/ min) to zero gradually and the total volume
returned (~ 15 bbls) approximately matched the total volume lost. On circulating bottoms up, the gas
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percentage increased to a maximum of 68.4% reducing gradually to 0.52%. During further drilling to 2818m
and circulating at this depth, high gas percentages (up to 49%) were recorded. In response, mud weight
was further increased from 12.3 ppg to 12.7 ppg. The gas percentages reduced on further circulation but
only slightly.
Looking at the increasing gas trends, revised pore pressure profile was requested from subsurface team.
The subsurface team reported a revised maximum pore pressure of 12.6 ppg at 2818 m against pre-drill
maximum pore pressure of 10.9 ppg. The mud weight of 12.7 ppg in hole against a pore pressure of 12.5
ppg provided an overbalance of ~100 psi at 2818 m. This was substantially below the Company policy
requirement of minimum 200 psi overbalance during drilling.. Also, due to increase in predicted pore
pressure, the swab kick tolerance for 8 ½" hole section reduced. Increasing mud weight further to improve
upon the kick tolerance was not recommended due to downhole losses experienced earlier in the well.
Therefore, it was planned to call 8 ½" section TD at 2818 M and set 7" casing after wireline logging. It was
decided to drill 6" contingent hole section to well TD after setting 7" casing.
Wireline logging in 8 ½" hole section. Wireline logging was conducted as per plan and no static loss was
observed while logging. Well was observed to be stable.
Placement of first cement plug. In order to completely cure the losses encountered while drilling 8 ½"
hole section, to prevent any losses while cementing and ensuring good cement bond, it was decided to place
a cement plug from 2818 m to 2650 m and drill it prior to running 7" casing. While circulating prior to
cement plug placement, no dynamic losses were observed. However, a gas peak of 12.12 % was observed at
4900 strokes. It was decided to increase the mud weight to 13.1 ppg to restore the 200 psi overbalance over
formation pressure. As the well was displaced completely with 13.1 ppg mud dynamic losses at 100 bbl/ hr
were observed while static loss was zero. The cement plug was placed as per plan and dynamic losses were
observed throughout the operation followed by similar volumes of flowback into the well.
Thereafter 8 ½" TCR bit was run to drill the cement plug. The first cement tag was observed at 2467
m with 10 kips weight. Circulation was initiated at 2467 m and a gas peak of 74% was observed. The
mud weight out was observed to be 10 ppg and return was lined up through mud gas separator. The well
was closed on pipe rams (shut-in pressures was observed to be zero) and circulated through choke. While
circulating, dynamic losses in the range of 60-130 bbl/ hr were observed. A LCM pill of 90 ppb was pumped
to cure the losses. The well was then opened for flow-check and flow-back with initial rate of 150 bbl/ hr
was observed which gradually reduced to 6 bbl/ hr. The cement drilling was continued till 2641 M with loss
(pumps on) and gain (pumps off) trends being observed continuously. Therefore, in order to seal the loss
zone it was planned to place another cement plug.
Placement of second cement plug. The drill string was pulled back to 2550 m and second cement plug was
placed. Total 47 bbl of loss was observed while placing the plug and 65 bbl of mud returned after placing
the plug. The drill string was pulled out inside 9 5/8" casing shoe while waiting on cement (WOC).
The 8 ½" drill string was run in again to dress the second cement plug. While circulating above TOC at
2375 M, 75 bbl of mud was lost and maximum gas recorded was 5.97%. The cement was drilled to 2818m
during which a total of 142 bbl mud was lost. Intermittently, LCM pill was pumped through string and
annulus using a circulation sub to cure losses.
While circulating at TD loss rate was found to be 45-100 bbl/ hr at 200-320 GPM flow rate. While flow-
checking a return flow of mud was observed at 244 bbl/ hr initially which gradually reduced to 6 bbl/ hr.
A cumulative of 210 bbl of mud returned in hole against a cumulative loss of 305 bbls while circulating at
TD. Thereafter, LCM pill was spotted (70 bbl, 90 ppb) in hole and drill string was pulled out to surface.
Running and cementing 7" casing. After lowering the 7" casing, circulation prior to cementation was
started and dynamic losses at 200 bbl/ hr were observed. On conducting flow check, flow-back was observed
at 4 bbl/ hr. 70 bbl of 90 ppb LCM pill was again spotted and allowed to soak and the mud weight was
4 IPTC-18763-MS

