Corrosion Prevention

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Corrosion Prevention

Course Contents: Materials selection; alteration of environment, design, cathodic

and anodic protection, coatings and electroplating.

Previous Year Question:

Q1. Discuss the design rule of a structure for best corrosion resistance. [20, 19, 17]
Q2. Give the principle of anodic protection. [20] 2
Q3. Write down the electroplating in the field of corrosion prevention. [20] 2.75
Q4. Give a comparison of anodic and cathodic protection. [18] 3
Q5. What a note on inhibitors. [17] 2.25
Q6. How can anodic protection be applied on a sulfuric acid storage tank? [17] 2.5
Q7. How can corrosion be reduced by altering the environment? [18, 16, 14] 3.75
Q8. What is the principle of cathodic protection? How can cathodic protection be
applied on underground pipelines? [18, 16, 14] 4
Q9. How can you prevent corrosion by material selection? [20] 2.75
Q10. Write a note on coating for corrosion prevention. [20] 3

Materials selection
Q9. How can you prevent corrosion by material selection? [20] 2.75
সেকশন বি তে আছে, এসিডিক মিডিয়ামে কোন ম্যাটেরিয়াল বেসিক এ কোন ম্যাটেরিয়াল এবং অয়েল প্লান্টের
কোন ম্যাটেরিয়াল ব্যাবহার করতে হবে।

Alteration of environment
Q5. What a note on inhibitors. [17] 2.25
Q7. How can corrosion be reduced by altering the environment? [18, 16, 14]
Altering the environment provides a versatile means for reducing corrosion.
Alteration/modification of environment may include
1. Removal of harmful corrosion stimulants
2. Use of corrosion inhibitor.

আমিনু ল ইসলাম শামীম

1. Removal of harmful corrosion stimulants
Deaeration: The presence of the increased amount of oxygen is harmful and
increases the Corrosion rate. Deaeration involves the removal of diluted oxygen in
an increase of temperature together with mechanical agitation. It also removes
dissolved CO2 and water.

Deactivation: Deactivation is a process of removing dissolved oxygen by adding

some chemicals to an aqueous solution.
1. Sodium sulphate: 2Na2SO3 + O2 → Na2SO4
2. Hydrazine: N2H4 +O2 → N2 +2H2O

Dehumidification: In this method, moisture. from the air is removed by lowering

the relative humidity of the surrounding air. This is done by adding silica gel and
alumina which adsorbs moisture preferentially on its surface (packages of store

Alkaline Neutralization: The acidic character of the corrosion environment due to

the presence of this HCl, H2S, CO2, SO2, etc. can be neutralized by spraying
alkaline neutralizers (like NH3 NaOH, lime, etc.).

2. Use of corrosion inhibitor.

A corrosion inhibitor is a substance that reduces the corrosion of a metal when it is
added to a corrosive environment.

Anodic inhibitors: Chromates, nitrates, phosphates, tungstites, or other ions of

transition elements with high oxygen content. Anodic inhibitors are those that
prevent corrosion reactions occurring at the anodes by forming an insoluble
compound with the newly produced ions. These precipitates are adsorbed on the
metal (anode) surface forming a protective film and reducing the corrosion rate.
Though this type of control is effective, it may be dangerous since severe local
attacks can occur, if some areas are uncovered.

Cathodic inhibitors: In electrochemical corrosion, the cathodic reactions are of

two types depending upon the environment.

a. In an Acidic Solutions: Organic inhibitors like amines, mercaptan, a
heterocyclic nitrogen compound, thioureas, substituted ureases, and heavy
metal soaps. In an acidic solution, the cathodic reaction is the evolution of
hydrogen. I.e
2H+ + 2e- → H2
The corrosion can be reduced in two ways:
I. By blowing down the diffusion of H+ ions to the cathode. This can be done
by adding organic inhibitors like amines, pyridines etc. which are adsorbed
on the metal surface.
II. By increasing the overvoltage of hydrogen evolution. This can be done by
adding antimony and arsenic oxides, which deposit adherent film of metallic
arsenic. Or antimony at the cathode area.

b. In a neutral solution: Sodium sulfite (Na2SO3), hydrazine (N2H4) . In a

neutral solution, the cathodic reaction is
H2O + O2 + 2e- → 2OH-
The corrosion can be reduced in two ways:
I. By eliminating the oxygen from the neutral solution, thereby formation of
OH- ions are inhibited. This can be done by adding reducing agents Like
Na2SO3, N2H4, etc.
II. By eliminating the OH- ions from the neutral solution. This can be done. by
adding Mg, Zn, or Ni salts. These react with OH- ions from insoluble
hydroxides, which are deposited on the cathode forming more or less
impermeable self-barriers.

