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ARC 085

Arellano St, Dagupan City


ARC 085


Date Given: August 31, 2022

Date Due: September 07, 2022

Submitted by: Namoro, Albert G.

Submitted to:
Arch’t. Eloisa Tuguinay Naboye

RACI stands for Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed. It is a highly

recommended model for identifying roles and responsibilities and assigning tasks and
milestones to the right people in your team. That way, you can ensure that everyone on your
team knows what to do and when to do it. Not only that, but they know whom they can turn to
if they need help or the previous assignment hasn’t been completed. By implementing this
system, you will better understand a project's critical aspects, namely the who, what, when,
where, and how.

A. Having a race matrix in place provides many advantages to a project manager. Below
are a few of them;
 Facilitates Communication
Having a raci matrix in place facilitates communication throughout the life cycle
of a project. It helps to streamline communication and facilitates decision-making within
the organization.
 Helps to Avoid People’s Overload
It is difficult to get opinions from everyone and incorporate their point of view,
especially in sophisticated projects. This is where you need a raci matrix. You can avoid
people overload by involving them in the process according to their roles in your
 Helps to Avoid Work Overload
All the time a project manager is busy with people and deliverables within a
project. He often takes on many responsibilities and tries to cover multiple roles. A raci
matrix assists the project manager to delegate duties. It helps the project manager to
level the work overload within the organization.
 Helps to Eliminate Confusion
Using a raci matrix helps to set expectations for who is managing or responsible
for the task. People can easily understand where they will be involved, and for which
tasks. By this means, it helps to eliminate confusion by knowing who is responsible for
which task. Also, stakeholders can easily understand what information they will receive
regarding the project.

B. The RACI matrix may have some disadvantages. Below are some of them;
 It is not suitable for all types of projects.
 It may add complexity to the process or project
 It is time-consuming to create and use
 If it is not created properly, there may be uncertainty with the responsibilities.


RACI is a helpful chart for managing people with different project roles. It is a project roles and
responsibilities matrix.

2. How it is valuable or related to the ff: First, define each and connect it to RACI. You
can include images and illustrations.

What is:

a) Workload analysis
Workload analysis is a process of designing an effective data mart. You can do
the workload analysis manually. To get the best performance from accelerated queries,
you need to have an optimal data mart that includes all the necessary columns and
tables but excludes any columns and tables that are not used in your warehousing
b) Reorganization
Reorganization is the legal process of revamping the existing structure of a
company or a part of it with a sense of urgency to enhance its efficiency. It is a
significant and disruptive overhaul of a troubled business intended to restore it to
profitability. It may include shutting down or selling divisions, replacing management,
cutting budgets, and laying off workers.
c) Employee turnover
Employee turnover, or employee turnover rate, is the measurement of the
number of employees who leave an organization during a specified time period,
typically one year. While an organization usually measures the total number of
employees who leave, turnover can also apply to subcategories within an organization
like individual departments or demographic groups.
d) Work assignment
Work assignment or job assignment is allocating work to work centers or
appropriate groups/persons, dispatching labor, and scheduling work for your
e) Project management
project management involves the planning and organization of a company's
resources to move a specific task, event, or duty towards completion. It can involve a
one-time project or an ongoing activity, and resources managed include personnel,
finances, technology, and intellectual property.
f) Conflict resolution
Conflict resolution is the process by which two or more parties reach a peaceful
resolution to a dispute.
g) Documents the Status Quo:
It is the situation existing immediately prior to the dispute or the matter giving rise to
the dispute. The status quo will remain either until the dispute is resolved or until the
dispute is before the Commission, whichever comes first.
Connection in RACI analysis:

 Workload Analysis: when used against individuals or departments, overloads can be

quickly identified.
 Re-organization: to ensure that critical functions and processes are not overlooked.
 Employee Turnover: newcomers can quickly identify their roles and responsibilities.
 Work Assignment: allows duties to be redistributed effectively between groups and
 Project Management: allows for flexibility in matrix management situations and the
right balance between line and project accountabilities.
 Conflict Resolution: provides a forum for discussion and resolving inter-departmental
 Documents the Status Quo: the output from RACI is a simple yet effective method of
documenting the roles and responsibilities in an organization.
3. Research on matrix organization structures with illustrations and give an example
relating to Architects.

