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Adversity Quotient
The study is supported by the theory of Adversity Quotient by Paul G. Stoltz. It
assumes that people have an instinct to ascend which causes them to engage in
adaptive behaviors and productive activities. Thus, the researchers would like to
know how the management accounting students cope with their online experience
caused by the pandemic.
Next, we have Stoltz’s supporting study conducted by Hadini and Hasanah , they
stated that  the Adversity quotient is not something that is obtained instantly or
inborn but rather something that can be trained, formed, or created. This supports
the reason why the researchers focus on AQ rather than IQ and EQ which are
inborn because it is something that can be controlled.
A study conducted by Parvathy-Praseeda supports Stoltz claims of “a person
having the ability to overcome the adversities can easily solve or face any
problem,” with their result that reveals high adversity quotient means less
academic problems among students. This concluding statement will be used as a
basis later during the discussion of results.

The Concept of AQ can be used as a framework to understand and predict success

which includes personal-social functioning (positive attitudes and satisfaction) as
stated by Española. This supports the using of perception tests.

Online Experience
The Online Experience is supported by the concept of constitutive abstraction by
Simon Cooper. This assumes that technology plays a big role in our engagement
and this solidifies the fact that technology can also make experiences closer to

The Independent Variables that were mentioned in the schema earlier were the
results and now adapted by the researchers from Dr. Barbera and her team in their
study of Factors Influencing Student Satisfaction and Perceived Learning in Online

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