Vapor Phase Inhibitor (VPI): Dicyclohexylammonium nitrate, and benzotriazole

vapor phase inhibitors (VPI) are organic inhibitors that readily vaporize and form
protective layers on the metal surface. VPI is used in the protection of storage
containers, packing materials, sophisticated equipment, etc.

Q1. Discuss the design rule of a structure for best corrosion resistance. [20, 19,
17] 4
The design of a structure is very important as the choice of materials for
construction reduces corrosion. Design should consider mechanical and strength
requirements together with an allowance for corrosion.
Adjust Wall Thickness: Because corrosion involves the degradation of materials,
the process continuously eats up the material and decreases its thickness.
Therefore, part of corrosion-resistant design involves making allowances for this
reduction (i.e., wall loss) in the thickness of pipes, storage tanks, and other parts.
Ensure that there's Adequate Drainage: Tanks and other storage containers
should be designed in such a way that they can be easily drained and cleaned.
Minimize Bi-Metallic Corrosion Cells: Avoid galvanic corrosion by using similar
metals throughout the structure, if possible, or by avoiding electrical contact by
insulating different materials.
Avoid Differential Aeration Cells: Differential aeration should be avoided.
Minimize Temperature Gradients: The equipment for heat transport should be
designed so that surface temperature varies as little as possible. Cold and hot spots
should be avoided.
Minimize Stress Gradients: Stress concentrations in the components exposed to
corrosive mediums should be avoided, especially when using materials susceptible
to stress-corrosion cracking.
Separate Environments: The surroundings should be considered to minimize the
consequences of corrosion. This involves making sure that separate systems do not
impair the environments of others.
Minimize Turbulence in Pipe Systems: In piping systems, the design should be
such that the flow has minimum turbulence. Turbulent flow enhances corrosion, so
the flow should be laminar and the thickness of the structure should be great
enough that it can bear the effects.

Cathodic and anodic protection

Q2. Give the principle of anodic protection. [20] 2
The principle of anodic protection (Passivation): Anodic protection (AP) is a
technique to control the corrosion of a metal surface by making it the anode of an

electrochemical cell and controlling the electrode potential in a zone where the
metal is passive.
Simply anodic protection is based on the formation of protective film on metals by
externally applied anodic currents. Considering the following reaction,
M→ Mn+ + ne-
2H+ + 2e- → H2
It appears that applications of anodic current to a structure should tend to increase
the dissolution rate of metal and decrease the rate of hydrogen evolution. This
usually occurs except for metals with active-passive transitions such as Ni, Fe, Cr,
Ti, and their alloys. If carefully controlled anodic currents are applied to these
materials, they are passivated and the rate of metal dissolution decreased.

Q6. How can anodic protection be applied on a sulfuric acid storage tank?
[17] 2.5
Applied anodic protection on a sulfuric acid storage tank: To anodically protect a
structure, a device called potentiostat is required. A potentiostat is an electronic
device that maintains a metal of a constant potential with respect to a reference
electrode. The anodic protection of a steel tank is containing sulfuric acid
illustrated in the following figure.

The potentiostat has three terminals, one connected to the tank, another to an
auxiliary cathode, and the third to a reference electrode. In operation, the
potentiostat maintains a constant potential between the tank and the reference
electrode. The optimum potential for protection is determined by electrochemical
measurements. The potential is maintained in the passive region of the metal or

Anodic protection can decrease corrosion rate substantially Although anodic
protection is limited to passive metals and alloys; most-structural materials of
modern technology contain these elements.

Q8. What is the principle of cathodic protection? How can cathodic protection
be applied on underground pipelines? [18, 16, 14] 4
Principle of cathodic protection: The principle of cathodic protection is to make
the potential of the whole surface of the steel structure sufficiently negative with
respect to the surrounding medium to ensure that no current flows from the metal
into the medium. This is done by forcing the electric current to flow through the
electrolyte towards the surface of the metal to be protected. The current may be
obtained from any convenient, external source, such as a battery, rectified
alternating current supply, DC generator, or by galvanic action.
Application of cathodic protection on underground pipelines: Cathodic protection
is a common method used in various industries that uses a low electrical current to
prevent corrosion of metal structures such as pipelines, tanks, steel-pier piles, and
offshore oil platforms. Cathodic protection is applied by the two methods.
Sacrificial anode:
This method makes use of galvanic action to provide the required cathodic
protection current. The surface of the structure is made cathodic by connecting it
electrically to a mass of more active metal buried or immersed in the common
electrolyte, the more active metal then becomes an anode. Mg, Al, Zn, etc. are
commonly used for this exposure. The metal to be protected is forced to act as a
cathode so that corrosion does not occur.

