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Vol. 1, No. 1; January 2022



The Flashcard approach was used to improve the vocabulary of eighth grade students in this study.
This study was based on a preliminary investigation that revealed that students had trouble learning
English owing to a lack of vocabulary understanding, as well as the methods utilized by the teacher to
teach vocabulary in a traditional manner. The goal of this research is to improve students'
understanding and knowledge by using the Flashcard approach. The pretest and posttest were utilized
as data collection instruments in this investigation. This study's data analysis methodologies included
(1) normality testing, (2) homogeneity testing, and (3) hypothesis testing in the form of a t-test.. The
t-test formula is used for hypothesis testing, which is followed by a normality and a homogeneity test.
If the t-test findings reveal a significant effect to enrich the value sig (2-tailed) = 0.001 0, 05, then Ho
is rejected and Ha is approved. Finally, employing the Flashcard approach to frame students'
vocabulary progress was considerable.
Keywords: Vocabulary improvement, Flashcard method

Language has a very essential role in this day of vocabulary that they have learned. Vocabulary
high technology, the function of language as a will help the students to communicate and
communication tool, and one of the languages deliver some information to others. Therefore,
that must be mastered is English, because the students need to choose the correct diction,
English is an international language and is used word or vocabulary.
as a tool for communication both verbally and
Since English has become an international
written. The ever-increasing technological
language, it is taught in schools in Indonesia as
development effects language development,
a foreign language. Most communities
because language development always follows
throughout the world utilize it as well. People
the direction of technological growth.
have long understood that individuals utilize
Communication is one of the activities in life spoken and written words to connect with
and language is a system of symbols through others on a daily basis. Since vocabulary is the
which people communicate. The symbols may fundamental competency in learning English
be spoken, written, or signed with the hand. before the four skills, it is an important
Communication is used to deliver our ideas, component in teaching English. Furthermore,
thoughts, and emotions to those around us. by utilizing proper and correct words, the
People will communicate using a lot of
Vol. 1, No. 1; January 2022

teacher and pupils will arrive at the same Based on the researcher's experience with the
conclusion. Teacher Practicing Program at MTs Swasta Nur
Jannah in the eighth grade, the researcher
According to Bueno-Alastuey & Nemeth
discovered certain teaching problems that
(2020) that vocabulary knowledge is needed in
involved some factors, namely, student factors
mastering four language skills, andwithout
and teacher factors. It was due to the students.
sufficient vocabulary, second language learners
Students' vocabulary mastery was influenced
would not be able to engage in language
by student factors, and young learners were not
development activities, such as grammar,
actively participated in the teaching and
reading, and writing tasks. Therefore, students
learning process. Second, the teacher did not
have to know what the meanings of many words
employ any media or approach in the teacher
to master vocabulary, and to mastering other
component. For example, most teachers employ
English skill such as listening, reading,
traditional methods to teach vocabulary, which
speaking and writing (Lestari, 2018;
causes students to lose interest.
Wahjuningsih, 2018). Accordingly, Setiawan &
Wiedarti (2020) stated that students have to Learning media is needed as an intermediary to
master English vocabulary first before they deliver messages, in order to minimize failures
produce it through speaking or writing. during the learning process (Diawati, 2018;
Wicaksono et al., 2020).
In that case, Aisyiah (2017) stated that in
learning or teaching vocabulary, effective Flashcard learning media is one of the media
strategies need to be applied. Teachers and that can be utilized as an alternative. Flashcards
students of foreign languages are constantly are a type of technology-based learning
looking for the most effective methods and material that comprises graphics with
techniques for teaching and learning animations that attempt to offer information or
vocabulary in the classroom. In the same way, a variety of knowledge, as well as noises that
Setiawan & Wiedarti (2020) states teachers can aid in student comprehension (Noge: 2019).
must provide media that could motivate The Flashcard learning media includes a series
students and make them more interested in of digital cards, with each card displaying an
learning English vocabulary. In that case, Al- explanation of the content presented by calling
Malki (2020) stated that language learning tools or selecting the required card (Maryanto &
such as Quizlet could help second language Wulanata, 2018).
learners effectively learn vocabulary.
Therefore, in English learning a teacher needs
Additionally, Sari (2019) stated that the main
media, strategy, technique, methode, and
function of Quizlet is to develop the students’
approach to help student understanding in using
linguistic intelligence.
various media, a teacher needs a creative mind.
Media is created according to students’ need by
Vol. 1, No. 1; January 2022

considering students’ interest, and facilities are The population of this research is the eight
prepared. Some good media criteria are durable, grade students of MTs Swasta Nur Jannah at
interesting form and colorful, simple and easy academic year 2022/2023 who consists of 60
to be applied, fix size, give the real concept, students in 2 parallel classes (VIII A and VIII
picture, or diagram, stimulate students’ abstract B).
thinking, elicit students to be active in
The design will be explained as follows:
manipulating the talking about English teaching
Group Pre- Treatment Post-
and learning, language element is vital to be test test
taught is vocabulary. Experimental Using Flashcard
(VIII A) ✓ ✓
Using Flashcard to teach the students Control Using
vocabulary is also interesting because the (VIII B) ✓ Conventional ✓
teachers can show the picture which helps the
students understand the meaning of each
picture. This study focuses on flashcard as FINDING AND DISCUSSION
media in teaching vocabulary. Based on the This data was conducted by using an
explanation above, the researcher interested to experimental research. There were two groups
conduct research entitled “Using Flashcard in this research, namely experimental group and
Method to Frame Student's Vocabulary control group. Firstly, the experimental group
Improvement”. was given pre-test before giving the treatment.

