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- improvement (n) /im'pru:vmənt / : sự cải thiện

- expert (n) /'ekspə:t / : chuyên gia
- rate (n) /reit / : tỉ lệ
- to rank (v) /ræηk / : xếp vị trí
- explosion (n) /iks'plouʒn / : sự bùng nổ
- policy (n) /'pɔləsi / : chính sách
V. Writing

Put the verb in the correct form:
1. If it costs too much, I .............................(buy) a small one. if 1
If S + Vs/es, S + will/ can + Vbare
 Will buy
2. If you....................(drive) more carefully, you wouldn’t have so many accidents. If 2
If + S + V2/ed, S + would/ could + Vbare
 Drove
3. What.....................(happen) if there ................................(not be) gravity. If 2
 Would happen/ were not
4. If I................... (make) that mistake again, my teacher .......................(get) angry with me. If 1
 Make/ will get
5. If I spoke English, my job ....................... (be) a lot easier. If 2
 Would be
6. If I see him, I................. (give) him a gift. If 1
 Will give
7. If I had a type writer, I. ................(type) it myself. If 2
 Would type
8. If I had known that you were in hospital, I .....................(visit) you. If 3
If S + had +V3/ed, S + would/ could + have + V3/ed
 Would have visited
9. You could make better progress if you ...............(attend) class regularly. If 2
 attended
10. If I ......................(know) his telephone number, I’d give it to you. If 2
 Knew

Rewrite these sentences, beginning with the words given

1. Keep (Vt) silent or you’ll wake the baby. (or = if…not = unless)
If you don’t keep silent, you’ll wake the baby
Unless you keep silent, you’ll wake the baby
2. We do not have enough money, so we can’t buy that car. HT=> If 2
If S + V2/ed, S + would/ could + Vbare
If we had enough money, we could buy that car
3. Without the sun, man would live in the darkness. If 2
If there were not the sun, man would live in the darkness
4. Without money, he wouldn’t have bought such a big house. If 3
If S + had + V3/ed, S + would/ could + have + V3/ed
If he had not had money, he wouldn’t have bought such a big house
5. As= Because she is often absent from class, she can’t keep pace with her classmates. HT=>
If 2
If she weren’t often absent from class, she could keep pace with her classmates
6. “If the weather is fine, I will go on a picnic with my friends,” she said.
She said if the weather were fine she would go on a picnic with her friends
7. “What would you do if you had three days off ?” I asked him.
I asked him what he would do if he had three days off
8. “I would have come to see you if I had known your address, Jim” she said.
She said she would have come to see him (Jim) if she had known his address (Jim’s address)
9. “I’m sure she will help you if you ask her.” , he told me.
He told me he was sure she would help me if I asked her
10. “There would not be enough seats if a lot of guests came.”, they said
They said there would not be enough seats if a lot of guests came

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