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WE: © WOT 31 (@) aRfine Baa FT! cart Wise CT PHP RETR? 6 8 ACHE OTS AB aaa SEITE 1578 arene eff TRA CIA SI ae yobs SH ee ara he out Aca GITAaA FEATHA (Income Tax Autho iv, OTSA BETTE, 95h , | afiare ye Me Be SI PaCS CFT GRITS 6 TRIES ees ‘eat fart ‘aif ye’ (Annual Value) 4% FO ore TIER, afte Santor TR RAIA SISTA AAI Ate Fw? Cain SARTO CHE TAS OTA TE Trott Cafe OTA FraAS AT Vay Ee vi vii a? viii, So sa Sioa 8s OS eanters Sacre FAecR OTA TCT CFE Sef afar FS? ix. fe sanery x. Ofe satel arrest fabT CH APPA PATS ACTA? i feats emPfe 6 era ofsart Po Diele Gite afr 6 aa? xi, Faye his Oe GIT GICy GAT GAS FAI 2od2-Roso Fa ah qe ey aecast aaa Fo? xi, OFS We eae UIA ete Beet SA | (3) ets rg AIT, NBR, ADR, TIN, ITP, VAT OFA STO, yb (*) oem SAAR (Heads of Income) f& fe? (3) Sia erred omnes ferfeq wifey fe fare 1) aa fretat (Assessment) @% rapTaR fer fasp (3) 184C stats feta far (©) RET OM Re anor oe acrter wats za fer gar Para ( Tea) MRC aT CREE CES re bret afearat csrcatora Fett ace? MIO FH Gate SUT Bo cx cary af Facute EN SAI Ws Sart afeny & oI Ercice om 86 Com une ava te Set SOM, Sab8 ar 1844 eat TARR Cae OB coreg at SETH ot re cram Baar ae mine ae t @ on ef ane oY ‘ : ae bar ORONO aCe ae ta ara (ue TEA ROR sam mre | X°-R030 37 ate fT, Seale (®) fiom ee "Ie oa St figs 3 < 3 Saat Bes fia (@) FOR STS ara ae toot ber TH ooo wiyb afar ate SC | BIBS cree fae TTR AAT GAT ATT TRG Recs onota e aah, ct fase ae efter eT CAAT OTRAS SAH OICTIDAT PHP | v in English to the Deputy Commissioner of Taxes in the following circumstances: ot be able to submit his Return in due time since his accounts have not been 30 Gi) Fare eee aR + Strate EH (iv) AY BART BOO TCA TT 00,000/- Bent eA afta GH A | ca Te STEN @ TE TREE 1 conta meray FRAT WT 3,00,000/- Bre Straight Line Met NP Wapcag afar PS? - Brat (ii) 9,30,000/- pial /- Bret (iv) 9,00,000/- npitiaine® TET BIet w,20,000/-1 SE cafe SAF aie esc ard oar eee ak Bea a BH Cafe AHS TB oT (ii) 3,80,000/- BIT er (0S ca ee wd EE Sera gerara wU IH Pete FA TE odt0) a be chargé condition should bere she It (Trading Account) Gi) (6 a IC (Profit & Loss Account) (iv) Socat ee ren ‘ting goods into a saleable jal Balance) iiy croft (Trial BE uy Byer cae SH) ——— arte abe? @) Ce rel vats (Bre) (i) av@,000/- 9,2¢,000/- (iii) ¥,20,000/- 370,000/- (a) Fras crate wa? (y arts (ii) cata Tt (a) Free carat ert A? (i) FITACHIOT (ii) TTT yo) facza conti (Trial Balance) TS ara aS HR AF Vo FT 2092 Sifact fe (Trading Account) 4 aTS-TATHAIA fT (Profit & Loss Account) 448 ‘Oqw7A (Balance Sheet) twat FA eres (OT) v,yo,000/- @,80,000/- eral? (ii) Wo eT RT (iv) OH 7 9 OE oy area (Breet) ate (ii) 3,¢¢,000/- 9,3@, (iv) U,@8,000/- 3,> | Bist TEM A, > GEN A099 2,0¥, 00 | HST AIT face after 0,000 | fame aa wr fear 09,000 | ATetaet 2b pee 20,00 | HITATeOT oa 2,200 | caida ant a 99,694,800 | SPT z d¥,¥0,000 | CAAT S,b¥,200 | *AheaTaTs 0,800 | apiece erat 4,voo ¥,800 RTCA APRS Att ere STO Sb8 CHOY cotege B, Sbb8 | 7 RMR? de> afare RFS Rew OT Aa CREE ‘CTA e ata ee oa fae! “aI 57" (Annual Value) et 7s ht? STR | 2.