METHOD Then, the experimental group that treated by

using Flashcard method. After giving the
This research will be conducted using
treatment, the experimental was given post-test.
experimental research. Experimental design is
The students’ score of experimental group
the traditional approach to conducting
could been seen in the following table :
quantitative research. The aim is to find out
whether there is a significant of using
Flashcard on students or not. There were two
groups in this research, they were experimental
group and control group. Pre-test will be
applied before treatment and post-test will be
applied after treatment. In conducting the
treatment, the researcher used the Flashcard in
the experimental group while the control group
used conventional teaching media such as
memorizing vocabulary.
Vol. 1, No. 1; January 2022

No Student's Pre - Test Post test

Name Based on the table above of pre-test and
1 AA 55 70
post-test from the experimental group, it
2 AD 60 70
3 AR 40 70 showed that the lowest score of pre-test was
4 AS 70 65
40 and the highest score of pre-test was 75.
5 BS 60 65
While in the lowest score of post-test was
6 CF 55 80
7 DA 50 85 60 and the higest score of post-test was 85.
8 DR 50 80
9 FR 50 60
10 HS 55 75 Secondly, the control group was given of
11 LK 40 60 pre-test before giving the treatment. Then,
12 LS 55 65 the control group that treated by lecturing
13 MA 45 65 method. After giving the treatment, the
14 MC 50 60 control group was given post-test. The
15 MF 45 75 students’ score of control group could been
16 MP 75 75 seen in the following table:
17 MW 55 70
18 NA 35 60
19 NS 55 65
20 NZ 50 55
21 RI 60 70
22 RM 45 65
23 RF 40 55
24 RE 55 65
25 RR 45 60
26 SK 65 75
27 VA 50 60
28 WP 60 70
29 VY 60 70
30 ZA 65 85
No Student's Pre Post
Initial - test
Name Test Vol. 1, No. 1; January 2022
1 AD 55 60
2 AK 55 60
1) If the significance value (2-tailed) < 0.05,
3 BP 50 60
4 DZ 45 55 then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted.
5 DP 50 55
6 DN 60 70 2) If the significance value (2-tailed) >, then Ho
7 EN 65 75 is accepted and Ha is rejected. In the t-test used
8 FH 65 70 is the Independent Sample t-test with the help
9 FA 45 50
of SPSS 16.0 for windows.
10 IK 55 65
11 II 35 50 This study aims to determine the effect of using
12 IJ 45 55
13 JM 50 60 Flashcard Method to frame student’s
14 KI 45 55 vocabulary improvement for grade eight at MTs
15 KA 60 65 Swasta Nur Jannah.
16 MI 55 60
17 ML 75 75 Based on the data analysis of the research
18 NA 65 70
results, then an analysis was carried out through
19 NS 55 60
20 NZ 50 55 an independent sample test statistical test.
21 RY 60 65 Based on the result of the ttest, the results of the
22 RG 55 70 t-test shows that there is a significant effect to
23 RF 50 55
24 RN 45 55 improv the value sig (2-tailed) = 0.001 < 0, 05.
25 ST 40 45 then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted.
26 SK 55 65
28 WP 60 65
29 WT 55 65 Based on the results of t-test that Ho is rejected
30 ZF 70 75 and Ha is accepted. It can be concluded that
from the control group, it showed that the
there is a significant difference between the
lowest score of pre-test was 40 and the highest
pretest and posttest questions, thus there is an
score of pre-test was 75. While in the lowest
effect of the Flashcard to frame student’s
score of post-test was 45 and the higest score of
vocabulary improvement.
post- test was 75.
Based on result of pre-test and post-test from
The hypothesis test in this study used a t-test
the experimental group, it showed that the
with a sample of 60 students divided into 2
lowest score of pre-test was 40 and the highest
groups, namely experimental and control
score of pre-test was 75. While in the lowest
through tests in the form of pre-test and post-
score of post-test was 60 and the higest score of
test. To find out whether or not there is an
posttest was 85. Based on the table above of
influence in this study, it can be seen in the table
pre-test and post-test from the control group, it
showed that the lowest score of pre-test was 40
The basis for making t-test decisions are as and the highest score of pre-test was 75. While
Vol. 1, No. 1; January 2022

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