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TOPIC – The Fun They Had (Prose) Date – 17.03.2020

Instructions- Notes to be written in classwork copy. The Value Points for textbook questions have been given,
children to frame their own answers using these.
I.Author’s Profile -Isaac Asimov American writer and professor of Bio-chemistry at Boston University .A
prolific writer known for writing and editing almost 500 books on fiction and science.
Birth – 2 January 1920 Petrovichi , Russia
Death – 6 April 1992 Brooklyn New York
Genre – Science fiction and Popular Science
Short stories- The last Question , The Fun They Had, Profession, Runaround and more
Notable Works – I Robot, Foundation and Empire, The Last Question, The Caves of Steel
Awards and Honours – Nebula Award for the Best Novel 1973 – The Gods Themselves ,Hugo Award
for the Best Novel 1983,1973 – Foundations Edge and Damon Knight Memorial Grand Master Award

II Glossary-(find the meanings of the given words)

1. Superior-
2. awfully-
3. centuries-
4 dispute-
5. flashing-
6. tucked-
7. sigh-
8. assume-
9. pattern-
10. probably-

III.Significance of the Title-The title of the story is appropriate, as it relates to the idealistic presentation of the
characters in the story portraying the different concept of schooling than the one they had. The significance is
explained with the need to enjoy learning .The author subtly justifies the nonchalant futuristic schools and the
mechanical teachers aren’t enjoyed by the youngsters in the story. The concept of visualizing then set patterns
of the old school with that of the present school is clearly described.

IV.Central Idea – The fictional representation brings out the irony of a perfect schooling system. A vivid
description of the schools in the past is clearly mentioned where the students enjoyed their learning and the
schooling system. Though the theme is imaginary it is relatable to what is expected of education. The main
characters in the story, Tommy and Margie are the young students who enjoy the virtual classrooms until
Tommy finds a book in the attic and reads about the schools in the past. They wonder if it could be true as they
had never seen a book made of paper. Margie would want a break from the mechanized learning and read about
the different schools in the book. However, she is called back for the classes as the school is next to her room
and the mechanical teacher is geared up for the next session.
V. Short answers questions (Word limit-30 words) Pg 10 Q no. III. Write your answers in paragraphs
using the value points given.
1. What kind of teachers did Margie and Tommy have?
Ans.- large, black and ugly mechanical teachers with big screens which displayed lessons and question
-mechanical teachers programmed to complete the target learning.

2. Why did Margie’s mother send for the County Inspector?

Ans. The mechanical teacher had been giving test after test in Geography and Margie had been doing worse in
every test.
3. What did he do?
Ans. -smiled at Margie, gave her an Apple
-took the Geography teacher apart for repair
- gave a pat on her head while leaving

4. Why was Margie doing badly in geography? What did the County Inspector do to help her?
Ans. -performance had gone worse with every test given by the Geography teacher-- ----Geography sector was
geared a little too quick for her level.
-He slowed down the Geography sector to an average ten year level.
5. What had once happened to Tommy’s teacher?
Ans- teacher was once taken away for almost a month
- the History sector had blanked out completely.
6.Did Margie have regular days and hours for school? If so, why?
Ans -had regular days and hours for school-the school was next to her bedroom --the mechanical teacher would
be switched on always -- the same time every day , except Saturday and Sunday.
7. How does Tommy describe the old kind of school?
Ans.-- was a special building where kids gathered for learning -- had a man teacher who taught them --as the
kids learnt the same thing if were of the same age.
8. How does he describe the old kind of teachers?
Ans --teachers did not live in the house -- they taught the kids in special schools-- told the boys and the girls
different things --gave them homework and asked them questions too.

VI. Long Answer Questions Word limit [100 – 150 words] Pg no10 Qs no IV Write your answers using
the value points given
1. What are the main features of the mechanical teachers and the schoolrooms that Margie and
Tommy have in the story?
Ans-- school was next to her bedroom -- mechanical teacher would be on ----waiting to teach her at the
same time-- every day except Saturday and Sunday
 Mechanical teachers -- large black and ugly -- big screens for showing homework and-the other
 There were slots where the homework and test papers in a punch code were put--the mechanical
teacher calculated marks in no time.
 different sectors geared up for her level of learning.

2. Why did Margie hate school? Why did she think the old kind of school must have been fun?
Ans–Margie hated the mechanized learning process--teachers were robots -process was in slots .
 each teacher was geared up for the learner’s level-- was little fast then it affected the performance.
 lots of tests conducted -- she had to perform well.
 didn’t like the school at her home.
 hated completing the homework and putting in slots.
 Old schools must have been fun as kids gathered in special buildings and had fun.
 learning process not stressful and rigorous
 kids from the neighbourhood gathered and came out laughing and shouting in the schoolyard.
 enjoyed being together, learning , playing together.

3. Do you agree with Margie that schools today are more fun than the school in the story? Give
reasons for your answers.
Ans. schools today are more fun because kids gather together in special buildings to learn unlike virtual
classrooms in the story.
 kids enjoyed laughing and shouting in the schoolyard, sitting together in the schoolroom
 learnt the same things-- they could help one another with the homework and talk about it-- they left
for home together at the end of the day.
 The teachers were people --discussed many interesting things with kids.
 kids read and wrote in books made of paper . -- no E – books --no mechanical teachers.
 learning was fun --not boring and systematic like her schools

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