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Unicorns are rainbow coloured,

They fly up high in the sky,

They love to be smothered,

I wish, I wish I could fly so high,

Unicorns fly like beautiful birds,

All alone, with their magical light,

They poop rainbow turds,

which drop down, in the stary night,

they fly like witches on a broom,

flying fast, like a falcon with their wings,

flying quietly through the dark sky,

they fly so quietly, you cannot even hear a zoom,

they move so smooth, like they are made of strings,

it would be very tragic if they were to die.


Corona is a big scary thing,

Affecting everyone, not hanging with friends,

Corona caused all these new trends,

Didn’t we all think it was just a little fling,

Corona spread fast, from china to the world,

It spread, like the speed of light,

Having this new careful life unfold,

Making some people must fight; just fight.

Corona is like that annoying bug that will not leave,

Like a thing you cannot get rid of,

Something that keeps getting stronger,

Leaving us all in great disbelief,

It is all very rough and immensely tough,

But what does not kill us makes us stronger.

A secret love story

We can be alone together
Life will be light like a feather
A beautiful mess, a sweet nightmare
Just make sure to be aware
Be aware of the fact it might end,
Maybe you wont even by my friend
Just know you will always have a place
We will let everything go at its own pace
You can be my nothing, that is always in my mind
The one true love I can find


We were taught to run,

Don’t just stand there,
Go do something fun,
Just be sure to tell us where.
We were taught to share,
Don’t keep things for yourself,
Because that is not fair,
Make sure to share your wealth.
We were taught a lot,
So we could be the perfect kid,
Don’t dare smoke pot,
Don’t dare open that lid.
So many restrictions, that’s it
You love me,
Not as much as I love you,
But it’s fine, let it be,
Your my glue,
I cant let you go,
It might be hard,
so I try to go with the flow,
Until it falls apart
Ioulia you are my best friend,
My one and only, my true love,
In our relationship there ain’t an end,
We fit like a hand in a glove,

Your obsessed with your cat,

Call my hamsters a rat,
Which is mean, cause fuck you,
You do smell like poo,
This may upset you,
Soooo booo hooo

Ever have that feeling,

When you see a bridge and u wanna jump over and in
When your heart breaks,
And you don’t know what it takes.
To get back out there,
Risk it all again, try and have fun
Pain is hidden everywhere,
But love is the most obvious one

Love can be beautiful,

Beautiful like a dove,
But it can be terrifying,
Extremely mortifying.
When your in love, you forget the bad,
When they leave, you forget what you had.
When they die, your heart breaks,
And that’s all that it takes.
Love can be tough,
It’s a tricky game,
It can be rough,
It may be a pain
The pain is worth it in the end,
Because deep down they will always be your friend.

Look im sorry if i was too harsh on u its just bc im done with all of this staying quite and shiit
and i took it out all on u which felt bad actually and ik u do care and i love u too, also theres
a boom here ( ur butt …… ur butt is da boom) anyhoo i do believe u its just im fed up with all
this still feel bad at taking it out all on u in a harsh mean way which im so sorry for its just
when im mad like really mad and fed up wit something i hurt ppl who r close to me ppl like u,
yk ive never had sm1 that loved me and still does like other than my mom, and like in the my
dating life ngl never found sm1 like u always passionate, caring, overthinking, funny, poco
loco, beautiful smile, always asking, loving, loyal, intelligent, respectful, good listener,
opening up to u, trustworthy, not insecure around u, honest, believes in u, patient meh
smtimes, wifey material, more beautiful inside than outside, appreciative, generous,
supportive, and confident.thats what i see in u and again i do believe u its just when i get
mad i just do stupid things anyhooo I LOVE U 

Fukc you, no one even likes u,

What u gonna do boo hoo
Acting like some bitch,
Cant even look at u, making my eye twitch.

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