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School Malipo National High School Grade Level 10

Teacher Hedda C. Fulo Learning Area Music
Teaching Dates & August 23, 2022 Quarter 1ST
Time 3:30-4:30

A. Content Standards: The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
20th century music styles and characteristic features.
B. Performance The learners shall be able to:
Standards: Create musical pieces using particular style/s of the
20th Century.
C. Learning a. Listen perceptively to selected 20th century music
Competencies: (MU10TC-Ia-h-1)
b. Describe distinctive musical elements of given pieces
in 20th century styles; (MU10TC-Ia-h-2)
II. CONTENT: Music of the 20th Century ( IMPRESSIONISM )
1. References Horizons Grade 10 Learner’s Material, Pages 4-25
2. Teacher’s Guide Horizons Music and Arts Appreciation for Young Filipinos,
Pages Pages 4-13
3. Learner’s Guide Horizons Music and Arts Appreciation for Young Filipinos
Pages Learner’s Material,
Pages 4-11
4. Textbook Pages

5. Additional Material
from Learning
Resource Material
5. Other Learning
1. Reviewing previous a. Review of the Concepts on previous lessons on Romantic
lesson/Presenting Music.
the new lesson. ( and listening to sample music of Franz Schubert or Richard

Ask: In the Romantic Period ( 1750s – 1850s )

1. What can you say about the feelings conveyed in their
compositions? Or
2. How has Richard Wagner or Franz Schubert influenced
Familiarization of Music through the use of recordings:

a. Briefly review the elements (Melody, Harmony)

Let them listen to music of the 20th century and find
out for themselves how the elements of music were
b. On a piece of pad paper, Let the students describe the
elements of music in their own words ( 5 minutes ) .
(Collect their works.)
c. Call at most 2 volunteer students to read their
descriptions or observations. Connect to the new
2. Presenting
examples/instances a. Briefly review the Elements of Music ( Melody, Rhythm,
of the new lesson Harmony, Pitch,
Duration, Dynamics).
Have the students listen to recordings or watch video clips
from YouTube or other available sources:
1. Claire de Lune, La Mer, Children’s Corner Suite by
Claude Debussy,
2. Bolero, by Joseph Maurice Ravel

(while looking at the paintings of Claude Monet, Auguste Renoir

and Edourd Manet.) APPRECIATION
Activity #1 From the listening and viewing activity, ask them to analyse
characteristics and styles of each through a discussion. This may
be done within groups.
1. What elements of music were used in the compositions?
2. How did tempo and dynamics make significant roles in
the work of Claude Debussy? Of Maurice Ravel?
1. Discussing new (Group Discussion)
concepts and
practicing new skills Compare the music with their counterpart in paintings, in
#1 terms of elements and characteristics of art and music.

(Integration of Music with Arts, Literature, and Periods in

History through the use of Paintings and Music Recordings. This
can also be done through a Powerpoint Presentation of Socio-
Historical Context on Impressionism, Life of the Impressionist
Composers and their work.)
2. Discussing new
concepts &
practicing new skills
3. Developing Mastery (Individual Activity) (10 minutes )
On a sheet of bond paper or construction paper, ask them
to use water color or poster paints to draw strokes (element of
art) following the mood and melodic direction (elements of
music) as they listen to Claire de Lune by Claude Debussy.
After the activity, ask them to write a Title of their Artwork
and let them describe it.
1. Finding practical After 4 minutes, ask at most two volunteers to share their
application of Impressions, experiences, thoughts, insights, and feelings after
concepts & skills in listening to the music.
daily living. Let them use their artwork in the activity.

Guide Questions:
 What elements of art are dominant in your artwork?
 How was the music influenced your artwork?
 Do you believe that your artwork is a reflection of yourself
and what you believe as a person?
2. Making Group Activity: Class will be divided into 2. They will write their
generalizations & answers on a sheet of paper and will be collected by the teacher.
abstractions about
the lesson. Group A :
“What is your impression with the work of Claude Debussy
and Maurice Ravel?”
Group B :
“What makes Impressionism a great musical contribution
in the 17th century until now?”

Group Presentation of Outputs:

1. Presentation of Group Activities:
Clarity of the message – 50%
Collaboration - 40%
Neatness of Output - 10%
Total – 100%

2. Exhibit of Artwork from Impressionism in Music:

Impressionistic Style - 90%
Neatness of Output - 10%
Total - 100 %
1. Evaluating learning
A specific 20th century composition will be played. Listen
carefully and describe the following elements:
1. Melody
2. Texture
3. Rhythm
4. Dynamics

Knowledge/Understanding – 50%
Accuracy of Description – 30%
Interpretation - 20%
Total – 100%
1. Additional activities
for application or
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lesson work?
No. of learners who caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

Checked by:


MAPEH Department Chairman


Principal I

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