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Project Submission Template

Student name (full name): Anway Rajesh Patankar

Part I

Question 1 Identify the change….

The main change initiative being taken Tata Motors is identifying that
the EV segment is the technology for the future.

1) The production style is being changed to EV only is on main initiate.

2) They are training their sales staff around the world for production of
EV which is necessary for smooth sailing and launch of future EV lines.

3) They are educating themselves as well as their customers of the

benefits of E.
Which company among….
Question 2a
SWOT Analysis of Tata and Mahindra



a) One of the most trusted brands in the industry.

b) Higher Market Cap.

c) Leader is loved and revered by the country


Their onboarding times for vendors. Lead time is too high.

Late entry in the market.

Transform quickly to capture the market along with Mahindra and their
Strengths should take care of the rest.


If Mahindra get out in the market first with their production and are
able to create a stronghold with their trusted car and brand they can
lose out on a huge market share.


They will be ready to make the market their with EV in two years with
their ambitious planning and manufacturing.


lower market share, brand recognition as well as brand image when

compared to tata


Get in the market before Tata does and create a stronghold in the EV


Their ambitious plans of production may create an issue if quality

standards are not maintained since tata cars are highly rated.
On the basis of your SWOT analysis….
Question 2b
I would go for Tata, mainly in today’s worked where nexon is a huge
hit among the consumers. Tata has a better chance of taking over the
market, but I am sure Mahindra will have its share and position.

Part II

Going by the statements….

Question 3
Feature 1

His words reflect that he is not only thinking about today but also about
the future. He wants the government to set a roadmap for the future
showing his belief in the future of EV. He is determined and working
towards the future

Feature 2

He wants to help all players in the industry without bias making it a fair
market to compete in. He is true leader who wants everybody to
succeed together in his vision of the future.
Recommend the various communication strategies…before the change
Question 4a
Here are few communication strategies that can be used before the
change happens.

1) The company should be upfront with the employees and

showcase their vision through meetings and gatherings without
showing it down their throat. Get them comfortable with the
idea that the change is good for everyone.
2) The company should not just open a one-way communication
but also listen to what the employees may have to say. People
have may have ideas should be encouraged and the skeptical
ones should be allowed to showcase their skepticism.
3) Pre Training seminars and effective timeline/deadlines should
be provided on time to get the employees ready.

Recommend the various communication strategies…during the change

Question 4b
Here are a few strategies that can be used during the change.

1) For every milestone being met by employees and teams make

sure they are recognized accordingly which plays a huge role in
overall morale.
2) Champions and Sponsors should be in contrast touch with
people on the ground to make the impact more effective.
3) Arrange enough training and knowledge and experience share
sessions for the employees to keep them on their toes with the
change in technology being experienced.
Critically analyze the major…
Question 5
Apart from the information provided I used the following website to
make my case. It’s the official awards and recognition section.

1) The Tata as mentioned before is one of the most trusted brands

of India. The image maintained by the head of Tata is wellness
of everyone around him and that is one of the reasons Tata and
their innovations will always be supported by the public.
2) The trend of going green/going electric/ finding alternatives is
taking up India quickly. The pandemic showed us the way with
reduced pollutions due to people being at home. Coupled with
this Tata priced their cars perfectly to give them an edge against
petrol and diesel vehicles.
3) Tata also has been getting very good safety ratings which is one
of the major concerns for car buyers which they did achieve
with the Tata Nexon EV.
Recommend the potential solutions for…. new sales pitch for selling
Question 6a
EVs to customers.

a) Help the sales team understand the future of cars. Although yes,
it is a step aside from what they have traditionally learnt, it is
also an opportunity to take a leap technologically. Help them
understand that EV vehicles and their nuances are easier to
understand than an internal combustion engine.
b) Provide diligent training to the sales team on the new
products/lines, let them experience it, ask questions and feel
confident about it. Without them being confident sales will take
a hit.
c) Announce and provide excellent incentive opportunities for top
sellers which would give them a boost.

These strategies should help Tata motivate the sales team to

create a new pitch.

Recommend the potential solutions for…. against a standard

Question 6b
onboarding timeline of 3 months.

a) Tata needs to bring about a huge change in their vendor

onboarding process and they need to look at that. They have
been using traditional methods and some of newest tools
available for vendor management just might be what they need.
They need hire more people in vendor onboarding department,
scale the activities.
b) They need to identify the delays being caused in this process
and then work on those delays by creating small incremental
changes in their processes.
c) They can work with multiple vendors willing to help them in
cutting down costs as well as timelines. If costs are higher than
they should still go for it since getting into the market before
Mahindra and making sure they are the new norm is important.
d) Tata has always been a trusted company Indians mainly due to
its founder. They should focus more on making charging
stations more accessible and build a very large network of
service/support providers for EV’s which is lacking in India.
This will help build up on the already positive brand image that
they have.

The Tata Group should ideally launch a manufacturing plant in India to

Question 7
be able to serve the customers who are expected to purchase EV’s in
2020. The way Tesla has served other countries Tata should also
provide high technology solutions and invest in charging stations from
a long-term branding perspective as well.

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