reduced to 12.7 ppg prior to cementation to reduce losses. The casing was cemented as per plan. Total loss
during cementation was calculated to be 320 bbl. After end of displacement, casing rams were closed while
WOC for 20 hours. The well was observed for any pressure build up in annulus and the pressure remained
zero throughout the WOC period. After WOC, the well was monitored for flow through choke and the well
was found to be static. Thereafter, 6" drilling BHA was lowered and 6" hole section was drilled to a depth
of 3136 m. Figure 6 summarizes the operations and loss/ gain trends for entire 8 ½" hole section.

Observations and Learnings from well NJ North East#1 –

1. The planned mud weight for the well based on pre-drill estimated pore pressure proved insufficient to
maintain an overbalance throughout the 8 ½" open hole section as the actual pore pressure encountered
was significantly higher than the estimated value. The maximum estimated pore pressure in 8 ½" hole
section was 10.9 ppg while actual maximum pore pressure encountered was 12.5 ppg.
Comparison of the post-drill pore pressure plot with the pre-drill pore pressure plot clearly shows
that the planned mud weight in static condition was not sufficient to balance the formation pressure.
Figure 3 shows a comparison of pre-drill and post-drill pore pressures.
This underbalance condition can be accounted for the initial increase in gas percentage at 2676 m,
further increasing to 58.74% at 2679 m. However, no shut-in pressure was observed on the flow-check,
which can be attributed to Barmer Hill formation being a low permeability high pressure formation.
These factors decreased the rate of gas flow from reservoir into well, and hence the size of influx.
2. Increase in mud weight from 11.6 ppg at 2679 m gradually to 12.7 ppg at 2818 m to counter the
increasing gas trends led to the onset of ballooning.
The first instance of ballooning was observed at 2790 m when a sudden mud loss of 15 bbl
was observed while drilling and same volume was returned back when pumps were switched off,
with return flow having a decreasing trend. This could not be immediately identified as ballooning,
probably because it was coupled with high gas peak of 68.4 %, which was observed while circulating
post flow-check. To counter the increasing gas percentage mud weight was further increased form
12.3 ppg at 2790 m to 12.7 ppg by 2818 m.
3. It was observed that the high gas peaks were observed only when the pumps where started after a
connection. The gas trend while drilling was mostly uniform and responded to the increases in mud
weight with depth. However, the pumps-off gas and connection gas were consistently on the higher
side throughout all operations in 8 ½" hole section of the well. This leads to an inference that the well
was at balance in dynamic condition and was underbalanced under static condition. The rate of gas
flow from reservoir into the well was however slow due to extremely low permeability of Barmer
Hill formation.
4. A further increase in mud-weight from 12.7 ppg to 13.1 ppg to restore the 200 psi overbalance, prior
to placing the first cement plug worsened the situation. The increased overbalance aggravated the
ballooning phenomenon. Prior to this step-up of mud weight the well was stable. It was observed that
there was no effect on higher pump-off gas trend even after increasing the mud weight to 13.1 ppg.
This can be attributed to the phenomenon that, the increased mud weight and subsequent overbalance
forced mud into the formation, where gas was entrained in the mud. The gas was carried back in to
the wellbore with the mud on the flow-back.
5. The 8 ½" section of this well witnessed high gas percentage as well as continuous loss/ gain
(ballooning) scenario. It was noted that as the circulation was resumed, the gas peak was mostly
observed at specific stroke count, which corresponded to two particular intervals in 8 ½" hole section.
The first being the section from 1320-1600 m and the second from 2400-2620 m. These two high
pressure intervals, one in Dharvi Dungar formation and the other in Barmer Hill formation are the
most probable zones responsible for the ingress of gas into the wellbore (refer Fig 1 and Table 1).
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6. Looking at the severe ballooning situation it was decided to cut back the mud weight prior to
cementation. After running casing to bottom, while circulating prior to cementation, mud weight was
reduced to 12.7 ppg. This helped in reducing the ECD and hence the ballooning while cementing.

