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1- What it is and why it matters

GLOBAL 3- Data

Greenhouse gas emissions 2016

For the last 40 years, we’ve seen the global annual
temperature rise much more rapidly than ever before in WARMING
history. So much so, that climate scientists have concluded
2- Why it occurs
Global warming occurs when carbon dioxide (CO 2) and
other air pollutants collect in the atmosphere, as they
that we must limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius by 5%
absorb solar radiation that would normally escape into 16%
2040 if we are to avoid a future in which everyday life 18%
space. They trap the heat and cause the planet to get
around the world is marked by its worst, most devastating
hotter. This is called the greenhouse effect.
effects: the extreme droughts, wildfires, floods, tropical
storms, and other disasters. These effects are felt by all You must be wondering why these air pollutants are getting
people in one way or another but are experienced most stuck in the atmosphere, right? It’s due to human activity –
acutely by the underprivileged for whom climate change is specifically it’s due to our burning of fossil fuels. So, let’s Energy industry Energy transport
often a key driver of poverty, displacement, hunger, and take a look at what we use fossil fuels for! Energy buildings Industry
social unrest. Waste Land use
4- Causes and solutions

1- We burn fossil fuels to generate electricity and 2- Manufacturing and industry burn fossil fuels to 3- Cutting down forests to create farms or pastures,
heat. Globally, residential and commercial buildings produce energy for making things like cement, iron, steel, or for other reasons, causes emissions, since trees,
consume over half of all electricity. electronics, plastics, clothes and other goods. Producing when they are cut, release the carbon they have
food also causes emissions, when running farm been storing. This accounts for 10% of global
Most electricity is still produced from fossil fuels; warming pollution. What’s more, since forests
equipment and fishing boats, when using fertilisers and
only about a quarter comes from wind, solar and absorb carbon dioxide, destroying them also limits
when packaging and distributing food.
other renewable sources. nature’s ability to keep emissions out of the
What to do about it?
What to do about it? What to do about it?
Growing populations drive up emissions and deplete
Small actions the planet’s resources, so each of us should aim to limit
our carbon footprint to lessen the overall impact on the The good news is that tropical deforestation can be
As an individual, use less energy by lowering your
environment. reduced A variety of approaches, from recognizing
heating and cooling, switching to LED light bulbs
Indigenous groups’ sovereignty over their lands to
and energy-efficient electric appliances, washing
In terms of food: consume local products, cut down on civil society pressure on corporate deforesters to
your laundry with cold water, or hanging things to
meat consumption, select food from sustainable paying tropical countries that reduce their
dry instead of using a dryer
sources deforestation emissions (called “REDD+”), have
Large-scale actions shown promising results.
In terms of consumption: buy second-hand products,
Technological developments have allowed us to
buy products made from recycled material Continuing progress will require a sustained
find better, cheaper, more efficient alternatives
commitment by governments, businesses, and civil
than thermoelectric and hydroelectric energies. In terms of transport: Cycle or use public transport. Be
society worldwide to the goal of ending tropical
With proper long-term planning, nations can opt smart bout when and how you drive
for small wind, solar, geothermal, oceanic and
In terms of energy use: Recycle your waste, don’t
other projects that adapt to a place’s unique
waste energy (water, electricity…), select energy

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