¢ FF BIRT | TOT CFCS HAC CATE SS Brats Gf ore Prahte eer eT ate ecTET a fir ase ae waoTa waterca Farcm eer tcc orc wae fF at T FACES 2.¢ CAG Bret | PCaa AfaAI FO? A: 20yu-9 We TET MPAA: zane afro « ate feaattes emits AG ames afer ae Bree we eT = Aut wie TN ICE Gar AS FAAS 2od3-2od0 AI aH GION eo aaret yen eas aia (GF) @ afar BAD ACAI aR DUSTIN PaO OCA @,000/- oH Bayes anrST Paid aeAicaein Gerrem AAS SAATOT 8,000/- sin LS GATT SA ARS PATOL ~,000/- woe aaarot whe ett ITB, (8) FACE Pr eo wePPT w a MDA OTA) | dvance Income-Tax, NBR=National Board of n, TIN=Taxpayer’s Identification Num! Revinue, ADR=Al er, ITP=Income Tax Practit Te a a STE TSCA alg ee (Rt R=Altemative Dispute joner, VAT=Value aceiracs BSA Sen ft: ar 2 ieee Cn ‘era ae (secion 22 & 23) Bam > | ABA (secion 21); 2! von 26 & 27) | SAAT TCP AOS ST (secion 24 & 25); 81 PR TH (sec! ne ecutar BH XS SIA (secion 33) 30); ret ot (secion 318 2) a at) wafer eareera eee Ff OrftTIS ? es SPR. 50 CHD, ART. 90 CTE, OF FAB 3¢ a6, af FB 90 (ct) wa Fada (Assessment) 3 «TAT FF Ft? Bom OTTHA TTT, Sob AA MAT > CATS MAT BB | (@) 184 sana faeratt fe? . a Ber: Serer sirarcas afters Ura aA Pea Sat AHA AACR, Ol AAT, RM TAOS BACT MATS AA CHA OT ARC OTA AT | (6) REET fort MRT aeforT acaren efaarara a fee Gat erga aren) MiRe/araRte CCE AMT ww Breet waa ScaCetA FeeT SCRE : USA: TA 30% A AEST Sooo Dial AT UR AA TAO act efor Tea Bis SAT FATS RUA | WA NS ACH CH, (*) CHA AGA Hhe-eaMTT RT Sore BAR, OH CHE Tar 928 oF Briar (9) OETA SICATATAT GIG w Diet CaP Rea AT (*) Borat Sarcafhrwe RCACRT MTT CH ACs & ast fara otferaret Ur Mere fafrs oes Beis aries Seam @o% TS Tes ce caf, wr eicarcay Be | ¥ at Roar mie reeaa cree aA fea ott rf ©) fe warter ea came enfea ear cr Cer BP RificR Te Pa es 0S a a a ' (2) afer weftce ben; (8) eee fear wafer SAT | TER OR I Co CA Of Ber: () seoce Bem whee cree ART FATS; (8) copmmyrs afin ene ee TR 5 (@) Bet Thc dt 4 FF 4, TOOTS HEPA Fey 20 000) el Ae GR aa Ba os ea 000,000) sali 8 aio icaa Ca cra Sr | 8% “aaa SARTO OW TBS ee ga q ais a Ae 00,000/- Diet AS Gils Grea Sag Pal 00,000/- Brat 14S Cais Stet Sra 30% 100,000/- Brel TS Gib Gicaa eae 30% 00,000/- Bret Te Gai Gicaa Sata 20% | 00,000). Oral 9 Gals Siena Bae 000/- Bret 74S Cais Sirs SAA oo/- Bret 4S Cal BCH ST 30% ,000/- Bet 4S CAG wins SAT o0/- BT AAS CATO SIC SA (8 co co0f BRT Ae Ge ICTs OE 20% 90,00,000/- Brat 14S Caio CHa SAA ae 0 oe aac ot I TR Taaiaa Fre HiCa MAS ara eT coo SHEP ee wa , OTST ara wie coo) ae wa oes ats oe 7 ‘ 4 ane oH ¢ ¢ ate pao q00/- BAT! 3032-2090 FF ace BH RMS io mg AR FE TMA I FP . E: ‘authorised Representative) , be8 4A 17 ae oferty sratz dos vw @) arr erg ae aRTeT OFF sft? Sen: enter afar (=I) TF afiorar at aorah ao irra STEN FA ye, care freee refer RCT | ye, ercmrar ae Fieict afer RCT «as eee w, aw afaconinw ware CHIT a TAT " 4 excareate WA FLAT GAA FH FH MAIC OPT MTS ATA CUA ob, BME ira adora TAT STAT ATCA CCA | gp, fire aa acerca TeoTs way SESATAT ATCA | 4 comes afore tht