Figure 1—NJ North East#1 – Lag depths for gas peaks while circulating

Figure 2—NJ North East#1 – Gas trend and mud weight while drilling
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Figure 3—Pre drill and post drill pore pressure plot

Figure 4—NJ North East#1- 8 ½" drilling operations summary

IPTC-18763-MS 7

Figure 5—Raag Deep Main#1 – Gas trend and mud weight while drilling

Figure 6—Raag Deep Main#1 – 12 ¼" drilling operations summary

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Figure 7—Pre drill and post drill pore pressure plot

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Figure 8—NJ North East#1 – Ballooning Summary

Figure 9—Raag Deep Main #1 – Ballooning Summary

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Figure 10—NJ North East#1 Lithology

Table 1—NJ North East#1 – Pumps off gas summary

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Well – Raag Deep Main#1

Objective and well design
Raag Deep Main-1 was an exploratory well planned deviated to a maximum depth of 4300m to test the
extension of the Raageshwari field in the originally proposed development area of Rajasthan. This well
was planned to penetrate Fatehgarh, Basalt & Felsic and test the deeper unexplored depths beyond 3475 m
below sea level (please refer to Fig.11 for prognosed litho-column).

Figure 11—Raag Deep Main#1 Lithology

The well was planned to be kicked-off at 150 m MD to an inclination of 19.7 degree, followed by a tangent
section to well MD of 4300m. The over burden gradient, fracture gradient and formation pressure was
estimated using geophysical and offset well data. The overburden gradient was calculated from the wireline
density data of the offset wells. The maximum anticipated pore pressure of 11.9 ppg and corresponding
fracture gradient of 16.5 ppg was expected at TVD 2660 m (~ 2800 m MD)
The well was designed with three casing policy. The 17.1/2" hole surface section was planned to a depth
of 1190 m MD using K2SO4 polymer mud with a maximum med weight of 10.8 ppg against a maximum
anticipated pore pressure of 9.1 ppg. The 12.1/4" intermediate hole section was planned to a depth of 2934
m MD to be drilled using 12.2 ppg synthetic oil based mud to provide minimum 200 psi overbalance over
anticipated maximum pore pressure of 11.6 ppg. The 8 ½" production hole section was planned to be drilled
to well TD of 4300 m with a maximum mud weight of 12.2 ppg against the maximum anticipated pore
pressure of 10.7 ppg.

