Week 3 Assignment

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Week 3 : Assignment 3

The due date for submitting this assignment has passed.

Due on 2022-09-14, 23:59 IST.

Assignment submitted on 2022-09-08, 10:50 IST

1 point
A signal is said to be necessarily stochastic if
 It never reaches a steady-state.
 Its value at any instant is not accurately predictable.
 Oscillates before decaying to zero.
 The starting time of the signal is unknown.
Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Its value at any instant is not accurately predictable.
1 point
Which of the following can be treated as deterministic signals?
 Measurements of body temperature.
 Position of a freely falling body in wind.
 Superposition of two purely oscillatory waves.
 Daily blood pressure of an individual
Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Superposition of two purely oscillatory waves.
1 point
Which of the following is true in statistical data analysis?
 Estimates only refer to the fitted parameters of a model.
 A statistic is a number obtained by performing a mathematical operation on the data.
 An estimate is also a statistic.
 All estimates of standard deviation should be positive-valued.
Partially Correct.
Score: 0.67
Accepted Answers:
A statistic is a number obtained by performing a mathematical operation on the data.
An estimate is also a statistic.
All estimates of standard deviation should be positive-valued.
1 point
What is usually reported after a parameter estimation exercise?
 Value of the estimate.
 Upper bound on the parameter.
 Standard deviation of the estimate.
 Difference between the estimate and true value.
Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Value of the estimate.
Standard deviation of the estimate.
1 point
The signal-to-noise ratios for two different data sets 𝐷1D1 and 𝐷2D2 obtained for a process
under identical operating conditions are 25 and 100, respectively. Then, which of the
following is / are true?
 Errors in parameter estimates obtained from these data sets will be approximately in the ratio
of 4:1.
Signal amplitude in 𝐷2D2 is two times higher than in 𝐷1D1.
Noise is of a larger power in 𝐷1D1 than in 𝐷2D2.
Estimates obtained from 𝐷1D1 will have larger uncertainty than those from 𝐷2D2.
Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Noise is of a larger power in  𝐷1D1 than in  𝐷2D2.
Estimates obtained from  𝐷1D1 will have larger uncertainty than those from  𝐷2D2.
1 point
Which of the following is true concerning bias in parameter estimates?
 It is the maximum possible difference between the estimate and true value.
 An estimator is said to have zero bias if the average of estimates across all possible
experimental records is equal to the true value.
 A non-zero bias implies systematic error in estimation.
 The bias of a biased estimator can decrease with the sample size.
Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
An estimator is said to have zero bias if the average of estimates across all possible
experimental records is equal to the true value.
A non-zero bias implies systematic error in estimation.
The bias of a biased estimator can decrease with the sample size.
1 point
Measurements of two oscillatory signals x [k] = 𝑠𝑖𝑛2sin2(ω0ω0k) and y =𝑐𝑜𝑠2cos2(ω0ω0k) are
obtained using two different sensors (S1 and S2) over a time interval. Then, identify the
correct statement(s):
 Sum of the readings of x [k] and y [k] is always necessarily unity.
 The measurements from S1 and S2 are always non-negative valued.
When connected to an oscillation detection (e.g., spectrometer) instrument, it can show x [k]
to have frequency 2ω0ω0.
 Measurements of x [k] can be used to estimate readings of y [k] if the sensor S2 fails.
Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
When connected to an oscillation detection (e.g., spectrometer) instrument, it can show x [k]
to have frequency 2ω0ω0.
1 point
Which of the following is true in estimation?
 Errors in parameter estimates are usually inversely proportional to the sample sizes.
 The true value of a parameter can never be obtained from a finite number of measurements
(data points).
 Curve fitting is always best done by least squares methods.
 Parameter estimates can rarely be zero-valued.
Partially Correct.
Score: 0.66
Accepted Answers:
Errors in parameter estimates are usually inversely proportional to the sample sizes.
The true value of a parameter can never be obtained from a finite number of measurements
(data points).
Parameter estimates can rarely be zero-valued.
1 point
Identify the incorrect statement(s) among the following w.r.t. a non-linear function for y = f
(x )
 The function f (x ) should necessarily have a quadratic or higher powers of x .
 First-order linear approximations of non-linear models using Taylor’s series-based expansion
involve only first-order derivatives of f (x ).
 For some values of x , the non-linear function and its linear approximation can be identical.
 Estimating f (x ) from data is only possible if at least three data points are available.
Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
The function f (x ) should necessarily have a quadratic or higher powers of x .
Estimating f (x ) from data is only possible if at least three data points are available.
1 point
Which of the following is true concerning empirical (data-driven) and first-principles
 First-principles models can never be linear, whereas data-driven models can always be
forced to be linear.
 Empirical models usually have better interpolation capabilites than extrapolation.
 It takes at least hundred observations to obtain a reliable empirical model involving two
The parameters of a first-principles model have to be necessarily obtained through

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Empirical models usually have better interpolation capabilites than extrapolation.
The parameters of a first-principles model have to be necessarily obtained through

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