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Problem 2.

What is the level of perception of Management accounting students towards

their level of Adversity Quotient in terms of:
2. 1 Control
2. 2 Origin & Ownership
2.3 Reach
2.4 Endurance
2.5 Overall CORE Dimension
Endurance Table  Distribution of Respondents in terms of their Control Dimension
Range Pt. Value  Level of Agreement Description f %

3.26- 4 Strongly Agree Student’s Perception Level is Very 20 33.33

4.00 High
2.51- 3 Agree Student’s Perception Level is High 39 65.00

1.76- 2 Disagree Student’s Perception Level is Low 1 1.67


1-1.75 1 Strongly Disagree Student’s Perception Level is Very 0 0.00

TOTAL 60 100
Mean 3.193
Description Student’s Perception Level is High
SD 0.397
INDICATORS MEA S Interpretation
16. When I'm working on a group project and make a mistake, I will
admit that I made that mistake.

17. When I get stuck on a task, I usually start or continue with another
task to make progress on it.

18. I am usually the one to fill in the gaps in group work if something
important is still lacking.

19. If I misplaced my notes before an exam, I would find a way to review

the material.

20. I can work well under pressure.

Endurance refers to the perceived length of time

the adversity will last. The students with high endurance will be sure that

they can handle the problem quickly. The students are able to cope

successfully with 11 adversity and believe that negative events are

temporary, limited in scope and manageable even when receiving poor

grades on exams or projects (Sheimali, 2013).

As claimed by Peterson, Maier, & Seligman (1993) attribution theory,

there is a significant difference between people who attribute adversity to

something that is transient and something that is more persistent or lasting.

According to this theory, people who blame their potential for their failure

(stable cause) are less likely to keep going than people who blame their commitment for

their failure (a temporary cause). The sense of hope that "this, too, shall

pass" is also a part of endurance.

Endurance. Refers to an individual’s perception of the duration of good or bad events. High scores on
this imply an individual who is optimistic and is likely to view adversity as a temporary event. According
to Vinkatesh and Shivaranjani (2016), there are three categories of people classified from the growing
gap between what is required and what the individual has

endurance may denote that that they exert a fair amount of time to deal with the frustration caused by
adversity. According to Tempski et al. (2015) developed resilience is one of the important strategies to
decrease emotional distress and improve medical training.

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