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EE6403 DISCRETE TIME SYSTEM AND SIGNAL PROCESSING UNIT- 1 aid anygepyesTien clausacation OF QUEM! « 1 Continuous —Etme system Yar) =T[xeb] R. DIGCIELE- HME SYetom yond= TLeny] claysyeicatian oF piutigte Time sugiomy epgigic — yen)=aacn) Cinema ry LO} yen? = ganar) 4th) (have memay at) Qynamee Ge) cayuat ( dip deferctl enty projent 3 Pat‘)? nok Jutare rnpets) acn) 42004) eg: yin? = dopords on Pukure 5 non canal sly Noo NS et) ob: yon? = a2un Ci) dunasy Tpaymien) aaaeeend] =A Tacs oat Laer) 2 Nor nwar aycni)4 ast) att gq Tayarcny +t 4) 3) amt tantnd) oy) Trmeskaniant con Sh¥t wnvaniant Ty ar the chavaciorisites oF the system clonot charge col th time. gs ycnk) = YGr-k) syne yout S “yow #906) wi) stable ~ 2 (hen 2 [he] a ClarsFicadion o oF signal + ~) Based on Fhe cordtiton ot tnele rondtent ws weerr™ Yoriaplo Ae ci) conlinuos Time sigra.\ ( The t/p sant 4 Continuawly cit) DIELS Time B19na} eo upon the bb me > The sgnt a varied al any particular He \nderval - > Based op, ch parsers or Weusne ci) ‘Analog sana » Both Peperdlant Orch \olerencdon! yarlably aie Conttnlow ay Digital signal by Both doyorolont and tncloronden? variably are pisceke » > PAs\e signals + CElomoniarg Continous tmp s9n1) a ci) unite Impube signal» S¢n7 -f \ neo . 5 8 pe 3 For coniinuow —-Bity = fo 1 £20 gin) if Ee, 3) tii) Ramp agnat For DT Vth) = f h Neo For ¢T o neo Zn TH f b tao a0) uti) Unik deg 819na 1 0 tea ull, tp Y nse ved wend = Fg ue tit yn wets GY ER ‘ ue) bdo i x) Exfonomial dignal E=» / am) = ov — [ee Bem a 4, =F, ee a Classiritadtion oF Discrete Time signal : ai) Enewgy Gn Fowor aignal | vows eet a “huaele = ine 319 Mal Ltn) the enaigy i ig dejined & é e: 3 \xen9] ne > Power a dudined ou 2 pe lim 1 2 Jnenl Noe 2Nt) ne-N Cm Feredte apd ayoriodre g1anal : Poriodic 3 xtnin)= <¢n) 2 For 2tn) Meabove an satisdios iF and only WN dan integer mullplo oF at Wo = ant) aie on (5) APerodie 9 eentn? -# xen) cit’) Symmerye Ceven)] and Antisymmekye Codd.) diana! : sym MEL TIC (oven) => LON) =Xth)? foraljn Anti dummabvie Codd? =) 2¢-n) 2 -%tn) Foralla tr) Cowal andl NonCawUAl Agnal Cauyou 2 Zn 13 Said to be cawal 1F tty vale Q zZa10 For N4o 2g: mitny = a uEN , aster Y2-3,-424 Non camel > A sgn\ thal Ze10 for all nz 09; aren? = AP UC-NA1), 2otn)= Huan ws} restornal eat Raigenlation or Mnab + 5 . » Gravhical 8 Ppyoonlaton | os}! 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