crores acarertin wRTOT wit AT Pals CAT Ga afetate aiftrs at Rema Bay SAATAT ATCA | 2), Rites feferw ea afactcer eos Gy GATT SICA | QR, SE Cte Bray GHAAATAT ATCA | 20, Fa CHS CLT TAT AS CATA | 28. HASPS FAS Ht IATA SAT | RC. BABHPS Tras aeferaeeta stafer eee | 26. FAS a TTA mare HTC sTaTeT ACT | (9) artes orc Frat SAPP TR eeCR BT eer RIE ARCHER CMT iL Baer mntfecat ii, ea facet ergera iii afore @ ara feaaah a wafer are, Cee 81 PRICE Soff aay arse Baa ean? Ton Gay Sta SAT eTCeTEAT ; ¥|_ Write an application in English to 1 Dey ‘ommissioner of the follo “pplication in English to the Dep uty Ce ioner of Taxes i ‘axes in The Taxpayer will not be a Prepared. be able to submit his Return in due time since hi : € since his 31 ite Beat apy () cut aaret aan, (1) FRR ae Fares rc (i oer ace een ong Tt a) remy () BF Sg NS FACET (cha (ii) 65 spay (90 are ace are ge) Tat ap (i) aa OTSA STOO FRAPS ep (ii) ©,30,000/- Bret (iv) 8,00,000/- Brat v | Be cater Bar 9¢% xa Reducing Balanc We 8 Be cata rb HET (Book Value) #8 aay (ii) 8,80,000/- Bret (iv) Bocas carafe ae CUA ATR TETAS ST OM Ta Pte ar a wT fc HT Pree brek aac ace S of putting goods into a saleable condition should be charged to) {RAs (Trading Account) (ii) BqwITA (Balance Sheet) TH FRAT (Profit & Loss Account)¥ (iv) Barca coral aa sifsanet facta tat ea: (ii) emt (Trial Balance) (iv) BywrreM (Balance Sheet) B aaiicaa fern feria fecafow er at? (ii) aT07 art Facr Civ) Le HH Rw rae TAGS fe Or HH 1H FT conte after a2 (Bret), yereet (Gre) iq (Stat) wie (Brat) rey 2 A —_ ae 200/- ¥7,20,000/- $,000/- 3,2¢,000/- ¥,¥o,000/-¥ (ii) 8,¢¢, pay he ; mol Qv0, call @,80,000]-_ (iv) ¥,@8,000/- 3,28,000/" @83,000 GARY (ii) 40 FT (iv) Boo TT Gi) AS aay Guy Fer ete Fa OE TRE fae FATS TAA 2093 wat offre Hemi (Trial Balance) BCS na Te ‘Account) 4 0 BF R9R y ' Trading Account) Ga 1S-C11# ret Balance Sheet) Coat aA | 7 23,802 Zou,voo | Wet TP dy,boo > BE Ross ” 30,000 | FDS oe | aretat 85 @,00,002 99,000 f , enact 9,¥'0,000 30,00 ont “2¢,000 92,200 ans : 33,09,800 [__92,¥8,800 | | ar IT ao | cata sha ret @ METAS S cata 18 | eda Sereda Fic A | FRE PRT agra (HR 18.1) PreeRtrae TA TAIT 3 ied ATS, 2009 Fide HAA) TOT wo FARE afatt-Soo, AP ARI-CO (ater erat Reet HT AD STAT Gere COM ACA) Fa AED (Tax Audit); a (2) Farrer aacare afefate (Taxpayer's authorized representative)s (A) FARIET (Assessess); MH (Final Settelment of tax liability); ) Comat aay ae SaMIOA AON FATT | SHEA STEM, Dabs eee BTR FATT, Sot-8; sment Year) ay ‘ORT 4 (Income Year); Taxpayer) aa Gap samTeT (Non-Resident Té a FHF (Tax Evasi on) GR FH SHER ag (a) (3) "Ml (Tax Avoidance); (©) BRB sof on we sof oidance); oO} SRT SOOM, sats eat BIER Bey Ri : e FE oa g 3 Teme Fema wy cra fe a fe fee cote eta 81 SIE ere ate cary TS ee ATT a dart ete erates Pr See rat @) Gren ay AOR eget . wees mare GO Cot Bee depreciation) meee ala = rd forward) fim 3 To fret) w ©! Snes fio vier ‘Srey Soro, ee THERE, B es fib 31 Gre ary cay mt teh TIReT eae fata ster cam ame

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