2.1. Pharmacological Therapeutics. 2.2. Basic Cardiac Life Support (BCLS) and Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) in Neonates and Child

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Therapeutics: In medicine, the branch that deals specifically with the treatment of
disease and the art and science of healing. In pharmacology, therapeutics accordingly
refers to the use of drugs and the method of their administration in the treatment of
Pharamacology - the science of drugs including their origin,
composition, pharmacokinetics, therapeutic use, and toxicology
 Pharmacokenitics – Absorption, distribution, transformation, and excretion
 Pharmacodynamics – the biochemical and physiological effect or action of
the drug.
 Phramacogenetics – the roles of gene in determining the drug
Drug – is anything chemical that enters the body and has some physiological effect on
the body. It is not necessarily a compound that provides a therapeutic effect.
 Chemical Name – derived from the drugs chemical structure and used every
rarely. For ex. Chemical name of Paracetamol is N(4 hydroxyphenyl) Acetamide.
 Generic Name – is the official simplified chemical name of a drug and describe
the most active constituent of medicine.
 Brand Name – is the commercial name under which the drugs are sold.
 Group Name – the drugclass which the during belongs and this name also
reflects the pharmacological action of the drug.

BCLS is an acronym meaning Basic Cardiac Life Support. BCLS
certification teaches emergency life saving interventions such as cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR), how to work an automated external defibrillator (AED), and how to
respond when a person is choking.

Basic Life Support Sequence

Pulse Check

 All rescuers are instructed to assess for signs of circulation before beginning

chest compressions: —Lay rescuers are instructed to assess for signs of
circulation rather than attempt to check a pulse (Class IIa). —Healthcare
providers are instructed to assess for signs of circulation, including a pulse
Rescue Breathing and Bag-Mask Ventilation

Education in bag-mask ventilation should be included in all BLS curricula for the
healthcare provider (Class IIa).

Bag-mask ventilation can provide lifesaving support for infants and children in both the
out-of-hospital and in-hospital settings and is a skill that BLS providers should master
(Class IIa).

Chest Compressions and Use of Automated External Defibrillators

 If 2 or more suitably trained healthcare providers are present, the 2 thumb–

encircling hands chest compression technique is preferred over the 2-finger
compression technique for infants when technically feasible. This technique is
not taught to lay rescuers

Relief of Foreign-Body Airway Obstruction

 The extremely complex skills sequence for lay rescuer relief of foreign-body

airway obstruction (FBAO) in the unconscious victim has been simplified. The
sequence for healthcare provider relief of FBAO in the unconscious victim
remains unchanged (Class IIb).

Advanced cardiac life support, advanced cardiovascular life support, often

referred to by its acronym, "ACLS", refers to a set of clinical guidelines for the urgent
and emergent treatment of life-threatening cardiovascular conditions that will cause or
have caused cardiac arrest, using advanced medical procedures, medications, and
techniques. ACLS expands on Basic Life Support (BLS) by adding recommendations on
additional medication and advanced procedure use to the CPR guidelines that are
fundamental and efficacious in BLS. ACLS is practiced by advanced medical providers
including physicians, some nurses and paramedics

Possible Interventions Goals of care

Diagnosis of malignant
Rhythm diagnosis EKG, clinical exam

Perfusion of blood
Chest before ROSC is achieved. Note:
CPR Compressions, mechanical chest compressions are not
CPR different in ACLS vs BLS, but
continue to be a fundamental
part of cardiac arrest care even
when ACLS is being executed.

Mono- or
Termination of shockable
biphasic defibrillation, double
rhythms. Note: not all cardiac
Electrotherapy sequential
arrest rhythms can be treated
defibrillation, transvenous
with defibrillation.
pacing, transcutaneous pacing

intubation, supraglottic
airway placement, Cricothyrot
Airway Cleat and protect the airway to
omy, waveform capnography,
Managment allow for adequate ventilation.
tracheal suctioning, naso-
or oropharygeal
airway placement

Ventilate the lungs to allow for

Bag-valve-mask, ventilator ma
Ventillation subsequent oxygenation of the
nagement, oxygen therapy

Epinephrine, norepinephrine, v
asopressin, atropine, amiodar
one, lidocaine, procainamide,  Stabilizes arrhythmia, promote
sotalol, albuterol, calcium ROSC and increase perfusion.
chloride, magnesium, crystalloi
d fluids, intraosseous access

Identification of underlying
Specialized Echocardiography, TEE, PCI, 
cause of cardiac arrest,
Resuscitation ECMO, TTM, central venous
augmentation of perfusion
Techniques access
and/or treatment of PCAS.

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