Log of events-
Drilling 17 ½" hole section. The 17 ½" surface hole section of the well Raag Deep Main#1 was drilled to
section TD of 1192 m MD without any significant downhole problems. 13 3/8" casing was run and cemented
as per plan.
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Drilling 12 ¼" hole section. The 12 ¼" drilling BHA was run in hole and the LOT value at 13 3/8" casing
shoe was recorded as 15.7 ppg EMW with 10.2 ppg SOBM in hole. The 12 ¼" hole was drilled to a depth
of 2226 m with mud weight being gradually ramped up from 10. 2 ppg to 12 ppg as planned. At 1774m,
dynamic losses of up to 45 bbl /hr were observed which were cured with LCM pills. No static losses were
recorded. Between 1774 m and 2226 m, seepage losses were observed at the rate of 5 bbl / hr. At 2226 m
an increase in gas percentage was observed up 19 % with a pit gain of 9 bbl. The well was observed to be
flowing. and shut-in pressures were recorded as SIDP – 40 psi and SICP – 450 psi. The well was killed
using driller's method with a final kill mud weight of 12.2 ppg. As the well was opened after the second
circulation, the well was observed to be flowing with reducing trend. The flow trend was observed closely
as it reduced from 55 bbl/ hr to zero. The reducing trend was a signature of ballooning and hence it was
decided not to further increase the mud weight.
Drilling was resumed and continued to 2233 m. At 2233 m dynamic loss at 40 bbl/ hr was observed
and 80 bbl, 80 ppb LCM pill was pumped and spotted to cure same, which reduced the losses to 10 bbl/
hr. Further drilling was continued to a depth of 2294m. Intermittently during flow checks, the well was
observed to be flowing at 8 bbl /hr whereas during circulation well was losing at 15 bbl /hr. Hence the
ballooning phenomenon was evident.
Drilling was continued without increasing or decreasing the mud weight. The well was observed closely
for gas trends, flow-checks were conducted frequently to check for flow trends and downhole loss rate while
drilling was also closely measured and monitored. High gas percentage was observed at 2409 m (14%) and
2428 m (36%). On both the occasions the well was shut-in and monitored for shut-in pressures. Shut-in
pressure was observed to be zero on both occasions. The well was circulated through choke with 12.2 ppg
MW following first cycle of driller's method. The 12 ¼" hole section was drilled to a section TD of 2797
m without any further increase in mud weight. Background gas was mostly in the range of 8-16%.
Mud weight was increased to 12.4 ppg after drilling to TD and prior to pull out, to add the trip margin.
While circulating at TD with12.4 ppg mud weight at 300 GPM a loss of 60 bbl was recorded. Further on
circulation after wiper trip a loss of 100 bbl was recorded. However, on flow-check the well was observed
to be stable.
Tripping out/ in 12 ¼" hole. While POOH at 725 m, slight swabbing was observed. Circulation was
established at 600 GPM, as circulation was stopped, well was observed flowing at 44 bbl/ hr which gradually
dropped to 24 bbl/ hr in 30 minutes and further to zero. From this depth string was pumped out to surface.
A 12.1/4" Mud Motor-Cleanout BHA was run in hole. Throughout the cleanout trip, loss and gain
signatures were recorded whenever circulation was established. At TD circulation was carried out at 700
GPM, and large volume of cutting was observed on surface. Suspecting wellbore instability, mud weight
was increased from 12.4ppg to 12.5 ppg and circulation was carried out at 400 GPM. During circulation,
losses were observed at the rate of 5 bbl/hr. However, during flow check 7 bbl of gain was recorded.
Cleanout BHA was pumped out of hole to 1175m and later pulled out of hole.
Casing 12 ¼" hole -. 9.5/8" casing was run in 12 ¼" hole to 1155m. In order to reduce ECD and mud loss
while cementing, the mud weight was reduced from 12.5 ppg to 12.4 ppg. While circulating at 1155m with
flow-rate of 150 GPM, dynamic losses of 60 bbls were observed whereas when circulation was stopped
50 bbl of gain was observed.
Frequent held ups were observed while running casing which were cleared by working on string and
circulating. Dynamic loss was observed while circulating and gain was observed as the circulation was
stopped. The Casing was run to section TD.
Prior to cementing 80 bbl of 100 ppb LCM pill was pumped. The casing was cemented as planned with
mud losses throughout the operation. Casing was pressure tested and the casing ram was closed till WOC
to prevent flow-back. Shut-in pressure was monitored while WOC and it was observed to zero throughout.
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After WOC well was observed for flow through choke and was found to be static. The well was opened and
preparation for drilling 8 ½" production section was commenced.