Matrix Organization Structures

A matrix organization is a company structure where teams report to multiple

leaders. The matrix design keeps open communication between teams and can help
companies create more innovative products and services. Using this structure prevents
teams from needing to realign every time a new project begins.
a) How do matrix organizations work?
Matrix organizations have two or more management reporting structures. While
this may seem confusing at first, team members typically have a primary manager for
their department.
Reporting to a department manager functions similarly to a traditional work structure.
For example, team members working in IT report to the IT department head. The IT
department head reports to the vice president of their division. Eventually, all reporting
relationships lead to the CEO.

The difference in a matrix structure is that team members also report to project
managers. Projects often require work from members of various departments like IT,
marketing, and finance, which is why having a separate manager for individual projects makes

b) Types of matrix management

There are three types of matrix management, with each type giving more or less
authority to the project manager. You can visualize these management types on a scale
with the project manager on one end and the department manager on the other.
1. Weak matrix
In a weak matrix, the project manager has the least amount of decision-making
power compared to the other matrix management types. When the project manager
has limited authority over the project, the matrix becomes weak because the project
budget and timeline is in the hands of the department head. Creating a communication
plan can keep communication from getting lost in a weak matrix.
2. Balanced matrix
In a balanced matrix, the department head and the project manager have equal
authority and team members report to both of them. This keeps communication open
between everyone in leadership roles and allows the project to move forward smoothly.

3. Strong matrix
In a strong matrix, the project manager has most of the decision-making power
over the project, while the department head has more limited authority. This creates a
strong organizational structure because the project manager has full ownership over the
project. The department head can oversee the project but doesn’t make key decisions.

b. Examples of matrix organization relating to Architects.

A real-time example of matrix organization is the world-recognized Dutch origin

multinational organization Phillips which in the year 1970 set up the matrix organization
structure in its company.
Suppose you are working as an Architect in a functional department and your company
receives a project where they need an Architect for a few days.

You might then be assigned to that project also, and now you will have to report to two
sets of bosses even if it is for a shorter time duration. This infrastructure where an employee
will have to work under one or more leader is matrix structure.

Number 01 references

 2022. RACI Chart: Definition and examples. Ultimate Guide in

2020. [online] Available at: <
and examples [AccBusiness Enterprise Mapping. 2022.
 What a RACI Analysis Tells Us About An Organization - BEM. [online] Available
at: <> [Accessed 7
September 2022].essed 7 September 2022].
 2022. Disadvantages of raci matrix. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 7 September

Number 02 references:

 Investopedia. 2022. What Is Reorganization?. [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 7 September
 BambooHR. 2022. What is Employee Turnover? | BambooHR. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 7 September
 Informers, E., 2022. What is Work Assignment? - Advanced Work Assignment (AWA).
[online] ERP Information. Available at: <
assignment.html> [Accessed 7 September 2022].
 Investopedia. 2022. Project Management. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 7
September 2022].
 The Balance Careers. 2022. Examples of Conflict Resolution Skills in the Workplace.
[online] Available at: <
2063739> [Accessed 7 September 2022].
 Law Insider. 2022. Status quo Definition | Law Insider. [online] Available at:
< [Accessed 7 September 2022].

Number 03 references:

 2022. [online] Available at: <

organization> [Accessed 7 September 2022].
 Bhasin, H., 2022. Matrix Organization: Structure, Types, Examples, and Advantages.
[online] Marketing91. Available at: <
organization/ [Accessed 7 September 2022].

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