Impressed (external) Current Method:

An impressed current is applied in the opposite direction to counterbalance on the
nullity of the corrosion rate. In Impressed current cathodic protection, the metal to
be protected (undergoing corrosion) is connected to an insoluble anode and current

is passed using a DC power source (or AC powered transformer rectifier) opposite
to the corrosion current so that the corroding metal gets connected from anode to
cathode and is protected from corrosion.

Extra Q: Describe the Piling Bedworth ratio/rules. (PBR rules)

PBR mule gives the idea about the nature of oxide film whether it is porous or
1. The oxide layer will be porous:
Volume of oxide < Volume of metal consumed.
2. Oxide layer will be non-porous:
Volume of oxide > Volume of metal consumed

PBR = Vol. of metal oxide/ Vol. of metal consumed.

If the ratio is greater than 1 and lesser than 1.45, the oxide layer will be nonporous.

Extra Q: What are the uses and limitations of cathodic protection?

For the protection of box water coolers, water tanks, underground oil, or water
● Capital investment and maintenance costs are high.
● Increase the corrosion of adjacent pipelines or some metallic structure in the
vicinity due to currents.
● Produces blister in the protected metal itself.
● Problems associated with the evolution of H2 or formation and accumulation
of OH- ions.

Extra Q: Explain Anodic Protection Polarization Curve.

Al → Al3+ (Al2O3) + 3e-
Applying more anodic current the forward reaction is increased.
1. Metals like Fe, Steel, Al, Ti, Cr, SS, Ni, etc show passivity when a certain
range of potential is applied to them.
2. Every metal and alloy has a characteristics passivity range voltage but all the
metals do not have a range wide enough to employ the anodic protection
technique for corrosion control.
3. iii. The metal becomes non-reactive or corrosion resistant when the voltage
is applied to metal corresponding to the passivity range.

Q4. Give a comparison of anodic and cathodic protection. [18] 3

Cathodic protection Anodic protection

Cathode is polarized by supplying The anode is polarized by forming a
electrons from a rectifier or external protective layer.
Applicable for all metals. Applicable only for the active-passive
Applicable for corrosives from weak to Applicable for corrosive form weak to
moderate. very aggressive.
Insulation cost is low in this system. Insulation cost is high in this system.
Operating costs are medium to high. Operating cost is low.

Cathodic protection Anodic protection
Throwing power is low. Throwing power is very high.

Extra Q: What are the ways of anodic protection or, Discuss anodic
There are two ways of anodic protection
1. Potentiostat.
2. Anodization.
Potentiostat: A potentiostat is an electronic device that maintains a metallic
surface (to be protected) at a constant potential with respect to the reference
The main conditions:
● The potential range over which the metal is passive should be wider, i.e. a
range of about 50mv.
● The current density required to start the protection should be as low as
● The lower the passing current needed for maintaining the protection, the
lesser will be the operating cost of the device.
It is suitable for metal corrodent systems that show active-passive behavior. If the
system there is out of control, then the risk of a high corrosion rate.
● Low operating cost.
● Applicable to a wide range of corrodents.
● Ability to protect complex structures.
● Few auxiliary electrodes are necessary.
● The feasibility of the process can be predicted in the laboratory by
● Protection current gives an indication of Corrosion.

Anodizing metals like Al, Ti, etc., and their alloys form a thin oxide film on their
surface when exposed to air. The oxide film is nonporous, adhesive, and uniform in
nature thereby providing better corrosion resistance to the base metal. However,

the thickness of the naturally formed oxide layer is very small and it does not
protect the base metal properly. To overcome this problem, the thickness of
exciting oxide film is increased by electrolysis. The anodized layer (oxide layer)
also improves hardness, wear resistance, electrical insulation, etc.
In the anodizing process, The Component to be protected is connected as an anode
in an electrolytic cell, containing strong electrolytes such as conc. H2SO4. A small
amount of current is passed which oxidizes the anode. The thickness of the oxide
film is controlled by time and current density. The oxide layer formed is porous
nature which is then seated by immersing the article in a bath of oil, wax, dye or
boiling water, etc.

Coatings and electroplating.

Q3. Write down the electroplating in the field of corrosion prevention. [20]
Q10. Write a note on coating for corrosion prevention. [20] 3
There are two types of metallic coating used to prevent corrosion. They are
1. Cathodic coating
2. Anodic coating

Cathodic coating: Metallic coating made of a metal nobler than the base, hence
with a cathodic behavior against the base metal that is anodic. Coating metal is
nobler than base metal (article). Surface uniformity and continuity is very much
Example- Cu/Ni/Ag/Cr on carbon steel.
Anodic coating: If the coating metal is less noble than the base, any porosity or
defect of the coating is not intrinsically harmful because the coating metal itself
works as an anode, also ensuring a protective effect.
Example- Carbon steel, Zn, Al, Sn.
Ni →more ductile than Cr → crack-free deposit
Cr → Oxygen reduction hinder.


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