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Adding information personalising

Informal formal Others

As a matter of fact It’s basically about…
As well (as) Moreover By the same token
In fact / Actually Off the top of my head
Too Furthermore Along with
So much so that… I don’t know offhand, but…
Besides Likewise Coupled with
Indeed Admittedly
Again In addition Not only… but also
After all Arguably
What’s more Additionally
At the end of the day Ultimately

For the most part Much to my ____

That’s only the tip of the iceberg

There’s more to it than meets the eye

Adding emphasis others

Group 1 Paraphrasing

To cap it all off On top of that Let alone Last but not least To put it differently In other words

To make matters worse Adding insult to injury To put it another way That is (to say)

Group 2 illustrating
If anything At a pinch By no means By all means As an illustration Including…
Suffice it to say Needless to say At (the very) least This includes from… …among others.
Namely Specifically In particular
+ Clause + phrase Advanced Similarities related

Because / since / as In light of What with… (inf) Much in the same way Go hand in hand together

For one thing, In view of In that Likewise This bears much relation to…

For another, On account of Insofar as Similarly This is key to…

Given that Because of Inasmuch as In like manner That’s closely linked to…

Seeing that Due to For By the same token This leads us to…

Which is why… Owing to This brings us to…

Consequences contrast
Group 1 Advanced
Consequently, However / Nevertheless / Nonetheless In contrast / conversely
As a result, While / Whilst / Whereas On the contrary / On the opposite
Therefore / Thus Despite / in spite of Much as…
By doing so, Although, though, even though Mind you (inf)
Which is why… Instead of / rather than Be that as it may

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