Observations and Learnings from well – Raag Deep Main#1 –

1. Similar to well NJ North East#1, dynamic downhole loss was encountered in this well also, starting at
1774 m in Thumbli formation, which is predominantly sandstone. The first instance of ballooning was
observed at 2226 m, in the Dharvi Dungar formation, which is predominantly claystone and persisted
till the section TD of 2797 m. Barmer Hill, the main problematic formation in well – NJ North East#1
was penetrated in this well at around 2550 m MD. The lithology of upper part of Barmer Hill is
expected to be siltstones inter-bedded with claystone.
Taking cue from the experience in NJ-North-East-1 well, The Dharvi Dungar and Barmer Hill
formations were drilled very cautiously and the drilling parameters were closely monitored throughout
the drilling of 12 ¼" section.
2. The planned mud weight was designed considering 200 psi overbalance over estimated pore pressure.
However; the actual pore pressure was on the higher side as compared to the estimated pore pressure.
Reduced overbalance over the pore pressure while drilling the Dharvi Dungar formation was the
probable cause of increasing background gas trend.
3. Similar to the previous well, this well also encountered problems of high gas percentage and wellbore
ballooning simultaneously. In this well however, the mud weight was not increased beyond the
planned value of 12.2 ppg till the section TD was reached. The gas trend was monitored closely and
whenever a peak/ increasing trend was observed, the well was shut-in, monitored for shut-in pressures.
4. While drilling 12 ¼" hole section, frequent extended flow-checks were conducted to monitor the well
for gain / loss. The flow-back rate was measured and compared with previous rate to establish a flow-
trend. A reducing trend of flow was taken as a signature of ballooning. However, whenever an influx
was suspected or any deviation from previous flow-back trend was observed, the well was closed,
monitored for shut-in pressures and circulated through choke, while monitoring the returns.
5. While the primary concern was to monitor and prevent the ballooning phenomenon from getting
worse, well control and other potential hole problems were also given due attention. The 12 ¼" section
was drilled to TD with 12.2 ppg mud weight. However the mud weight was increased to 12.4 ppg
prior to pulling out of hole to serve as trip margin. When high volume of large size cuttings was
observed during the circulation in the clean out trip, the mud weight was further increased to 12.5 ppg
to prevent any pressure cavings and wellbore instability. The mud weight was reduced back to 12.4
ppg while running casing at 1155 m.
6. As recommended by API 65 2, the well was closed on Annular BOP/ casing rams after completion
of cementing operation so as to prevent any backflow while setting of cement, which can result in
contamination of cement, poor cement bond and annulus pressure build up.

The delay in identification of ballooning in Well – NJ North East#1, resulted in additional 18.6 days while
drilling 8 ½" section of this well. Eventually 8 ½" hole section could not be drilled to planned depth of
3136 m. Additional 6" hole was drilled to reach to the target depth. Moving forward, step by step analysis
of drilling operation was done and learnings from this well were noted.
As Raag Deep Main#1 encountered the same problem of ballooning, the study of previous well helped
to identify it at an early stage, and from there on the well was monitored closely and appropriate steps were
taken to keep the wellbore ballooning under control and at the same time utmost care was given towards
not losing the primary well control.
14 IPTC-18763-MS

Frequent flow-checks were conducted while drilling into the problematic zones of Dharvi Dungar and
Barmer Hill. Flow trends were monitored and recorded. A reducing trend of flow was taken as signature
of ballooning. A comparison of subsequent flow trends gave a better understanding of extent and severity
of ballooning.
When high gas trend were seen, mud weight was not increased as immediate response. It was learnt from
the first well that increasing gas trend can be a result of ballooning. Hence, any change in mud weight was
done after in depth analysis of the situation. Whenever the gas percentage increased abruptly the well was
closed in, shut-in pressures were monitored with time, well was circulated through choke, with existing
mud weight, keeping BHP constant and well was again monitored for pressures and flow. Generally, in case
of ballooning no shut-in pressure was observed on shut-in and circulation with mud, through choke, was
sufficient to circulate the gas out of the well and make it stable.
Diligent planning, close monitoring of drilling parameters and timely identification of ballooning
signatures served as the primary mitigation measure for ballooning and helped save 10.6 days on the second

ECD – Equivalent circulating density
NPT – Non productive time
EMW – Equivalent mud weight
TVDBRT – Total vertical depth below rotary table
GPM – Gallons per minute
LCM – Lost circulation material
ROP – Rate of penetration
TD – Target depth
WOC – Wait on cement
BHA – Bottom hole assembly
SOBM – Synthetic oil based mud
SIDP – Shut in drill pipe pressure
SICP – Shut in casing pressure
POOH – Pulling out of hole

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